Why is it that some of us see love in gays and lesbians wanting to have the right to marry, while others see it as a threat?
Why is it that some of us believe in the old adage "Live and let live" while others insist on intruding into the lives of others?
Why is it that those who insist on an absolute morality, and believe that they own the institution of marriage, are the same ones who say they believe in the greatest promoter of love: Jesus Christ?
How can this be?
The same way it has throughout the history of the Christian religion.
The same way it did during the Siege of Jerusalem.
The same way it did during the Spanish inquisition.
The same way it motivated "Good Christians" during the Salem Witch Trials.
There is an inherent flaw in the Christian religion.
That flaw is in the fact that many, so-called, Christians have completely missed the message of Christ.
His message of love, forgiveness, charity, tolerance, and compassion has been turned into a message of self-righteousness, intolerance, arrogance, resentment, and fear.
Jesus, to these Christians, is not about joy, life, love, courage, and all-inclusiveness.
To them, believing in Jesus Christ means that they belong to an exclusive club. A club that knows what is best for the rest of us.
If you are in the club, you have the whole truth and you are saved.
If you are not in the club, you are living in sin and you are going to hell.
Worst of all, if you are in the club, you have the right to judge, condemn, and dictate to the rest of the world--how the rest of the world should live.
Catholics, Mormons, and Evangelicals have spent millions to make marriage exclusive to men and women; millions that could have been spent to minister to the poor and disabled.
Shame! Shame! Shame!
They mistake love for sin, and sin for righteousness!
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