Archives for General News

November 2010

Tuesday, November 30:

Oil Spill Outrage: How Congress Deprived Cash From Prevention and Clean-Up Program - The Daily Beast

Voting News: Minnesota recount a long feisty process. Just How Bad Was Bush v. Gore?

DADT Repeal Fully Endorsed In Pentagon Study

Barack Obama tasks Tim Geithner and Jack Lew to negotiate tax cut deal (1 comments)

Interpol Issues "Red Notice' for Arrest of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange (2 comments)

WikiLeaks Founder Assange tells TIME: Clinton 'Should Resign'

YouTube - Haitian Election Complete Disaster! Fraud Rampant Everywhere!

When Truth Is Scarier Than Fiction

Energy Companies' Big Plans to Exploit the American West to Feed China's Insatiable Appetite for Coal

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail

Whole Lotta Lies: Review of David Swanson's 'War is a Lie' (1 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The United States of Fear

This Exists | Miss TSA Pinup Calendar | X-Ray Pinup Calendar (1 comments)

Europe Opens Antitrust Inquiry Into Google

A Fox Is Guarding the Foreclosure Henhouse

Sherwood Ross: Assange Is Headed For Prosecution For WikiLeaks Disclosures (6 comments)

US tank destroyed in east Afghanistan

Senate Rejects Earmark Ban

Dem state lawmakers defecting to GOP post-election -- Shannon McCaffrey

Lynn Buske: Dirty Little Secret in the Natural Foods Industry: Toxic Chemical Use (2 comments)

Boosting the Economy--One Big Screen TV at a Time (6 comments)

Monday, November 29:

Exclusive: Israel's God-Complex: Leaked cable reveals US-Israeli strategy for regime change in Iran

Supreme Court Scum Again Takes Aim At Campaign Finance Laws (1 comments)

Anne Patterson: WikiLeaks Outs A Truth-Teller

Fox News 'is my favorite,' Lieberman declares (1 comments)

White House Orders Security Review in Wake of WikiLeaks Disclosure (1 comments)

Budget cutters aim their axes at Medicare

Voting News: NYC war against the machines. Bridgeport CT recount 'will take as long as necessary'

WikiLeaks blows cover off Israel's covert Gulf states ties

WikiLeaks exposé: Israel tried to coordinate Gaza war with Abbas

American exceptionalism: an old idea and a new political battle

Obama announces 2-year pay freeze for federal workers

Congress returns to work with long to-do list

The Guardian gave State Dept. cables to the NY Times

Officials: Afghan border police officer shoots and kills 6 U.S. soldiers

Will Federal Judge Get Off Easy for Snorting Coke With a Stripper? (2 comments)

Netanyahu: WikiLeaks cables prove Israel is right on Iran (16 comments)

Special Report From Iran: Visiting the Ghosts At the US Embassy (2 comments)

Lynn Buske: Conventional Cattle on Factory Dairies Producing "Organic" Milk (1 comments)

Don't Just Tell Us. Show Us That You Can Foreclose.

Leslie Nielsen, Actor, Dies at 84 (2 comments)

Sunday, November 28:

Gregg Hall Digs Up Oil On Clean Area Of Pensacola Beach November 26 2010

Voting News: A 'toxic' idea for Florida elections. CT Post, advocates to recount Bridgeport election

US threatens Iran with military action

The tragedy of suburbia (Youtube video)

WikiLeaks 'under cyber attack'

China calls for emergency meeting on North Korea

Atheist Group's Billboard Targets "Closet' Non-Believers

Secret US Embassy Cables: 1st Wave of Releases

US diplomats spied on UN leadership

PETITION: Stop the Internet Blacklist!

WikiLeaks Archive -- Cables Uncloak U.S. Diplomacy

KPFA News: Gay Rights, Uganda and San Francisco, on the 32nd Anniversary of the Assassination of Harvey Milk

Pushing the Boundaries at Fort Benning: Is This "The End of the Road for the SOA?" (1 comments)

Jeb Bush Has NOT Read Brother George's Book (5 comments)

Colorado Lawyer Files Injunction Against Janet Napolitano and TSA - informationliberation

Samuel Lipari: Samuel Lipari Announces 2012 Democratic Primary Challenge to Senator Claire McCaskill

The airport security solution government crooks don't want you to know about (3 comments)

US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites (3 comments)

Rabin's son presents his Israeli Peace Initiative

A G.O.P. Chairman Seeks New Power for U.S. Watchdogs

Saturday, November 27:

*Thanksgiving Reflections on Political Prisoners Kerik, Siegelman, Scrushy (6 comments)

Bid to knock Rahm Emanuel off ballot for Chicago mayor: Can it succeed?

FBI apparently set up US teen blamed for fake car bomb (9 comments)

U.S. strips intelligence analyst of security clearance and job but won't say why (1 comments)

Sherwood Ross: Why Poverty Spreads Across America (13 comments)

New U.S. Politics Brings Mixed Message for Israel

Dangerous Outlaw Willie Nelson Detained by Border Patrol

The Legal Case Against Airport Body-Scans (7 comments)

Homeland Security shuts down Scores of Web sites without court order, some for links to file sharing sites (14 comments)

Willie Nelson arrested for pot possession (1 comments)

Feeling Fat? Thanksgiving Is Only One Reason

The deadly health effects of TSA full body scanners (7 comments)

Friday, November 26:

BP oil spill incident commander dies in small plane crash

Voting News: New York, Colorado vote tabulator troubles. Internet Vote hacked - for Palin?

Gulf resident's November blood test shows ethylbenzene levels higher than cleanup workers tested in August (1 comments)

US general McChrystal approved peace talks with fake Taliban leader (1 comments)

Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'? (3 comments)

Doctors say Medicare cuts force painful decision about elderly patients

Obama gets 12 stitches in lip for basketball injury (1 comments)

Israel Demolishes Mosque


Thursday, November 25:

Speedo-clad Protester Entertains SLC Airport Travelers

Amazing News for the Land of the Dollar Bill!

Going Hungry in the Richest Nation on Earth

Several Lawmakers Invested in L-3 Communications, Maker of Airport Body-Scanning Machines

Turkey vows reaction to Israel threat (1 comments)

Are You Taking Any of These Dangerous Drugs? (1 comments)

Sherwood Ross: Women's Basketball Comes of Age

Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay found guilty in Texas (1 comments)

Addicted to Killing (1 comments)

Pelosi's New Mission: Limit Obama Deals With GOP

Raw Story: WikiLeaks release to feature corruption among world leaders, governments (7 comments)

Wednesday, November 24:

TSA pat-downs could spread sexually-transmitted disease and contribute to pandemics (4 comments)

A brief history of 'Thanksgiving' in America

Body Scanner Producing L-3 Communications Increases Political Gifts, Targets Power Brokers

BREAKING: Former House GOP Leader Tom DeLay Found Guilty of Money Laundering, Conspiracy in TX


Jury convicts DeLay in money laundering trial

Elizabeth Warren Helped Shoot Down Bill That Would Have Sped Foreclosures, Calendar Shows (4 comments)

Senate Republicans' ban on earmarks proves short-lived

Report: Big business turns small for tax reasons

Berlin Efforts to Prevent Iraq Invasion: Classified Papers Prove German Warnings to Bush

Chalmers Johnson Dies at 79; Criticized U.S. Role in World

Why Is Federal Judge Stalling on Siegelman Ruling? (2 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, General Petraeus's Two Campaigns

John Grant: 'Presente!' - The Demonstration to Close the School of the Americas

Despite injuries, Jennifer Grey is 'Dancing' champ (1 comments)

Tuesday, November 23:

UN revises Haiti Cholera Estimates Upward

Holiday cheer: Congress set to let jobless benefits expire

Joe Miller files lawsuit over write-in handwriting, voter ID

Voting News: NY Count the ballots - 'best way to settle disputes.' Bridgeport Conn to have recount

Dems Form American Bridge To Challenge Rove's American Crossroads ("Effort For Liberal Balance To G.O.P Begins") (1 comments)

Sarah Palin drops 2012 presidency hint with staff visit to Iowa

Taliban Leader in Peace Talks Was an Impostor

IAEA submits Iran report to Board

Stench Grows Stronger Around Death-Penalty Case in Alabama

"Crisis Status' in South Korea After North Shells Island

Sherwood Ross: "Role" of Admiral Stephen Decatur in Attack on Pearl Harbor (1 comments)

The International Libertarian: End the Fed Rally in Philadelphia, November 20, 2010 (video and pictures)

Report: Body scanner makers doubled lobbying cash over 5 years | Raw Story

Is the FBI Out of Control?

The First Source Act. (Jobs for DC residents.)

Shock over senior UK Jewish leader's Bibi criticism (3 comments)

Looking for PETN, Scanning Grandma at the Airport, and the Future of Air Travel | Informed Comment

Monday, November 22:

Making Antifreeze Unpalatable To Cats (1 comments)

Voting News: Osceola CO Florida voting machines shaken too hard? E-voting 'vulnerable'

New poll undercuts GOP claims of a midterm mandate

Tomgram: David Swanson, All War All the Time (1 comments)

Jim DeMint still battling to keep Murkowski from Senate

TSA chief admits he withheld information on pat-downs

Sherwood Ross: U.S. Women Made Amazing Progress Over Past 50 Years (2 comments)

On Dec. 7, Take the Money and Run: Show the Banks and Politicians Who's Boss (1 comments)

WikiLeaks Promises Release 7x the Size of Iraq War Logs Leak (2 comments)

IRS Asked to Revoke AIPAC's Tax Exemption

Gray Panthers Tell Deficit Commission: "We Won't Let You Weaken Social Security"

Consensus is forming on what steps to take in cutting the deficit

Refugees from Afghanistan's Helmand province disheartened at U.S. presence

Warren Buffett Tells ABC Trickle Down Theory Hasn't Worked and Rich People Should Pay Higher Taxes (2 comments)

Let's Walk our Talk

How Worried Should You Be About Your Bones? (1 comments)

Death-Penalty Case Emits a Foul Odor in Alabama (3 comments)

Ex-AIPAC official threatens to uncover mass spying at Israel lobby | Raw Story (1 comments)

Sunday, November 21:

UN Blasts Response to Haiti Appeal - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Administration to Seek Balance in Air Screening

BLACK EYE FOR NOAA: Bon Secour Shrimpers Say Nets and Shrimp Covered With Oil, After Shrimping Trip Off Louisiana Coast (1 comments)

Steve Clemons: The Impact Today and Tomorrow of Chalmers Johnson (3 comments)

Voting News: New York Dems mull recount in 60th. CA GOP challenges provisional ballot signatures (1 comments)

More Tarnish: Body scanner CEO accompanied Obama to India (3 comments)

$11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs (1 comments)

PM asks for Pollard's release as part of freeze deal

Frank Rich: Yes, Palin Could Win If She Ran For President (1 comments)

A Forecast That Obama Could Love

Congress Hears from Real Producers Why GIPSA Rule Needed

Watchdog Group Says NGOs "Duped" Donors and "Failed Haiti" (9 comments)

Jesse Ventura Exposes the JFK Assassination Conspiracy Nationally (26 comments)

Saturday, November 20:

Obama: TSA pat-downs frustrating but necessary (6 comments)

North Koreans Unveil Vast New Plant for Nuclear Use

Standoff in Final Weeks of 111th Congress

John Boehner, Speaker-Elect, Flies Commercial

Marine whistleblower Franz Gayl: Security clearance removal is retaliation

Israel and U.S. struggle to conclude settlement pact

Sherwood Ross: Is Real U.S. Afghan Strategy To Wage Perpetual War? (2 comments)

YouTube - Big Sis Caught Lying To American People (1 comments)

BREAKING: International Arrest Warrant for Wikileaks' Assange

Mad As Hell Tea Baggers - Tea Bagger Cartoon

Swedish diplomat: US official confirms cholera outbreak in Haiti started with UN troops by Haiti Information Project (HI (1 comments)

Friday, November 19:

UN urges full US torture investigation

*Terror, TSA and Our Rights as Sheeple (20 comments)

Voting News: 'new' voting machines turn up in Buffalo. Ballot removal for Minnesota?

GOP blocks House efforts to extend unemployment benefits

Salt Lake Anti-Bush Rally (1 comments)

Jon Stewart Does Glenn Beck on Countdown MSNBC (2 comments)

YouTube - Heated BP Oil Spill Grand Isle Town Hall Meeting-Citizens Standing Fast

Flying Pasties company offers airline travelers protection against TSA "nude' scanners (2 comments)

Suncoast Sierra Club's Gulf Truth Forum Did Not Speak Truth--Scientists on Their Panel Have Studies Funded by BP (8 comments)

Turkey wary of Nato missile shield

MSNBC suspends host Scarborough for GOP donations

The Bush Tax Cuts and the Republican Cult of Affirmative Action

Insurers Gave U.S. Chamber $86 Million Used to Oppose Obama's Health Law

U.S. deploying heavily armored battle tanks for first time in Afghan war (2 comments)

Lieberman to Push for Iran War Resolution?

No News is Not Good News: If Cops Tape Protests and Journalists and No One Reports It, Is It Intimidation?

Germany says Namibia terror scare only security test

Ablechild - Unsung Hero in Battle Against Psychopharmaceutical Industry (3 comments)

Suncoast Sierra Club's Gulf Truth Forum Did Not Speak Truth--Scientists on Their Panel Have Studies Funded by BP (2 comments)

Eating Twinkies While Watching TV Could Keep You From Qualifying for Life Insurance (5 comments)

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2009 (2 comments)

Sherwood Ross: Urges Non-Violent Response To International Aggression (2 comments)

Thursday, November 18:

British Defense Chief: 30 to 40 Years of Afghanistan Occupation Ahead

Obama, GOP in test of will over START treaty

Voting News: Palm Beach to 'retry touch-screen voting'? NC election protest cites vote flipping

Obama to meet Karzai amid tensions

NEW CDC REPORT: Cholera Strain Likely Intro'd into Haiti from South Asia or Elsewhere

Conservative leader: Draft may have to be reinstated if gay ban is repealed (1 comments)

Hoyer Says Dems Will 'Definitely' Vote On Just Middle Class Tax Cuts

Cholera unrest hits Haiti capital - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, How at Risk Is the Justice System?

Congressman Ron Paul: Introducing the American Traveler Dignity Act

Sherwood Ross: Cervical Cancer Needlessly Killing 4,000 American Women A Year (1 comments)

'Birthright citizenship' will be target of House GOP majority

Republicans may be less eager than Obama for bipartisanship

Why Is the FBI Interested in Recruitment of College Football Star? (3 comments)

Preliminary election assessment from Election Defense Alliance (3 comments)

The Obama Administration: November 1-15, 2010

Bush Book Reveals McConnell's Iraq Hypocrisy

Joe Miller May Seek 'Hand Count' in Alaska's U.S. Senate Race - He'd Be Wise To Do So.

Wednesday, November 17:

Voting News: Bridgeport CT refuses election audit. Recounts everywhere, what are the laws? (1 comments)


Senate Republicans Vote Unanimously Against Bill To Help Guarantee Fair Pay For Women

U.S. shows no sign of following Brits' Gitmo prisoners payoff | McClatchy

Murkowski emerges as winner in Alaska Senate race

What's RIGHT With Kansas! (1 comments)

Netanyahu awaiting written offer from Obama on settlement freeze

Chamber of Commerce leader pledges to fight health-care law, financial overhaul

White House: Obama Not Backing Down On Nuke Pact

Obama Deficit Panel Gets Some Competition

Judges Routinely Favor the Interests of the Legal Profession (4 comments)

Schakowsky Offers Alternative to Simpson-Bowles Deficit Reduction Plan (2 comments)

AIPAC Gets Down and Dirty in Pushback Against Rosen Defamation Suit

Q & A with Reilly Morse - attorney behind MS housing victory, HUD's new Katrina program (1 comments)

Sherwood Ross: Global Warming Coming At Accelerating Pace (44 comments)

Study: Most Workers Have To Wait Longer For Health Insurance Than Congress (4 comments)

Tuesday, November 16:

U.S. defense chief says Iran sanctions working, argues against military strike

US urged to probe torture claims

Voting News: In favor of paper ballots,recounts. Internet Voting is 'an affront to democracy'

Deficit panel's Schakowsky wants defense cuts, higher corporate taxes (1 comments)

Tomgram: Nick Turse, Off-Base America

US to boost military presence in Yemen

*Minister of Diz at Dealey Plaza (1 comments)

Who's Senate GOP leader? On earmarks, it's DeMint

One in Four Americans Is Enrolled in a Government Food Program

Charles Rangel violated rules, says House ethics panel (3 comments)

Are Democrats on the Verge of Extinction in Some Parts of the U.S.? (3 comments)

Progressive Lawmakers Want To Make GOP 'Put Up Or Shut Up' On Bush Tax Cuts

BuildingWhat? TV Ad Is On The Air Now in New York City (1 comments)

Eid Slaughter Sacrifice Is Sad Day for Animals

Monday, November 15:

NYTimes: Our CIA protected Nazis from Prosecution, Helped them Resettle after WWII

Voting News: Colorado poll watchers need binoculars? Time for a Recount New York

YouTube - Haitian Anger over Cholera Response (2 comments)

Health-care reform in GOP cross hairs (1 comments)

Petraeus warns Afghans about Karzai's criticism of U.S. war strategy

Virginia Thomas stepping down as head of Liberty Central

Flawed projects prove costly for Afghanistan, U.S.

Netanyahu Agrees to Push for Freeze in Settlements

U.S. Plan Envisions Path to Ending Afghan Combat

John Bresnahan: Charlie Rangel walks out of ethics trial

Is Warped Christianity Threatening Our Democracy? (6 comments)

Woman arrested, handcuffed for eating candy and other outrageous societal breakdowns (3 comments)

Dick Armey, Early Tea Party Backer, a Power in the House (3 comments)

Sunday, November 14:

Settlers torch West Bank olive trees (3 comments)

More US-led troops killed in Afghan war

Karzai wants U.S. to reduce military operations in Afghanistan

Tanker Attack Caught On Film: Rare Footage Of Nato Fuel In Flames After Afghanistan Insurgent Attack

Arizona voters give the go ahead on medical marijuana (3 comments)

Voting News: Broken voting machine seals in Putnam TN raise doubts. Clash over recount for NY 1st

TSA ejects Oceanside man from airport for refusing security check -

'Soul-searching' Obama aides: Democrats' midterm election losses a wake-up call (2 comments)

Evidence of Economic Recovery!

Medicare for All Co-Sponsors Returned to Congress by Big Margins (1 comments)

Bush's waterboarding admissions damage international law, experts say

Israel to debate US settlement deal

Saturday, November 13:

Franklin P. Lamb: Is the American public about to toss Israel? (3 comments)

Long-hidden report: CIA created "safe haven' for Nazis in US (5 comments)

Where Oh Where is Condi (6 comments)

Doug Hornig: Facecrime

Press Release: FREE AT LAST: Aung San Suu Kyi

Obama offers extra $4 billion for nuke arsenal

Haiti:Tracking Deadly Cholera Through the Central Valley (2 comments)

Opposition to U.S. trial likely to keep mastermind of 9/11 attacks in detention (1 comments)

WaPo: The GOP takeover in the states

Cantor Told Netanyahu That GOP 'Will Serve As A Check' On Obama

Democrats to push for Social Security payment

Taliban fighters attack US airbase

Miller challenged Murkowski write-ins in wrong court, Alaska says

Most of Rand Paul's individual donors lived outside Kentucky

Friday, November 12:

Corporate India Finds Greener Pastures--in Africa

Voting News: Dust settles on voting machine failures. Beware the Perils of Internet voting

Layoffs Come as a Surprise to Northrop Grumman Workers - Hampton Roads Metro, VA Local News - WAVY 10 TV

Glenn Beck's Horrific Lie (13 comments)

Obama says he's not caving on tax cuts

The Daily Beast and Newsweek to Wed

Sheila Dean: Obama Administration Seeks Internet Privacy Protections, New Policy Office -

41% of Americans Can't Name the Vice-President of the United States (1 comments)

Seven Ways Medical Conflicts of Interest are Disguised (1 comments)

Jim Soper: Riverside County [CA] Registrar of Voting Fired (2 comments)

Suicides soar among US war veterans (1 comments)

Obama's Trade Strategy Runs Into Stiff Resistance (1 comments)

Thursday, November 11:

Jim Soper: Riverside County [CA] Registrar of Voting Fired

Voting News: Perry Co KY vote flipping. Epstein:"What happens when there's no recount possible?"

Last passengers leave 'nightmare' cruise ship

McCain, Lieberman urge Obama to drop 2011 Afghan date

Axelrod Denies Obama Would Concede Tax Cuts

Tomgram: Juan Cole, The Asian Century? (1 comments)

Sources: Pentagon group finds there is minimal risk to lifting gay ban during war

Here's How to Fix the Honest-Services Fraud Law

Surveillance State USA; Wholesale War on Dissent In America (47 comments)

Teacher's Fellowship Competition

Dropping number of older veterans leaves a gap in VFW (1 comments)

In Cathleen Black, Bloomberg Favors Outsider as Chancellor -

F.C.C. Is Investigating Google Street View -

White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts (9 comments)

U.S. to store another $400m worth of emergency military equipment in Israel (5 comments)

US rebukes Israel on settlements

*Justice Probe of CIA Torture Evidence: Another Whitewash (3 comments)

Wednesday, November 10:

Containing Haiti Cholera -Lead Role Played by (Guess Whose) Doctors - Ezili Danto - Open Salon (2 comments)

Voting News: Fairfax 'should junk electronic voting machines'. NY Election night-mare

New Lawyer, New Round: 3rd Circuit Panel Re-Hears Issue of Abu-Jamal's Death Penalty on Orders of Supreme Court

Israel slammed over settlement plan (4 comments)

Los Angeles Teacher's Death Exposes Tensions - (1 comments)

Peace Grannies "Adopt" Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, Hold Skype Conference for Joint Effort to End War (3 comments)

Sen. DeMint forces battle within GOP over earmarks

Thom Hartmann's Must Watch New TV Show; The Big Picture (1 comments)

Deficit Panel Leaders' Plan Curbs Social Security

Obama and Netanyahu Clash Over Israeli Settlements (11 comments)

Miller sues over spelling as Alaska write-in vote count continues

A Rich Republican Puts His "Family Values" On Display

British public opinion just doesn't matter: George Bush defends waterboarding; claims 'torture' stopped attacks on Londo

Sherwood Ross: How Affirmative Action Brought Willie Mays To The Giants (1 comments)

The Bush Tax Cuts And The Republican Cult of Economic Failure (2 comments)


Tuesday, November 9:

Do you feel safer now? : Pharyngula

Obama officials moving away from 2011 Afghan date (1 comments)

Voting News: Spokane must duplicate 30,000 mail ballots. Some elections still too close to call

Dahr Jamail: BP Blamed for Toxification

'Mystery missile' launches in US

Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Is Palestine America's Next Vietnam? (1 comments)

Halliburton refuses to list gas drilling chemicals

Broken Markets, Broke Cattlemen, Bad Statistics, Worse Economics

In interview, Bush defends Iraq war and waterboarding

Rise of far right an ominous echo...Asia Times Online

Netanyahu to Obama: Jerusalem is not a settlement (2 comments)

Here's How Wealthy Republicans Receive Unlawful Favors in Court (1 comments)

Scam Alert: 809 Area Code Scam (1 comments)

Ultimate Irony: Convicted Hungarian Nazi War Criminal Sues Weisenthal Center Nazi Hunter

Hecklers disrupt Netanyahu's speech at U.S. Jewish conference (3 comments)

Monday, November 8:

Voting News: OH student records Vote flipping on iPhone. Paper vs. Plastic Voting in Houston

Anti-Pelosi ads break records (2 comments)

Press Release: NOW WE ARE IN A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK: Cholera spreads to Haitian capital

Danger to IE Users Climbs as Hacker Kit Adds Exploit

Judge blocks Oklahoma anti-Islam constitutional amendment (1 comments)

Harper says Canada will stand by Israel (1 comments)

'Bibi can take US into war with Iran'

Iran calls for 'new, just world order'

Swedish probe into US 'espionage' (3 comments)

BP spill panel issues preliminary findings (2 comments)

Mounting US war threats against Iran

State Republicans, Facing Deficits, Promise Big Cuts

Michele Bachmann leadership bid looking shaky

BS from the BLS: Things are a Lot Worse Than They are Telling Us

Voters Blame Obama for Bush's Wall Street Bailout (3 comments)

Sanders Cites Olbermann Suspension in Bid to Block NBC-Comcast Merger (7 comments)

Obama backs India bid for UN Security Council seat (1 comments)

Tomgram: John Feffer, Crusade 2.0

BDS - Opening of 11 million dollar theatre in settlement sparks Israeli artist boycott

Pennsylvania Homeland Security office engaged in domestic surveillance, compared political groups to Al Qaeda | PennLive

Sunday, November 7:

GOP leader Eric Cantor opposes compromise on tax cuts (2 comments)

Climate scientists plan campaign against global warming skeptics (1 comments)

Olbermann back Tuesday

Keith Olbermann To Be Back On The Air Tuesday Night For MSNBC - Bill Gorman

Daily Kos: MSNBC Folds!! Keith Olbermann back on Tuesday!

Voting News: CA has 1 M uncounted mail ballots. AK to hand count write ins. CT gets bad advice

Israel destroys Palestinian mosque (6 comments)

Sherwood Ross: U.S. Eavesdropping On Whole World Through "Echelon" Spy Intercepts (12 comments)

Gates urges Congress to repeal gay ban now

Justice Dept. Renews Enforcement of Subpoenas for Antiwar Activists Targeted in FBI Raids |

Meatpacker Apologists Engage in Deceptive Smear Campaign Against USDA Official (1 comments)

Summary of the Fair Lending Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (1 comments)


Health Care Law Is Top Target of House Republicans (1 comments)

Saturday, November 6:

Now Sweden accuses US of spying | Raw Story

Berger Group Charged With Fraud in Iraq, Afghanistan

US senator wants war on Iran

Israeli jets bomb homes in Gaza (1 comments)

3 US troops killed by Afghan soldier

GOP seeks cuts to pay for renewed jobless benefits

Remember Vioxx? Cymbalta and Lyrica May Be Vioxx 2 (1 comments)

Pentagon's Cyber Command seeks authority to expand its battlefield

Republicans map out their agenda of less

Obama calls for compromise, won't budge on tax cuts

Rick Perry Proposes Letting States Opt Out of Social Security

Sherwood Ross: CIA Has Good Reason To Keep Its Operations Secret (2 comments)

Obama wins India business

Fighters take your corners: Political Satire (1 comments)

MYTHICAL AL QAEDA: Yemen's Drive on Al Qaeda Faces Internal Skepticism -

Ex-Clinton strategist: Obama needs event "similar' to OKC to "reconnect' with voters | Raw Story (1 comments)

Propublica: Corrosion Warnings at BP Facilities in Alaska: Here's What the Data Mean (4 comments)

Hurricane adds to Haiti's woes, 4 dead in floods - (1 comments)

Friday, November 5:

Voting News: Widespread Diebold failure in Utah Co UT. Columbia CO NY orders full hand count

Obama Administration Gets Another Scolding -- on Human Rights (1 comments)

WikiLeaks founder mulls asylum

Dead coral near BP spill called 'smoking gun' (2 comments)

Republicans May Slash Science Budgets (1 comments)

Keith Olbermann Suspended from MSNBC (40 comments)

Spain's gays and lesbians to stage 'kiss-in' during pope's visit (1 comments)

Keith Olbermann suspended after donating to Dems (2 comments)

Nancy Pelosi says she will run for House minority leader

Employers add 151K jobs; unemployment holds at 9.6%

Veteran Families Petition SCOTUS To Find Iraq Invasion Illegal (1 comments)

Tom Donohue: Obama's Tormentor

Fighters take your corners. (1 comments)

Subtle Propaganda And The War For Your Mind (2 comments)

EU deal threatens HIV drug supplies - In Depth - Al Jazeera English

Weird Findings From 2010's Exit Poll Data

Tea Party Flexes Muscle with Republicans

Thursday, November 4:

McConnell vows more Senate strife unless Obama yields

Ed Schultz: Obama Stands Passively Mute While Republicans Walk Him Like A Dog (11 comments)

Wash. Dem Sen. Patty Murray beats GOP's Dino Rossi

Hall of Fame baseball manager Sparky Anderson dies at 76

Voting News: CA,CO mail ballot holdup. CT ballot fiasco. AR, PA voting machine fails. MN recount?

US Republicans to target Afghan withdrawal timetable (1 comments)

In new memoir, Bush makes clear he approved use of waterboarding (4 comments)

Propublica: Meet the Likely House Committee Chairs--Who Promise to Roll Back "Job-Killing' Regs

Experts: Did UN troops infect Haiti? By JONATHAN M. KATZ

Pro-Israel group claims election victory

What If the BP Oil Well Had Still Been Gushing On Election Day? (2 comments)

Americans sicker but English die quicker says study

WikiLeaks founder urges US to investigate alleged abuse by its troops (1 comments)

Kanye West Says He 'Connects' With George Bush

Joe Quinn: British Lord - "I Laundered Money for 'Terrorists' for the Bank of England, 'Foundation X' Can Save UK Economy" (1 comments)

BP Oil Spill: Letter Requests Secretary Napolitano to Take Action (1 comments)

Update On National & Global Nov 9 Mumia Actions

The Obama Administration: October 16-31, 2010 (1 comments)

Linn Washington, Jr: An Epidemic of Police Brutality (4 comments)

Nation & World | US to spend $511 million to expand Kabul embassy | Seattle Times Newspaper

Vaccination Profiteers Gang Up on Hannah Bruesewitz in Supreme Court (3 comments)

U.S. Supreme Court hears oral aruments in Arizona school vouchers case.

Segregation of Jews and Arabs in 2010 Israel is almost absolute - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Wednesday, November 3:

Another Obama betrayal: he wants to use taxpayer money to fund religious schools

Campaign Cash: Citizens United Becomes Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card for Corporate Criminals

Obama: 'It Makes Sense For Us To Extend Unemployment Insurance'

House Democrats see their defense experts tossed aside - News - Stripes

Shift in Washington Stirs Economic Jitters Abroad

Bush defends Iraq war, tortures in book (1 comments)

UN to question US over rights situation‎

The Scoop on Election Theft 2010 (1 comments)

JStreet Poll: American Jews Aren't Buying Iran Threat As Issue

Dixiecrats Are Gone, But Their Influence Lives on in 2010 Midterm Elections (3 comments)


California says 'no' to legalizing marijuana cultivation

Tuesday, November 2:

Election Day Blues

Scores killed as series of bombs rock a dazed Baghdad

Memoir: Bush considered replacing VP Cheney

Voting News: Vote flipping in Indiana, Maryland, Penn. 10,000 calls to 866OURVOTE

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Breitbart Out at ABC

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Pentagon Lovers and Welfare Queens

Afghan Police Unit Defects to Taliban

4 U.S. Citizens Killed in Mexico

November 2, 2010: The Day Our Democracy Teetered? (3 comments)

6 Terrorists Inspired by Fox News and Glenn Beck (1 comments)

Moonies Take Back Washington Times

Olbermann suspends "Worst Persons' segment after "Sanity' rally (1 comments)

Standards for Gulf's Catch Put to Sniff Test After Spill

BP oil spill costs to hit $40bn (1 comments)

The Workman Can't Pawn His Tools, by Jim Davidson

A Few Election Integrity Heroes on Election Eve...

Ohio Chamber lies & hides election buys

'Lizard People': Election recounts lawyered up, ready to go (1 comments)

Toner Bomb Plot Used to Empower CIA? : Infowars Ireland (2 comments)

Monday, November 1:

US ban on openly gay troops to stay (1 comments)

Cliff Arnebeck: Ohio Chamber reneges on commitment to produce names of contributors

Megachurch Pastor Comes Out Of Closet - News Story - WSB Atlanta

Voting News: Is internet voting secret & safe? Vote help 866-OUR-VOTE. Where 2 vote -

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Christine O'Donnell's Unintended Ad Result (Again)

Will You be Voting for a Resident of the Secretive C Street House in the 2010 General Election? (Slideshow)

Cliff Arnebeck: Ohio Chamber commits to produce list of contributors today

Scotland dumps e-voting for hand-counted paper ballots

Pollwatcher Tools: A Carrot, a Stick, and a Checklist

Gray Panthers to Glenn Beck: "Back Off!"

Brazil, The Brightest Shining Economic Star in the Western Hemisphere, Elects A Marxist (13 comments)

The Making of a $60,000 Political Message for $600; The Broken Record PSA (1 comments)

Eight False Things The Public "Knows" Prior To Election Day |

The Best Lawyer Joke Ever! (1 comments)

NCBA Affiliate Withdraws Commitment to Co-Sponsor GIPSA Rule Forum for Livestock Producers

How zombie banks and failing commercial real estate are impacting local economies (1 comments)

Cycle Chic Around the Globe

Matchmaking for Vegetables

New York Voting News

Radio Show Features Fitrakis and Arnebeck on Rove Election Theft and Subpoena

John Wellington Ennis: KARL ROVE, YOU GOT SERVED (1 comments)

American Crossroads Plans Role in 2012 Campaign


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