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April 2012

Monday, April 30:

Some Israelis Resist Netanyahu (1 comments)

Latin America Delivers A Swift Kick (1 comments)

Balkans To Caspian: U.S. And NATO Continue Cold War

Labor Not Loyalty on May 1

Celebrating our "Warrior President" (5 comments)

A Closer Look at the Secret Service (1 comments)


Bernie Sanders: United Against the War on Women (3 comments)

Washington and Israel Threaten Humanity

Fox Is Everywhere I Go and Nobody Objects? (11 comments)

The Folly of Nuclear "Bet-the-Farm" Loan Guarantees (1 comments)

Brewing a Conflict with China (5 comments)

Sibel Edmonds Finally Wins (2 comments)

Welcome to the Asylum (17 comments)

What's Next for Libya? (1 comments)

Palestinian Rights Activism Endangered

Sunday, April 29:


Understanding Iran's diplomatic strategy

Economic Nostradamus: We Are Literally Witnessing a Collapse (2 comments)

Encounters With Miracles. An Inoculation From Malice (5 comments)

Are You Suffering From OLS (Obama Letdown Syndrome)? (7 comments)

Your Right to Brandish Your Cigarette Stops at My Nose (1 comments)

Romney's Strategy to Win - Go to the Campaign Disguised as Obama!

Reagan Drops Keep Fallin' on My Head ... (1 comments)

From Mary Magdalene To Mary Haynes: The 2000-Year-Old War On Women And Religion's Role In It. (1 comments)

Afghan History Endangered by Iran (1 comments)

WHCD: A Salute to the Centurions (1 comments)

Confessions of a Drone (3 comments)

In Abolishing the Death Penalty, Connecticut Joins the Civilized World

The Diplomatic Imbroglio with Pakistan

Drone Warfare in Yemen

Daring to Criticize Israel (6 comments)

The Meaning of "Austerity Measures" -- EuroSpeak for "Starve the Beast" (5 comments)

Saturday, April 28:

Methodists Face Moment of Occupation Truth (6 comments)

Are Our Current Problems Caused by Too Much Government? (7 comments)

Money As Speech Is Not A Democratic Doctrine, It Is Class Slavery (4 comments)

Class War and the College Crisis: The "Crisis of Democracy" and the Attack on Education (4 comments)

The Hate World According To Facebook: Only 139 People Want To Kill Gays For Fun. Right. (1 comments)

*AP: U.S. Soldiers Promised Massacre, Including Children, Days Before Bales' Alleged Rampage

The Trayvon Martin Case: A Lesson Still to be Learned

Glorifying Israel Shames Harvard (2 comments)

Dying to Live Free

Friday, April 27:

State Department Reveals 21st Century NATO's Global Priorities (21 comments)

Scott Walker's Austerity Agenda Yields 'Worst Job Losses in US' (10 comments)

Private Prison Corporations Are Modern Day Slave Traders (3 comments)

A War Upon Us (1 comments)

George Soros' and the Neo-Cons' Control of Washington's Propaganda Program (3 comments)

A history of the world, BRIC by BRIC

Spring: The saddest season for animal shelters (1 comments)

NATO's Spurious Humanitarian Intervention: Post-Ghadhafi Libya (1 comments)

Food Sovereignty Activists: Stop World Bank's Support for Corporate Land Grabs (1 comments)

Congressman Allen West: Have You No Shame At Long Last (3 comments)

The great American medicine show, a spectacle of deceit, manipulation, and flimflammery (1 comments)

The GOP's Death Wish: Why Republicans Can't Stop Pissing Off Hispanics, Women, and Young People (4 comments)

Confession of an Optimist (3 comments)

Make Love, then War (4 comments)

Mixed Messages Coming from Israel on Iran (1 comments)

Two Meltdowns: Fukushima and the US Economy (4 comments)

*petition on Fukushima to Senators Boxer and Feinstein (1 comments)

Israel's Gulag Prison Hell

Land Day: Why It Matters

Thursday, April 26:

Grounded (1 comments)

Confronting The Big Empty: Eating Cheetos with the hungry ghosts of the corporate state (1 comments)

Partners Across The Globe: NATO Consolidates Worldwide Military Force (5 comments)

The US Press Sell-out on Iraq War (2 comments)

Yasmeen Ali: US Double Standards: India's Ballistic Missile Test and Pakistan, the Whipping-Boy

Government to Bradley Manning and Others -- "Tell on us, and we'll put you behind bars for the rest of your life" (2 comments)

Elizabeth Warren will lead (4 comments)

The Global War on Terror, in the Original German (2 comments)

Shareholders Say No on Citigroup CEO Pay

Will a Young Generation's Dreams Be Rescued - Or Bundled and Sold on Wall Street?

Halfway Through the Lost DecadeHalfway Through the Lost Decade (1 comments)

*Whoops! Coming End of US Wars for Wall St. - Demonstrators Indicting Not Protesting (4 comments)

The World Needs Thomas Paine Now! (8 comments)

From Mary Magdalene To Mary Haynes: The 2000-Year-Old War On Women And Religion's Role In It. (1 comments)

*Murder for Fun and Profit (3 comments)

A Nation of Morons (20 comments)

Abbas Censors Truth

You Are All Suspects Now. What Are You Going To Do About It? (20 comments)

Wednesday, April 25:

What if Zimmerman Gets an All White Jury?

The Dark Side of America Emerges From the Shadows, Rears its Ugly Head (8 comments)

How This Democracy Of Ours Works (2 comments)

The Monday Sermon: What If What You Believe Is Really Just...Crap? (4 comments)

California University Student Hacks Online Election (2 comments)

What a Real Peace Candidate Looks Like (2 comments)

Trials Without Crimes Or Evidence (10 comments)

America's New Slavery (14 comments)

How important is Classroom Attendance for University Students? (4 comments)

Fukushima poses ongoing danger (4 comments)

DOUBLE STANDARD: The Treatment of Manning and Bales (9 comments)

Preventing Peace to Wage War (2 comments)

NGOs Promote Wars for Profit

Social Security is Strong: (1 comments)

Tuesday, April 24:

How to Tell if a Candidate Backs War or Peace (2 comments)

Up in smoke (1 comments)

"Thanks Folks, I'll Be Here All Week..."

Another Problem With the Voter ID Law (1 comments)

Social Security and Medicare: Behind the Numbers and the Spin

Trayvon vs. Tyrone: Why Racial Stories Are a Bad Idea (2 comments)

Why Anyone Should Care that Bill O'Reilly Calls Me A Communist (3 comments)

Bring Back the Golden Calf; Could it be that Pope Benedict's early experience as a Hitler Youth is revealing itself? (2 comments)

Will Bigotry Sabotage Republicans in the Election of 2012?

Rosa Luxemburg: "The Revolution Will "Raise Itself up Again Clashing,' and to Your Horror It Will Proclaim to the Sound (5 comments)

Belly Dancing and the Revelation of Truth (2 comments)

Media Scoundrels Promote War on Syria (2 comments)

Grand Prix State Terror

Monday, April 23:

How Liberty Was Lost (18 comments)

U.S.'s Post-Afghanistan Counterinsurgency War: Colombia

"Corrupt" Wal-Mart Seeks 159 Stores in NYC (3 comments)

On Thin Ice (4 comments)

Romney's Borking Strategy

The Calculus of Egypt's Presidential Race

The Housing Market Doldrums -- When Pigs Fly (1 comments)

A Culture of Corruption

Marwan Barghouti: Suspect Accusations After the Fact

Mitt Romney: Professional Liar (1 comments)

Funding Political Parties Is an Excellent Investment for Taxpayers

Ted in "Stranglehold," Willard suffers "White House Fever" (1 comments)

The Orthodox Church and the Struggle for Russia's Soul

What Bradley Manning Means to Us (3 comments)

The Globalization of Hollow Politics (15 comments)

Bunkers for People who Failed Us (1 comments)

Veterans For Peace Among 33 Arrested Outside Drone Base in New York State (1 comments)

Patriot's Game

William Cormier: The Latest Nuclear Issue In Japan & Article The MSM Is Refusing To Report With Millions Of Lives At Stake (9 comments)

Shaky Economies (1 comments)

Grand Prix Shame

Sunday, April 22:

Member of Veterans for Peace Alters Afghanistan Discussion on CNN

To Sleep with Open Eyes (2 comments)

The Sky is Not Falling -- The Horizon is Rising (3 comments)

Not Just Labor Rights; Scott Walker Is Also Dismantling Women's Rights

*Pay attention to the crisis in biomedical research (2 comments)

Surveillance State Evils

*Whistleblowers Unite with Occupy Washington for Civil and Human Rights Conference May 20-22, 2012 (4 comments)

Rupert watch - signaling the end (8 comments)

Security Council Authorizes 300 Syrian Monitors

Protesting for Justice in Bahrain

Saturday, April 21:

How Dare Russia (4 comments)

"Throw Their Dirty, Filthy Ships Out of the Water!"

GOP's assault on women bogs down in the quicksand of free contraception (13 comments)

Norway: NATO Rehearses For War In The Arctic

Future Headline at OpEdNews - Sociopath Party Wins in Landslide (16 comments)

The Demise of the 'Mommy Wars' (4 comments)

The Graveyard of Empires: The Debacle that is the US Mission in Afghanistan (3 comments)

The Litvinenko Contamination Case is Contaminated (1 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: How many walls will secure the Zionist regime in Palestine? (1 comments)

Peaceable Response to the War on Women (1 comments)

Our country is totally unprepared for the future (2 comments)

America's Gulf Disaster Revisited

Grand Prix Hypocrisy in Bahrain

Friday, April 20:

Washington's real concerns over the Afghanistan atrocity photos (3 comments)

"HUMANITARIAN TERRORISM": CIA to Expand "Remote Control Assassinations" in Yemen

CLOSE READING -- About that "surprise" attack: Ka-Bull! (1 comments)

"Stupid and Mean and Brutal" (3 comments)

Torture on Trial (3 comments)

A Conspiracy of Whores (9 comments)

Afghans' peace dreams and turbulent times ahead

Ted Nugent: Rock's Village Idiot (7 comments)

BP Cover-up Part 2: Bribery, George Bush and WikiLeaks (4 comments)

Obama v Romney: a choice or an echo? (2 comments)

Earth Day 2012: A Message From The Cosmos (4 comments)

The Disunited States: Can This Marriage be Saved? (1 comments)

April Amendments: The Truth Will Set You (4 comments)

Warning: Visiting Israel Is Dangerous (2 comments)

Israel Using Oslo Accords to Steal West Bank Land

What If the Greedy Rich Paid Their Share? 8 Things to Know About Wealth and Poverty in the US (1 comments)

Is Fukushima's Doomsday Machine About to Blow? (15 comments)

Thursday, April 19:

Realize Your True Potential and Let's Create A Society Worth Living!

Money For Nothing (1 comments)

Unplugging Americans From The Matrix (6 comments)

Why "We're on the Right Track" Isn't Enough, and What Obama's Plan Should Be For Boosting the Economy

Collectively Punishing Palestinian Prisoners and Families

The US Housing Bubble and Aftermath: Economist Dean Baker's Account of What Should Have Been Done (7 comments)

The World You Destroy May Be Your Own, or That $18 Billion Is Still in Chevron's Pockets

The Citizens United Gang

For He's a Jolly Good Scoundrel

A Tea Partier Just Called Me "Communist." Watch My SLAM DUNK Response (12 comments)

Obama's Atomic Solyndra (8 comments)

If They're Racist, Homophobic And Misogynistic, They Must Be Southern Baptist: So Why Can't The SBC Own Up? (2 comments)

Russia's Spreading Nationalist Infection (3 comments)

Mercy for Animals: Cruel Cuts Video

Is Peace Getting in the Way of Our War Plans? (2 comments)

Defending the Indefensible (1 comments)

Khader Adnan: Freed for How Long?

Four dollars for a gallon of water? The dream of Monsanto and other corporations wanting to privatize water (1 comments)

Wednesday, April 18:

The Senate Can, and Should, Save the Postal Service (5 comments)

Draft Hillary for 2016 bid (7 comments)

Misguided Scheme from NYT's Friedman

Attacks on RT and Assange reveal much about the critics (1 comments)

The fast and furious Sunni revenge (1 comments)

The Significance of Citigroup's Shareholder Revolt

The Way of the Drone: Emblem for an Empire of Cowards (3 comments)

3 Corporate Myths that Threaten the Wealth of the Nation (2 comments)

Will America Have To Hit Bottom Before It Can Resurrect Itself? (11 comments)

The Day The Bullies Get Yanked Out Of School: This Friday's Day Of Silence May Have Unexpected Results (3 comments)

- -: Healthcare considerations in the American decline

Budgets Are Moral Documents -- Funding a People's Priorities (2 comments)

Linguist Compares Political Hate Talk to Nazi Propaganda (3 comments)

Chihuahua Drones Over America (2 comments)

A "Tiny" and "Sleepy" Slovakia? (2 comments)

Why we cannot continue exploding US population toward 438 million (4 comments)

Earth Day 2012: Still Desperately Seeking Environmental Justice

They Can't Pray It Away!: The Publication Of A New Study And The Recanting Of An Old One Spell Dark Days For Homophobes! (2 comments)

Senate Stuck in Quicksand of Record Filibusters (4 comments)

Terrorist, a forbidden jargon when you are writing about the Norway terrorist Breivik

*Syria Savaged by US UK France Israel Turkey Arabia Qatar al Qaeda & Media for Whom? (3 comments)

America's Lost War

Failure in Cartagena (1 comments)

Tuesday, April 17:

Chicago Summit: NATO To Complete Domination Of Arab World (3 comments)

Of Mice and Mittens (1 comments)

Rebel with a Cause (1 comments)

Israel's real Easter pilgrims (2 comments)

Katy Perry and the military-pop-cultural complex (3 comments)

Why Did the Educators in the U.S. Abandon Phonics? (1 comments)

Arizona's Next Step: Guns in the Library (4 comments)

Dripping with Hypocrisy (1 comments)

How "Centrist" Democrats Are Helping Conservatives -- and Failing America's Moms

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: The "Mommy Dividend" (3 comments)

Twenty Years after the Flames: The Rodney King Beating Verdict and the L.A. Riots --Pt. 1

Ego, Economy, Ecology, and Ethic

Only Government Should Operate Prisons (1 comments)

VIDEO: The Outer Limits of Solitary Confinement, w/ Robert King of the Angola 3

Protecting the "Democratic" Brand (2 comments)

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Bernie Sanders: Stop the Nuclear Industry Welfare Program (2 comments)

Why We Should Empathize With Asylum Seekers (1 comments)

Beating Up on North Korea and Iran (1 comments)

Mass Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike

Monday, April 16:

The U.S. and The Afghan Train Wreck (5 comments)

Iran's Phantom Menace (2 comments)

The War on Public Sector Workers

Front-Burner Issues in the Senate

Trolling for Kids: The Empire is Using Hard Times to Help it Recruit More Imperial Troops and Cannon Fodder (1 comments)

Open Letter -- World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates (1 comments)

First They Come For the Muslims (17 comments)

The "new poor": What can we DO? Clergy & Laity Concerned About Economic Injustice (1 comments)

Is the U.S. in Decline? (13 comments)

Worrisome Security Council Syrian Resolution

Israel Criminalizes Travel (4 comments)

Sunday, April 15:

Why a Fair Economy is Not Incompatible with Growth but Essential to It (2 comments)

Emperor of the Air: Potomac Poobahs Squeeze the Skies (4 comments)

Spain Marches Toward a Depression (2 comments)

Facebook Is Not Your Friend (9 comments)

America's Founding Pragmatism

A Whale of Two Pities (5 comments)

Does Israel Interfere in US Elections? (6 comments)

Bahrain Follows The Money (8 comments)

Georgia's State Bar is a Bar to Complaints Against Attorneys! (3 comments)

Of Cannibals and CEOs and the 99.999% (25 comments)

How American Corporations Transformed from Producers to Predators (8 comments)

Saving the Next Trayvon: "Second Chance to Shoot First" or "Church's Chance to Uproot Curse?" (4 comments)

The politics of religious freedom (1 comments)

Israel Bars Airlines From Flying Protesters-- The Beginning of Something Even Worse? (9 comments)

Nuclear Chess

Tarek Mehanna: Criminalized for Doing the Right Thing (2 comments)

Saturday, April 14:

Coomunists Helped Integrate Baseball

Down and Pretty Close to Out in Grand Cayman (1 comments)

Romney's Upside-Down Constitution (3 comments)

Challenging America's Plutocracy: The Power of Individual Voters to Transform Their Government (21 comments)

"Women should be married and home with their kids" like Ann Romney (8 comments)

*Burma: Sanctions must be maintained -- Why? (1 comments)

Gary Brumback: "---cracy:" Its prefix makes a BIG difference (3 comments)

The Debate Over Obamacare (8 comments)

DEMs and the GOP; BREAKING UP is HARD TO DO (2 comments)

Syrian Insurgents Violate Ceasefire

Israel's Lawless Settlement Project (1 comments)

Rupert watch - Apocalypse when? (2 comments)

Friday, April 13:

The Kim Dynasty's Satellite of Love (2 comments)

Conservative Crack-Up (1 comments)

Chris Christie: The Heartless, Smug, Bullying Embodiment of Today's Republican Party (2 comments)

What Allen West Does Not Know About Communists and Congress (3 comments)

"Smart ALECs" Get Their Due (1 comments)

We're Pro-100%____? (1 comments)

Ozzie Guillen and the Professional Sports Culture, Some Thoughts

Gunter the Terrible

Iran Talks Hinge on Israeli Demand

Daddy, Where Do Taxes Come From? (4 comments)

Obama vs. Romney: Class Warfare (1 comments)

Pay Your Taxes Or Lose Your Passport And More (7 comments)

Calm Before Greater Storm in Syria

Iran Nuclear Talks

Thursday, April 12:

Cracks in the Pillars of Power (4 comments)

Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness (10 comments)

Battered Children (1 comments)

The Republicans and the Caterpillar Problem (3 comments)

How Neocons Sank Iran Nuke Deal (1 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Hilary Rosen & The Mommy Wars in Campaign 2012 (6 comments)

Turkey-Syria: New NATO Intervention Ahead Of Chicago Summit?

A Hard Rain Fallin': The Folly of Nuclear Power Overhead (1 comments)

Battered, Bloodied, Knocked Down; Will the Middle Class Get Back Up and Fight? (11 comments)

Surrender now or we'll bomb you later (8 comments)

How and Why the Operations of the Fed Will Eventually Bring Down the Economy (5 comments)

Vercingetorix and Doofus Dignity (1 comments)

Invoking Fake Job Creators to Cut Taxes on the Rich

You're on Your Own, Kids (1 comments)

The Global Tax Dodgers: How Big Business Keeps Money Overseas Instead of Creating Jobs at Home (3 comments)

Two Many People! We All Gonna Die! (12 comments)

Airlines Considering Plan to Charge Passengers by the Pound - Satire (1 comments)

How Did We Let this Happen? (16 comments)

Reality, News Perception, and Accuracy (1 comments)

Media Scoundrels Promote War (1 comments)

Israel Declares War on Gunter Grass

In the end, Santorum used his sick child as a political prop

Wednesday, April 11:

In 45 Seconds Leah Bolger Did More to Represent Americans than the Supercommittee Ever Did: Now She Faces Jail (8 comments)

It's Romney, the GOP Candidate Opposed by 59 Percent of Republicans

Someone Would Have Talked? Someone Would Be Crazy (3 comments)

What's goin' on at the Turkish-Syrian border? (1 comments)

Beyond Outrage: The General Election of 2012 Starts Today (4 comments)

Phony GOP Meme of the Moment: 'Gas Prices Have Doubled Under Obama!' Uh, well, not really...

Justice for Rachel Corrie Delayed (2 comments)

How Tough Will Angela "Tough on Crime" Corey Be on Zimmerman? (3 comments)

A Medieval Nightmare Finds a Home in the American Way of Making War (1 comments)

Ozzie: Open Mouth, Insert Foot? (2 comments)

The Boston Red Sox, Jackie Robinson, and a Legacy of Racism (2 comments)

Watch My Film, Illuminating the Vulcene, and a Thank You to OpEdNews (2 comments)

Occupy Mancos, CO: The Importance of Small Occupies

Heiress Lives In A Tent: Politics, Religion, Family and Sociopaths

A True National Discussion Is Needed Regarding Bigotry And Prejudice (16 comments)

Transcend Self-Interest (3 comments)

When Top Tax Rates Rise, So Does The Economy (1 comments)

The Winds of War

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja Near Death

Tuesday, April 10:

Hillary Clinton Promotes 22nd Century NATO Ahead Of Chicago Summit

Demonizing Gunter Grass (1 comments)

Go Wisconsin! (2 comments)

Liberals Cry Out: Tax the Rich! Fund More Wars! (2 comments)

What Is ObamaCare? (5 comments)

The Killers All Around Us

A Little Hope, A Lot of Doubt and the .001%-- the REAL Enemy (31 comments)

Marlins Suspend Ozzie Guillen For Lauding Castro (39 comments)

Hypocrisy Writ Large

Black-on-Black Crime is a Misnomer (22 comments)

The unclassified Zelikow torture memo as evidence of crimes (4 comments)

George Soros Targets Syria

Scoundrels Assail Gunter Grass Truths

Is Christianity Worth Saving? (8 comments)

Know Thy Enemy (3 comments)

Perverts in Power: The Torture-Lovers Who Rule Us (4 comments)

Monday, April 9:

NEW BILL IN CONGRESS REPEALS NDAA Sections1021 and 1022 (36 comments)

Heard the One About the Peace Activist on the Titanic? (2 comments)

Don't Just Pressure ALEC's Sponsors, Name and Shame ALEC Legislators (2 comments)

"To Undo The Folded Lie": Resisting palliatives in an age of oligarchic excess and Anthropocene Age devastation (5 comments)

If a Tree Falls in the Forest . . . (2 comments)

America's Fiscal Cliff (2 comments)

The Real Health Care Debate (19 comments)

Why the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Should be Found Constitutional (22 comments)

Rosa Luxemburg: The Case for a Mass Workers' Strike (2 comments)

The U.S. in Syria: Imperialism -- Not Humanitarianism (1 comments)

The Grotesque Scourge of Drones- Soulless Meghnads of the Sky (8 comments)

Obama Wreaks Duplicity (2 comments)

Reality in Occupied Palestine (1 comments)

Sunday, April 8:

Peter Van Buren, Joining The Whistleblowers' Club

Gunter Grass Exposes Israel As a Nuclear Power that "Endangers" a Fragile World Peace (1 comments)

NATO: The Military Enforcement Wing Of The West 1%

GOP Five's Code: "Power Is Power"

What's Happening in Syria? (1 comments)

Pre- Conditions for Negotiation or an Ultimatum to Iran?

Democrats don't think like Republicans

The Goodness Found in Forgiveness (1 comments)

Good Friday Struggle on the Island of Peace (1 comments)

Friends of Syria Subvert Peaceful Resolution (2 comments)

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja: Dying for Justice

The Lawless Roads: America's Ever-Expanding Torture Matrix (2 comments)

Obama Justice Department indicts ex-CIA agent for exposing torture (7 comments)

Saturday, April 7:

GOP: Check your intelligence (1 comments)

America's hall of mirrors recovery (4 comments)

Five conservative Supreme Court men join Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Ron Paul in the war against women (3 comments)

War crimes in Libya and the March shift (4 comments)

Time to Take Afghanistan Off the Campaign 2012 Back Burner

Romney's Shot Across the "Reset":'

A Season of Hope? (2 comments)

Corporations Plan for Post-Middle-Class America (19 comments)

Economic Revolution (2 comments)

Midnight Strikes at Five to Four (3 comments)

NATO Summit In Chicago: The Dead Don't Dine (1 comments)

Chicago Summit: Nuclear NATO, Global Missile Shield, Cyber Warfare, Energy Wars

Obama Authorizes Greater Wall Street Theft

Viktor Bout: Victimized by US Injustice

Friday, April 6:

We Who Are Dead (4 comments)

Healing Racism: Trayvon and the Broken System (27 comments)

Render to Caesar, Extraordinarily (4 comments)

Strip-Searches: Obama Wants You to Bend Over (Or Squat) and Spread 'Em (4 comments)

Supreme Court on Trial (14 comments)

The Truth About Espionage Act Prosecution Against Whistleblower John Kiriakou (3 comments)

How the US uses sexual humiliation as a political tool to control the masses (35 comments)

False Flag Attack (29 comments)

Throw away paranoia and support Kabul

The Spring of our Hopeful Discontent (2 comments)

The Balfour Declaration - Review (1 comments)

Inside the Mitt (1 comments)

Save a bundle and a bunny this Easter (1 comments)

*What We Don't Know Hurts (1 comments)

Stand Your Ground Goes Global? (1 comments)

The Last Days of the Lilliputians

Worldwide, safety regulators still see role as implementing nuclear industry plans (1 comments)

Miss Hooker Beauty Pageant: Naked Facts about Women and Equality

Trayvon Martin and the Execution of the Innocent (4 comments)

Draconian Cybersecurity Bills

The Pain in Spain

Thursday, April 5:

We Want War, and We Want it Now (1 comments)

The Trayvon Blues (8 comments)

The Fable of the Century (3 comments)

China: The Frog and the Scorpion

A Corporate "Foreign Legion" Has Taken Over America's Intelligence and Military Functions

What's Not Good for the Country

*The National Food Security Act (2 comments)

*Media Ignore Anniversary of King Assassination Court Nuremberg Prosecution for Promoting Wars (1 comments)

Sanctioning Iran to Influence Israel (1 comments)

Art of Resistance -- a Comment on Gunter Grass (6 comments)

Let's Teach About Religions to Lessen Conflict (2 comments)

Prohibition's Legacy: Medical Marijuana Patients Remain in Federal Limbo (3 comments)

Plot to Kill Venezuelan President Chavez's rival Capriles (6 comments)

John Baird, Canada's foreign minister, on al-Jazeera (4 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Iran/Israel locked in Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) deterrence status (4 comments)

Deja vu all Over Again.

Obama By Default (15 comments)

Two Chameleon's in the Offing (10 comments)

Assassination by Drones Violates International Law (4 comments)

US Belligerency Risks Global War (1 comments)

Gunter Grass Addresses Israel's Nuclear Threat (1 comments)

Wednesday, April 4:

The Choice in 2012: Social Darwinism or a Decent Society (15 comments)

East Timor: a Lesson in Why the Poorest Threaten the Powerful (1 comments)

Èzili Dantò: HLLN analysis of Times' cholera article (2 comments)

64 years later, in Second Massacre on Jeju Island, South Korea: US Missile Defense System Destroys a World Heritage Site (2 comments)

ICC Absolves Israeli Lawlessness

Much of America's Wealth, Honor and Respect - Lies Buried in the "Graveyard of Empires" (2 comments)

Chemicals in your food that may well cause heart disease, diabetes, BPH and cancer (1 comments)

Billy McIntyre: Dennis Kucinich: Down But Not Out (2 comments)

Paranoia Strikes Deep at Google (1 comments)

A Global Day of Reckoning

The woes of Afghans

The Boat Anchor Party Is Ruining Everything! (4 comments)

It's Tax Time: A Time To Occupy The IRS? (7 comments)

My Mare Island, Vallejo, CA, 94592: Is It a Toxic Waste Hazard? (8 comments)

Where's the criminal investigation of the Murdoch Empire? Shareholders to the rescue (4 comments)

Israel Plans Theft of 10% More West Bank Land

Palestinian Hunger Strikers for Justice

Tuesday, April 3:

Pawn: The Real George Zimmerman Story (6 comments)

Whitman Advocates for 'Americans Elect' (17 comments)


*Strip Searches Legal, No Cause Needed? Now is the Time for Reform of the US Criminal Justice System, Say 40 US Senators (6 comments)

*16,800 Dead Bodies, 5.8 Billion Lost Revenues Annually: Why America Should Care about Domestic Violence (7 comments)

Statement By Senator Bernard Sanders On Oil Speculation (9 comments)

Catching Rachel Maddow's Drift (2 comments)

GOP Five Like Stripping Americans

Is Bibi Bluffing on Iran?

They Shoot the Youth Don't They?

Amnesty Urges Halt in Immigration Enforcement; Calls for I.G. Inspection

Final Battle for Peace (4 comments)

Has Finkelstein turned traitor? (1 comments)

Beauty, Pornography, and Sex: Are we just kidding ourselves (2 comments)

Paul Craig Roberts' stunning insight into the peculiar nature of American empire (14 comments)

By George, British Politics is Opening Up; An Example to America? Perhaps (1 comments)

Holy State-Of-The-Ark Politics! $50 Million In Tax Dollars Go To Replicate Noah's Compulsive Hoarding! (2 comments)

The Matrix of Four Forms of Racism (1 comments)

Pop Rocks and Coke?

Friends of Syria Declare War on Assad (1 comments)

Republican Paul Ryan's Budget: Cruel and Unusual Punishment (13 comments)

Monday, April 2:

How War Reporting in Syria Makes a Larger Conflict Inevitable (2 comments)

Turning America Into a Giant Casino

Fools Rush In: April Prank Launches Next American War (1 comments)

Rick Santorum: Bowling Alone in the First Digital Election

The 99 Percent Spring (2 comments)

The Hunger Games movie review -- a glimpse of our own future if the cancerous growth of government is not checked (2 comments)

An America You Can Believe In, and Help Create!

The Oil of Politics

The "ROBS Act" (1 comments)

America's Communist System in Cuba (1 comments)

Hana Shalabi: Not Quite Free at Last

The Founders' "Musket Mandate' (1 comments)

Nepal: 61 years of Radio Nepal and Its Dilemma (1 comments)

If this offends anyone, I apologize

What's a life worth? (1 comments)

Someone You Love: Coming to a Gulag Near You (22 comments)

Wendell Potter: Hope the Supremes strike down ObamaCare? Get ready for PanemCare (8 comments)

We Once Gathered 20 Million Strong To Care For The Planet

Oh Canada! Imposing Austerity on the World's Most Resource-rich Country (7 comments)

Is the treatment really worse than the disease? (1 comments)

*Stop The Lying About Federal Tax Policy (4 comments)

*Will A Continental Congress 2.0 Reboot Our Democracy? (1 comments)

Drugs & Prisons: Time For a New Strategy? (1 comments)

Notice to Media about Mormon Public Relations Department (2 comments)

The View from Istanbul (11 comments)

Obama's War on Iran

Sunday, April 1:

Church Leader Tells Palestinians and Israelis "eat together and listen to each other's stories"

Desolation Row: Five Pictures of the Future in a Paul Ryan/Mitt Romney America (2 comments)

A Very Sick Country (3 comments)

Change the "Stand Your Ground Law" (3 comments)

Whose Recovery?

The U.S. Electoral System and the American Dream: April Fool!

The 5 Most Coercive Things About Modern Adoption (1 comments)

*When will it stop? (1 comments)

Colossal Disaster for Minorities in Supreme Court's Scrap of the Health Care Law (4 comments)

Limbaugh and Hannity Turn To Twitter In Response to "Slut" Crisis [Updated] (39 comments)

Af-Pak peace efforts: The real snag is still lying ahead (1 comments)

Texas Prosecutors Go Rogue --And Get Away With It! (1 comments)

Freedom Of Religion Cannot Be Exclusive (5 comments)

The Late Great Commonwealth: Catching Up to the Republican Primary

Obama Plans Regime Change in Syria

Bahrain: A Case Study in Despotism (1 comments)

US House of Representatives approves plan to destroy Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps (1 comments)

If the Supreme Court Goes Rogue (2 comments)


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