Archives for General News

May 2006

Wednesday, May 31:

Amanda Lang: Ohio's Top GOP Fundraising Thief Admits Funneling Money to Bush Campaign (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 42 bodies found dumped across Baghdad (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Santorum now trails Democratic challenger Bob Casey 56% to 33% (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush energy plan whacks conservation even tho its an oil and $$ saver!! (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iran dismisses U.S. talks as ‘propaganda move’ (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iraq imposes emergency in Basra (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Russia in arms talks with Chavez (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: CO: Lawsuit over electronic voting threatened (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Marcy Winograd Fights the Good Fight (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Canada Pays Environmentally for U.S. Oil Thirst (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Insurgent attacks in Iraq at highest level in 2 years (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Govt. must reveal some eavesdropping info (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 31, 2006

Amanda Lang: Beware Hurricane Season - You're On Your Own!! (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: ICR's New Poll on Stem Cell Research is CRAP, CRAP, CRAP (3 comments)


Amanda Lang: Terrorism invoked in ISP snooping proposal (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Pics from Abramoff, Reed, Ney et al. Scotland Junket Here!! (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iran Bamboozler Invited to White House as "Expert" (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Rumsfeld Flight 93 'Slip of the Tongue' (3 comments)

Ryan O'Donnell: California Assembly Passes National Popular Vote Plan

Rob Kall: Let 100 Enrons Bloom!! Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush hosts 'United 93' screening at the White House (3 comments)

Eileen Fleming: *HR 4681Palestinian "Anti-Terrorism Act" -- Fighting Terrorism By Creating More Desperation

Rob Kall: Gore: Bush is 'renegade rightwing extremist' (3 comments)

Tuesday, May 30:

Amanda Lang: Insurgents Gone!! Now, They Are Sunni Arab Rebels to Include al Qaeda?? (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 29 and 30, 2006

Amanda Lang: Critics say court ruling leaves whistleblowers in fear (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Debating the Bugs of High-Tech Voting: Washington Post (3 comments)

Michele Gregory, wife of Stephen Heller: Stephen Heller Benefit Performance of "Straight Up with a Twist" Coming Soon!

Amanda Lang: CIA on ground in Venezuela to topple democratically elected Pres. Chavez? (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US Diplomat Critical of Bush's Aid to Somali Warlords Moved (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Conservatives questions wisdom of Bush's democracy policy (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush’s Personal Aide, College Drop Out To Enroll at Harvard (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Rove May Find `It's the Economy, Stupid' Won't Work (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Earthquake Death Toll Tops 5,400 in Indonesia; 200,000 Left Homeless (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: East Timor Declares State Of Emergency As Violence Spreads (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Amnesty Intl launches campaign against Internet censorship (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Chavez says Bush plotting against Bolivia (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Venezuela's Chavez to Make Oil Deal with Ecuador (3 comments)

Vi Ransel: Immigration Masque

Rob Kall: Democrats Eye November Landslide (3 comments)

Monday, May 29:

Joan Brunwasser: Pressure turned up in the war on water (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Poll: As elections approach, GOP sinks deeper into irrelevancy in CA (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Justice Dept. seeks to block suits on spying (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Dozens killed in bombing wave in Iraq (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV' (3 comments)

Nir Rosen, New America Foundation, submitted by Stephen Pizzo: Iraq is the Republic of Fear

Steve Corrick: Jon Tester for US Senate

Evelyn Pringle: Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Help Send Kids To Prison

Joan Brunwasser: MD: Frustrated by voting system, election officials quit (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U.S. braces for 'Iraq's My Lai' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Riots, gunfire after US troops shoot dead four (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: World powers ready to guarantee Iran's right to nuclear energy: Russia (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Giant U.S. Embassy project dismays Iraqis (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: IRAQ: Deadly Attack On CBS News Crew - Two Dead, One Wounded (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Corporate America has record cash stockpiles in bank (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Wal-Mart's data center remains mystery (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Conservatives and 'Ex-Gays' Want to Take Conversion Therapy to Your Public Schools (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Pentagon Search for Non-Nuke Missles Could Start Nuke War Accidently (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: George W. Bush and Kenneth Lay (3 comments)

Robert 'Standing Eagle' Marshall: No Armor For Our Troops—

Rob Kall: Cheney Aide Screening Legislation (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Fear, Paranoia, Bushco's Security Close DC. Why? An Airhammer in a Parking Garage Elevator (3 comments)

John Rogue: Amnesty to target net repression and corporations that aid and abet (3 comments)

Sunday, May 28:

Rob Kall: America's Shame; Firestorm fears if Haditha massacre of 24 by US Troops proved (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Murtha: New scandal worse than Abu Ghraib (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: AP: Several states suffer headaches with new voting machines (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 28, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Zogby Poll: Over 70 Million Adult Americans suppport new 9/11 investigation (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: NASED Certifies Voting Systems They KNOW must be modified and no longer be certified (3 comments)

Allegra Dengler, Citizens for Voting Integrity: Is New York the next Florida?

Joan Brunwasser: Kerry pressing Swift Boat Case long after loss: NY Times (3 comments)

Saturday, May 27:

Joan Brunwasser: California trying to avoid Ohio pattern (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 27, 2006

International Space Agency (ISA): *International Space Plane Program Is The Future

Amanda Lang: AT&T leaks sensitive info in NSA suit (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Cheney's secret classifications (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Top VA official joins fiight for govt headstone with Wiccan symbol (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Apple Loses Bid to Unmask Bloggers' Sources (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: AG Gonzales Pitches a Tantrum Over Raid Dispute - Threatens to Quit (3 comments)

Jay Janson: *Victims of War Remembrance on Memorial Day

DIANE CARDWELL: NY Mayor Slams GOP War on Science

Friday, May 26:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 26, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Helen Thomas on "Rude" questions, Fox news and Tony Snow (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Administrative Judges Chafe at Pay Ceiling and Plans for Performance Reviews (3 comments)

Kathy Dopp, National Election Data Archive: Utah Newspapers Neglect to cover Voting Machine Security Reports Released May 11 & 12 (1 comments)

Amanda Lang: Tropical forests unprotected, survey finds (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: VA Breach Discovered Through Office Gossip (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iraqi Minister Backs Iran on Nuclear Research (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hamas Pulls Private Militia Off Streets (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Papers Show U.S. Courted Arabs in Mid-70s - Promised to reduce 'size' of Israel (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Kazakh Oil Begins Flowing Into China (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NRA Bankrolls Defense of License to Murder Killer in Arizona (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Judge: Reporters must give Libby Plamegate documents (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Official: Iraq civilian deaths "unprovoked murders" (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Report: Jet stream shift is expanding the Earth's tropics and deserts (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Russia ready to sell Su fighters to Venezuela (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hamas may recognise Israel's right to exist (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Pressure Grows on Bush to Engage Iran Directly (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: GAO Report Faults Voluntary Programs To Cut Air Pollution (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Russia to supply air defense systems to Iran - defense minister (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Corporate fraud alive and well in U.S. (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Justice Department Probe Foiled (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hastert says he‘ll work with Justice Dept. (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Poll: Nelson Holds Big Lead Over Harris in Fla. (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Feds cut off phone tax after 108 years - must refund $15 billion (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Retiree benefits grow into 'monster' for US taxpayer - $ 1/2 million per household (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Car bombing kills nine in eastern Baghdad (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Inflation edges above Fed comfort zone (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 'Shots heard' in Capitol office (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hayden confirmed as head of CIA - BAD IDEA AWARD (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Critics Say Bill Diminishes Due Process for Immigrants (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U.S. Silence Impeding Swiss in Nuclear Black Market Case (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Vermont 2nd state to sign ambitious, near universal health-insurance law (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Witness: Dogs' use urged at Abu Ghraib (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush woos fiery Hastert with 45-day cooldown (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: What would Cheney Say? (3 comments)

Sunsara Taylor: BattleCry; Inside the Stadium with Ron Luce's Holy War (1 comments)

Sunsara Taylor: Fear and Loathing at Philadelphia's BattleCry (1 comments)

Thursday, May 25:

Jack and Kathie Hendrick, Communication Volunteers, Fulton/Franklin Democratic C: How Voting Activists Brought about Change in Republican stronghold in Pennsylvania (2 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 25, 2006

Robert Parry: Abramoff: "Appropriations Comm. an 'earmark favor factory' " (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold Disaster, continued: Newsweek's Steven Levy Interviewd by the Young Turks... (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: BREAKING: MSNBC: Rove sources confirm Novak conversation; Fitzgerald turns toward Cheney (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: ES&S Meltdown: Arkansas primary a disgrace, disaster! (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Lay convicted, Bush walks (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US probes Alaska pipeline repair (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Senate passes sweeping immigration bill (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush left top FDA staff say left out of contraceptive ruling (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Neurontin Deal - Slap On The Hand To Pfizer

Amanda Lang: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Discharges Increase 11% (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: GLOBAL WARMING (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: The Check Is Not in the Mail (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Tresury Sec. John Snow to leave mid-June: report (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush Orders Documents Sealed in FBI-Congress Case (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hastert's Letter to Gale Norton Opposing Casino Expansion for Abramoff Clients (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Marine Corps to Probe Iraq Civilian Deaths (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hinchey to Force Bush Adm. To Reveal Who Blocked Probe of NSA Wiretaps (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Cunningham and Abramoff: "Anything They Want To Know" (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: First trial in the Abramoff influence-peddling scandal starts (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hastert Aide Says Justice Dept. Leak to ABC was Payback (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: More FBI agents required to investigate political corruption (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hastert Implicated in Corruption Investigation (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Negroponte given power to waive SEC rules - AUDIO (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U-turn by White House as it blocks direct talks with Iran (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Libby Told Grand Jury Cheney Spoke of Plame (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: VERDICT: Former Enron bosses Lay & Skilling found guilty (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Verdict is reached in Enron trial (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Enron Lay and Skilling Guilty on All Charges

Wednesday, May 24:

Rob Kall: House Leaders Demand Return of Seized Files (3 comments)

Rob Kall: House Speaker Hastert under investigation: (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 24, 2006

Amanda Lang: ATF Reveals Worst Gun Dealers in the Country (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: MUST WATCH: CNN segment on quacks who claim they can "cure" gays (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hurricane Cowboy Rides Again!! (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Venezuela's Chavez Fires Back at Bush (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Retired Army Col. Charged With Sedition For Handing Flyer on Anti-War Vietnam Vets (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Heavily Arming & Unsupervising Groups, US Propels Iraq Toward Chaos (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Amnesty Intl. compares Bush to Pinochet (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NSA-compliant Phone Telecoms Brace for Massive Lawsuits (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: VIDEO - Top CIA Officials Bolster Perjury Charge Against Scooter Libby (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Democrats are currently generating just 38.5% of the funds donated by lobbyists (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NYC Mayor: "You have to wonder what world Congress is living in" (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: House Democrats plan hearings, write Bush on Iran strike (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Republicans, incumbents receive large majority of oil lobby cash (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Judge approves $6.6B Enron settlement (3 comments)

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: How the NeoCons make War on all of us (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: 2004 Presidential Election ; Compendium of Attempts to Dismiss Vote Fraud (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: FCC says it can't investigate phone companies (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Speaker Hastert protests to Bush over raid (3 comments)

Bev Harris, Black Box Voting: Hursti Report Update today: more bad news

Rob Kall: Chief SS Nazi, Gonzales, Defends Jefferson Office Search (3 comments)

Diane M. Grassi: Scathing Report on Air Marshals Reviewed by House Judiciary

Tuesday, May 23:

Jim Prues: The Oregon Voting Revolution (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Mr. Ice Cream Sticks it to the Pentagon (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Internet Ad Seeks Temp Workers to Privately Shuttle Hackable Voting Machines for California's Upcoming Primary Elections (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 23, 2006

David Sirota: U.S. is proposing European shield for Iran missiles (3 comments)

David Sirota: Pentagon urges China to explain military buildup (3 comments)

David Sirota: Senate panel endorses Hayden as CIA director (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Another poll: U.S. disaster preparedness low (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Poll: Americans fear online data theft (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Rove Deputy Peddling False Claims About Pre-War Iraq Intelligence (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Feds arrest hundreds in massive fraud probe (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Global warming risk 'much higher' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Clergy Group Aims to Block Gay Marriage Amendment (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Drug companies 'failing to meet health needs of world's poorest' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Never use police, army, pandemic expert says (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: FCC chief says won't probe NSA call program (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 2 in CIA to testify Libby lied on leak (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Theft of vets' data kept secret for 19 days - WHY? (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US 'Disappearances' are Human Rights Violations that undermine War on Terror - (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: New POLL: U.S. Public Widely Distrusts Its Leaders Across the Societal Spectrum. (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: DNA lets man walk (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Green Party candidate, Bob Fitrakis, plans to be force in gov race (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Rice says U.S. CAN'T close Guantánamo (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Zogby Poll: 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: David Addington is the most powerful man you've never heard of. Here's why (3 comments)

Monday, May 22:

Joan Brunwasser: Gaping Hole in HAVA Voting Standard Widened in 2005 (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Al Gore on Stolen 2000 Election (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Florida Election Official Says "Trust No One!" (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 22, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Tell the Senate to Reject NSA wiretapping architect Hayden for CIA Director (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Bush Snubs Gore Film on Global Warming (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Information Sharing on the Rove Indictment Story (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Dixie Chicks strike again! (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Corps' Levee Work Is Faulted (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Libby Prosecutor Focuses on CIA Officer's Status (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NSA Domestic Wire Tap Whistle-Blower's Evidence, Uncut (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Prisoners, absolved of charges, still at Guantanamo (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Merck Litigation Strategy - Destroy Expert Witnesses

Amanda Lang: 15 States suing feds over seniors' Rx costs (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Cancer vaccine faces Christian-right scrutiny (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: In the Northwest, Nuclear Power Takes a Hit (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Gonzales Says Prosecution of Journalists Is Possible in NSA Leaks (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 1 in every 136 U.S. residents behind bars (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U.S. envoy wants talks with Iran over Iraq (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush Admin. keeps info from defense lawyers in terror cases (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Saddam's lawyer thrown out of court again (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Data on 26.5 million veterans stolen from home (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iran Close to Atomic Bomb Know-How, Israel's Olmert Says (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Levees ailing before Katrina hit, independent report finds (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Congressman Taped Taking $100,000, FBI Says (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Up to Six Major Hurricanes for 2006 (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Murtha on Iraq: ‘There’s Not Only No Progress, It’s Worse Than It Was Prewar’ (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Ted Koppel: Time for U.S. to Form an "Army of Mercenaries"? (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hundreds of Abramoff E-Mails to Get First Courtroom Airing (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Mexico to Replace Venezuela in Trade Pact (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Venezuela Resumes Flights After Volcano (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Montenegro confirms independence (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Albright: Bush is alienating Muslims (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Fatah and Hamas clash in Gaza (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Scores killed in Aghan air raid (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: France, Italy & Germany paid $45 million for Iraq hostages (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Justice Clarence Thomas prays for Prez in 'real trouble' (3 comments)

Sunday, May 21:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 21, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Religious liberals gain new visibility (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Bush breaks pledge made in 1999 to veto any tax increases (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Attorney Gen.: Reporters can be prosecuted (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Democratic Activists Seek to Punish Their Own for Backing Bush (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Action Alert! Free Carol Fischer- Ohio puts political dissident into psychiatric confinement (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Interview with John Dean (3 comments)

International Space Agency: White House In Disarray (3 comments)

International Space Agency: ABC’s Ross: Surveillance of Journalists ‘Makes Me Feel…As If We Are Drug Dealers or Terrorists’ (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Kuwait court clears Guantanamo inmates (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Israel resumes talks with Abbas (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Kuwaiti emir dissolves parliament (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Warning on market risks as prices fall (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Rushed Social Services Privatization Condemned (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Hayden looks good to go for confirmation (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Gitmo prisoners reportedly ambush guards (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Growing number of GOP seats in doubt (3 comments)

International Space Agency: McCain Speech Heckled by Graduates (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Kentucky Town Mourns 5 Coal Miners (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Mexico Works to Bar Non-Natives From Jobs (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Nurse exodus leaves Kenya in crisis (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Baghdad deal raises hope for British troop cuts (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Roughly 10 percent of Mexico's population living in US (3 comments)

International Space Agency: U.N. panel presses the U.S. to close Guantanamo prison (3 comments)

International Space Agency: McCaskill Proposes Military Bill of Rights (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Bush exercising his options in interpreting laws (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Despite Bush Pledge, Taxes Increase for Teenagers (3 comments)

International Space Agency: ‘Saddam’s’ Mercedes seized from U.S. soldier (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Libby lawyers oppose Cheney notes as evidence (3 comments)

International Space Agency: FBI searches congressman’s office (3 comments)

International Space Agency: More Bush Misjudgments Marred U.S. Plans for Iraqi Police (3 comments)

International Space Agency: EU hasn't presented Iran plan to US yet (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Iraq vows "maximum force" as bombs kill 19 (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Voters Re-elect Nagin as Mayor of New Orleans (3 comments)

International Space Agency: Afghanistan gripped by worst fighting since 2001 (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold Disaster: Newsweek Jumps in, Covers latest E-Voting Debacle! (3 comments)

Jon Faulkner: Human or Machine. Heads or Tails (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Huge Victory in Suit vs. Diebold Voting Machines (CA) (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: NPR's Weekend Edition Covers the Latest Diebold Security Issues (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: McCain at New School: Honeymoon is Over (3 comments)

International Space Agency (ISA): *International Space Agency (ISA)

Saturday, May 20:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 20, 2006 (1 comments)

Friday, May 19:

David Swanson: *What Happened at Rumsfeld's House

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 19, 2006

Michael Leon: Hector Jordan - Trail-blazing Hispanic Hero

Joan Brunwasser: What's all the Fuss about interpreted code in FL and CA? (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Opposition to Iraq War at 62% in U.S. (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Scalia Tells Congress to Mind Its Own Business - Tell Him to Take a Retirement! (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Justice Dept. accuses Abbott Labs of fraudulent drug-pricing scheme (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US Ally, Egypt, Not So 'Good' to All (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iran report of Holocaust-style badges questioned (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iran Passes New Law Requiring 'Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims" to Wear Badges (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Senate OKs 'Racist', 'Divisive, and Anti-American' Amendment Declaring English "National Language" (3 comments)

Michele Gregory, with forward by Gary Houston, Chicago actor: Art as political tool: Help Stephen Heller with a night at the theatre

Thursday, May 18:

Joan Brunwasser: A new election lawsuit in Florida (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 18, 2006

Larry Sakin: Interview with Patty Weiss, Democratic candidate for Arizona Congressional District 8

Amanda Lang: Bush Requests $1.9B to pay for Natl. Guard Deployment to Mexico Border (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U.S. Proposes New, Pointless 'Dead-In-Water' Nuclear Weapons Treaty (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: POLL: Democrats take heart as Americans turn their back on Bush policies (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Report: US Marines Executed Civilians (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: House subpanel approves bill requiring privacy review for federal rules (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: France passes immigration bill (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Rep. Bob Newy (R-Ohio) Bribery Probe Launched by Ethics Comm. FINALLY (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: GOP New Hamp's 'Phone-Jammer' Tobin to prison 10 months for vote supression (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: New Italian PM Prodi: War in Iraq Was 'Grave' Mistake (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Former NYTimes reporter Judith Miller - I was warned of large scale attack before 9/11 (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Sen. Hillary Clinton to cosponsor Internet neutrality law (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Senate committee approves gay marriage ban (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Former deputy to Sec. of State Colin Powell is focus in the CIA leak investigation (3 comments)

Diane M. Grassi: Inflation...It's BACK says Labor Dept. - Rents a Key Driver (3 comments)

Diane M. Grassi: House budget sees $348 billion deficit - FISCAL INSANITY!! (3 comments)

Diane M. Grassi: Up to 105 Die in Fierce Afghan Violence (3 comments)

Diane M. Grassi: Telecom Sector Donates To Senate Commerce Chairman (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Hayden Insists NSA Surveillance Is Legal (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Take Action: Sign this postcard to oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Start Blogging on OpEdNews

Wednesday, May 17:

Joan Brunwasser: More E-voting concerns surface with state primaries underway (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 17, 2006

Al Kolwicz, CAMBER: Action Alert: Is Colorado SOS stalling?

Joan Brunwasser: White House denies using Patriot Act against journalists (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Merck Caught Misrepresenting Vioxx Risks Again

Joan Brunwasser: Truthout stands behind Jason Leopold and Rove story (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U.S. Secretly Backing Warlords in Somalia (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Building a Brand With a Blog ; (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Judge voids Georgia gay marriage ban (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Confidence In GOP Is At New Low in Poll (3 comments)

Verified Voting Foundation: Verified Voting Special Newsletter (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Another 100+ Machines Fail in Allegheny County (Pittsburgh)! (3 comments)

theBhc: The New New Threat

Russ Wellen: "Alternative" Annual Report Released: "Hurricane Halliburton" (3 comments)

Tuesday, May 16:

Amanda Lang: FOREVER PREGNANT! New Fed Guidelines: All Women PRE-PREGNANT (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: US election fraud scandal looms? (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: FBI Secret Probes: 3,501 Targets in the U.S. (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Pension Deficit, Now $500 Billion, May Clobber Corporate Bonds (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Conservative women's group launches grassroots effort targeting schools that accept homosexuality (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 16, 2006

Amanda Lang: In unscripted moment, Gore says he's a 'recovering politician' who has to worry about 'relapse' (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold knew in early 2004! Did nothing to fix touch-screen voting system security chasm (3 comments)


Amanda Lang: Bush Has Only a Barely Positive Approval Rating in Three States (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US spells out plan to bomb Iran (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Nancy Reagan Again Takes Lead on Stem Cells Against Bush (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: White House Press Sec. Snow's Rough First Day (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: DHS Chief Does About-Face In Backing Use of Natl. Guard to Seal Border (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: BellSouth Denies It Gave NSA Call Data (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: List Reveals Not One Notorious Terrorist Suspect at Gitmo (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Dept. of Homeland Security fails to submit strategic border security plan (3 comments)

Rob Kall: State control of troops essential, state Guard leaders say (3 comments)

Rob Kall: U.S. reserves nearly 'broken,' says chief (3 comments)

Harvey Wasserman: Displaced Gain Sway in New Orleans Vote (3 comments)

Harvey Wasserman: Lesbian Can Seek Parental Rights (3 comments)

Harvey Wasserman: NSA Whistleblower To Allege Unlawful Acts, Name Hayden (3 comments)

Harvey Wasserman: FBI Acknowledges: Journalists' Phone Records are Fair Game (3 comments)

Harvey Wasserman: Federal Air Marshals' Bosses Accused of Arrogance, Cover-Up (3 comments)

Harvey Wasserman: Freedom of the Press Under Attack: Government Begins Tracking Phone Calls of Journalists (3 comments)

Harvey Wasserman: More On Government Tracing Journalists' Calls (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Egypt finds democracy can wait (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Scooter Libby in even more hot water -after warning, he still willingly exposed Plame's CIA front (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 10,000 US troops to be sent to Mexican border (3 comments)

Monday, May 15:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 15, 2006

Amanda Lang: Federal Source to ABC News: We Know Who You're Calling (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US renews ties with OPEC member, Libya (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US bans arms sales to Venezuela: official (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Cheney's Notes on Joe Wilson Report - Photocopy (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Karl Rove Gives Lecture Today, Won't Answer Questions About PlameGate (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Joe Wilson Received Same Rove Indictment Info as Jason Leopold (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Leopold Responds to Corallo's Denial of Fitzgerald - Luskin Meeting (3 comments)

David Swanson: Iraq War Images Uncensored

Amanda Lang: EU proposes to barter for civilian Iran nuclear programme (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: A new report says the Pentagon's finances are in disarray (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Africa climate change 'could kill millions' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Turkey's Detente With Kurds Wavers (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Politics Stalls Plan to Bolster Flood Insurance (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Turkish, Iranian armies build up forces along Iraq's only quiet area (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Shiite lawmaker threatens to form government unilaterally (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Christian Right Threatens GOP - Do more on same sex marriage, abortion so some old white men can control others (3 comments)

JGideon: E-VOTING TRAIN WRECK 2006: The Wheels Begin to Come Off

Amanda Lang: Budget Cut Would Shutter EPA Libraries (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Dixie Chicks: Not ready to Make Nice (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Halliburton moves stockholders' meeting, draws fire (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Bush's Tax Cuts Far Outweigh Congressional Pork (3 comments)

Harri Hursti for Black Box Voting, Inc.: Critical Security Alert: Diebold TSx and TS6 Voting Systems

Joan Brunwasser: Court slows EFF efforts to address Ohio E-voting malfunctions (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Jason Leopold update on Rove Indictment Story (17 comments)

Sunday, May 14:

Rob Kall: IMF acts to avoid markets meltdown (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Action Alert: Professor fights to expose alleged vote fraud (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: The WORST Bush Idea Yet!!! US military troops deployed on border of Mexico for anti-immigration (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 14, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Cheney pushed US to widen domestic spying (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Row delays Iraq cabinet talks (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: N. England Rains Force Hundreds From Homes (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Specter On Domestic Spying: ‘There Has Been No Meaningful Congressional Oversight On These Programs’ (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Chavez offers oil to Europe's poor (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Mothers Say No to War -- Silent Vigil in DC (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: At Falwell's University, McCain Defends Iraq War (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Fired CIA Officer Accuses Agency of Lying to Congress (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Update: Iraq Coalition Casualities (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Blasts kill 14 at Baghdad airport (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hand written Cheney Notes Indicate His Focus on Wilson and Plame (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Pentagon Sending Mentally Unfit, Forced To Fight in Iraq (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Bush, GOP fail again to fix alternative minimum tax (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: NSA whistle-blower will go before Congress (3 comments)

Kall, Rob: Poll: Fox Is Most Watched News Network; Fox Watchers and Right Wing Radio Listening Patterns explain Bush's Remaining Su (1 comments)

Saturday, May 13:

B. Glimer: Action Alert: Breast cancer hospitalization bill

Joan Brunwasser: Voting machine tampering feared (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: States beef up E-voting security after report on weaknesses (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Reversing Course on Electronic Voting (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 13, 2006

Amanda Lang: Cheney Pushed U.S. to Widen Eavesdropping (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hand-written notes by the VP Cheney surface in the Fitzgerald probe (3 comments)

Rob Kall: DeLay to leave office on June 9 (3 comments)

Rob Kall: U.S. moves in secret to quash suit against AT&T (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: Army Blocks Reserve Officer Resignations (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: FBI Searches Home of CIA #3 'Dusty' Foggo (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: Army recruits Autistic Teen (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: Clashes erupt between two Iraqi army units (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: Iran ready to talk to anyone but Israel (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: Former president Clinton bests GW Bush in honesty poll (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: 50 in Congress write Bush demanding special counsel to investigate NSA surveillance (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: POLL: Big Flip - Americans Now Wary of NSA Spying (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: Spy Agency Watching Americans From Space (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: RIP: GM Scraps the Hummer H1 (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: British inventor made world's most fuel efficient car? 8,000 MPG (3 comments)

Paul S. Cilwa: NSA SpyGate: Federal law suit seeks $50 billion in civil damages against Verizon (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Bush Uses FDA To Shield Big Pharma From Lawsuits

Rob Kall: Poll: of Non Fox News Viewers, 64% support Censure of George W Bush, 75% Want Cheney Impeachment Investigation Started.

Friday, May 12:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 12, 2006

Evelyn Pringle: Rove and Fitzgerald Play Monopoly (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: CT Campaign finance compromise passes in final minutes (3 comments)

Bev Harris, Black Box Voting: Critical security alert: Three-level security flaws found in Diebold touch-screens

Joan Brunwasser: The money pit: Diebold vs. America (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Yes Men pull Halliburton hoax (3 comments)

Black Box Voting: Triple Protection for Election 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold's Deliberate Security Vulnerability! (3 comments)

David Swanson: *Bush Beats Out Nixon: Least Liked President Ever

Rob Kall: Questions in the May 2006 People's Poll


Thursday, May 11:

Amanda Lang: Two air-craft carriers are already en route to Iran, fear of early US strike (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Join Cindy Sheehan this Mother's Day with Voters for Peace (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 11, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: USA Today: NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls (Big Brother is listening!) (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Grand Jury Indicts GOP Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Once Rising GOP Star, Linda Schrenko Pleads Quilty to Money Launder & Fraud (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Stop The Fiscal Insanity (3 comments)

David Swanson: Poll: Bush Lied About Iraq, Has No Right to Attack Iran (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US rejects calls for Guantánamo closure (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Ann Coulter Facing 5 years Jail For 3rd Degree Felony & May Be Thrown Off Voter Rolls! (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Number of federal jobs opened to contractors to jump this year (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NSA doubled procurement spending in four years for domestic wire taps (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Another GOP Rep. Lewis (R-CA) Surfaces in Probe of Cunningham (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Ex-NSA Chief Assails Bush Illegal WireTaps (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush, GOP Congress Losing Core Supporters (3 comments)

Jim Prues: Olbermann & Turley - Bush Disregard for Constitution (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: GOP Tax Cuts - $20 per family middle class; $42,000 for wealthy upper class per family (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Anger toward US boosts Latin America's leftist leaders (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Sudan Blocks UN Darfur Force Delaying Aid for 6 months (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Prisoners offer deal on Israel (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Senate Readies to Vote on $70B Tax Cut (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: IAEA Head Urges US Compromise/Negotiation with Iran (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NSA Collecting Phone Records of Ordinary American Citizens (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NSA Stymies Probe into Bush's Domestic Spying by Denying Security Clearances (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Putin to Cheney's Attack: US is a hungry wolf that "eats and listens to no one". (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Action Alert: Colorado SofS accused of wrongfully certifying eSlate voting equipment (3 comments)

Rob Kall: *Poll: 2004 Election Was Stolen; according to viewers of all news networks except Fox News (10 comments)

Rob Kall: Pennacchio Rising, Casey Falling in Stats Based on Sample of Millions

Wednesday, May 10:

Joan Brunwasser: BradBlog writes questions the media should ask of all elections officials for Harvard Nieman Foundation for Journalism (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Lawsuit filed vs. AZ Sec of State to halt use, purchase of Diebold, Sequoia Touch-Screen systems in state (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 200,000 AK-47s Meant for Iraq Security End Up in Al-Qaeda’s Hands (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Whistleblower Mark Livingston Battles Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 10, 2006

Greg Palast: Greg Palast: Kerry won in '04 (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: New security glitch found in Diebold system (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Ray McGovern Gets Wings of Justice Award for Speaking Truth to Power (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U.S. Newborn Survival Rate Ranks Low - If you always wanted to live in a 3rd World Country, You do! (3 comments)

John Rogue: Now Is the Time for a Left-Right Alliance (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Company Running "No Child Left Behind" is GW's bro, Neil Bush (3 comments)

Tuesday, May 9:

Joan Brunwasser: No 'verify,' no trust: South Florida Sun-Sentinel (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Ex-Pfizer VP Peter Rost Takes On Goliath (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: US Newswire: Releases: VR: Major New Diebold EVoting Security Vulnerability Discovered... (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 09, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: BREAKING: SEC Investigation of Diebold under way! (3 comments)

TomDispatch: Humanity's Ground Zero

Amanda Lang: BREAKING: Group to release 900 more pages of Katrina emails (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: UPDATE: Housing Sec. Canceled Contract Because Contractor Criticized Bush, Apparently Violating Law (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Study: 7 of 10 Journalists Surveyed Accused of Bias in Past Year (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Wildfires trigger state of emergency in Florida (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hastert, GOP Speaker of House, Opposes Gen. Hayden Nomination (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: HUD Sec.: If you don't like Bush, don't expect a contract with this federal agency (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Democrats may block impeachment resolution in California (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Six members of Congress caught in Watergate party scandal (3 comments)

Monday, May 8:

Joan Brunwasser: $13M no bid e-pollbook deal with Diebold draws fire (MD) (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Full Frontal Assault on John Conyers Launched over the weekend by GOP & Friends in the Media (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Feeney/St. Andrews/Abramoff and Ney/HAVA/Abramoff Connections still flying beneath the Radar (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: VIDEO - GOP Roadkill: Dean Buries DeLay's Rotting Political Corpse (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 08, 2006

Rob Kall: Bush Actually CAN Go Lower. (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: FBI's Goss Man # 3: Foggo Goes (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: With multiuses in mind, BLM knocks at the backdoor to Grand Canyon (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: USA TODAY/Gallup Poll -- Only 31 % Approval -- Lowest Yet (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NOT AGAIN! The Importance of ‘Nine Fingers’: 2nd Powerful Goss Aide Linked to Wilkes Parties (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Behind the Goss toss - W's OWN 'alarmed' panel sealed top spy's fate (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: NPR wrongly suggested Reid, Stabenow face "ethics allegations" over Abramoff contributions (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: USDA Ordered to Use "Iraq Talking Points" to Paint A Rosy Pic for Bush in All Public Speeches (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Pentagon takes to the skies to find fresh cannon fodder (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Dubya claims he'd like to close Gitmo's prison camp (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: CIA Nominee Hayden Linked to MZM - Cunningham Scandal (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Democratic National Committee to sue Secret Service for records in Abramoff lobbying scandal (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: US, Seoul parting ways over North Korea (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Poorly protected oil facilities leave West vulnerable (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Official Testified that Rove Emphasized the "Political" Importance of Discrediting Wilson & Plame Over Pre-War Intel (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Blair: Nuking Iran Would Be Absurd (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: House Intel Panel Chief Opposes Hayden (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Baghdad Death Squads Deepen Divisions (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: DOA - Bush Tries to Put CIA Under Military Leadership (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Iran sends unprecedented letter to Bush (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Ex-aide to to Ohio GOP Rep. Bob Ney expected to plead guilty (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Battle expected as Bush nominates Hayden (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: NPR wrongly suggested Dems face "ethics allegations" over Abramoff contributions (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Al Gore might yet join 2008 contenders (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Did Bush force British Minister out? (3 comments)

Sunday, May 7:

Joan Brunwasser: E-vote train wreck 2006: another week, another wild-and unfortunate-ride... Is anyone there? does anyone care? (3 comments)

Greg Grandin: The Wide War

Joan Brunwasser: ES&S Meltdown: MO counties going back to paper, lever voting (3 comments)

JGideon: E-VOTE TRAIN WRECK 2006: Another Week, Another Wild – and Unfortunate – Ride…

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 07, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: CIA frontrunner: Wrong man, wrong time? (3 comments)

Roy Murtishaw: From Non Brain-Dead Arkansans of America

Joan Brunwasser: FL: State House candidate arrested in Alachua City Hall... (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Last question is obstruction for Fitzgerald, Rove (3 comments)

Rob Kall: WaPo: Confident Democrats Lay Out Agenda (3 comments)

Martha Ture, Vote with your Wallet- Buy Blue!

Joan Brunwasser: helps Hurricane Katrina Hancock County LA library system (3 comments)

Bev Harris, Black Box Voting: Diebold Developments, here, there, everywhere: Utah, Pennsylvania, CA

Joan Brunwasser: Libby lawyer to argue Bush's Role in Leak (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Conservatives drive Bush's approval down (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: AZ Supervisors postpone purchase of electronic voting machines (3 comments)

Howard Boyer: *Democracy or Corpocracy?

Saturday, May 6:

Joan Brunwasser: Pro-democracy group calls for international aid (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: No, ES&S is not a division of FEMA: it just seems like it in wake of foul-ups (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 06, 2006

Friday, May 5:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 05, 2006

Michael Leon: Wisconsin Likely to Crush Gay Marriage Ban

Joan Brunwasser: Colbert takes on FEMA (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Newly discovered Diebold threat described as "major national security risk"! (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: NH Guv rocks electoral integrity (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Kids Dying From Off-Label Use Of Antipsychotics (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Action Alert: Mainstream Media, why the blackout on Stephen Colbert? (3 comments)

Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: Ohio 2004 election thief grabs Gov nod while (surprise! surprise!) voting machines malfunction

Jerry Policoff: New Keystone Poll spells trouble for Bob Casey Jr. (1 comments)

Thursday, May 4:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 04, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold Disaster: Optical Scan Machines fail in MI, officials forced to hand-count ballots (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold Disasters Deepen: PA issues security vulnerability alert for Diebold voting systems! (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold not to blame for diebold disasters says Diebold (3 comments)

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Boobs, Panties, and Courage: How honest elections could change Alabama

Joan Brunwasser: Team Abramoff visited the White House over 200 times in Bush's first 10 months in office (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: South Dakota's Abortion Revolt (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Stephen Colbert's remarks to the President (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Electronic voting "dead in the water" in Ireland (3 comments)

Russ Wellen: Chinese Becoming Latest Terror Targets (3 comments)

Wednesday, May 3:

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 03, 2006

Joan Brunwasser: Help Susan Lindauer: Reporter held political prisoner to cover up US Genocide in Iraq (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Surprising number of Ohio Repubs say 'not' to Ney (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold Disaster: Company gets 'F' from election board chair as machines fail all over Cuyahoga County OH on Primary Da (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Diebold Disaster: Cuyahoga County still counting as 70 memory cards missing from 200 precincts (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: GOP Sen. Specter: Hearing vowed on Bush's powers (3 comments)

Don Monkerud: New Announcement on Gas Tax Rebate

Rob Kall: Wealthy, insured Americans no healthier than England lowest class with socialized medicine (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Bush top economist: Gas tax cut not the answer (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Poll: Even Fans of Bush Think He's Awful (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Supreme Court: Ginsburg: Says GOP Congress' Watchdog Plan 'Scary,' like 'Soviet Union' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bill to Reauthorize the Voting Rights Act a Bipartisan Affair (3 comments)

Rob Kall: E-VOTE MELTDOWN: RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE! Man Smashes Diebold Touch-Screen Voting System in Ohio! (3 comments)

Tuesday, May 2:

Joan Brunwasser: Capitol Hill Joins Criticism of Smithsonian Film Deal (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: AZ SOS listeners about Diebold hack, HAVA (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 02, 2006

Rob Kall: Cheney's office knew Plame's work was sensitive (3 comments)

Rob Kall: After reports, New Jersey senator calls on CIA director to conduct Plame damage assessment (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Funeral protest ban approved (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Karl Rove Indictment Long Overdue

Amanda Lang: Secret Service will release Abramoff's White House visitor logs (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: GOP, LOBBYISTS, PROSTITUTION RING? (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Congressional Sex Scandal? (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Electronic voting swithc threatens mass confusion: Financial Times (London) (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Hypocrite-In-Chief Bush at it again... (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Lay Wraps Up Testimony at Enron Trial (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush in ‘ceaseless push for power’ (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Internet Freedom Gains Big Momentum (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Reports: Plame Was Monitoring Iran Nukes When Outed By Rove, Libby, & Novak (3 comments)

Rob Kall: New Army documents reveal US knew of and approved torture before Abu Ghraib scandal (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Most US young people can't find Iraq on map: study (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Mexico's Fox to OK drug decriminalization law (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Gasoline prices a "crisis" says US Energy Sec.Bodman (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bush Buddy, Italian Leader Berlusconi Resigns (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: U.S. Diplomat Joins Darfur Peace Talks (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Tequin's Serious Injuries - Bristol-Myers Feigns Ignorance

Amanda Lang: Iran Threatens Israel if U.S. Attacks (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 10 States Sue Bush Over Fuel Economy Rules (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: MSNBC confirms: Outed CIA agent was working on Iran (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Stocks turn lower on report Bernanke feels 'misunderstood' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Qatar Grants Millions in Aid to New Orleans (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Common Cause Seeks Justice Probe of Katherine Harris (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Sen. Spector: The [Republican] party needs somebody to stand up to the president" (3 comments)

Evelyn Pringle: Relentless Drive For Oil Company Profits Threatens Overall Economy (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: WVA SOS makes excuses for ES&S (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: PA: Major lawsuit in Allegheny County ends in loss for citizen group (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: MSNBC Video: Plame leak hurt US Ability to spy on Iran Nukes (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Vatican Puts Condoms On ... the issue table (3 comments)

Rob Kall: Fed Chair Bernanke Misread Sends Trading Bonkers (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: 16,000 Species Said to Face Extinction (3 comments)

Kall, Rob: First Open Thread-- What's on your mind? Log in and add your comments (40 comments)

Planned Parenthood: *S1955 - Women in Every State Will Lose Health Care Benefits!!

Progressive States Network: Major Conference to Highlight States’ Anti-Corruption Efforts

Monday, May 1:

Amanda Lang: Oil Hits $ 73 Following Italy’s Refinery Fire (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bolivian army seizes gas fields (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Putting the Party Back into Politics (3 comments)

JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For May 01, 2006

Amanda Lang: Iraq Oil Output Lowest Since Invasion (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.): Iraq should be divided into 3 regions (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Freedom for US journalist jailed in prison scandal (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: New Official Count in Bush's Iraq War: 2,401 US DEAD (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Billions wasted in Iraq on GW Bush's watch, says US audit (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Darfur peace hopes collapse as rebels reject proposed deal (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: May 1 2006: Labour Day Around the World (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Rebel attacks threaten Sri Lankan truce (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Puerto Ricans Protest Budget Problems (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba form economic/political alliance (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bolivia Nationalizes Natural Gas - State Controlled Now (3 comments)

Doug: As Gasoline Prices Soar, (3 comments)

Doug: Prosecutor Says Lay Ignored Several Employees' Warnings (3 comments)

Doug: Bush turned down chances to kill Zarqawi: ex-CIA spy (3 comments)

Doug: GOP in deep "doo-doo" over Plan on Gas Rebate (3 comments)

Doug: Bush ignores reality, continues to defend Iraq war (3 comments)

Doug: War monger-In-Chief - "There's going to be more tough days ahead," (3 comments)

Doug: Immigrants begin one-day boycott (3 comments)

Michael Veitch: Iraq says Iran forces shelled Kurds in Iraq (3 comments)

Michael Veitch: Poll: Only 9% Think 'Mission Accomplished' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: IRAQ: Three Years After 'Mission Accomplished' (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Mission Accomplished – Not (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Bush team imposes thick veil of secrecy (3 comments)


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