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September 2006

Saturday, September 30:

Kim Gongre: The Republican Excuse...Parents Wishes More Important Than Protecting Kids? (1 comments)

Russell Johnson: Show that YOU withdraw recognition of this government!

Ben Marble: World Can't Wait-Drive Out The Bush Regime NOW!

Michael Bonanno: Here Are Some Crazy Theories for You (2 comments)

John Carey: Coup In Thailand: Troubling Harbinger for Democracy

Larry Sakin: Interview: Professor Steven F. Freeman on Vote Manipulation In America

Jayne Lyn Stahl: The Smoking Shorts...

Don Williams: Tell Them Torture's Not Right for Us (1 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Rejecting the Republican Party of Fear (6 comments)

Dave Lindorff: "America"--New Lyrics for a New Dark Age (1 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Diplomatic Jousting Over Venezuela's Bid for UN Security Council Seat Heats Up (4 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Post-election Recession – More Republican Chicanery

Lauro "LJ" Chavez: Another military whistleblower lays it out (11 comments)

Friday, September 29:

Matt Vrabel: DMR's - The Deciding Factor in 2008 (2 comments)

Amanda Butler: Battle Hymn of the Imperialists (1 comments)

Mal Burns: Bad Medicine for a Serious Infection

Kim Gongre: A New America of Cowardice, Fear and Shame (2 comments)

Howard Boyer: *America is now a Fascist State.

Stephen Osborn: From the Slippery Slope into the Abyss

Charlie Hogue: Gasoline Prices Decrease, But Why? (5 comments)

Scott Shuster: Would the Capture of Osama bin Laden Mean Victory in the War on Terror? (1 comments)

Larry Sakin: The Folly of Arizona's Proposition 300

Mick Youther: War or Peace? (9 comments)

Mickey Z.: U.S. boots step on a Caribbean flea (Does this sound familiar?)

joel fischer: The Axis of Powers; Nazi Tactics by Israel and America in the Phony War On Terror (1 comments)

Joshua Frank: Did Sen. Cantwell Try to Buy Off Her Challenger? (2 comments)

John Carey: On Family and Caring for the Ageing

Sarah Swatosh: "Retroactive Immunity?" (1 comments)

William Rivers Pitt: In Case I Disappear (23 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Thoughts on the Spiritual Condition of America's Leftward Half (7 comments)

Carlos T Mock, MD: Goldilocks and the Bears

Joel Wendland: Dems Call for Closing the "Donut Hole" in Medicare Plan (1 comments)

Faith Carr: Voting For Torture in the U.S. Senate (1 comments)

Walter C. Uhler: Confronting the "Cut and Run" Slander of Bush's Praetorian Guard (3 comments)

Rachel Gladstone-Gelman: For Real (2 comments)

Ezekiel: America Is the Pot and Americans Are the Meat (1 comments)

Thursday, September 28:

David Swanson: Mommy, What's Waterboarding? (3 comments)

Mike Whitney: How did we sink so low in just 6 years? (6 comments)

Ann Wright: Bush Appointees Browbeat Senior Military Officers on Geneva Conventions (1 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Cowards, Traitors and the People who enable them (4 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: drama queens have their place...

Lawrence Fiarman: An Unlikely Lesson From Tokyo Rose

Nicola Nasser: Bush and Islam: Words versus Deeds (1 comments)

Debby Bodkin: What Happened to Accountability in Our Society?

John Carey: Iraq and Afghanistan: Are We Ready for a Ten Year War or Should We Withdraw?

Carlos T. Mock, MD: Reaction to the CDC recommendations on routine HIV testing


bob koehler: 'This Cannot Be'

Timothy Gatto: *When Reality is Hard to Fathom

Manuel Valenzuela: Human Hell and the Demons of War

David Swanson: Treating Criminality As Daring Boldness: The Media on Bush (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Rob Kall: Keith Olbermann Terrorized and Gov Tries to Hide it (37 comments)

Sam Vaknin: America, the Reluctant Empire

Dan Ashby: Why We Should Get Behind LAVA, the Emergency Paper Ballot Act

Katrin Reichhold: Time for those 'pesty' Evaluations...but these are for 'Real Life'

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Kinky Friedman Can Devastate Bush (5 comments)

Uri Avnery: A Leadership Vacuum and the Threat of Fascism

Stephen Lendman: Afghanistan - The Other Lost War

Mickey Z.: G.I. Joe has been Punk'd

Frank J. Ranelli: *Sherrod Brown of Ohio Capitulates to Bush and Approves Torture! (1 comments)

Phil Rockstroh: A Soul Defying, Tacit Approval Of Torture: How Did We Come To This? (3 comments)

Wednesday, September 27:

Cheryl Dykstra: 2008 Republican Convention in Minnesota

Rory OConnor: The Evolution Of Political Campaign Advertising

Karen Fish: How the Republicans Will Trick the American Voters Again (2 comments)

Lawrence Fiarman: What This Election Is About

TED BOHNE: Ask not for whom the Bell Tolls......

Jan Baumgartner: Hope in a Sea of Gray

Amanda Butler: Twisted Neo-Con Values: That Henry VIII was one hell of a guy!

sameh abdelaziz: The world is laughing, are we listening?

Heather Wokusch: Anthrax, Iran & bin Laden: Waiting for the October Surprise

Sheila Samples: FOOL'S GOAL (2 comments)

Richard Mathis: Hey, Don Bill Quijote O'Reilly de la Manchada, let me review your book

Joel Wendland: DeVos Takes Hard Right on Religion in Public Schools

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Selective Deception

Bill Burkett: Burkett's Laws


Jason Miller: I Pledge Allegiance to the Corporations... (3 comments)

Bill Douglas: Living in the Land of Oz-- The Blister of Lies is About to Pop -- 9/11 Reveals the Rotten Machine Behind the Curtain (19 comments)

Stephen Zook: Our Legacy

Faith Carr: Independent Candidates - Where AAARREEE You? (5 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Letting Lies and Propaganda Dictate

Populist Party: Wars and Debts and Taxes, Oh My! (1 comments)

Timothy Gatto: *An Observation and a Plan

John Carey: Thailand: Democracy Removed by Military Coup

Tuesday, September 26:

Ernest Partridge: A Gathering Storm (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Cleveland, Here I Come! (1 comments)

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: Gearing Up for Rove's Pre-Election "Surprises"

Gregg Jocoy: Impeach Bush and Cheney! Rally in Charlotte, NC this Saturday!

Scott Shuster: Keith Olbermann - An Honest American (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: The "Newsweek Cover" Story (2 comments)

Steve Young: Dear Left, Karl Rove Doesn't Need Any Help (1 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: Jeff Cohen's Journey Through the Cable News Looking Glass

Rev. Bill McGinnis: Fox News Network Forces The Bill Clinton/Chris Wallace Interview Video Off (6 comments)

Rob Kall: Bush Announces De-Classification of April NIE Document; Do you Trust Him To Release A Full Disclosure, Truthful Document

Rachel Gladstone-Gelman: Canada, Columbine and 1984

Amanda Lang: KEEPING US SAFE: Death By Tit? (Satire)


Thom Hartmann: Republicans Give In To Bush, Betray America (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush and Cheney Through Their Looking-Glass (1 comments)

John Carey: Rumsfeld Needs to Go: Retired Generals Tell Congress (1 comments)

Mark E. Smith: Orthodox Jews Welcome Ahmadinejad (6 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Journalism, Wall Street Journal-Style

Missy Comley Beattie: The Odd Id and Fat Superego of George Bush (4 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: *George Bush, Indefensible and Un-American: The Path to Treachery (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: Revolution just ain't what it used to be (1 comments)

Monday, September 25:

Richard Neville: POOR, POOR, PITIFUL OZ (2 comments)

William Brandon Shanley: Of Dissident Martyrs, Reactionary Forces, and Creating New Visions

Sherwood Ross: George Bush v. The Gospel of Matthew (1 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Political Fallout From The Housing Bubble Bust (1 comments)

Richard Mathis: Are the Republicans finally ready to endorse Martin Luther King, Jr.? (1 comments)

Kent Welton: Eco-Lottery For Global Warming Remediation Fund

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: The Secret Life of Howie Rich and Ed Crane

eileen fleming: Birth Pangs of a Third Awakening (1 comments)

Matt Vrabel: Iranian Nuclear Crisis: A Fifth (and Only) Option (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Discussion Question: Why This Desire to Torture, Anyway? (9 comments)

Elaine Brower: Why We Fight; A Mother's Guide to Civil Disobedience (6 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Bush War III: Going to War to Save His Hide (8 comments)

Gary DeVaney: Hugo Chavez - a personal salute (10 comments)

Donald Archer: Another Century of War

eileen fleming: The essence of peace is to connect two opposites.

Lawrence Velvel: A Conference On "Presidential Power In America."

Dale Hill: Torturers Can Not Get A Teacher's Certification In Oklahoma

Gary Vance: How Can Any Christian Support the GOP?

Philip J. Rappa: For God's Sake (5 comments)

Robert Jensen: Propriety and paranoia in the empire

Mark Petersen: How Do You Know?

Robert Raitz: Kudos to Clinton (6 comments)

Uri Avnery: Pope Benedict XVI in the service of George W. Bush (7 comments)

Joel Wendland: *House Republicans Push to Nullify Voting Rights Act

John Carey: The Issue With Vietnam: Human Rights Before More Economic Benefit

Aja Thomas: Triggering the Enlightenment Virus (1 comments)

Dale Hill: Impeached! Bush Uncertifiable!!

Stephen Lendman: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Illegally Detained at JFK Airport and Strip-Searched

Sunday, September 24:

Walter C. Uhler: The "Stinky Inky," Part IV: More Incompetence, Bias and Dishonesty at the Philadelphia Inquirer?

Harvey Wasserman: Movie Review: Stealing America...Vote by Vote (or The Crime of the Century)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Cajones and "conservative hit jobs" (6 comments)


Rev. Bill McGinnis: We, The People Of The United States Of America, Have The Legitimate Authority And Responsibility To Govern Ourselves (1 comments)

Carlos T. Mock, MD: Cook County Board President election does not offer much choices

Dave Lindorff: Bush Solution to Global Warming: Bomb Iran (1 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Warming Up to Heating Up

Andy Ostroy: Is Bush's Terror Tour Working? New NY Times/CBS News Poll Shows Some Disturbing Trends (3 comments)

Steven Leser: *Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran – Prepare for the Clash of Civilizations (2 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Iraq War Worsens Terrorism- Republican Senate Control (1 comments)

Shayne Munger: Why I Support Democratic Candidate Louis Vandenberg for Congress in California's 44th District Congressional Race (1 comments)

Jack Truman: Truman for Congress: A Voice for the Young Voter

Robert Raitz: Courage of the dying.

Saturday, September 23:

Len Hart: Bush lost the war on terrorism because he dare not win it (3 comments)

Mickey Z.: Take the Stupid White Man Quiz (5 comments)

thepen: PREEMPT The Insanity Of Attacking Iran (7 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: The November Surprise--bin Laden on a Silver Platter? (13 comments)

Jane Stillwater: The Big Dog has spoken: Bush is doomed.... (1 comments)

Julie Washington: War in Iraq not War on Terror, But Hurting It! (2 comments)

Robert Parry: Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project) (3 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush's Moderation Ultimatum

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Economic Inequality in the Nation's Wealthiest County

Friday, September 22:

Norma Sherry: An Alternative to Sen. Bill Nelson and Rep. Katherine Harris

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Discussion Question: How Should the Democrats Deal with These Fraudulent Republican Measures on the Bushite Crimes? (2 comments)

Gary Vance: The Devil Went Down to the U.N. (3 comments)

Faith Carr: So, the Prez Came to Tampa Florida (3 comments)

Dave Lindorff: War Signals? (1 comments)

Jon Harrison: More Mel Gibsons Among Us? (1 comments)

Rev. Bill McGinnis: Screwed: The Undeclared War Against The Middle Class - And What We Can Do About It (2 comments)

Don Williams: Take your torture and go, George (7 comments)

Carlos T. Mock, MD
: Did you ever wonder how much it costs a drug company for the active ingredient in prescription medications? (2 comments)

Mary Lou Brown: COUNTING THE COST (4 comments)

Jason Miller: Herbert Spencer's Evolved Capitalists: (1 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Forbes 400 Richest Americans No Embarrassment! (4 comments)

Rachel Gladstone-Gelman: Toronto. First Here, Now There


Ezekiel: There Must Be Some Kind of Way Out of Here (2 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: Broder Bashes Bloggers While Doing the "Bush Bash"!

Sarah Swatosh: When Liberals Conform

Scott Shuster: War Or Not War (1 comments)

Stephen Zook: Our World Can't Wait (3 comments)

Robert Raitz: Satan With The Chimp Face! (3 comments)

Tom Wallace: Iraq: Echoes of Vietnam (4 comments)

irwin wingo: Nuclear Iran, Good or Bad? (3 comments)

John Carey: Vietnam Frees One Political Prisoner (1 comments)

Donald Archer: An Unholy Alliance: The Marriage of the Political and Religious Right (3 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Chavez's Chomsky Book Choice-- and the Message that Drew a UN Standing Ovation (3 comments)

Thursday, September 21:

Jayne Lyn Stahl: The Myth of Third World Purity (1 comments)

Mike Whitney: Ending the Dollar's Tyranny (1 comments)

Robert Parry: Bush Shields Dad on Chile Terrorism (1 comments)


Nicola Nasser: A Catholic Stamp to a U.S. War (1 comments)

Rory OConnor: *A Modest Proposal: Let's Declare War

Thom Hartmann: Reclaiming The Issues: "Keep George Out Of Jail"

Andrew Bard Schmookler: A Discussion Question: What Kind of Sacred Principles Do We Need? (1 comments)

David Swanson: Nuclear Winter, Global Warming, or Impeachment

Mickey Z.: "Those in power are poisoning children" (2 comments)

Robert Parry: The Bushes & the Truth About Iran (4 comments)

David Sirota: The Tidal Wave Heading Straight For the Hall of Mirrors (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Rob Kall: Pinhead Anchors Bash Chavez, Give Ahmadinejad Easy Passes (36 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Hugo Chavez's New World Vision (7 comments)

Jeff Cohen: The Problem Began Way Before Fox News (1 comments)

bobkoehler: Reclaiming Omelas (1 comments)

Ron Fullwood: As If Bush Owned The World (1 comments)

Manuel Valenzuela: Into Pyramid's Shadow: At War with Ourselves (3 comments)

Kim Gongre: Sound Advice On Iraq

Timothy Gatto: The Democrats Must Prove Their Mettle

Richard Mathis: O brother Billy Graham, where art thou? (2 comments)

Julie Washington: Americans Must Fight Hard

Dale Hill: Surviving In A Bright Red State (4 comments)

Dennis Morrisseau: VT Cong Candidate Calls for Arrest of Bush & Cheney by U.S. Military (3 comments)

John Carey: World Alzheimer's Awareness day (2 comments)

Lawrence Velvel: Bob Herbert's Recent Truths And Their Consequences

Neal AbuNab: The Pope is wrong and violence is wrong (3 comments)

Brian Enright: The False "Cut and Run" Argument and the Republican plan to "Dump and Run"

Phil Rockstroh: Reflections On Our Inner Bush: Corporate Monkeys In Our National House Of Mirrors (4 comments)

Hugo Chavez: Hugo Chavez Address to the UN

Jane Stillwater: If you can't fight them, join them: Hacking the vote for the Dems.... (1 comments)

Wednesday, September 20:

Steve Young: A NANOSECOND THAT'S LASTED NEARLY SIX YEARS...President Bush's Cheapening of Human Loss Is Terrifying

Walter C. Uhler: Crackpot Christianity, Part III: Bush and the Third Great Awakening (2 comments)

Carol, Washington DC: Letter to the Editor

Mike Whitney: The Surprising End of the New American Century

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Evil as the Perpetuation of Broken Patterns: Revisiting the Link Between the Bushites and the Post-Civil-War South

Joshua Frank: A Campaign Wasted: On Why Jonathan Tasini's Campaign Against Hillary Clinton Hurt the Antiwar Movement

Jayne Lyn Stahl: What's in a Name?

Mickey Z.: 10 Reasons Why Cars Suck (1 comments)

Mary Lou Brown: Our Darling Baby (12 comments)

Jane Stillwater: The Thailand coup: Pentagon, please take note! (2 comments)

Lee Shelton: The American Empire: An Unholy Alliance between Church and State (1 comments)

Hollis Polk: How YOU can help end the War on Terror (1 comments)

Sam Vaknin: Is It All About Oil? (3 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush and Credibility at the U.N.

Joe Plummer: Imagine If...

Lawrence Fiarman: A Lesson From The People of Hungary (2 comments)

Heather Wokusch: Rumsfeld's Guinea Pigs: US Citizens at Risk for Military-Weapons Testing

Stephen Lendman: Imperialism 101 - The US Addiction to War, Mayhem and Madness - Part II (3 comments)

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: Control the Dictionary, Control the World

Tuesday, September 19:

Joan Brunwasser: Why Smoke Was Coming out of My Ears (4 comments)

Robert W. McChesney: FCC Scandal Explodes with Second Revelation of Suppressed Media Ownership Research

David Swanson: Videos from Impeachment Day at Camp Democracy

Rev. Bill McGinnis: Common Article 3 Of the Geneva Conventions Prohibits Cruel Treatment And Torture Of United States Military Detainees

Joshua Frank: Corporate E. Coli

Brad Friedman: The Let America Vote Act! Call on Congress to pass "Emergency Paper Ballot Legislation" Now! (3 comments)

By Randolph T. Holhut: Thom Hartmann's Frontline Dispatches From The War On The Middle Class (4 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Four ethnic "Survivors": An interview with four Oakland teen prostitutes (4 comments)

Bob Burnett: Frost/Nixon, Nixon/Bush

Bill Douglas: Why "NOT" to Fight for 9/11 Truth (9 comments)

Sherwood Ross: How The United States Came to Bomb Civilians (1 comments)

Robert Raitz: A POX ON THE SENATE! Demand they NOT Pass a Bill Pardoning Bush for Wiretapping (1 comments)

Cheryl Dykstra: Follow the Leader

Michael Bonanno: Two Resolutions Eliminating the Two Term Presidency Limit; the Planting of a Nightmare?

Dale Hill: Lest We Forget; Hymnals and Katrina (2 comments)

Scott Shuster: The Big Lie - "Our Economy Is Strong" (3 comments)

Timothy Gatto: Stopping The Crimes of This Administration

Karen Backman: Remember to take Jesus to the voting booth (3 comments)

Lois Herr: Iraq Exit Strategy; Time to Face the Truth About Iraq (4 comments)

Steve Young: MR. PRESIDENT. YOU NEED CLARITY? HERE'S YOUR CLARITY... Meet Maher Arar. (3 comments)

Nafeez Ahmed: *Ex-UK intel official says liquid explosive claims 'fiction' (4 comments)

Monday, September 18:

Joel Wendland: Pride at Work Convention Ramps Up Call for Change

J R: Neo-Fascism 102: the road to dictatorship (2 comments)

Jack Truman: *Truman vs. Blunt: The Republican Strategy

James Stresen-Reuter: *Simple solution To Boosting Voter Turnout

Richard Mathis: If you can read this, thank a Liberal

Rob Kall: Pope Provoked Muslim Rage To Help Bush and Republicans (32 comments)

Al Kolwicz: Clarification requested on HART equipment certification

Robert Parry: Bush's Way or the Highway

Susan Guest: But He Hasn't Got Anything On!! (1 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: If the Dems... (2 comments)

Rady Ananda: Unfit for Use in ANY Democracy (4 comments)

Len Hart: Human Dignity Lessons for George W. Bush who was planning -before 911 -to commit war crimes abroad (1 comments)

Matt Vrabel: *Iraq Withdrawal - To Timeline or Not to Timeline

Shayne Munger: *Why I Support Congressional Candidate (CA-11) Jerry McNerney to Dump Richard Pombo (1 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush's Political Prisoners

Barton Kunstler: U.S.-Israel-Iran Alliance: The Great Game Updated (4 comments)


Timothy Gatto: *Let's Fight "The War on Fear"

Dave Lindorff: Impeachment Talk and Rumors of (More) War (7 comments)

Mickey Z.: Threats: Real and Imagined

Joel S. Hirschhorn: POLITICIZING CONSUMER POWER (2 comments)

Kenny (Hawk) Peters: Veteran's Plea to Fight to Take Back America

Charles Sullivan: What if they gave a War? (13 comments)

Angie Tibbs: Charles Sullivan: Fighting Capitalism One Essay at a Time (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: An Open Letter to My Old Harvard Classmate, Tom Ridge (4 comments)

thepen: The Dog Ate Bush's WAR CRIMES Defense

Frank J. Ranelli: How Bush Failed Jesus and the Return of the Christian Crusade (5 comments)

Sunday, September 17:

David Sirota: The Prima Donnas Endangering A Democratic Victory In 2006

Phil Rockstroh: Within The Gated Subdivision Of The American Mind: A Monument To My Comfort Zone

Joan Brunwasser: Letter to the Voting Integrity Editor: Where the heck are those Democrats?


Michael Leon: The "Real" George Allen Flops on Meet The Press Debate (1 comments)

Mary Howe Kiraly: Our reporter on the ground in Maryland dissects WaPo lead story

Linda Zoblotsky: On this Vital Amendment to protect Horses from Slaughter (3 comments)

eileen fleming: Feminists Respond to Pope's Faux Pas (2 comments)

Steven Leser: Pinellas County Democratic Party Shows Need for New Model

Joan Brunwasser: A Sensible Solution to the Election Integrity/Voting Machine Crisis? What do you think?

Rob Kall: Dump the WTO, NAFTA and CAFTA and Bring Back Tariffs (14 comments)

sameh abdelaziz: The big bad wolf will eat US!

Jan Allen: It's Time To Develop A North American Union Financial Survival Plan

Aja Thomas: *Pretend I'm Dying

Larry Sakin: The Government We Deserve (4 comments)

John Carey: Vietnam: Human Rights Housecleaning and Prisoner Release Before Greater U.S. Economic Openness (2 comments)

Saturday, September 16:

Roland Sheppard: The Civil Rights Movement is Dead and So is the Democratic Party (3 comments)

Stephen Soldz: Does McCain realize he was had?

Bill Wetzel: Why is "Girly-Man" acceptable, and "Macaca" not? (7 comments)

Neal AbuNab: Good riddance to Dick DeVos

Tom Hayden: Withdraw from Iraq Or Carve It Up? (1 comments)

Mick Youther: Republicans Found Guilty of Domestic Abuse (4 comments)

Rob Kall: Gas Price Manipulation to Influence Elections? (2 comments)

Ann Wright: A Camp for Democracy in US Capital

Jeff Cohen: Smoking Gun: Washington Post Hires Top Bush Speechwriter

Uri Avnery: Help! Peacemongers!

Bill Douglas: "Good Night, and Good Luck" -- WMD, NIST, Popular Mechanics, 9/11 and Media Crimes (8 comments)

Gabe Heilig: A Planetary Agenda for America

Timothy Gatto: Network News: An Epitaph

Steven Leser: Bush - A modern day Marie Antoinette and the best friend Bin Laden could have (1 comments)

Rev. Bill McGinnis: Torture Of Prisoners Is An Obvious Sin Which No Christian Should Ever Support (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Digging More Holes For Ourselves In Iraq (2 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Imperialism 101 - The US Addiction to War, Mayhem and Madness

Thom Hartmann: Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes (5 comments)

John Carey: Powell's Momentous Moment (11 comments)

Matt Vrabel: *(A Winning) 2008 Democratic Presidential Strategy - Choice with Conviction (6 comments)

Friday, September 15:

Timothy Gatto: Christian America? Think Again (8 comments)

Kenneth Anderson: The Winds of November (1 comments)

James Brett: Terrorism and Islam and Our Response (9 comments)

Stephen Dinan: Lady Liberty (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: 9/11, Jury Duty, and What America is Demanding of Us Right Now

Mary Kiraly: Two Words That Can Change the Course of an Election (3 comments)

Rachel Gladstone-Gelman: Humans...and a Simple Message

Don Williams: A life and death struggle in miniature

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Impeach Condi? (4 comments)

Jason Miller: Loving Labor's Losses:

Lawrence Velvel: Re: The Pretexter Stain: Let History Know You Want To Be Included Out. (4 comments)


Rob Kall: Rob Kall: Sink the $50 Million Swift Boat Fleet Before It Arrives (8 comments)

Sherwood Ross: Bush's Brutal Captive Interrogation Tactics Wrong Approach

Missy Comley Beattie: The Insecurity of Immorality (1 comments)

John Carey: Disagreement At The Highest Level of the U.S. Government (1 comments)

J R: Welcome to Neo-Fascism 101 (1 comments)

Nicola Nasser: Are Tehran and Washington in collusion or in collision in Baghdad (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Seeking Both the Defeat of the Bushites and the Reclamation of American Culture (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: Why I hate America (16 comments)

Thursday, September 14:

Robert Raitz: Have you noticed the Gas Price Drop? (5 comments)

John Perry: The Path FROM 9/11 (2 comments)

Josh Mitteldorf: An Independent, Public Interest Exit Poll

Dorri Steinhoff: Please Rate the Princeton Video on Stealing Votes up at Google and You Tube (1 comments)

John St.John: Sovereignty

Robert Jensen: 5 years later, it's clear the anti-war movement was right

Jane Stillwater: Be very afraid: 10 things that are FAR more scary than "terrorists" (3 comments)

Len Hart: Bush's Orwellian campaign of deception, distraction, and linguistic legerdemain

Dave Lindorff: Signs of Fear at the White House (3 comments)

Thom Hartmann: Thom Hartmann; Free Public Education; Why We Should Have it, Why the Cons Hate it (6 comments)

Sherman Yellen: How America got Moused by the Right

Rev. Bill McGinnis: How To Steal The Next Election Using The Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting Machine, Or Others Like It

Joel S. Hirschhorn: A Fat Tax For Fat Cats (1 comments)

Felix Winslow: Atheists Among Us (5 comments)

Elaine Sloan: Beating Breast Cancer With A Healthy Vegan Diet (1 comments)

John Carey: Freedom Of Speech, Media Continue to Face Restrictions in Cuba, China, Vietnam and Iran (4 comments)

Dale Hill: American Airlines - It's Time To Sue ABC (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush, Evil, and a Third Awakening (2 comments)

Ernest Partridge: The Scorpion, The Frog, and the Corporation (6 comments)

Wednesday, September 13:

Timothy Gatto: *"American Caesar"

Donald Archer: "Voodoo" Politics

Michael Bonanno: The Downside of the Growing Popularity of Alternate 9/11 Theories (2 comments)

Gary DeVaney: *Another Bush confession

TED BOHNE: Afganistan lives or dies with the poppies

David Swanson: Verdict: Bush Is Guilty (1 comments)

Bob Portune: Tony Snow; Liberal Secret Weapon

Faith Carr: The WORLD CAN'T WAIT?? Neither Can I (2 comments)

Cheryl Dykstra: I'd Be Crying Too (2 comments)

Jan Baumgartner: International Day of Peace

Missy Comley Beattie: Forever Entwined With Sadness (3 comments)

Manuel Valenzuela: Two Axioms of 9/11 (1 comments)

Scott Shuster: Brace Yourself for Swift Boat Season (4 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: *Defining Fascism, Then and Now (12 comments)

Oscar Wegner: "Are You Crazy?" (1 comments)

Linda Zoblotsky: Peace is Practical

sameh abdelaziz: The untold story of accountability and security (Healthcare & Homeland)

Jay Daverth, PhD: Disney's October Surprise (1 comments)

John Carey: Bush Never Properly Defined the War (8 comments)

Ezekiel: "Nuke" Americans First (7 comments)

Tuesday, September 12:

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Democracy Israeli Style (1 comments)

Lawrence Fiarman: It's Time To Get Back Onto Lincoln's Path (1 comments)

Cindy Sheehan: Hey George (4 comments)

Felix Winslow: A Critique of the theist way of seeing

Peggy McCann: The Trauma Will Be Televised: Post 9/11 Disorder (3 comments)

TED BOHNE: Of Course George (Adolf Hitler) Bush has no decency!


Dave Wheelock: YoYo Economics a Poor Disguise for Class Warfare

Suzanne Arena: Cell Phones & Children – Hazardous Mix? (1 comments)

Bobby Richardson: From Heroes To Zeroes (1 comments)

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: "The Flying Wi-Fi": Working Out the Bugs

Dale Hill: Really, What We Have Learned After 9/11?

Muhammad Khurshid: Pakistan's Bid to Justify Deal With Taliban

Dave Lindorff: Bush Mourning 9-11? Oh Sure! (2 comments)

Wayne Nicholson: Is British Petroleum's pipeline story SHMOKE and mirrors?


Ron Fullwood: What War?

Heather Moore: Schools Should Start Students Off Right By Providing Plant-Based Meals (3 comments)

Carlos T Mock: The Emperor Has No Clothes!

Karen Fish: The Koran Commands Endless 911's (3 comments)

Mark Petersen: Anything But Scriptural

Mary Pitt: The Disgraceful Plight of American Poor (2 comments)

Mary Lou Byrd: I have questions:

David Swanson: Be At Camp Democracy This Weekend

Russ Wellen: The Fear Factor Is More Than Just a Reality Show (2 comments)

Sam Vaknin: The Debate about Cloning (1 comments)

Robert Chapman: What to do

Anthony Wade: Bush Shamelessly Exploits the Dead, Hijacks our Shared Memories and Pain (7 comments)

Nafeez Ahmed: Interrogating 9/11: No Theory, Just Facts (2 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Criminally Negligent Federal Officials (10 comments)

Walter Brasch: The Bush Magical Mystery Political Capital Tour

Monday, September 11:

Debi Smith: An End to Our Illusion

Todd Huffman, M.D.: In Memoriam (1 comments)

SDrobny: Terrorism: "The Power Of Nightmares" (1 comments)

Donald Archer: Branding America

Mohamed Al-Azaki: Al-Qaeda, Muslims are Infidels of Bush's "Freedom Agenda"

Greg Palast: Palast Charged with Journalism in the First Degree (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: Why Blogs? (2 comments)

Rabbi Michael Lerner: Social Repentance on 9/11 (1 comments)

David Swanson: Dedicating September 11th to Bush

Rev. Bill McGinnis: What Bush Did Wrong On 9-11

Dave Lindorff: Commemorating 9-11 by Impeaching the President

By Sheila Samples: NO MERCY (3 comments)

Jay Daverth, PhD: September 11th - The Wooden Anniversary

Angelo Venturelli: An alternative to war

Rob Kall: Fox News is tanking. Other Cable News Networks Up

Rich Herschlag: Fly Paris Hilton Airlines (1 comments)

Nafeez Ahmed: Bush's Macabre Dance of Death with Bin Laden (or "why we're all losers in this 'war'")

Rob Kall: Depending on Disney-Like Media to Elect Progressives (4 comments)

Joshua Frank: How the 9/11 Truth Movement Ignores Reality (12 comments)

Missy Comley Beattie: Theater of the Absurd: Bush Visits 9/11 Sites

Ron Fullwood: Stirring Up The Dust At Ground Zero

Mary Shaw: Instead of true leadership, five years of this

Bob Burnett: The Legacy of 9/11

Phil Rockstroh: Mr. Rove's Opus of Deception: 9/11 And The Lonesome Ballad of Blind Willie McMansion. (2 comments)

Sunday, September 10:

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: The Path to 9/11 Leads Through Disney to David Horowitz - and his NeoConning friends

Joe Plummer: The 911 Truth Movement

Stephen Osborn: A Time to Heal

Debby Bodkin: "The Path" (1 comments)

Kim Gongre: GOP Pin Hopes On Attack Ads, How Very Apropos

Rob Kall: Disney/ABC's Swan Song (22 comments)

Donald Archer: Our Right to Know, and Debate: The Media's Role in a Democratic Society

Jason Miller: Let Them Eat Candy:

Jane Stillwater: Credit where credit is due: Monetary survival in middle-class America (4 comments)

Rev. Bill McGinnis: It Is Never Necessary For People To Sin, Even In Politics Or In A Just War (14 comments)

Thom Hartmann: Thom Hartmann: The Lie of the Free Market; Tax and SpendLiberals; Weapons in the War on the Middle Class (8 comments)

Joel Peskoff: You Are Either With Us Or You Are With The Fascists (2 comments)

eileen fleming: *9/11, Bob Dylan, a beautician and me


Joel S. Hirschhorn: David Brooks: Spokesman for Economic Elitists (1 comments)

John Carey: Five Years After 9/11 What Do We Have? Disunion in the Union (9 comments)

sameh abdelaziz: September 11, the day I remember (2 comments)

Mark E. Smith: An Open Letter to Senator John Kerry (3 comments)

Jay Diamond: Open Letter to Robert Iger (1 comments)

thepen: Filing F.E.C. Complaints Against ABC/Disney Made EASY

Bennet Kelley: The September 10th President

Saturday, September 9:

Jayne Lyn Stahl: What Better Way...

Rebecca Mercuri: *Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to VETO AB 2948 (1 comments)

Friday, September 8:

Dale Hill: When The Levees Broke - an HBO Special

Lawrence Fiarman: The Next Five Years of Fear

Scott Shuster: More Lies - Bush Finally Comes Clean On Secret CIA Prisons (1 comments)

Donald Archer: "Cro-Magnon" Mindset: The 21st century is leaving the U.S. in the dust

Timothy Gatto: *Who's Killing Uncle Sam?

Bob Portune: Texas Torquemada (2 comments)

Mary Collins: *Let Truth Win

Carlos T Mock: Is Karl Rove desperate, crazy or a genius? (1 comments)

Shayne Munger: Oh What a Spin We're In

jack bard: George D. W. "Dead Wrong" Bush; A review of GWB's failed policies

Mickey Z.: Self-Help in the Land of Denial

Stephen Dinan: The Republican Party Needs to Feel the Consequences

Jane Stillwater: Low Rent District: Spending the night at the Berkeley Public Library (5 comments)


John St.John: $648,000,000,000 For Defense

John F. Miglio: War on Terror Is Not a War, and It Is Not About Terror (1 comments)

Robert Jensen: Parallel Purges: Academic Freedom in Iran and America (1 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: The Real Road to 9/11 (6 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Sen. Feingold Stands Up Again (6 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Neo-progressives (14 comments)

John Carey: What Is Wrong With Vietnam? (8 comments)

Don Williams: Who Needs a Constitution When You Have A George? (2 comments)

Steve Young: CBS's Free Speech A Rush To Judgement (6 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush and Learning Lessons (1 comments)

Rachel Gladstone-Gelman: Emigrant to Immigrant

Ranjit Goswami: Covert war of dollar against gold amidst overt war against terror (1 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: Democratic Candidate for Ohio, Charles Sanders, Has No "Intellectual Confusion!" (1 comments)

Diane M. Grassi: Post-Katrina Role of Property Insurers Threaten Consumers Nationwide (1 comments)

Thursday, September 7:

June B, Florida: A Pollworker's Report from the Field during Recent Florida Primaries (1 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: The Gift of Opportunity: George W. Bush and The Politics of Word Play (1 comments)

David Sirota: Fear & Loathing In the Senate Democratic Club (1 comments)

Robert Parry: Election 2006 & World War III (16 comments)

David Swanson: This Is What Democracy Sounds Like

Anthony Wade: The Height of Hubris for the Corporate Media and the GOP, Abusing the Collective Sadness and Pain of America (12 comments)

Dale Hill: Bush: Cowboy or Rustler? (3 comments)

Jay Esbe: Humanity's Final, Final Solution: Resistance will be futile.

Robert Chapman: Staying the Course has become the Voyage of the Damned

Dave Lindorff: "Macho" Bush Turns Stoolie Under Pressure (9 comments)

Robert Raitz: Have you noticed? (4 comments)

Charles Sullivan: Ethnic Cleansing in New Orleans (3 comments)

Neal AbuNab: The Neo-Crusaders (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: "The art of lap dining": More from the liberal (sic) media

Wednesday, September 6:

Rob Kall: Boycott Advertisers on ABC's 9/11 Lie Fest (23 comments)

Peggy McCann: Decidering for the Sheep: The President Speaks Out

Michael Watson: Medical Errors and the Litigious Patient

John Carey: Collision Course: The United States and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran (10 comments)

Timothy Gatto: What's Next For Republicans?

Lawrence Velvel: Eric Lomax's "The Railway Man" And Today's America

Nicola Nasser: Palestinian Donors: What Mission?

Carlos T Mock: Americans who still harbor the notion that the U.S. economy is "good" should prepare to be disabused.

Donna Poisl: Immigration Reform: Some signs it is getting closer (1 comments)

James Nimmo: Logically Obese with Religious Candy (2 comments)

John Carey: Collision Course: The United States and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran (1 comments)

Lisa Johnson: Playing Games with GIs Lives (1 comments)

TED BOHNE: Goodbye Steve!, I learned alot!!

Donald Archer: It's No Panacea, but..."P-l-e-a-s-e, Bring Back the Draft!" (1 comments)

Regina Coeli deWinter: Florida Republicans: Brain-Dead & Proud of It

Burton H. Wolfe: *The Common Origin of and Split Between Arabs and Jews - Part Two of an Interview with Professor George E. Mendenhall (1 comments)

John Perry: The Real Danger of Appeasement (1 comments)

Timothy Gatto: *Who is Responsible in Congress?

Walter C. Uhler: Deceit About Iraq: "Things Related and Not"

Liz Rich: What's Really at Stake Here

Dave Lindorff: No Casey? Santorum in Drag? It Must be Labor Day in Pennsylvania (3 comments)

Stephen Soldz: Protecting the Torturers: Bad Faith and Distortions From the American Psychological Association (1 comments)

Philip A. Farruggio: ONE TIME RIGHTS

David Swanson: Come to Camp Democracy

Steve Young: *WEDGIES - Time Again For The Republican Con Game

Jeff Deeney: Remember 9/11; Choking on the Ashes of the Dead (3 comments)

Bob Burnett: Campaign 2006 – Top 10 Senate Races (4 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Because Bin-Laden Says So (3 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: *The Cowardice of Congress (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 5:

Muhammad Khurshid: Pakistan Signs Peace Accord With Taliban (1 comments)

Joshua Frank: The People's Movement in the Middle East

Paul Jacobs: Fascist Fiction

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Do Democrats Deserve Your Vote? (3 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush: Escalating threats in Iraq and elsewhere, but we're 'safer'

Len Hart: Hezbollah will rebuild Southern Lebanon faster than Bushco will rebuild New Orleans (2 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Madame Jane Predicts: "With Bush in jail, a new 9-11 threat is avoided...." (1 comments)

Timothy Gatto: *Why We Don't Have National Healthcare (1 comments)


Thom Hartmann: Thom Hartmann; Democracy and the Middle Class (10 comments)

Jason Miller: Inalienable Human Rights are not Privileges: (1 comments)

Sibel Edmonds & Bill Weaver: The 9/11 Commission: A Play on Nothing in Three Acts (3 comments)

Dale Hill: Neocons Just Can't Multiply!

Manuel Valenzuela: Empire in the Mirror (1 comments)

Lawrence Velvel: Re: Addendum On The IBM Pension Case. (1 comments)

Lawrence Velvel: Re: The Seventh Circuit's Abominable Decision In The IBM Pension Plan Case. (1 comments)

Dale Hill: When Cows Fly, ... er Vote! (2 comments)

Mary Shaw: Santorum Defends Malpractice

Mickey Z.: The evolution will be televised (and maybe podcast, too) (1 comments)

Linda Milazzo: "IT TAKES A WOMAN, BUT HILLARY'S NOT THE ONE" (6 comments)

Rob Kall: Wedge Issues and Winning Issues for Democrats (7 comments)

Monday, September 4:

Donald Archer: David vs. Goliath: Corporate Personhood at Odds with Democracy


Danny Schecter: 911 Redux: Where is that decoder ring when we need it? (1 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: "Some Thoughts on Putting 'Labor' Back in Labor Day

Uri Avnery: When Napoleon Won at Waterloo (1 comments)

David Sirota: The War on Workers (1 comments)

Mick Youther: Fear! Fear! Fear! (1 comments)

Dave Lindorff: America at War: Killiing People in Order to Free Them? (1 comments)

sameh abdelaziz: The untold story of accountability and security!

G.E. Nordell: Be very scared. Be very angry. (6 comments)

Timothy Gatto: *Corporate America = Freedom Lost (3 comments)

Kirk Muse: George W. Bush's lies cost lives (2 comments)

John Carey: Misunderspinning Again: The White House, Administration Can't Get It Right


Burton H. Wolfe: Radio-TV Baseball Announcer Quiz

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Labor Day Lament – Where is Our Economic Shame?

Debi Smith: To Fear or Not to Fear? (2 comments)

Sunday, September 3:

Jane Stillwater: American absolutists' two biggest mistakes: Communist China & Islamistan (1 comments)

Cindy Sheehan: Obligations

Carlos T Mock: When will the Bush administration admit the obvious about Iraq?

Cathie Bird: Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Kim Gongre: More Than Just A Paycheck A Labor Day To Remember

Mark Crispin Miller: Psst! The Fix Is In (and what you can do about it) (1 comments)

thepen: Dem Candidate Has Guts To Run Ad DCCC Pulled (5 comments)

Neal AbuNab: The war of Jesus and Allah (3 comments)

Muhammad Khurshid: Are Terrorists Winning the War? A View From the Pak-Afghan Border (1 comments)

eileen fleming: This week in Israel..... Behind the news with Gershon Baskin

Michael Shelby: Election Reform or Something Else Entirely? No Easy Answers Here (1 comments)

Michael Shelby: Resisting the Death-Knell of the Republic (2 comments)

Rob Kall: Who Is Israel's Best Friend? (10 comments)

Steve Bhaerman: Politics Inside and Outside the Matrix

Mickey Z.: No innocent bystanders in America (1 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Sistani Led His Followers to Elect Iraq's New Regime. Today He Walked Away

Ezekiel: Cognitive Dissonance (10 comments)

Saturday, September 2:

Steven Leser: Ohio Election – Blackwell's Spokesperson has Changed from LoParo to Lee but the Lies Remain the Same (4 comments)

Mal Burns: Commonalities?

John Perry: Fascist Smoke and Mirrors (3 comments)

Robert Chapman: Iraq's occupation caused our defeat in the Global War on Terror (2 comments)

G.E. Nordell: Paleo-Capitalism {WMail #40} (2 comments)

Michael Nolan: America, Is Your Soul Dead?

Dale Hill: One Step From The Classroom to Iraq

Cathryn Sykes: How Dare Bush Compare Himself to Washington?

Jane Stillwater: The Burning Man grand finale: Setting 400 billion dollar bills on fire

Rev. Bill McGinnis: *U. S. Forces Can Never Defeat The Terrorists In Iraq - They Have An Infinite Supply Of Replacements, And We Do Not.

Don Williams: A bear came out of the woods, took note, moved on...

David Swanson: The Cablization of Network News (1 comments)

Nafeez Ahmed: CENSORED: The NY Times "Terror Plot" Expose They Don't Want You (Brits) to Read

Joel Hirschhorn: For Labor Day: A Look At America's Upper Class (1 comments)

Charles Sullivan: Why I am a Terrorist (15 comments)

john miglio: Who Really Starts Alll the Wars in the World? (7 comments)

Friday, September 1:

David Swanson: Vets and Military Families to Welcome Congress Back

Stephen Dinan: Learning from Hezbollah (1 comments)

Bob Wilson: Voter IDs: Pros and Cons

Jane Stillwater: Burning Man: The Good & the Bad (and the Evil Twin)


Robert Chapman: Don't believe Rumsfeld's statement about appeasement (3 comments)

David Swanson: Veterans and Military Families to Open Camp Democracy September 5th

Jason Miller: It's the American Way or the Highway:

Robert Parry: Smearing Joe Wilson, Again (1 comments)

David Sirota: GOP Bankruptcy Vote Comes Back to Crush U.S. Troops

Carlos T Mock: Puerto Rico, Past , Present, and "Future" (1 comments)

Joel Hirschhorn: Wake Me From This Dream

Steve Young: Rewriting the Wrong Side of History... And The Liberal Media™ That Allows It

Ron Fullwood: Bush's War On Ideology

Russ Wellen: Nuclear Virgins (2 comments)

Jody Holder: Representation by the Consent of the Governed? (6 comments)

Jay Esbe: Fish or cut bait? Democrats better decide fast. (1 comments)

Missy Comley Beattie: An Endangered Species: Leaders of Conscience (1 comments)

Rev. Bill McGinnis: If Bush Orders The Bombing Of Iran Without Congressional Authorization, The Military Must Disobey. (4 comments)


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