Archives for Life Arts
November 2008
Sunday, November 30:
Kimberly Wilder: Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger and families at Carnegie Hall (3 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: More Election 2008 Stories: On the road in Iowa and Wisconsin
Saturday, November 29:
Grant Lawrence: Break Out of Your Prison (5 comments)
robert braunstein: Christmas Stomp
Suzana Megles: Thanksgiving Reflections (8 comments)
Bart Klein Ikink: Troubles in Paradise
Joni Greever: Fatal Depression (6 comments)
robert braunstein: Closed for Business
Joni Greever: *Who Is Killing Us? (2 comments)
Jim Miles: Book Review - Hamas vs. Fatah (5 comments)
Kenneth Briggs: Mental Health Notes Etc-Nov 29,2008 (2 comments)
Angela Zayak: Rage, Retribution & Repentance (3 comments)
Denis Jones: Enemies or Teachers (4 comments)
Friday, November 28:
Angel, the Pitbull and Midwest Animal Rescue Organization: Heroic Pitbull Rescues Family in Assault, which Abandons Him at "Shelter" (21 comments)
Rob Kall: Sex invariably spells trouble, says Dalai Lama (12 comments)
Rob Kall: Murdoch, Ailes "˜absolutely despise' O'Reilly
Rady Ananda: World's Oldest Person Dies at 115 yrs, 7 mos.
Joan Brunwasser: The Knot in the Pit of My Stomach: Reflections on Mumbai (4 comments)
Denis Jones: 2,700-year-old marijuana stash found
Robert N Smith: Building a village of the heart. (4 comments)
Thursday, November 27:
Bob Patterson: American Cultural Imperialism
James Murtagh: "Sons of Anarchy": The Prince, The Spy, and The Biker who Came in from the Cold (3 comments)
Laudyms: NASA scientist cites 'global-warming emergency' (2 comments)
Dennis Diehl: All Consuming...
GLloyd Rowsey: Protest Art on America's Thanksgiving Day: K. H. Hodicke (8 comments)
Ron Jacobs: Buy Someone A Book For the Holidays!
Rob Kall: The Gladiator Diet
Wednesday, November 26:
M. Wizard: "The Sermon On the Mount" (2 comments)
Ian Stone: Feeling Sick – Why Human Life Energy Fields Affect Your Health? (5 comments)
Mark Foley: Thanksgiving Is Always
Amanda Lang: Obama Family's Thanksgiving Food Drive Visit
Laudyms: Transporting pountry spreads bacteria to humans
Janine Allen: I rescued a human today (10 comments)
Eileen Fleming: So, the one holy Roman Catholic Church has 'pardoned' John Lennon for speaking THE TRUTH!
M. Wizard: Video: Watch World Leaders Snub Bush at G20 Summit
Meryl Ann Butler: An Early Morning Surprise on Thanksgiving Eve (20 comments)
Frosty Wooldridge: America's Perfect Storm: Transition to Survival After Peak Oil Hits
Sandy Sand: Woman Who Kept Slinky Alive Died at 90 (1 comments)
Tuesday, November 25:
Richard Volaar: A Former Christian Says: Chew Dirty Juice (11 comments)
Rady Ananda: When Left is Right: Rachel Maddow
M. Wizard: Bush Drinking Again? Downs "Pisco Sour" In Peru
ibrahim turner: "Conversation with Hamas Supporters" (3 comments)
Emily Levy: Velvet Revolution Calls on CA Secretary of State to Investigate Prop 8 Vote!
Jane Stillwater: "Jello Shots": From healthy Woman Warrior to old lady crip in just one day.... (2 comments)
Suzana Megles: How Much is that Doggie in the Window? (8 comments)
Charles L. Riccillo: "No Retraction, Only Corrections" (1 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: Humorous Protest Art on 11.24.008 , White Light Black Light (3 comments)
Bob Patterson: Indolence Awards
Joan Brunwasser: More Election 2008 Stories: Election Judge Who "Helps" Voters Vote (2 comments)
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Makeba, the Great (1932-2008) (2 comments)
Monday, November 24:
Anna Baltzer: Held at Einab Junction: Inside Israel's New Terminals (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: *Heifer International: A Different Approach to Gift-Giving (6 comments)
Cathy Lynn Pagano: Sagittarius Thanksgiving New Moon 2008
Margaret Bassett: The names of things and why they matter
GLloyd Rowsey: PROTEST ART ON 11.24.008 - IDELLE WEBER (2 comments)
Hamedah Hasan: Concrete Bed (4 comments)
Rob Kall: Stuffing Recipes? (2 comments)
Kenneth Briggs: Healthier Heart
Rob Kall: Meet the Kelpies, a Pair of 100 Foot Tall Horses (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Malaysian Muslim Fatwa Yanks Yoga
Sunday, November 23:
robert braunstein: Afghan Roads (3 comments)
Jane Stillwater: The special "Ghost Whisperer" issue of my housing co-op's newsletter (3 comments)
Sandy Sand: The headline reads: Happy people watch less television, researchers say (3 comments)
Richmond Shreve: National Day of Listening
Saturday, November 22:
Mac McKinney: The Voice of the Wetlands Festival, Part 5: Brad Pitt and the Color Pink (2 comments)
robert braunstein: Winter Blues 2008
Ed Martin: More than a Liberal (3 comments)
Tim Cerantola: The Cheapest Man in the Universe
Tom Dennen: THE OpEdNews 'THINK TWICE' OPTION (6 comments)
Joel S. Hirschhorn: Unjust Deserts: Book Review (2 comments)
Shobha Shukla: Southeast Asian Diabetes Summit to open up in India
Richard Clark: *The cholesterol - heart disease scam: How the medical-industrial complex is raking in billions at our expense (14 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: Creating institutional change: A short primer (7 comments)
Friday, November 21:
Kenneth Briggs: Mental Health Notes Etc
Andrew Glikson: *21st century climate tipping points (9 comments)
Thursday, November 20:
Rady Ananda: You be the Election Judge: 11 Minn Ballots (5 comments)
Laudyms: GM Maize Disturbs Immune System of Young and Old Mice
Ludwik Kowalski: Bolshevik morality (18 comments)
Shannyn Moore: Keith Olbermann Broke Up With Me! (20 comments)
Wednesday, November 19:
Tim Cerantola: The Apocalypse Quiz: Kiss Your Butts Good-Bye! (4 comments)
Richmond Shreve: Will Obama Reform Education? (14 comments)
Michael Salla: India's First Moon Mission and the Re-Discovery of ET Artifacts: A Dialogue with Richard C. Hoagland (4 comments)
Laudyms: New Study Confirms Genetically Engineered Food Damages Fertility
Margaret Bassett: Prostitute to wife of former NY gov.: 'I'm sorry'
Margaret Bassett: Barack Obama: The 50 facts you might not know (7 comments)
Tuesday, November 18:
Tim Cerantola: Those Poor Dumb Turkeys
Tim Cerantola: 2012: The End of the World (2 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: If Obama Falters-American Scenes from the Great Depression (2 comments)
Gail Davis: A Compassionate Thanksgiving Dinner: It's Easy and Delicious! (23 comments)
Monday, November 17:
Sitafa Harden: Post-Election, Will Hip-Hop Drop a More Positive Beat? (2 comments)
Bart Klein Ikink: Paradise Found (7 comments)
Rob Kall: Stan Lee, Creator of Spiderman Comic, Receives Medal of Arts Honors
Frosty Wooldridge: Moving America Toward a Sustainable Future: Four Factors to Succeed
Sandy Sand: Omigawd! Barack Obama Sparkled on "60 Minutes" Interview (84 comments)
Sunday, November 16:
Joan Brunwasser: More Election 2008 Stories - Obama Rocks Abuja (Nigeria)
John Q. Camarillo: The People Sang--A Brief History of the United States (6 comments)
Maggie Jochild: The White Night Riot and Lesbians Against Police Violence
GLloyd Rowsey: PROTEST ART ON 11.16.008 -- VERNON FISHER
Rady Ananda: Milk and the White Night Riots (8 comments)
Saturday, November 15:
Rob Kall: Indian Spacecraft Successfully Enters Orbit Around Moon
Joan Brunwasser: More election stories - Chicago on Election Night
sometimes blinded: The power of speech | Constructing future and past references (1 comments)
Martha Rosenberg: Service? Declining Retail Sector Will Special Order It for You (2 comments)
Friday, November 14:
David Shoals: Spiritual Consultation (1 comments)
Herbert Calhoun: The Racial Card Being Played from the Bottom of the Deck
Jet Graphics: New Orleans in the Round
Phyllis Huster: *CA Prop8 Ballot Initiative Vs. Representative Rule, Let's Reaffirm LGBT Rights thru Representative Rule
Michael Block, Orlando Auto Examiner: *Ethanol: Seriously, who thought this was a good idea???
Melissa Silverstein: Women's Films: A New Box Office Trend? (5 comments)
Daniel Geery: Did DNA damn us from day one? (1 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: Black American Protest, 2007-2008 -- Glen Ford and BAR
Thursday, November 13:
Laudyms: Organic Consumers & Companies Harassed by Drug Agents & Police
Margaret Bassett: Pssst: Renegade and Renaissance are in the house (2 comments)
Wednesday, November 12:
Frosty Wooldridge: Part 2: First Change--The Long Emergency (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Cosmetic surgery addict injected cooking oil into her own face
David Spangenburg: Siren Song (2 comments)
Mac McKinney: The Voice of the Wetlands Festival 2008, Part Four: Phoenix Rising in the Lower Ninth Ward
Tuesday, November 11:
Michael Bonanno: all you need is pr and wood
Rob Kall: Google Flu Trends-- Predicts Flu Outbreaks Using Search Patterns (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: On FRONTLINE NoW!! Rove mentor Lee Atwater profiled in PBS documentary
Kenneth Briggs: Mental Health Notes Etc
Sandy Sand: Long For the Good Old Days? A Trip Down the Memory Lane of Used To Be's (4 comments)
Monday, November 10:
Margaret Bassett: Time to re-read Galbraith on the Great Depression
Margaret Bassett: South African musical legend Miriam Makeba dies
Jim Miles: Book Review - The Limits of Power (3 comments)
Sunday, November 9:
C.L. Pagano: Taurus Full Moon 2008: Time to Examine our Values (7 comments)
Laudyms: Is This AFS Trinity 150 MPG SUV Being Suppressed By The Auto Industry?
Amit Dwivedi, Citizen News Service (CNS): With proper care, adolescents with diabetes can lead full and healthy lives (1 comments)
Lance Ciepiela: *Obama-Together Again
Amit Dwivedi, Citizen News Service (CNS): Climate change is impeding agricultural production in Uttar Pradesh (India) (2 comments)
Melody Clark: An Obsession with Homosexuality? (4 comments)
Saturday, November 8:
C.L. Pagano: Open Letter to America's Artists: Now It's Your Job to Inspire Us to Change! (9 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Grant Park on Election Night (2 comments)
Laudyms: Number of kids on medication jumps alarmingly (1 comments)
Jane Stillwater: A road trip through the Caspian & Iran's English countryside: My Report on Iran # 6
Frosty Wooldridge: Part 1: First change--The Long Emergency
Jim Bush: Prop 8 And Christian Love (5 comments)
Amanda Lang: How the mobile phone in your pocket is helping to pay for the civil war in Congo
Rob Kall: What You Can Make With Dryer Lint (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: National Unified Smart Electric Grid | Repower America (3 comments)
Sherwood Ross: U.S., Allies, Torture Kids in Iraqi Prisons (4 comments)
Amanda Lang: Bob Geiger Best Political Cartoons of the Week
Friday, November 7:
Joan Brunwasser: Reporting from inside the sandwich of the Sandwich Generation – the indignity of aging (1 comments)
Bobby Ramakant: Who will marry my daughter who has diabetes? (2 comments)
Thursday, November 6:
Amanda Lang: Eco-Friendly AirPods Get Airport Test - Auto Operates Using Compressed Air
Amanda Lang: BlueCross just cut off my prescription coverage for the year (3 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: The Obama Apperception Test: What your vote (and the reasons behind it) says about your unconscious needs (5 comments)
Wednesday, November 5:
JC Garrett: I Cried. (13 comments)
Rob Kall: 'Jurassic Park' author Michael Crichton dies at 66 (1 comments)
Richard Volaar: Bigger Than A King; Grander Than a Lincoln
Michael Greenwell: For the people doing NaNoWriMo (2 comments)
Jane Stillwater: You be the judge: I will be taking the DoD to small claims court this Friday.... (4 comments)
Tuesday, November 4:
Richard Clark: *To what extent are the markets being rigged? (15 comments)
Bart Klein Ikink: A far more efficient economic system is possible (40 comments)
Sean Sabatini: Exit Polls and Election Fraud: A Few Basics (1 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: It's All Luck (8 comments)
Sandy Sand: Nervous and Hopeful on the Left Coast For an Obama Win
Kathryn Smith: Economic worries? Put those Halloween pumpkins to good use!
Monday, November 3:
Charles L. Riccillo: "TRUE Audacity: Pre-Victory Cabinet Announcements!" (3 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: PROTEST ART ON 01.03.008 -- ONCE MORE, MARINA ABRAMOVIC (3 comments)
Jeremy R. Hammond: Able Danger: An Interview with Writer and Director Paul Krik (3 comments)
Daniel Gugliotta: Music to celebrate Obamagic
Terry Marasco: *Barbarians at the Gate
By Sharad Jaiswal: Unraveling An Enduring South Asian Riddle
Lawrence Velvel: Re: Bring Back Bump Elliott. (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Landslide a loose concept at best
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): November 2, 2008 Final Presidential Estimate: Obama 55%, McCain 44%
stacy beyer: Song on Youtube-- Yes We Can (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Strange Portal Connects Earth to Sun (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: The Voice of the Wetlands Festival, Part 3: The Cajun and the Lake (2 comments)
Stanimal: Exploding Sarah
Sunday, November 2:
Theresa "Darklady" Reed: Focus On the Family Foresees Unrestricted Porn with Obama Presidency (7 comments)
robert braunstein: Plumb Loco (1 comments)
Saturday, November 1:
Jim Goodman: Will a new Administration give us the "Safest food supply in the World"? (2 comments)
chris rice: God's Wisdom (2 comments)
Washington Post Editorial Board: Obama Wins? Yes, 'Doonesbury' Calls the Election! (2 comments)
robert wolff: for your entertainment -- a wider perspective
James Raider: A Water Policy for Canada (5 comments)
chris rice: Prayer request (4 comments)
chris rice: Wanna Break the Law? (12 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: PROTEST PHOTOGRAPHY ON 11.01.008 - WALKER EVANS (2 comments)