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During the second round of questioning of Director of Homeland Security nominee Kristi Noem, Sen Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) butted heads with her after she tried to dodge a question about Donald Trump threatening to withhold money from state governments he has an issue with. At the first round of questioning concluded with no fireworks, Blumenthal asked Noem about recent comments made by the president-elect and his allies that they want to withhold disaster relief and whether she agreed with it. That led the South Dakota governor to demure by saying, 'I don't speak to hypotheticals which is what you're asking me but as secretary, I will do the same --.' 'It's more than a hypothetical with all due respect,' the Democrat interjected. 'I apologize for interrupting you but my time is limited as you know, as a veteran of the hearings. But that's more than a hypothetical. It's based on experience with President Trump withholding money from Washington state and elsewhere.' 'I need to know from you will you stand up to the president and say 'No, the Constitution and the Impoundment Act act requires us, for example, to allocate the $100 billion that we have just appropriated in the last session to say like Connecticut, $3 million, Texas, $10 million, almost every one of the states represented here,' he pressed. 'Will you say no to the president if he withholds that money?' 'I don't know about the scenarios that you are referencing with President Trump but I will tell you if given the chance to be secretary of Homeland Security, that I will deliver the programs according to the law and that it will be done with no political bias,' she replied. 'If the programs change or if you decide to change the rule of law, then I will follow that.' |
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