But I'll bet the T-shirt sales
were astronomical.
The end of the week
doesn't mean the end of hate, especially on Facebook. Although the I Kill Gays
For Fun Facebook page was discovered almost almost two weeks ago (and since
Wednesday has been taken down) it has recently been "discovered" by
sites such as Firedog Lake and Joe.My.God. The fact that it had 139 "likes"
is disturbing to many.
But why should it
The beauty of
Facebook is how it brings everything and everyone in life together: it can be
as boring or inspirational, as mundane or exciting as its participants. Its
situations and comments are bound not by a qwerty imagination, but by, well ...
nothing. But it can also limit, contain, restrain - by mutual interest and
consent: those 139 "likes" are probably all Facebook friends.
And therein lies
the problem: Facebook spillover. Hate pages and their fans/followers/likes
spawn lesser sites and more comments than one can imagine. And like a
televangelist who demonizes one group of people, the site originator knows that
one hate site trumps a thousand "we must love" sites by its
effectiveness and sheer intensity.
While one in five divorcees
claim that Facebook helped ruin their marriage, almost one-in
three Facebook users say they have been bullied online, so it's not really
surprising that hate pages have an enormous impact on Facebook users' lives
(now over half a billion people). The "hate" pages come in all forms,
from mild and (almost) amusing to terrifying:
Hate Reading has 438700 likes. Besides the fact that
it seems to promote illiteracy, the site attracts kids who think its cool to be
a rebel and hate reading. There is also a site named I Hate Books .
Hate The New Facebook Homepage garnered 3000
members back in 2009 and even Mark Zuckermann joined. It was a spoof that
people got PWND with.
Hate Mondays Facebook page with 328,000 likes. Who
There are hate
pages for individuals alive and dead:
There's a Casey
Anthony hate page with 288 likes. Many think
there should be more than that.
The I
Hate Ghandi Facebook page may have only garnered 2400+ fans but it riled
Indian authorities.
Last June, a teen
was the subject
of a Facebook hate page . She needed (and
got) an enormous amount of emotional support from family and friends.
And just because
corporations and public utilities are people too (according to Citizens United):
Hate Walmart has the slogan "The High Cost of Low Price" and has
withdrawal of ads from American Muslim garnered 28000
expressions of support.
Hate Sally Mae Facebook page has 3,771 likes and
hardly any of them were OWSers.
I Hate McDonalds has only 3242 likes, perhaps because EVERYONE likes something
at McDonalds.
Hate MUNI is actually one I should befriend, but
with only 179 likes it's not effective enough.
Hate Pages is still up as a site where you can post all your hates. It
has 448 likes
The potentially
Want To Kill The Dumb b*tch who threw kittens in the river has
want to kill you sometimes has 12216 likes
pages which exemplify today's war on women.
Of course, in more
civilized countries, hate speech is not tolerated at even the Facebook level:
in Christchurch,New
Zealand , commentors who joined in on a hate page opened
themselves up to criminal prosecution.
"Christian" Facebook group planning to hack and abuse gay-related
websites should be alarmed at that one. And don't forget, SPLC-listed hate
groups like Family
Research Council and American
Family Association have Facebook pages disseminating false
information about the people they hate (which is why they are listed as hate
groups in the first place).*
And yes, there is a
Facebook page, I
Hate Kittens , leading some to believe that 39 people are
Facebook Morality
Facebook does not
tolerate hate speech. While we encourage the discussion of ideas, institutions,
events, and practices, it is a serious violation of our terms to single out
individuals based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender,
sexual orientation, disability, or disease
Define "hate
speech." "I kill gays for the fun" is obviously hate speech, but
Facebook decided that Holocaust
denial was not hate speech and denial pages could stay. Fred
Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church has a Facebook page - 844 likes. Surely the
"Man Addicted To Hate" should have been booted off a long time ago.
Maybe Facebook is
like so many of our social institutions, fearful of ostracizing anyone until
it's too obvious ... and sometimes too late.
Then there are
things people hate about Facebook...
enough, both have less than 200 likes. Hmmmm...