Archives for General News
January 2008
Thursday, January 31:
Margaret Bassett: Marc Ash | My Interview With Rep. Henry Waxman (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Soldier Suicides at Record Level (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: G.O.P. Exodus in House Bodes Ill for Fall Success
Sheila Samples: Official: Bush's 2009 budget to be tight
Sheila Samples: Want To Cross The Border? Bring ID
Cheri Roberts: Publicizing Truths with Consequence, When Great Minds Think Alike (6 comments)
Press Release: Watch John McCain become Dr. Strangelove
Joan Brunwasser: Broward County Voters Give 110% in Florida Primary!
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 31, 2008
Cenerentola: VOV 1/30/08: Around the Country and the Counties
Joan Brunwasser: Battle for Election Integrity 'Fought and Won by Activists' Says LATimes in 2,800-Word, 2-Part Series Which Doesn't Both
Dave Lindorff: Crime of the Century: Time for Congress to Stand Up (11 comments)
Sheri Myers: *Your Democracy Needs YOU! Not too late in L.A.
George Washington: Publicizing Truths with Consequence, When Great Minds Think Alike (3 comments)
Rob Kall: Clinton to 9/11 Truther; "Look Like Idiots" Now Go Away (11 comments)
keith harmon snow: Over Five Million Dead in Congo? Fifteen Hundred People Daily? (3 comments)
Rady Ananda: Vote machine transparency elusive as ever
Aaron Glantz: Record Number of Army Suicides (1 comments)
Cathy Garger: Toxic Terror in San Francisco (2 comments)
Munich: Ex-9/11 Panel Chief Denies Secret White House Ties
Dan Lion: The Century of the Self (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Canada PM issues Afghan ultimatum (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Tighter ID Rules for U.S. Border Begin
Russ Wellen: 9/11 Commissioner Zelikow Interfered with Report (1 comments)
Kevin Lindsay: Australian Writes About Boycott of U.S. Products There (2 comments)
Michael Collins: FBI targets senior bankers in far-reaching sub-prime fraud inquiry
Wednesday, January 30:
Sheila Samples: Iraq: US military extends its offensive into the northern city of Mosul
Sheila Samples: FBI probes 14 companies over home loans
Sheila Samples: Think tank: Surge now needed in Afghanistan
Sheila Samples: U.S. Rep. Davis to Retire, Ending 14-Year Tenure in Congress
Sheila Samples: Democrats Slam Mukasey on Waterboarding
Sheila Samples: At White House, a Second Look at Iraq Troop Cuts
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 30, 2008
Michael Richardson: Conflicting dynamite testimony by police detailed to Nebraska Supreme Court raises doubt in 1971 Black Panther case (1 comments)
Press Release: Youth Vote Surge Continues - More than Triples in Sunshine State
steven freeman: New Blogs on Foreign election fraud and Foreign Policy and Breach of NH chain of custody
Mary Ann Gould: Tonight 7-9 PM Radio & Internet Voting Election Report
SuicideKings: Ronald Reagan's Crimes (2 comments)
Laudyms: Full Frontal Scrutiny
Eileen Fleming: "Seven Hours of Terror" in the Little Town of Bethlehem: January 28, 2008 (5 comments)
Andrew Johnson: Scientists See WTC - Hutchison Effect Parallel (11 comments)
Cheri Roberts: Inside Info on Inside Job? (4 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: American Oil companies offered five million dollars to each Iraqi MP to pass the Oil law :: :: informaz
Amanda Lang: Iraq not getting rebuilt from oil cash - Fed Reserve Bank has it
Frank J. Ranelli: John McCain's Platform: 'Less jobs and more wars.'
Frank J. Ranelli: Giuliani 'one of most spectacular flame-outs in history' (1 comments)
Tom Murphy: The Casual Connections between Mormonism and 9/11 Truth (14 comments)
A Massachusetts School of Law Report: I.Q. Tests Damage Test-Takers, Reduce Career Chances
amydemiceli: The IRS Gripes Snipes
The Stiletto: Rudy Eclipsed In The Sunshine State; Hillary Wins The Beauty Contest
Kelly O'Connor: Mike Gravel for President? (2 comments)
Russ Wellen: Nukes in Space (or at Least Lasers) (6 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Political Insider: The Edwards Scenario
Tuesday, January 29:
Sheila Samples: Israel bars aid convoy to Gaza
Sheila Samples: Obama speaks to Jewish voters, backs Israeli positions in talks
Sheila Samples: Haliburton Enjoys $15.3 Billion in Revenue for 2007
Sheila Samples: Kucinich puts off effort to impeach Bush (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Senate to Offer Own Stimulus Package
Sheila Samples: Democrats Work to Subpoena FDA Investigators
Joan Brunwasser: Diebold Issues 'Product Advisory' in Florida About Malfunctions with Optical-Scan Voting Systems
Rob Kall: FL: Rudy Routed, McCain 36 Romney 31, Hillary 51, Obama, 32, Edwards 15
Rob Kall: Washington Liberals Lead Clinton backlash
Joan Brunwasser: Daily Kos' Markos Moulitsas Attacks Election Integrity, Irresponsibly, Yet Again
Joan Brunwasser: BuzzFlash Interview with 'Uncounted' Filmmaker, David Earnhardt
Joan Brunwasser: Connecticut: Bysiewicz Prepared To Eliminate Manual Recounts
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 29, 2008
Aaron Glantz: Bush Signs Vets Bill, Won't Ban Permanent Bases (2 comments)
Laurence A. Toenjes: How much is Senator Lieberman worth -- to John McCain? (1 comments)
the web: Elections '08: On the ground in Florida
Rob Kall: OpEdNews Report on Senate Dem Progressive Media Summit (6 comments)
Russ Wellen: Major New Player on the Progressive Web
the web: Simon & Freeman: The Future of Exit Polling. TUES 29th 8:00pm EST / 5:00pm PST. Election Defense Radio (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: In Too Many Elections, Voters Remain 'Uncounted,' Miscounted or Denied the Right to Vote, As Filmmaker David Earnhardt S
Greg Palast: One Bush Left Behind
Rob Kall: Conyers Tells Rob Kall: Impeachment Not Off the Table; A You Tube Video (115 comments)
Bev Harris: New video - unspinnable details: Breach of NH chain of custody (6 comments)
A Massachusetts School of Law Report Posted by Sherwood Ross: Americans Fed "Infotainment" By TV on Iraq War (1 comments)
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Why Musharraf rebuffs US plan for joint operation in volatile tribal territories?
Russ Wellen: Will Obama's Momentum Carry Over to Super Tuesday?
Monday, January 28:
Aaron Glantz: Where the Republicans Stand on Iraq (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Gore's Media Co. Is Going Public
Munich: Bush: US will 'confront' Iran if necessary (2 comments)
the web: How to Protect Yourself: Attorney's Advice - No Charge
Joan Brunwasser: Senators say White House plans to eliminate special FOIA office (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Republican Candidate Calls for 'Tightening Up' of New Hampshire Election Contest Hand Count Procedures
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 28, 2008
Rady Ananda: Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe
the web: *Stop Telecom Immunity: Call Your Senators NOW!
Luke Ryland: *Sibel Edmonds: 'Buckle up, there's much more coming.' (5 comments)
Gregg Gordon: 'Ancient civilization . . . broken to pieces'
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Toni Morrison endorses Obama
Timothy V. Gatto: Tips for Watching the State of the Union
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: My Hurray for Huckabee's Christianization of the Constitution! (8 comments)
Sheila Samples: Veto of Wiretap Measure Is Threatened
Sheila Samples: At Florida Polls, Touch Screens and Crossed Fingers (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: The FISA Follies, Redux
Sheila Samples: Pakistan Shuns C.I.A. Buildup Sought by U.S.
Sheila Samples: In More Cases, Combat Trauma Is Taking the Stand
Sheila Samples: For Speaker, Calculated Stimulus Steps
Sunday, January 27:
ladybroadoak: *Arrest warrants being issued by states for Bush
The Stiletto: Obama Takes SC By Storm
Dan Lion: Sovereign Wealth Funds = Transfer of Sovereignty to Asia (1 comments)
Emily Spence and Robert Braunstein: Coming To Terms With The Iraq War
Cathy Garger: Hawaiian Pacifists Demand An End to Island Bombings (10 comments)
Laudyms: Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey (1 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 27, 2008
Michael Greenwell: Talking KKK-rap
Jack Lohman: Are we having fun yet?
MJ Creech: Exit Polls in SC
Joan Brunwasser: Dramatic Voices of Dissent: Celebrities Film Zinn's 'The People Speak'
Joan Brunwasser: At Florida Polls, Touch Screens and Crossed Fingers (1 comments)
Gail Jonas: *Help protect our private communications and protect the Internet from a corporate takeover
ACLU: Know Your Rights: What to Do If You Are Stopped by the Police (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: ES&S Misleads Its Customers In Massachusetts
Joan Brunwasser: COLLATERAL TV: New Hampshire & E-Voting 101
tinkie katsav: Gush Shalom - Israeli Peace Organization (1 comments)
Roy Lipscomb: [Updated] Citizens Pull Back the Curtain on Election Mishaps
Martha Rosenberg: Once Colored by Mike Royko, Chicago Newspapers Now Shaped by Money Men Zell and Black (2 comments)
Aaron Glantz: Americans Rally for US Soldiers AWOL in Canada (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Edwards Beats Hillary Among White Voters (26 comments)
Vickie Karp and Karen Renick: VoteRescue Radio Sun. 1/27, 2-4 CST: NH Rehash, & Debbie Stevens!
Margaret Bassett: IRAQ: Critics Fear Pact Will Tie Next President's Hands (2 comments)
Heather Wokusch: Anti-Bush Facebook Group Hits One Million: Best-selling Political Activism Author Gives Away Books
Saturday, January 26:
Rady Ananda: US slides into dangerous 1930s 'liquidity trap' (6 comments)
andi novick: Sunday, 1/27, Poughkeepsie, NY- You can prevent our elections from being stolen
Marisa Taylor: *Immigration Officials Detaining, Deporting American Citizens (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Orbiting U.S. spy satellite could crash to Earth (6 comments)
Rob Kall: Obama overwhelms Clinton in SC; "This Election is about the Past vs. the Future" (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Jaguars at risk as US blocks their border crossing (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush Order Expands Network Monitoring
Sheila Samples: AG Nixes Special Prosecutor in CIA Case (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Navy Resumes Use of Sonar off California
Sheila Samples: Gulf War POWs Push for Iraqi Reparations
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 26, 2008
Luke Ryland: UK Times: Brewster Jennings outed by 'treasonous' US govt official in 2001, not 2003 (3 comments)
delia: U.S. climate change policy isn't likely to change after Bush
Rob Kall: Leahy And Cornyn: White House Trying To "˜Eliminate' FOIA Office (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Poll: Paul Pulls 50+% of 18-24 Vote, Twice as Many Women (1 comments)
Rob Kall: NYPD analysis opposed WTC command center site
Dan Lion: Impeachment Statement by Presidential Candidate Senator Mike Gravel
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: What Future Generations Will Say About Ron Paul (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush confident about economy, urges stimulus
Sheila Samples: Like FBI, CIA Has Used Secret 'Letters'
Sheila Samples: U.S. Cannot Manage Contractors In Wars, Officials Testify on Hill (2 comments)
Friday, January 25:
Sheila Samples: U.S. Troops 'Ready' to Aid Pakistan
Sheila Samples: Exclusive | Edwards rises in S.C. polls
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 25, 2008
Joan Brunwasser: NH VIDEO: 'Shame of Custody' - Breakdown in Ballot Storage Procedures in New Hampshire Primary 'Recount'
Joan Brunwasser: NH Secretary of State Calls For Temporary Halt in Republican Hand Count, Candidate Albert Howard Objects
Aaron Glantz: Investigative Report: How Washington Cheats Veterans out of the Benefits They've Earned
Greg Palast: South Carolina Primary Colors: Black and White? (2 comments)
Sherwood Ross: Eminent Legal Scholar Hits ABA Approach to Learning
After Downing Street: Romney used a prompter in TV debate (1 comments)
M. Davis: Language obsession riles writers and fuels social engineering (3 comments)
Dan Lion: The Duty of Congress
Rob Kall: Poll: Edwards up 40% in Last 4 Days in SC. Obama down 10% (17 comments)
Susan Pynchon: Florida's Vanishing Votes
Bev Harris: Hot on the trail of Democracy: NH recount video evidence (3 comments)
Thursday, January 24:
Vickie Karp: Hot on the Trail of Democracy: 48 Hours in New Hampshire
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 24, 2008
Joan Brunwasser: New Hampshire: Primary vote recount and impeachment (1 comments)
reprinted from the web: Obama Files a Nevada Complaint
Joan Brunwasser: Democrat Kucinich quits White House race (14 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: New Hampshire Sec. of State Appears to Lie to Media About Kucinich Hand Count (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: LOU DOBBS VIDEO: SC Set to Use Bad Voting Machines Again Saturday, CO Finally Getting a Clue...
Sheila Samples: Al Gore -- Climate change 'significantly worse' than feared (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: BREAKING -- Kucinich drops presidential bid
Michael Richardson: Nebraska Supreme Court to review 1971 COINTELPRO case against Black Panthers (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Tentative Deal Reached on Economic Stimulus Package
Sheila Samples: Terrorism Probe Points to Reach Of Web Networks
Sheila Samples: Senate Opens Debate On Wiretap Measure
Sheila Samples: Bush's Second Child Insurance Veto Stands in House
Aaron Glantz: 935 False Statements Lead US to War in Iraq
Yvona Fast: *Be Patriotic: Go Shopping!
Dan Lion: The Real State of the Union... Call Bush's Bluff
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Islam-West division is worsening (2 comments)
Laudyms: Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told
Gregg Gordon: Iraq Veterans to Testify at Their Own 'Winter Soldier'
Allegra Dengler: *Republicans refuse to caucus unless DRE touchscreen is approved as a ballot marking device
Joan Brunwasser: EXCLUSIVE: Kucinich Letter Cites Miscounts in NH, Requests State Carry Out 'Complete and Accurate Recount of All Ballots
Russ Wellen: Kerry Speaks Out on "Swiftboating" (1 comments)
JayD: No cost tips for saving energy and money
Cenerentola: History Made on a.m. 1360: Jennifer Brunner
Russ Wellen: Massive Munitions Blast in Mosul
Dave Berman: Humboldt Dems' Subcommittee Advances HCPB Resolution (1 comments)
Wednesday, January 23:
Sheila Samples: Cheney wants surveillance law expanded
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 23, 2008
Susan Pynchon: Florida ABC news station slams ES&S iVotronics
Joan Brunwasser: 'Funds Ran Out': Kucinich Hand Count Stops in NH; Republican Albert Howard's NH Hand Count Set to Begin Thursday (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: LA Republican Caucus: Other Candidates Gang Up to Defeat Frontrunner Ron Paul (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Kucinich Starts New Impeachment Drive
Margaret Bassett: Drought Could Force Nuke-Plant Shutdown
Aaron Glantz: More than 72,043 battlefield casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: AT&T Looking at Internet Filtering - Davos meeting
Greg Giroux, CQ Staff: Missouri Governor Blunt Not Running for Re-Election
Richard Mathis: Web Site Assembles U.S. Prewar Claims - New York Times
Dan Ashby: Grassroots Exit Polling on Election Defense Radio today 8-9 EST / 5-6 PST
Sheila Samples: Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told
Tuesday, January 22:
Sheila Samples: Israeli, Palestinian envoys trade blame at the UN over Gaza
Kenneth Briggs: What's new in the US of A
Sheila Samples: False Pretenses -- 935 Lies To Go To War (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: NH Recount Uncovers Discrepancies -- Result of Human Error Officials Say
Rob Kall: Study: Rich Countries Do $1.8 Trillion Damage To Poor Countries
Rob Kall: Group's internal memo points to Obama's struggle with Jewish vote
John Kerry: Kerry Goes into Anti-Swiftboat Mode for Obama (1 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 22, 2008
Patricia Axelrod: We need an army of election activists in Nevada and beyond
Press Release: Edwards wins SC debate
Joan Brunwasser: Forget About Privacy with Absentee/Vote-by-Mail Ballots in Riverside County, CA
Michael Fox: The Few, The Proud, The Vulnerable (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Fewer Army recruits have diplomas (2 comments)
Evelyn Pringle: Jury Trials In 2008 Expected To Expose SSRI Maker's Dirty Secrets
Sheila Samples: Padilla Sentenced to More Than 17 Years in Prison
Sheila Samples: White House Has No Comprehensive Email Archive
Sheila Samples: Fred Thompson Drops Out of the Presidential Race
Sheila Samples: Lone Democratic SEC Commissioner to Leave
Sheila Samples: 6 Powers Agree on Draft Iran Sanctions
Sheila Samples: Attorneys probe deepens
Mary Ann Gould: Wed: Ohio Secretary of State to Talk Live With Citizens on Radio and the Internet & Important News from S.C.
Joan Brunwasser: (Butch & Hoppy) + Post-It Notes = NH's Chain of Custody
Margaret Bassett: Obama's relationship with alleged fixer goes back 17 years
Luke Ryland: UK media slams US media on Sibel Edmonds case
Meryl Ann Butler: Did Wolf Blitzer Invite Kucinich And Gravel To CNN Debate?
Aaron Glantz: Bill O'Reilly Doubts There are Homeless Veterans
Margaret Bassett: Italian govt nears collapse after key Prodi ally defects
Dan Lion: Ports See Decline, Still Busy
Dave Lindorff: The Bush Dollar Trap (2 comments)
Mark Goldes: New Energy Source May Turn Cars into Cash Cows! (2 comments)
Dan Lion: SHELL GAME, BY STEVE ALTEN, A Review By Carolyn Baker
Mike Colpitts: Watch Out for The Depression (4 comments)
Joel Wendland: Detroit Exhibition Celebrates Paul Robeson's Life
Dan Lion: Do Cholesterol Drugs Do Any Good?
Rob Kall: Candidate economic plans; Solutions or Pandering?
Laura H. Kahn: A Dangerous Biodefense Path
RLAnchors: Campaign Bumper Stickers for 2008
Sheila Samples: France Says New Iran Resolution Imminent
Monday, January 21:
Sheila Samples: Pentagon Report on Iraq War: 1 In 5 Vets Have "Traumatic Brain Injuries"
Sheila Samples: Highly Skilled And Out Of Work
Sheila Samples: Debate Over Getting Rebates to the Poor (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Pentagon Weighs Top Iraq General as NATO Chief
Sherwood Ross: Boycotts of U.S. Brands Affecting Economy (4 comments)
Patricia Axelrod: Reno Gazette reports Nevada Dem Caucus Results
Mark Crispin Miller: Clinton/Bush plays Vegas (2)
Sheila Samples: Grim News For State Budgets
Sheila Samples: Stocks Plunge Worldwide on Fears of a U.S. Recession
George Washington: Dr. William F. Pepper: The New York City Ballot Initiative & the Re-investigation of 9/11 By an Independent Citizens Com
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 21, 2008
Dan Morain: Obama Passes on Donations
Pokey Anderson: Who Counts in New Hampshire? And, are Diebold memory cards forgetful?
Rob Kall: Black Monday! Stock Markets Plunge Worldwide (5 comments)
A Massachusetts School of Law Report: Hollywood Cashing In On War Movies
Michael Richardson: Florida law school to help U.S. Virgin Islands draft constitution
Luke Ryland: Dan Ellsberg slams MSM's failure re Sibel Edmonds (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: LA Times Editor Fired in Budget Dispute
Martha Rosenberg: Is Gourmet Slaughter by Chefs the Solution to Factory Farm Abuses?
Meryl Ann Butler: AMERICANS OF COLOR AND THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE: Black Agenda Report, MAPA, and Bill Cosby Weigh In (4 comments)
Paddy Shaffer: Ohio Election Justice Campaign Monthly Meeting 1/25 (1 comments)
Bev Harris: At the NH Recount: Holes Hidden In Plain Sight (5 comments)
Sunday, January 20:
Margaret Bassett: Use of gas by Blackwater leaves questions
Margaret Bassett: First Came Katrina, Then Came HUD -- In These Times
Sherwood Ross: The Reader's Digest, "Dangerous Leaders," And The Little Man Who Wasn't There
Joe Allen: Ron Paul Takes Silver in the Silver State (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Sour Grapes Voting Machine Conspiracy Theories in South Carolina...
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 20, 2008
Jan Baumgartner: Hillary Suffers Minor Scrapes and Bruises After Non-Stop Propelling
Eileen Fleming: The Vanunu Saga: 2008 (5 comments)
Dan Lion: Russian army chief: We'll use nuclear weapons if threatened (4 comments)
Daniel Geery: Man With a (bona fide) Plan (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: McCain wins South Carolina; Clinton, Romney take Nevada
Joan Brunwasser: Nashville laptop theft may cost $1 million
Hans Bennett: Philly IMC: Martin Luther King events across Philadelphia
Joan Brunwasser: From the frying pan into the fire? Kenya to adopt electronic voting?
Jennifer Alexander: *Petition to OH SoS to Sue Voting Machine Vendors for Product Liability (1 comments)
Dan Lion: Denver lawyer seeks to depose Cheney in assault case
Dan Lion: According to Harold Bloom, "What We Are Seeing Is...the Fall of America"
Rob Kall: Women, Latinos Propel Clinton To First Place (1 comments)
Mike Colpitts: Worst Real Estate Market Forecasts in 2008
Stewart Nusbaumer: Fear On The Campaign Trail (4 comments)
Saturday, January 19:
Rob Kall: Close contest could make Edwards kingmaker (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Canned beans recalled on botulism risk: FDA (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: U.S. army, short of soldiers, sends troops with minor injuries to Iraq (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Supply and Demand - good journalism, good readers
Luke Ryland: UK Times: Official Documents Prove FBI lied to protect US officials (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: CJR: Moving the boundaries single payer healthcare
Margaret Bassett: STLtoday - News - Columnist Jo Mannies
Margaret Bassett: 01/18/2008 | Office in turmoil awaits new attorney general
Margaret Bassett: Deep problems plague U.S. economy, despite stimulus
Joan Brunwasser: E-Voting Train Wreck 2008: The Horry County, SC Disaster
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 19, 2008
Rob Kall: Hillary, Romney Win Nevada, Ron Paul comes in 2nd, McCain Wins SC (8 comments)
Dan Lion: Canada takes U.S., Israel off torture watchlist (3 comments)
lee barbour: Romney wins Nevada as Saturday showdown begins (1 comments)
Martha Rosenberg: Accused of Hiding Drug Dangers Again, Big Pharma Starts 2008 Defending Itself
Margaret Bassett: The Hidden Healthcare Crisis- Children's Dental Care
Sherwood Ross: Bush Arms Fellow Tyrants Around The World (1 comments)
Friday, January 18:
Henry Allred: *Infrastructure Repair Finance Faces Big Brother
Tony Forest: In Subprime Crisis, the Worst Is Yet to Come
Sheila Samples: FEMA Flip-Flops Again on Trailers
Sheila Samples: White House Study Found 473 Days of E-Mail Gone
Sheila Samples: Bush Calls for $145 Billion Economic Aid Package
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 18, 2008
Sheila Samples: U.S. Diplomat Nicholas Burns Stepping Down
Aaron Glantz: Parsing the Democrats' Iraq Plans (1 comments)
Rady Ananda: Canada puts U.S., Israel on torture watchlist -CTV (3 comments)
Lawrence Velvel: Re: Two Matters: The Environmental Crisis As An Economic Opportunity, And John Edwards As An Angry Populist
Lawrence Velvel: Richard Levin: President of Yale And King Of Comedy
ladybroadoak: Global Citizens to Impeach Richard Cheney Petition Launched (7 comments)
Margaret Bassett: CIA blames Al Qaeda, Taliban for Bhutto assassination (2 comments)
Corey Habbas: Election Reflects ICM's Commitment to Minnesota Muslim Community
Luke Ryland: Sibel Edmonds Case: Nukes for sale (Pt 2) (5 comments)
Michael Richardson: Prison Interview: Black Panther Mondo we Langa talks about dynamite "found" at his home (1 comments)
John Lorenz: Chamber of Commerce vows to punish anti-business candidates (2 comments)
Bev Harris: *On the ground in NH: Recount Update (16 comments)
Russ Wellen: Ahmadinejad Fearless in Face of Israeli Ballistic Missile Test
Bev Harris: NH Recount Update: Ballot boxes found slit; NH stops putting ballots in vault (6 comments)
Thursday, January 17:
Margaret Bassett: Zogby International Fear of Recession
Joan Brunwasser: Huge New Diebold Disparities Found in Manchester, Ward 5 During NH Hand Counts
Joan Brunwasser: 'No Problems' in NH Hand Count Says Local Media (Who Apparently Didn't Bother to Check First with Anybody but the SoS) (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Kos Readers Reject Daily Kos Founder, Front-Page Diarists, According to Online Reader Poll (2 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 17, 2008
Mark Adams: URGENT ACTION ITEM on the Air Tonight
Joan Brunwasser: GOP Figure Contracted to Deliver E-Voting Machines in Maryland (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: PBS NEWSHOUR VIDEO: California Voting Machine Security Concerns
Press Release: Campaign for Election Protection kick-off Saturday, Feb. 16th 4pm
Sheila Samples: Two Views in the White House on an Economic Fix
Sheila Samples: Conflicting Interests Present Hurdles to Stimulus Package
Sheila Samples: GAO Report Challenges Effect of Longtime U.S. Sanctions on Iran
Sheila Samples: U.S. Boosts Its Use of Airstrikes In Iraq
Sheila Samples: 3 from Fort Campbell die in Iraq
Sheila Samples: Report Says Iraq Contractors Operate With Impunity
Rob Kall: Obama Joke leaves Colorado Crowd gasping :
Frank J. Ranelli: Incredulously, ACLU sues to block switch to paper ballots! (3 comments)
Frank J. Ranelli: Former Republican Congressman suspected of being fundraiser for terrorists
Frank J. Ranelli: Pelosi puts "contempt" but not "impeachment" back on the table.
Mark Adams JD/MBA: An Open Letter to Senator John Edwards: The Constitution Prohibits Secret Vote Counting! Will You Take Action? (7 comments)
Russ Wellen: Gates and Petraeus Have Different Ideas About Number of US Troops in Iraq
TOM ZUCCO and KRIS HUNDLEY, St. Petersburg Times: In Florida: No Auto for Allstate
Mike Colpitts: Foreclosure Crisis Worsens (7 comments)
Cenerentola: In a Rush Back toward Democracy
Russ Wellen: CentCom Commander Fallon Says Pakistan to Allow in More US Troops
Russ Wellen: White House Recycled Tapes Used to Record Emails
Rob Kall: New inflation data explain middle-class squeeze
Rob Kall: Microsoft seeks patent for office 'spy' software
Cheri Roberts: Ava Lowery, Old Enough to Vote (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Fox & Friends livid at report that Olbermann 'runs MSNBC'
Wednesday, January 16:
Rob Kall: New Huckabee Adviser Called For "˜A Cop In Front Of Every Mosque' Just "˜For Safe Keeping'
Sheila Samples: Tapes Destroyed Over CIA's Objections
Rob Kall: How the Pentagon Planted a False Story (1 comments)
Marge Acosta: Facts About Ballot Printing Costs
Tom Courbat: 39 CA Counties' Election Observer Plans now on SOS Web site
Joan Brunwasser: Paypal Freezes New Hampshire Recount Funds
Sheila Samples: Chertoff says Europe poses terrorism threat (1 comments)
Kelly O'Connor: Muslims suppressing atheism in Turkey
Ken Weiss: *Bush attempts to override protection of marine mammals (1 comments)
Laudyms: Drug Companies' R&D Spending Lags Behind Promotion | Center for Media and Democracy
Dan Lieberman: Face to Face With Hezbollah (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: NEW WORLD DISORDER: 7-year plan aligns U.S. with Europe's economy
Laudyms: How the Pentagon Planted a False Hormuz Story
John Jonik: Private Insurance Is Incompatible With Public Health (2 comments)
Dennis Diehl: Speaking From the Heart Mr. President?
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 16, 2008
Shaun Hawkes: Update on NH Recount
Meryl Ann Butler: Kucinich First in SoCal Straw Poll (4 comments)
Phil Lindsey: *Kucinich NH Recount Update (3 comments)
George Washington: Today is "National Impeachment Call-in Day" (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Rove previews strategies against Clinton, Obama
Bo Lipari: Court Order in DOJ v. NY
Robert Wexler: Cheney Impeachment: Wexler Delivers Names to Congress (13 comments)
Dan Ashby: PBS national airing "Voter Confidence" segment TODAY 3/6 pm PST (1 comments)
Bev Harris: Update from the trenches: Can NH recount chain of custody be rescued? (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: French role in Gulf with planned military base in the U.A.E. (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: White House recycles backup e-mail tapes
Sheila Samples: Station Chief Made Appeal To Destroy CIA Tapes
Sheila Samples: Justice Dept. Cites Obstacles in Blackwater Case
Bo Lipari: *Urgent Action Alert:The Decision On Voting Machines For NY State Is Imminent!
Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: Bob & Harvey's 3-Step "Ohio Plan" for fair and reliable voting and vote counts (3 comments)
Bev Harris: Can NH recount chain of custody be rescued?
Joan Brunwasser: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Exit Polls
Meryl Ann Butler: NBC Fights to Keep Kucinich Out of Debate
ladybroadoak: Conyers and 18 democrats request special prosecutor in missing CIA tapes case (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Single Women Flex Democratic Muscle
Russ Wellen: US Shamed by Tiny Barbados (3 comments)
Richmond Gardner: Liberal blog demonstrates muscle
Tuesday, January 15:
Rob Kall: Kucinich out, Romney Wins, Paul beats thompson and Giuliani (11 comments)
Sheila Samples: Greenspan Signs On With Mortgage Profiteer
Rob Kall: Special counsel sought in CIA tapes case (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Bush Admin Fudged Iraq Gov Budget Numbers to Look Better
Rob Kall: Greenspan joins hedge fund Paulson
Sheila Samples: Iraqis 'Awake' to a New Danger
Sheila Samples: FBI wants instant access to British identity data
Sheila Samples: Ex-Officials Benefit From Corporate Cleanup
Sheila Samples: Ginsburg Is Latest Justice to Reflect on Faith
Sheila Samples: FDA Says Clones Are Safe For Food
Sheila Samples: Pelosi pushes gourmet menu
Sheila Samples: Pelosi Begins Discussions on Stimulus to Economy
Sheila Samples: No Immunity, No Testimony
Mary Ann Gould: Wed: Rep. Rush Holt; Dr. Steve Freeman & Bruce O'Dell on Voice of the Voters, 8pm ET
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 15, 2008
Margaret Bassett: Impeachment Nov 2007 data well presented (3 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Save the National Mall: Government attempting to restrict use of National Mall (2 comments)
Sherwood Ross: Singable Parody re Bush Attack on Iran (3 comments)
sally castleman: Volunteers needed for tomorrow's recount in NH. IMPORTANT that this be observed.
amydemiceli: Tools of Eugenics: Fluoride - 2008 remix (1 comments)
Michael Lubin: Huckabee calls for amending the Constitution "so it's in God's standards" (5 comments)
Frank J. Ranelli: Cheney-style democracy in the Middle-East: "Musharraf: vote disrupters will be shot!"
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Man, this guy is brilliant!
Margaret Bassett: In Baghdad, Rice praises law reintegrating former Baathists
Muhammad Khurshid: Rulers Dirty Game Is Now Being Exposed
Margaret Bassett: The Real Delegate Count
The Nation: NBC Battles to Keep Kucinich Out of the Debate (6 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: 'Send Lawyers, Peace and Money': New Hampshire Election Contests Get Technical, Testy Before They Even Begin
Meryl Ann Butler: KUCINICH TIDE TURNS: Protest Becomes Celebration 01/14/08 (6 comments)
Josh Mitteldorf: Wave of Violence and Murder when Vets return from Iraq
Josh Mitteldorf: Nothing to Fear? What about Fear itself?
Monday, January 14:
Sheila Samples: Escalating Ice Loss Found in Antarctica
Sheila Samples: Beijing Blocks Deal For Citigroup Stake
Rob Kall: Judge Grants Kucinich Entry to NV Debate
Nancy Fulton: Stagflation: Inflation's Brutal Big Brother
the web: *Urgent: Help Needed to Fund New Hampshire Recount (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush May Halt Iraq Troop Cutbacks
Sheila Samples: Israel: 'No Options' Out on Iran Nukes
Sheila Samples: US drafting plan to allow government access to any email or Web search (1 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 14, 2008
Joan Brunwasser: European press: It wasn't a miracle - Hillary won via a rigged vote (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: House Democrats Target Bolten, Miers
Dave Lindorff: Things Have Gotten So Crazy Now a Prankster Could Start World War III! (7 comments)
Richard Spisak: Shock & Awe Cartoonarium
Frank J. Ranelli: Ohio Republican legislators assemble in secret to stave off changes to how Ohioans vote
Marc McDonald: "What Would Reagan Do?" Campaign Continues GOP's Creepy Deification Of The Gipper (2 comments)
Alan Miller: *Twenty-five U.S. Military Officers Challenge Official Account of 9/11 (67 comments)
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Imagine a world without Islam! (2 comments)
Ed Rybczynski: One City's Foreclosure Debacle
Skeeter Sanders: UPDATE: Ron Paul Lied to CNN About Writing Racist Newsletters (49 comments)
Stephen Crockett: Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee endorses the Employee Free Choice Act
Angellight: The O-bama Effect!
Hans Bennett: Santa Cruz: Tree Sit Re-suppliers Pepper Sprayed, No Arrests (1 comments)
Nadeem Qureshi: Benazir's Assassination and September 11
Iftekhar Sayeed: From Ceylon to Sri Lanka
Christopher S. Stewart: The Disappearing Man (unedtited version of GQ article)
Margaret Bassett: Iran promises to come clean on its nuclear program
Russ Wellen: Investors Flocking to Gold
Margaret Bassett: Mexican Authorities Move to Crush Copper Strike
Mark Adams JD/MBA: *South Carolina Elections Are UNCONSTITUTIONAL!?! (15 comments)
Sunday, January 13:
Rob Kall: New organs hope as scientists use cells to grow beating heart
Rob Kall: Bush Mideast speech draws cool response
Rob Kall: Campaign exposes deep rifts in GOP coalition
Sheila Samples: White House Secrecy Starts to Give
Sheila Samples: Bush visits Fifth Fleet amid Iran tensions
Sheila Samples: Huckabee: Evangelical Christians Now Have a Chance to Lead GOP
Sheila Samples: Intelligence Chief Couches Reference to Waterboarding as 'Torture'
Sheila Samples: Bush insists Iran biggest terror sponsor
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 13, 2008
Pokey Anderson: 6:40 pm CDT: Monitor radio Tonight -Dori Smith looks at LHS and New Hampshire
Bill Perry - Delaware Valley Veterans for America: Bus marked "IVAW" mysteriously totaled by FIRE (1/11/08) (2 comments)
Dori Smith: Diebold Voting Machine Failures Found Across State During New Hampshire Primary (7 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: The REAL Question (for now) About New Hampshire
Sheila Samples: AP Exclusive: Repairs to Blackwater convoy vehicles could complicate Baghdad shooting inquiry
Sheila Samples: Across America, Deadly Echoes of Foreign Battles
Sheila Samples: CITGO, Venezuela Distribute Oil To U.S. Services
Sheila Samples: Iran Encounter Grimly Echoes ’02 War Game
Sheila Samples: U.S. Issues National ID Standards, Setting Stage for a Showdown
Saturday, January 12:
Mark Crispin Miller: Pre-election "house calls" in NH
Mark Crispin Miller: Hanky Panky in Democrats' Primary Run
Vickie Karp and Karen Renick: VoteRescue Radio Sun.1/13,2-4 CST: Focus on New Hampshire
Joan Brunwasser: YouTube: REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER: Election Fraud Roundtable (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush Says No Decision on Troop Levels
Sheila Samples: Cleveland Sues 21 Lenders Over Subprime Mortgages
Sheila Samples: China and Prince Alwaleed to invest in Citigroup: report
Sheila Samples: Baghdad Embassy Is Called A Fire Risk
Sheila Samples: Edwards Will Face a Moment of Truth After South Carolina Primary (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: CRITICAL READ: 'A Soldier's Officer'
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 12, 2008
Margaret Bassett: Protesters Demand Guantanamo Close: 80 Arrested
Margaret Bassett: U.S. attorney's office accused of anthrax case leaks (2 comments)
Rev. Robert Vinciguerra: Real ID is Coming to Town
Dan Lion: Seven Steps to a Homeland Security Campus
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: And What About The Innocent Americans and Others Held Hostage By Insane Terrorists In W.D.C.? (5 comments)
Zenophon Abraham: Dennis Kucinich Asks For NH Vote Recount With Impact On Obama, Clinton, and Media - Video Report
Kenneth Carroll: Open Letter to Ron Paul (5 comments)
Susan Guest: The Ghost of CPI Future
Better World Order: Mysterious crowd suddenly stopped Bhutto's car, officer says
Brasch: ACLU Chapter Proposes Impeachment Proceedings (2 comments)
Friday, January 11:
Sheila Samples: Fed boss says 2008 outlook worse
Sheila Samples: Bush: US should have acted on Auschwitz (5 comments)
Sheila Samples: Pakistan Warns US of Entering Border Regions to Fight al-Qaida: Report
Sheila Samples: Eighty Arrested at Protests Calling for Closure of Gitmo
Sheila Samples: Judge in S.F. allows suit charging VA denies some vets health care
Ellen Brown: Patrol Boats in the Straits of Hormuz: Another Gulf of Tonkin Incident? (2 comments)
Rady Ananda: NBC un-plugs Kucinich from Presidential debate
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 11, 2008
Rob Kall: Paul Warns Against Rush To War With Iran, All Other GOP Candidates "˜Ready To Attack' (1 comments)
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Taking Back America - Truth and New Hampshire (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Kucinich Granted New Hampshire Recount (8 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Rules finalized for national ID
Lawrence Velvel: Horse Race Rot, Cosmetic Crapola, And The Possible Need For Bloomberg.
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: B. Bhutto, FDR, Reclaiming Illicit, 9,000% Profits, Amid Silence From Candidates (14 comments)
Aaron Glantz: Federal Judge Allows Major Class Action Lawsuit Against the VA
Sheila Samples: US president pledges to return to Middle East in May (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Pound at record low against euro
Dave Lindorff: Diebold Again: Did Hillary Really Win New Hampshire?
Chris Gelken: Is Bush losing his grip on the military? (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Drug 'can reverse Alzheimer's symptoms in minutes'
Daniel Geery: Kucinich Seeks NH Dem Vote Recount (1 comments)
Bev Harris: Recount - Is Dennis Kucinich walking into a trap? (43 comments)
Thursday, January 10:
Rady Ananda: Writers Campaign for Transparent Vote Counting (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Robert Rubin's Hamilton Project | TPMCafe
Sheila Samples: FBI Wiretaps Dropped Due to Unpaid Bills (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Prospects for Fiscal Stimulus in the U.S. Economy (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Blackwater USA steps up lobbying efforts
Sheila Samples: New security rules for driver's licenses
Sheila Samples: Official Version of Naval Incident Starts to Unravel
Press Release: TUTION-FREE LAW SCHOOL for Activists! Kucinich Asks for New Hampshire Recount in the Interest of Election Integrity
Rob Kall: Everest conqueror Edmund Hillary dies
Stephen Crockett: The most exciting talk radio news for the 2008 election so far this year!
Dave Berman: Humboldt Dems May Consider HCPB Resolution
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 10, 2008
the web: *Call your Rep. today: Free Don Siegelman!
Rob Kall: Clinton Relies on Quirky Message Guru
David Earnhardt: "Uncounted" filmmaker David Earnhardt to be on Bob Edwards Show, Friday 1/11 8AM EST (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Blackwater dropped blinding tear gas on Iraqis, US soldiers in 2005
Joan Brunwasser: Bloggers form theory that New Hampshire vote was rigged
Dr. Michael P Byron: Proof Certain
Margaret Bassett: FBI Wiretaps Dropped Due to Unpaid Bills
Margaret Bassett: Ex-Blackwater Employees Sentenced
Margaret Bassett: Anti-Clinton Film Panned As Advertising
Sheila Samples: For U.S., The Goal Is Now 'Iraqi Solutions'
Sheila Samples: 3,000 More Marines to Afghanistan
Sheila Samples: Fort Carson Ring Linked to G.I. Deaths (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Massive U.S. Airstrike Hits Baghdad
Sheila Samples: Ex-CIA Official May Refuse To Testify About Videotapes
Dennis Diehl: God Revokes Holy Land Status--All Agree It's Time to "Pull It" (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: McCain, Clinton wins may soothe Wall Street worries
George Washington: ABC News: Voices on Recording May Not Have Been From Iranian Speedboats
Sheila Samples: 2005 Use of Gas by Blackwater Leaves Questions
Margaret Bassett: New survey of Iraqi death toll: 151,000
Joan Brunwasser: Chris Matthews: Raw EXIT POLL Data 'Indicated Significant Victory' for Obama in NH (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: 7 Point Swing for Clinton Over Obama in NH's Diebold Precincts
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Why Pakistanis see US bigger threat than Al Qaeda?
amydemiceli: *"Hey Ron Paul, I'm in your primary stealing your v0tez " (12 comments)
Sheila Samples: CIA Whistle-Blower Philip Agee Dies in Cuba (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Partisanship surfaces in Supreme Court arguments over voter-ID law
Sheila Samples: Judge won't inquire into CIA tapes case (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Women’s Support for Clinton Rises in Wake of Perceived Sexism (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Study Suggests That Amputee Holds an Unfair Advantage
Rob Kall: Nevada Culinary Union endorses Obama
Rob Kall: 9 soldiers killed in attacks north of Baghdad
Sheila Samples: Survey: Diplomats oppose Iraq policy
Wednesday, January 9:
By R.J. Lehmann, BestWire [Excerpt]: Sen. Clinton Enters Primaries as Queen of Insurance Cash
Bev Harris: *Criminal record of Kenneth Hajjar- New England voting machine firm exec (6 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Tribune Media: MSM Failed to Note 'Hackable Diebold Red Flags' in New Hampshire Primary Results
Steven Rosenfeld and Don Hazen: Hillary Wins New Hampshire, But the Presidential Race Has Just Begun
Laudyms: Safety Suppressed -
Laudyms: Total Recall
Laudyms: World's Top Surveillance Societies --
Joan Brunwasser: Supreme Court Seems to Back Indiana Voter ID Law
Joan Brunwasser: Arizona voters victorious: RTA databases to be released
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 08, 2008
Sherwin Steffin: Government to control your air conditioning!
Pokey Anderson: *The Surprising Democratic Primary Results in New Hampshire (3 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: S.C. to use voting machines banned in other states
Joan Brunwasser: German hackers fight electronic voting
Joan Brunwasser: How to Jam an Election in a Few Quick, Easy Steps
George Washington: It's a Fake (1 comments)
Len Hart: Princeton University Reveals How the GOP Steals Election (2 comments)
Sherwood Ross: Law School Aptitude Tests Screen Out Minorities
Margaret Bassett: Britain convicts Pakistani man for plotting attacks
Rob Kall: France is healthcare leader, US comes dead last: study - Yahoo! News (3 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Bad News from New Hampshire (1 comments)
Better World Order: 9/11 Contradictions: Bush in the Classroom (1 comments)
Press Release: NJ passes groundbreaking election reform legislation
Allegra Dengler: N.Y. sets timetable on ballot machines (2 comments)
Mary Ann Gould: Wednesday: "New York, New York!" Election 2008; the DOJ & US District Court on "Voice of the Voters!"
Rob Kall: Ron Paul Applauds Kucinich Pans Giuliani, Fox
Rob Kall: Proposed Anti-Obama 527 Stirring Controversy
Joan Brunwasser: NH Primary: Pre-Election Polls Wildly Different Than Results Announced for Clinton/Obama (2 comments)
Evelyn Pringle: Government Estimates 83,000 Excess Heart Attacks Caused By Avandia
Sheila Samples: BREAKING NEWS: White House Must Answer Questions About Missing White House E-mails, Magistrate Judge Rules (3 comments)
Tuesday, January 8:
Sheila Samples: Bush Lauds Economy for Its Resilience
Sheila Samples: Veterans Groups Urge Bush to O.K. Extra VA Funds (1 comments)
Rob Kall: McCain beats Romney in New Hampshire; Democrats in a duel (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: NH PRIMARY DISINFO ALERT: 'Problems' with Paper Ballots in State Inaccurately Reported by National Mainstream Media!
Joan Brunwasser: Bits, Bytes and Votes
Joan Brunwasser: Meet The Carlyle Group: Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 08, 2008
Joan Brunwasser: Thinking for yourself is now a crime (1 comments)
the web: Vote Fraud Expert Warns Of New Hampshire Chicanery
David Earnhardt: Update on "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections"
the web: Youth Vote Surging: New Hampshire and Beyond
Joan Brunwasser: USA Today: Voters Who Would be Disenfranchised, as Photo ID Case Set to be Heard by SCOTUS on Wednesday
the web: Media to Voters: It's Over
Rob Kall: Since Change is THE Issue, What is Change? (13 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Ron Paul: Fox 'News' Debate Exclusion an 'Awful Embarrassment', 'Lost All Credibility' (1 comments)
the web: *A daughter's plea:UPDATE ON THE DON SIEGELMAN INJUSTICE (1 comments)
Martha Rosenberg: First They Take Your Gun; Then Your Bible Says a Reactivating NRA (6 comments)
Amanda Lang: Ron Paul Statement on The New Republic Article Regarding Old Newsletters
Amanda Lang: Selections From Ron Paul's Newsletters
Joel Wendland: Don't Count Kucinich Out Yet (1 comments)
Dan Lion: Let Dennis Debate!
Nadia Goodenu: Desperately Seeking Peace Candidates for Mississippi (1 comments)
Dan Lion: SWAT officers invade home, take 11-year-old at gunpoint (4 comments)
Emily Spence: On Rejecting "The System" (4 comments)
Amanda Lang: Always a war for oil (1 comments)
SuicideKings: Video: Christians Waking Up (2 comments)
Russ Wellen: The Chuckabee Show Hits New Hampshire
Evelyn Pringle: Bush's FDA - Perpetual Leaker of Insider Information
Monday, January 7:
Rady Ananda: BrasscheckTV on Homegrown Terrorism Act HR 1955 (6 comments)
Dan Lion: The Return of the King... for Kucinich
Joan Brunwasser: Global warming goes to court
Margaret Bassett: Paulson: No Easy Answer to Mortgage Woes
Rafe Pilgrim: Rob Kall's recent "How to Erode and Destroy Democracy"
"Hoss" David P.: Al-Qaeda offers cellphone video downloads
Margaret Bassett: 11th Annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit
Margaret Bassett: You can't "nice" these people to death
Margaret Bassett: Trial Opens for 5 Former Insurance Execs
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Clinton Takes a Page from the Karl Rove Playbook
George Washington: 9/11 Stress Increased Risk of Heart Problems (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Political Insider: Is Edwards Surging?
Joan Brunwasser: One-Two Punch for GOP
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 07, 2008
Bev Harris: Silvestro the Cat and New Hampshire Elections
Sheri Myers, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: The Kudzu Effect: The Voting-Industrial Complex chokes our democracy (3 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds 'Names' Names
Joan Brunwasser: A Tale of Political Dirty Tricks Makes the Case for Election Reform (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Iran boats 'threatened US ships' (1 comments)
Douglas C. Smyth: Words and Obama
Sheila Samples: For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets
jimd3100: Anthrax-The biggest smoking gun of all? (22 comments)
Meryl Ann Butler: AN AMERICAN ALBUM: Floral Beauty, Rousing Bands, and Free Speech Embellish the 119th Tournament of Roses Parade (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: George Tenet Lawyers Up Over CIA Tapes Probe (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Kucinich: One True Voice on the Trail (1 comments)
martinweiss: Iranian Gunboats "Provoke" US Navy Warships in Straits of Hormuz (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Huckabee's History of Political Antics
Dave Lindorff: 9-11 Cover-Up, Treason and The Bomb (27 comments)
Russ Wellen: Eight Tribal Elders Shot Dead in Pakistan
Russ Wellen: Can You Win on Dull?
Joan Brunwasser: N.H. Debate: The GOP Field (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: N.H. Debate: The Dems' Turn
Sunday, January 6:
Mikael Rudolph: *Wexler Impeachment Petition nearing 200,000 signatures (2 comments)
Eileen Fleming: Babies Up Against the Occupation
Rady Ananda: For sale: West's deadly nuclear secrets (7 comments)
Gregg Gordon: For sale: West's deadly nuclear secrets
Steven Rosenfeld: GOP Already at Work to Keep Obama Voters From the Polls (2 comments)
Hans Bennett: Ramona Africa interview: Guiness World Records Rewrites History
Margaret Bassett: US Considering New Covert Push Within Pakistan
Richmond Gardner: March on Joe Sestak's office
Renee Cloud: The High Cost of Wasted Time on The Job. (2 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 06, 2008
Chris Gelken: No ties with U.S. for now: Iran
Sheila Samples: U.S. Considers New Covert Push Within Pakistan
Sheila Samples: How the U.S. seeks to avert nuclear terror
Sheila Samples: Jerusalem Readies for Bush's Arrival
Press Release: Ohio Report Faults Montana ES&S Op Scan Voting Machines
Dave Berman: Commentary on NYTimes: Can You Count On These Machines? (6 comments)
SCorrick: Rasmussen Reports Surprise!! John Edwards Up 9% (to 23%) Nationally Since 12/29 (2 comments)
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: The (Hehehehe), Republican Debaters and Their Reportage Pals (7 comments)
Saturday, January 5:
Joan Brunwasser: Democrats Win Big in Iowa
Sheila Samples: Ex-Bush Lawyer Sued Over Torture Memos
George Washington: Can You Count on Voting Machines?
Rob Kall: Clinton Machine Shaken by Setback
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 05, 2008
Dan Lion: Pollutants at heart of IBM lawsuit
jimd3100: The Real Reason the CIA Destroyed Interrogation Tapes (12 comments)
William Cormier: Two Officers Shot, Police Seem To Have Panicked, Witness at My Home (10 comments)
Rob Kall: NH GOP drops sponsorship of FOX debate (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Anti-Missile System to Be Tested On Some American Airlines Jets (4 comments)
by David Decoteau: Does France REALLY Deserve This Ambassador? (6 comments)
Rob Kall: ABC Cuts 3 From Presidential Debate (3 comments)
Friday, January 4:
Sheila Samples: U.S. Curtailing Bids to Expand Medicaid Rolls
Sheila Samples: Bush Ponders Move to Bolster Economy
ohdave: Huckabee's Bob Jones Moment (7 comments)
Alan Miller: *Eight U.S. State Department Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11 (23 comments)
sherry clark: Just Be the Media (24 comments)
Sheila Samples: CIA in 2003 Planned Destruction of Tapes
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 04, 2008
Rob Kall: Paul Supporters Fight Back-- Dump Fox News Stock Intent on Sending it Tumbling (5 comments)
Press Release: 9/11 Rescue Workers in New Hampshire to Demand Meeting with Rudy Giuliani (3 comments)
Ellynne Bannon: Youth Turnout in Iowa More Than Triples, Youth Decide Caucus Winners
Paul Tucker: Community Access Television in Scranton, PA.
Joan Brunwasser: Hillary Signals Free Pass for Bush
Rob Kall: Iowa Wrap up (9 comments)
Russ Wellen: Russia Foiled 120 Cases of Smuggling Nukes Out
Dave Lindorff: Clinton's Embarrassing Flop in Iowa Exposes Dem Leaders' Folly (2 comments)
Ellynne Bannon: Young Iowans Turn Out in Huge Numbers, Critical to Caucus Winners
Vickie Karp and Karen Renick: VoteRescue Radio Sun,1/6- Walter Reddy and Jim Condit Jr, 2-4pm
Russ Wellen: Hillary Abandoned by Iowa Women (1 comments)
Thursday, January 3:
Rob Kall: New Hampshire identifies firm behind anti-Mormon push poll
Joan Brunwasser: BREAKING: Franklin County, OH Election Official Pleads Guilty to 'Profiting from Contracts for Voting Machines'
Joan Brunwasser: Voter disenfranchisement and election hacking are the focus of two documentaries that will be screened for free at UCSC
Joan Brunwasser: Von Spakovsky Says Good-Bye to That Job at the FEC
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 03, 2008
Joan Brunwasser: Report May Have Motivated Destruction of Torture Tapes
Joan Brunwasser: Scotland Yard to aid in Bhutto investigation
Joan Brunwasser: Reuters: Bhutto had "proof" state, spy agency rigging poll
Bev Harris: What to do! Iowa Caucus instructions for everyone
Rady Ananda: Bhutto Succession Will Split the Party, Says Tribe Leader
Joan Brunwasser: Huckabee's Attack Ad Runs After All (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Ohio's Secretary of State Issues Directive to Allow All Voters to Vote on Paper in 2008!
Joan Brunwasser: (CO) Paper Ballots Get Vote At Public Hearing
Mike Germain: A note of hope out of the chaos. (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: US Senate Candidate Urges Five-Year Moratorium on Home Foreclosures
Ellynne Bannon: Thousands of Iowa College Students to Rock the Caucus
Joan Brunwasser: Obama's Creative Clippings
Dave Lindorff: Tipping Point on Impeachment is Approaching (7 comments)
Dave Lindorff: One-Man March Stops in Philly, Meets Activists...and Cops
Sherwin Steffin: FBI turns to broad new wiretap method (1 comments)
Russ Wellen: John Edwards and His Bundlers of Joy (2 comments)
Rob Kall: HUGE News for Dems: Iowa Dem Caucus Turnout Could Double GOP Turnout (22 comments)
Rob Kall: Great Source for Iowa Caucus News
Chris Gelken: Mukasey orders torture tape investigation (5 comments)
Cenerentola: New Year's Resolutions
Wednesday, January 2:
Rob Kall: Paul Rivals Clinton, Raising Almost $20 Million for Campaign
Rob Kall: Pelosi Negatives Exceed Positives in Latest Poll (1 comments)
Roy Lipscomb: Glenview (IL) Town Hall Meeting: How to "Fix" Our Elections Friday 1/4/08
Sheila Samples: Giuliani wants to double troops in Afghanistan (1 comments)
the web: Kucinich and Paul to be on PBS Friday, January 4, 6PM (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Pakistan postpones election until February 18
Mark Goldes: Cars as Cash Cows! cash cow: Slang. A steady dependable source of income (7 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For January 01 and 02, 2008
Joan Brunwasser: Huckabee Cut Crime and Taxes?
Tim King: Move to Impeach Cheney Gains Support in Congress (6 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: USA Today: America's Voting Rolls are a Disaster, Millions Inappropriately Purged
Watching: U.S. Troops to Head to Pakistan (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Romney's Ridiculous Hyperbole
Margaret Bassett: NH Presidential Candidates - Who gets to debate?
Dan Lion: U.S. Near Bottom of Global Privacy Index
Sheila Samples: Legal voters thrown off rolls
Dan Lion: USA Today: Pushing John Edwards Out of the Race?
Dan Lion: Has Mao Become A Role Model For Our Media?
Vickie Karp: ACTIONS: Monitoring Iowa Caucus and other primaries
Dan Lion: Why the era of cheap food is over (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Richardson struggles for momentum in Iowa
Margaret Bassett: New Year's Rose Parade, protesters roll thru Pasadena
Rob Kall: Inside GE Corp's NBC-- It's Ugly
Joan Brunwasser: CNN: Bhutto to release report of Musharaff vote rigging on day of murder
Tuesday, January 1:
Margaret Bassett: Wyoming Congressional Candidates for 2008
Joan Brunwasser: NY Times: Edwards Calls for Quick Pullout of Troops Training Iraqi Forces
Sheila Samples: Electronic Voting Is Questioned (1 comments)
Mary Ann Gould: SLC Mayor "Rocky" Anderson on "Voice of the Voters!" Wednesday, 8PM Eastern radio/internet (1 comments)
Ed Rybczynski: The Cult of Plausible Deniability
Stephen Crockett: PRESS RELEASE: Democratic Talk Radio- Hero & Villain of 2007 Awards
Mary Shaw: Special Forces On Standby Over Nuclear Threat
Sheila Samples: Record level of violence in Afghanistan
Dan Lion: Chavez Pardons Accused Coup Backers
Margaret Bassett: Nasa attacked on air safety study
Joan Brunwasser: The Best and Worst of 2007: Voting Rights and Elections
Joan Brunwasser: 'Accountability' at Year's (and Wit's) End (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Bhutto report: Musharraf planned to fix elections
Kathlyn Stone: Protesters Arrested at Huckabee Office
Len Hart: FOX News Joins BBC in Censoring Benazir Bhutto's Statement That Osama bin Laden Is Dead (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: US mayors’ report: Hunger and homelessness intensify in US cities (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Mortgage Crisis Takes a Bite Out of States and Cities
Sheila Samples: McCain's Unlikely Ties to K Street