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August 2013
Saturday, August 31:
Poor Obama (11 comments)
Public opposition halts march to war: Obama Backs Down, Seeks Congressional Okay for Syria Attack (5 comments)
100 Words on Love: Unrequited (6 comments)
Obama Pauses; Calls for Debate in Congress (4 comments)
A Giant Sucking Sound: Is the Big Money Exiting Housing? (3 comments)
*Have Cell-Phone Companies Become the Tobacco Industry of the Twenty-First Century?
The warring army that would make MLK smile & build his "Dream" (2 comments)
Longtime Time Senator Resigns-Joins Trappist Monastery in Georgia! (10 comments)
Have Massoud Barzani and his hired Guns given up dividing the Kurdish People? (2 comments)
An Illustration of How the NSA Misleads the Public Without Technically Lying (1 comments)
Obama Reveals His Dictatorship (37 comments)
The Red Line For Impeachment In Syria (2 comments)
Possible Consequences of a U.S. Military Attack on Syria (1 comments)
A U.S. President Defies Congress, the Constitution and the Will of the People; Will Impeachment Follow? (38 comments)
Walker's Police State (11 comments)
At the Syrian Threshold: "al-Qaeda's Air Force" Prepares for Battle
No Suicide for Breakup (Women Power) (2 comments)
Assad Should Be Arrested and Charged with Crimes Against Humanity (17 comments)
Considering Everything (2 comments)
Three Palestinians killed as jewellers search for bargains (6 comments)
Libertarianism in Its Destructive Phase: Or Why Responsibility for Yourself Just Isn't Enough, Part 1 (23 comments)
Manning, Snowden and the Modern Day Whistleblower (4 comments)
Obama: You Cannot Start a War by Yourself (3 comments)
Daily Kos: Fox News ignores elephant in the room: Wonders what's happening to Florida's beaches (4 comments)
Friday, August 30:
America Totally Discredited (16 comments)
Not Another Undeclared War: UK Parliament Votes, Why Not US Congress?
Regarding Occupy McDonald's wage-increase demand (1 comments)
*Opposition to Syria may reignite the American Revolution (5 comments)
11 Reasons Why We Should Not Attack Syria (14 comments)
Canadian Israeli Lobby's "good cop, bad cop' (3 comments)
President Obama should listen to US and UK public: don't strike Syria (4 comments)
A Dodgy Dossier on Syrian War (3 comments)
Cruise Missile Law Enforcement (1 comments)
While Cameron Defers to Parliament, Obama Locks into Warfare State of Mind (1 comments)
Will Obama Doom Himself As A War Criminal? (7 comments)
We Are Not the World's Policeman (1 comments)
8. What is the GDP/GNP? from Alternative Economics 101 - Tax Your Imagination!
To The Members of Congress; Are you the Worthless Cowards You Seem to Be? (50 comments)
An Appeal to Gen. Dempsey on Syria (3 comments)
Racism and God for Profit (1 comments)
Who Blocked Syrian Peace Talks?
The White House, The President "Can Go It Alone" in Attacking Syria
President Obama Lays down Gauntlet Again to Congress with Gun Control Executive Orders (1 comments)
Cutting Off One's Own Nose Is Not The Wisdom Of Solomon: Radio Host Revels In Hate Too Much.
'Insider Threats' Sabotage Obama's Syria Attack (1 comments)
*The Triumph of Evil in Syria (12 comments)
Thursday, August 29:
Operation Tomahawk With Cheese (1 comments)
Corporate Constitutional "Rights" Harm Small Business (1 comments)
Shock and Awful, Redux (1 comments)
WMDs Justify All-out War--Against Obama and DINO Democrats! (2 comments)
Thomas Riggins: New York Post Endorsement of Joe Lhota More Harmful Than Helpful (1 comments)
Dancing Toward Doomsday: Who Cares? (11 comments)
Breakfast With My Mentor (3 comments)
The Soul of our Nation - War (1 comments)
Opposition to Iraq War May Save Syria (3 comments)
The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons
Canada flies the U.S. flag for Syria (6 comments)
"War On Chemical Weapons": Obama Traps Himself Into Syrian Combat (15 comments)
Wednesday, August 28:
Ongoing NSA work (4 comments)
Trance-Formation (1 comments)
Moloch's Minions: Preparing More Slaughter in Syria (3 comments)
What The Assault On Whistleblowers Has to Do With War on Syria (7 comments)
Attack Syria First, Get Facts Later (5 comments)
Rushing to War Against Syria (1 comments)
The Dream, Revisited (1 comments)
Postcard from the End of America: Trenton (5 comments)
What democracy? What rule of law?: Americans Oppose Criminal US Syrian Attack, But Obama is Set to Launch It (3 comments)
Bombing Syria Would Make US Pilots "Al-Qaeda's Air Force" -- Kucinich (10 comments)
50 Years Later, It's Time to Stop Paying Lip Service to King's Dream
It's Deja Vu All Over Again: A U.S. President With His Finger on the Trigger (1 comments)
Mark John Maguire: *Syria, chemical attacks and other lies (16 comments)
*Sovereign Nations Don't Gas Anybody (3 comments)
Rep. Cummings: Obama's defender in chief
Dr. Hansen, We Need You at Fukushima and Diablo Canyon (2 comments)
Laura Ingraham Celebrates March On Washington 50th Anniversary With Gunshots And Race-Baiting
House Republicans Using the Farm Bill to Attack Hungry Americans (6 comments)
In Syria, Weapons of Mass Destruction Redux (1 comments)
"Proportional Response, Anyone?
On United States Intervention in Syria: Remember a Few Things (2 comments)
Another Fine Mess: Conspiracy Theory or Deep Politics?
Libertarian Fantasies, Obama's Summers and Using TPP to End America; ie, a rant (44 comments)
Why Worry About Total Surveillance When You're Just An Ordinary Joe? (5 comments)
Gary Brumback: Corporate Charades: Part 2. Social responsibility programs (2 comments)
War Again! What About OUR Chemical Weapons and, Our Problems? (9 comments)
America's Battle Cry Again-- This Time Syria (1 comments)
The Redistribution of Wealth Continues (11 comments)
*Ain't America Great? The IRS provides for illegalities right in our tax code and lately no one will talk about that! (10 comments)
Freedom and Jobs, or Freedom from Jobs (9 comments)
A Thankfully Dying Breed: Pat Robertson's "AIDS Handshake Ring" Elicits Laughs, Relief and Lots of WTFs?? (1 comments)
Israel seeks to pit Christian Arabs against Muslims in a cruel clash
Stop Larry Summers Before He Kills Again (1 comments)
The Warren and Sanders Fed Chairman questions, part 2
Tuesday, August 27:
Once Again, the Answer Is Bombing (1 comments)
The Kurds: Opportunity and Peril
My Surprisingly Inspiring Trip to the West Bank: Echoes of Our Civil Rights Movement
The Leveraged Buyout of America (10 comments)
The Broader Stakes of Syrian Crisis (7 comments)
If It's Tuesday -- You Know ... (4 comments)
Glowing Green with Outrage (9 comments)
*The real cost of student debt (3 comments)
Political Survey on How to Save the World Now (5 comments)
Experts Say Release of Secret Surveillance Court Ruling Underscores Overclassification
Obama set for holy Tomahawk war (3 comments)
Is Israel Serious About Peace?
The Prince: Meet the Man Who Co-Opted Democracy in the Middle East
Miley Cyrus and the Pornification of America (3 comments)
Can You Pursue Happiness! (3 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Prince Bandar and Zionist lobby partnering to force Obama into prolonged war with Syria
U.S. About to Act with Impunity and Attack Syria (1 comments)
*The Drug Question: A Major Political Challenge of Burma?
Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won't stop (7 comments)
When It Comes to Syria, You Can Count On It That... (38 comments)
NSA Can't Make Data Collection Safe (1 comments)
A rush to judgment is a rush to war (4 comments)
US "Pressured" Cuba Not To Let Snowden In (1 comments)
I Had A Dream, Mr. President! (3 comments)
Monday, August 26:
Trimmings for Labor Day (1 comments)
Syria: Another Western War Crime In The Making (30 comments)
I know I am a westerner, but anyways... (10 comments)
A Humane Egg (8 comments)
The war drive against Syria (3 comments)
Why cheat when you don't have to? (1 comments)
The Standing Armies of Yesterday and the Police State Today (1 comments)
Considering Edward Snowden (14 comments)
Constitutional Right to Vote Needed More Than Ever After Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act (3 comments)
*Political Leadership. I Knew I Forgot Something.
A CIA Hand in an American "Coup"? (3 comments)
The Yin and Yang of Racism in America (38 comments)
Syria and sarin: such is politics (8 comments)
Ron Paul Shocker: Obey international law, pay taxes to authorities, & abstain from all offensive subject matter (13 comments)
Elysium: The Technological Side of the American Police State (1 comments)
Egypt's Foreign Relations on Tightrope
Hey Idiot! (4 comments)
Mr. Trump, Where's Your Ethics Certificate? The Donald Gets Hit With Massive Fraud Suit By NY (7 comments)
Sunday, August 25:
Outgoing FBI director uses fear-mongering to defend spying programs
On the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, a New Civil Rights Movement Emerges
Detroit auto plant produces five-millionth Jeep (1 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *Antoinette Tuff and the Prevention of Suicide by Cop (1 comments)
Give Peace A Chance! (5 comments)
Has our species become insane? (19 comments)
Run Snowden Run! (3 comments)
The secret to being a successful colonial parasite (5 comments)
Vin Scully: Shakespeare Wtih a Mic (1 comments)
It is 2015 -- Hello from Camp FEMA! (8 comments)
Saturday, August 24:
Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying (7 comments)
Thirteen Things the Government is Trying to Keep Secret from You (18 comments)
Taking Sides In Egypt (1 comments)
Human Security in the Muslim World
Civil Rights Leaders face Bigger Challenges than King Faced Fifty Years Ago
Underneath the Tip of the NSA's "Iceberg" (Part I of II): WSJ Confirms Whistleblowers' Reports (1 comments)
The Fall of the House of Bo (3 comments)
Experts Doubt Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims (3 comments)
Terry Gross doesn't care about Edward Snowden (8 comments)
The Self Is Dead -- Long Live the Superself (9 comments)
Another School Shooting? Really? (5 comments)
The Religion of Capitalism (4 comments)
Friday, August 23:
Privacy, and open government: both under assault (2 comments)
DOJ wants Bush, senior cabinet members exempt from Iraq War trial (18 comments)
Obama vs. Snowden: "Parsing the Presser" Series, Part 3
Private Gain to a Few Trumps Public Good for the Many
Happy Anniversary To Us! (2 comments)
What, Me Worry? (16 comments)
Rick Perry's Neo-Confederate Stance (3 comments)
Egypt's 'color coup' (2 comments)
Snowden: UK Government Now Leaking Documents About Itself (8 comments)
Julian Gresser, Esq.: FUKUSHIMA: A Blueprint for Action by Julian Gresser Esq. (2 comments)
Ironies Push Resistance Forward (1 comments)
Legislation Intoxication (1 comments)
"Stop And Frisk" and Justin Timberlake (1 comments)
Is Music City Becoming the Meanest City in America? (1 comments)
Why Don't Republicans Understand the Economy? (1 comments)
Our Common Wealth; The Hidden Economy That Makes Everything Else Work (1 comments)
UK reaction to NSA leaks had "chilling effect' on media freedoms -- Council of Europe
Thursday, August 22:
Cynicism is Corporate America's Greatest Weapon. Disarm It. (1 comments)
UN Sanctions Committee Investigates Congolese Writer's "Genetic Signature" (1 comments)
Kristi Kirk: You Volunteered Yourself Into This Mess--Now Learn How to Volunteer Yourself Out (1 comments)
Paul Ryan's Choice: Constituents or Koch Brothers? (2 comments)
Corporate America: Rapidly Proceeding Down The Road To Its Eventual Demise (7 comments)
This Cowardly Silence Is An Act Of War (1 comments)
Journalism = Terrorism? (1 comments)
Bradley Manning and the Gangster State (13 comments)
Kurdish women Guerrillas on Front Line of War against Sex Slavery in Syria! (5 comments)
The NSA: "The Abyss from Which There Is No Return' (4 comments)
Phony Is As Phony Does (1 comments)
Challenging Obama on Manning (3 comments)
*What next, the guillotine for Whistleblowers? (2 comments)
Real Men: LGBT American Heroes -- Glenn Greenwald and Chelsea Manning (40 comments)
Thomas Riggins: Marx and the Muslim Brothers (2 comments)
Gary Brumback: Corporate Charades: Introduction and Part 1. Ethics Programs (2 comments)
Intensity on Line of Control; Who is Responsible? (1 comments)
War on Terror or Terror of War?
Louisiana Republicans Blame Obama for the 2005 Hurricane Katrina Failures (6 comments)
Ball of Confusion: Bradley Manning's Meaning
Snowden - Knowledge (of Metadata) Is Power (2 comments)
Obama vs. Snowden: "Parsing the Presser" Series, Part 2
Does the Choice of a Fed Chairman Matter? (2 comments)
*Cheney did 'hurt' US by leaking Valerie Plame, no 50 years like Manning (7 comments)
To Achieve Economic Democracy- Revolt Is What We Must (5 comments)
Wednesday, August 21:
Bradley Manning: "Everything is Going to Be OK" (2 comments)
Wall Street's Fix for Homelessness (6 comments)
Gangster State US/UK (6 comments)
Leaderless Movements For A New Planet (2 comments)
The Spirit that Drove Us to Civil War is Back-- Who Chose War II: Responsibility for the Civil War
Looking Backward on Bradley Manning (2 comments)
Grumpy Old White Guys United: Decoding the Attacks on Barack Obama and Angela Giron (15 comments)
It Really Should Not Matter That Ted Cruz Is Canadian (1 comments)
"Sending a message": what the US and UK are attempting to do (5 comments)
New Facial Scanning Surveillance System Revealed
Impeachment Would Solve Lots of Problems. (3 comments)
Reinforcing the Self-Serving Myth that Blacks Kill Whites Because They're White (4 comments)
Obama Vs. Snowden: Parsing the Presser
Line out of control? (1 comments)
The North Koreans Are Coming! The North Koreans Are Coming!: review of "Olympus Has Fallen" (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 20:
Larry Summers as Ineffectual Regulator: Tall Tales From the White House (5 comments)
The Moment the U.S. Ended Iran's Brief Experiment in Democracy (1 comments)
When the State Attacks Journalism (4 comments)
Greenwald Partner Sues Home Office As UK Defends "Miranda Op"
Not Too Big to Jail: Why Eliot Spitzer Is Wall Street's Worst Nightmare (28 comments)
Is America Really as Safe a Place to Live as You Thought? (7 comments)
And now, a message from our (Saudi) sponsors (2 comments)
Planetary Payback Time Has Arrived! (3 comments)
Political Homophobia: Russia, America, and Germany
Will Palestine Retain Its Natural Gas Fields? (1 comments)
Throw your wife under the bus (1 comments)
Will the American Right Kill Us All? (1 comments)
Miranda's rights: how Europe can learn from Latin America's independence
Americans Expose Their Politics Through Debate Over Bradley Manning (7 comments)
But Can God Forgive Child Cruelty? Tenn. Rep Nullifies Immigrant Daughter's Plea For Help. Teabaggers Cheer. (9 comments)
Can America Survive Electioneering Propaganda?
Another Economic Crash Is Inevitable (6 comments)
Nuclear Experimentation: Year 68
*CIA Admits It Masterminded Iran's 1953 Coup! Will US Face Prosecution? (7 comments)
Government Should Not Define What a Reporter is--or Isn't (7 comments)
Congressman Dennis Kucinich Calls for Shutting Down NSA & Praise for Whistleblower Edward Snowden (13 comments)
America's assault on a free press moves into high gear: Detention of Greenwald Partner Clearly Came on US Orders (2 comments)
Monday, August 19:
Obama Destroys the Middle-Class (12 comments)
Oiling the War Machinery, From Oslo to Heathrow to Washington (3 comments)
Don't Get Complacent About Social Security -- They Still Want to Cut It
Did Manning Help Avert War in Iran? (4 comments)
Snowden, Greenwald and Wikileaks are winning (28 comments)
Duty to Warn; The Corporation as Psychopath: One Good Reason to Overturn the 2010 Citizens United Ruling (3 comments)
Growing Up In America (12 comments)
Why are SWAT Teams Answering Routine Police Calls?
U.S. Not Trusted As Honest Power Broker to Defuse Political Conflict in Egypt (1 comments)
The King No Longer Walks Among His People (6 comments)
A K: Call a Nurse! (1 comments)
"There Will Be No Crisis Over the Debt Ceiling This Time": What I'd Say if I Were President Obama (10 comments)
Obama's FBI Channels the Tea Party: Partner with the Banks and Blame the Poor for the Crisis
Bozos Like Bezos and Crooked Cory Booker - The Californian Ideology Becomes Hegemonic (2 comments)
President Obama's biggest failure (18 comments)
The Obama Visit to Sweden in Perspective (1 comments)
Apology to Canada From Your Southern Neighbor (4 comments)
Sunday, August 18:
Scott Walker Goes All 1798: Arrests Elected Official, Editor in Wisconsin (5 comments)
Why an Iraqi Single Mom Is Suing George W. Bush for War Crimes (5 comments)
Naming Names (2 comments)
Ramping Up Intimidation of Journalists: Obama's UK Stasi Poodles Detain Glenn Greenwald's Partner, Steal Digital Gear (3 comments)
Detaining my partner: a failed attempt at intimidation (20 comments)
The Incredible Con the Banksters Pulled on the FBI (5 comments)
It Should Speak Volumes To People (11 comments)
Christians under siege in Egypt and Syria (1 comments)
Saturday, August 17:
Assange: "I Am A Big Admirer Of Ron Paul" (8 comments)
You Won't BELIEVE What's Going On with Government Spying on Americans (1 comments)
Hi, I'm Your New Axis Of Evil (2 comments)
The ethical consistency of Bradley Manning's apology (1 comments)
How False History Props Up the Right (5 comments)
Economics 101: Study Shows Monkeys are Smarter Than People-- (5 comments)
Despite Hand-Wringing, Cairo Massacres Suit US Policy (17 comments)
It's Been Two Years (11 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Targeting Hezbollah in Beirut (1 comments)
Santa Monica Fascism Alert (15 comments)
Sorkin's Simplistic Take on Operation Tailwind: Special Report on 'The Newsroom' (1 comments)
New Extremely Right-Wing Intellectual Circles in Russia (1 comments)
Ripping Off Young America: The College-Loan Scandal (7 comments)
Are there any realistic ways that ecocide & world war might be avoided? (18 comments)
Guglielmo Tell: Reflections on Fidel Castro's 87th Birthday; a Reply to Mr. Jay Janson. (12 comments)
Rajan Calls Krugman "Paranoid" for Criticizing Reinhart and Rogoff's Research | New Economic Perspectives (2 comments)
Huge majority wants Clapper prosecuted for perjury (9 comments)
Friday, August 16:
Spy on Me, I'm Innocent! (5 comments)
The "Bankization" of America (2 comments)
Regardless of Screeching Media Banter, Whistleblowers are our Bravest Heroes
The RNC's Losing Battle Against its Racists (1 comments)
Why Not Share the Benefits of Capitalism More Equitably? (6 comments)
*The GOP's 2016 Agenda --- As of mid-2013 (2 comments)
Which Side Are You On? How much more can you tolerate? (5 comments)
"No Master! No God!" - Isms, Religion and Atheism (31 comments)
"IDF 8200 (cyberwar unit) is the best technology school on earth"
"Bongo-Bongo Land" - the Democratic Question (1 comments)
What Should We Do About Egypt? (1 comments)
The Never-Ending "War on Terror" Hoax (11 comments)
And the next Fed Chairman is ...
Prologues: Conversations on Politics and the Arts Between a Russian and an American (3 comments)
Bradley Manning - The Anti-Eichmann (6 comments)
Republicans and the Tea Party: Embracing the Snake
Today's freedom heroes are expected to admit guilt, take the rap: Salem on the Potomac
Thursday, August 15:
Why Congress's Gridlock Doesn't Paralyze Government but Gridlocks Democracy
Dissent, Disappointment and Draconian Rule: Bradley Manning's Plea and the Fight to Be Human (14 comments)
An Apology to Bradley Manning (4 comments)
Egypt's Shameful Day -- Bloodbath on the Nile
Bad Precedent and Bad Faith (3 comments)
Murdering the Wretched of the Earth (7 comments)
Americans Spying on, Working Against Their Fellow Americans (6 comments)
President Obama Should Pardon then Hire Edward Snowden (5 comments)
Reno, Nevada U.S. District Court Corruption By a Mormon Cheif Judge is Injustice ala carte (8 comments)
America's Upside-Down Morality (6 comments)
Post Trayvon/Zimmerman Trial: Thoughts on Race in America (31 comments)
"Bloodbath That Is Not A Bloodbath": Why Egypt Is Doomed (10 comments)
A New Holiday Is Being Created for Peace (1 comments)
Banksters Love Holder; The FBI's 2010 Mortgage Fraud Report Reveals Why (10 comments)
Bradley Manning's "Apology" (2 comments)
Ground Your Stand (2 comments)
Coalition Against Neocons (CAN) (5 comments)
*Happy Birthday Fidel! Please Call for Nuremberg Principles Trial of the USA (3 comments)
Extreme Times, Extreme Demands - The Health of the People Should Be the Supreme Law (2 comments)
Screaming in Bradley Manning's Trial (10 comments)
Wednesday, August 14:
Futile Peace Talks Again -- The Jewish State's Bottom Line
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is not about free trade. It's a corporate coup d'etat -- against us! (11 comments)
Putin and the Evangelists (1 comments)
Yemen needs a home-grown transition
The Police State Mindset in Our Public Schools (20 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Lebanon offers Palestinians fleeing death in Syria Ramadan greetings: "Eid Mubarak, dear brothers and sisters! Yalla (1 comments)
Why Al Qaida is Stupid: And What They Can Do About It (4 comments)
Snowden: American Media "Abdicated Their Role As Check To Power" (9 comments)
DOJ Compounds Stat Screwup by Whitewashing Old Eric Holder Speech (1 comments)
Who's a Psychopath? Walt on Breaking Bad? Obama? Politicians? Corporate Execs? (21 comments)
Blaming Obama for Syrian Mess (1 comments)
More Blatant Racism From Rural America (20 comments)
Tuesday, August 13:
Peace Talks Begin Despite Political Resistance
Postcard from the End of America: Cherry Hill
Exclusive -- Hastings "Unauthorized Cremation" Mega-Rumor False, Family Says (1 comments)
Sweet Home Alabama? (3 comments)
The more things change the more they stay the same (2 comments)
Songwriter's Notebook: "You are not welcome in New Zealand"
Humanity Is Drowning In Washington's Criminality (26 comments)
Why the Anger? (8 comments)
Give that Nobel back, Barack! (4 comments)
Obama Wants U.S. "Comfortable" with Vast Surveillance (5 comments)
Stop-and-Frisk Is Immoral and Illegitimate--Don't Mend It. End It! (1 comments)
A Kinship with Bradley Manning (1 comments)
A muddy palette (An Independence Special) (1 comments)
Bandar Bush, "Liberator" Of Syria (2 comments)
Bernie Sanders: Four Questions for Fed Chair Candidates (1 comments)
How Edward Snowden Changed My Online Life (8 comments)
Restore Honor and Pardon Edward Snowden (12 comments)
From Stop & Frisk to Ecocide: Revolution or Reform? (1 comments)
The real reason for the GOP's all-out war on Obamacare (9 comments)
Who Needs an Atheist Chaplain? Taxpaying Atheists, That's Who. (5 comments)
Obama's Campaign to Glorify the War on Vietnam (1 comments)
Stokes Or Martin - What's The Difference? When Lack Of Compassion Could Be Racist ... And Murderous. (3 comments)
Monday, August 12:
8 Signs the Rich Have WAY Too Much Money (2 comments)
Memo from Oslo: If Peace Is Prized, a Nobel for Bradley Manning (3 comments)
Considering the nomination of Larry Summers for Chairman of the Federal Reserve (3 comments)
What Price US Policy in Syria? (4 comments)
Dozens killed as Israel, Egypt strike targets in Sinai (1 comments)
Member of Congressional Science Committee: Global Warming a "Fraud" to "Create Global Government" (2 comments)
Michael Hayden, Bob Schieffer And The Media's Reverence Of National Security Officials (5 comments)
The Private, the Public, and the (Re)Public; The Danger of the Right's Ideas on "Liberty"
America's Disappeared (9 comments)
The Moral Imperative of Activism (2 comments)
Interview with Jamal krayem kanj: Author Children of Catastrophe (1 comments)
The Back-To-School Terrorists: Selling The Fear Of Liberalism To Kids And Parents (8 comments)
What is Man? (6 comments)
D Marten: Administration Thugs Force Secure Email Firm to Shut Down (2 comments)
Fiddling with Fannie and Freddie only sets us up for another crash (2 comments)
Sunday, August 11:
NSA's Spy History Poses Daunting Challenge for President Obama
Assange blasts Obama for denying Snowden's role in NSA reforms (6 comments)
Be the Change (10 comments)
Can Women's Health Trump the Abortion Debate?
Switzerland moves to segregate asylum seekers (4 comments)
A Federation -- Why Not? (1 comments)
I helped to end my dad's life: Prosecution of People Who Assist the Dying Must End (1 comments)
America's Nuclear Madness: Terrorism With A Vengeance (Part I) (11 comments)
*The New America... (2 comments)
Vlad the Hammer vs Obama the Wimp (5 comments)
Saturday, August 10:
Throw the Bums Out (1 comments)
Lies, Damnable Lies, and Pseudo-Scientific Obscurantism. (7 comments)
Impeach the President, Dismantle the NSA, and Fire the top Echelon of our Military (11 comments)
Was George W. Bush Aiding Al-Qaeda? (1 comments)
The U.S. Empire Provokes Terrorism (3 comments)
John Kerry's Israeli-Palestinian talks are a cover for aggression and annexation
Can Paleoconservatives, Libertarians, and Leftists Unite Against the Neocons? (38 comments)
Interview on the Bubble Economy and the Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism (9 comments)
We All Have a Job to Do (1 comments)
D Marten: Obama Suckles Celebrity to Pitch Administration Lies (12 comments)
*A 3rd World Review of Finian Cunningham's US; The Real Global Terror Alert (1 comments)
Open Letter to President Obama In Regard Survelliance (2 comments)
The Power Of Edward Snowden (13 comments)
The Struggle Continues: Seeking Compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims, 52 years on (1 comments)
God Doesn't Need Us. We Do! (31 comments)
Work is the new retirement - Saving Social Security (7 comments)
New Bank Investigations: Real Action, or More of the Same? (3 comments)
New Obama Disclosure Block (2 comments)
A Cold War Bias Toward Russia (3 comments)
Friday, August 9:
United We Fall: Our Egregious E Pluribus Unum (5 comments)
Holder Says the Obvious--the Drug War is a war on Minorities (3 comments)
Edward Snowden Has Awakened the Sleeping Giant (5 comments)
Life May Be A Consistent Challenge, But That Is OK
Weiner-Spitzer--Outrageous Arrogance (2 comments)
Lessons in Foreign Policy from the Islands of Hawaii (2 comments)
McCain and Graham flipflop on aid to Egypt -- after AIPAC speaks up
Mass Protests Put ALEC Under National Scrutiny
Email service used by Snowden shuts itself down, warns against using US-based companies (7 comments)
Reza Aslan: Why Aren't You a Jew? (17 comments)
15 things everyone would know if there were a liberal media (2 comments)
Negotiating With the American Taliban (1 comments)
Market Manipulation to Prop up the Dollar: How Long can it Continue? (21 comments)
Past Wars on Indians Aren't Even Past (1 comments)
When Partisanship Rules, America Loses (2 comments)
Thursday, August 8:
The Missiles That Brought Down TWA Flight 800 (10 comments)
Why I Granted Bradley Manning a Presidential Pardon (8 comments)
Terrorists Plotting Psychological Warfare Against the U.S. (12 comments)
Washington's Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War (6 comments)
Pashtunwali (2 comments)
Obamacare & Bracket Creep (1 comments)
Obama gets "personal" as rift with Russia over Snowden grows (3 comments)
Pinning Argentine Bombing on Iran (1 comments)
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Burlesque (7 comments)
Manning's Upside-Down Punishment (3 comments)
Where are Refugees supposed to go? (1 comments)
Are Police in America Now a Military, Occupying Force? (6 comments)
Strong Dollar might be Counterproductive to Economic Growth (3 comments)
D Marten: Goebbels Shrugged: Obama Rolls Out a Resurgent Al Qaeda (2 comments)
Religion: Where Do We Draw The Line? (5 comments)
CNN: Don't Link the Terror Alert to the 'Night of Power.' (1 comments)
Climate Change and What Snowden is Holding Back (2 comments)
The Superself: Genome, Menome, and Wenome (3 comments)
Americans -- The Only Ones Not In On the Secret (2 comments)
Is Obama losing it? (7 comments)
Wednesday, August 7:
Obama administration undermines rule of law (2 comments)
Time for the U.S. President to Go to Tehran (1 comments)
The "No State" Solution: Palestinian Peace Talks Are Set-Up To Fail, Again
The Arab Turmoil: Where Do We Stand?
The Courage Of Bradley Manning Will Inspire Others To Seize Their Moment Of Truth (5 comments)
Julian Gresser, Esq.: Fukushima: Consensus Trance and Our Right to Know (3 comments)
Democracy Disenfranchised: Detroit's Next Mayor Won't Be Allowed to Govern
On Obama's cancellation of summit with Putin and extradition (3 comments)
Kerry's Success Worse than His Failure
Tuesday, August 6:
Do We Need Change? Of Course We Do, But Change To What? (6 comments)
Declining Net Energy and the Trajectory of Global Civilization (6 comments)
Which Jeff Bezos Is Buying the Washington Post?
Jailbreaks new phenomena in political struggle?
It's Not Unusual: The Left-Right (S)Mashup in American Politics (3 comments)
For Rush Limbaugh, The Damage Is Done (2 comments)
Washington Thinks You Are Stupid (32 comments)
The Three Biggest Lies about Why Corporate Taxes Should Be Lowered (8 comments)
How to Curb the Doomsday Club (1 comments)
Is America playing its last card?: Pissing Off Friends is a Doomed Strategy (6 comments)
Now Two States Pursue Truly Affordable Education (2 comments)
A Statement of Peace, or an Epitaph (1 comments)
Rangel Need Offer No Apology for Tea Party Racial Blast (3 comments)
Remaking the World from Madison Wisconsin (1 comments)
The Detroit Bail-In Template: Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks (6 comments)
Medea Benjamin: 10 Ways to Reduce the Threat of Terrorist Attacks on Americans (18 comments)
The Unlovely Profit Motive (28 comments)
Al-Qaeda To The Rescue (3 comments)
"God of our weary years, God of our silent tears"-- James Weldon Johnson
Monday, August 5:
*FEMA: Always TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE (1 comments)
Fighting the GOP's Hateful Agenda -- Without Hate (3 comments)
The US Terror Scare (3 comments)
Glass-Steagall now: Because the banks own Washington (1 comments)
The "New Economy" Is The No Jobs Economy (26 comments)
The GOP and Immigration Reform: Born to Fail - "No" is in their Genes (1 comments)
If Manning Deserves Life, Bush Deserves Torture and Death (4 comments)
Apathy on the Drone Strikes; US-Pak Respective Stances (1 comments)
Love, Corporate-Style (4 comments)
D Marten: Obama Reaches Into the Bush-Cheney Fear Playbook With Embassy Closings (24 comments)
Washington's "shameful" behavior over Snowden is as bad as Russia (3 comments)
Odd: The Obama Veto of The Decision Samsung Won Against Apple (6 comments)
Death to the Soaring American Spirit (3 comments)
Peter Van Buren, Bizarro World and The Manning Trial, Which Began on 9/11
Hawaiian Mind Games: APA Fiddles While Psychology Burns (1 comments)
Stranglehold On Africa: Why Zimbabwe Matters (3 comments)
Sunday, August 4:
Why Republicans Want Jobs to Stay Anemic (3 comments)
14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling (5 comments)
Members Of Congress Denied Access To Basic Information About NSA (4 comments)
Should We Get Rid Of Ineffective Teachers Or An Ineffective System? (15 comments)
Inside the mind of a monster (8 comments)
*Cold-hearted Obama! Two Million Koreans Murdered in Own Country "A Victory"? (7 comments)
Not Even Cowards-- Zombies (64 comments)
*Why does Congress Nickel and Dime the Debt when it could just Dollarize it? (39 comments)
Boiling a Frog (5 comments)
Saturday, August 3:
Can Drinking Tea With Republicans Curb the Surveillance State?
Republicans Choose (More) Vacation Over Governing (2 comments)
Did Scott Walker Really Compare Himself to Franklin Roosevelt? Yes, Yes, He Did (3 comments)
Kerry boosts Egyptian military dictatorship
*History Teaches Students How To Be Vigilant in the 21st Century (2 comments)
The Expansion of Catholic-Owned Medical Centers Threatens Medical Choices for All (13 comments)
Fresh Doubts on Iran's Nuke Program
A Whirlpool of Speculation: Housing Shifts Into Reverse
Franklin P. Lamb: A Formula for Palestinian Survival in Damascus
Cacophony from U.S. Politicos over Russia Granting Asylum to Snowden Nothing but Bluster (10 comments)
Friday, August 2:
PA Police Chief Turns Self Into Poster Boy for Propagandized NRA Stooges & Tools Everywhere (3 comments)
Two-State Solution -- Civil War? (2 comments)
An Impending Bloodbath in Egypt: Will It Break the Coup? (3 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Race & Gender Through Generations of Feminism: My Response to Amanda Marcotte (34 comments)
Bradley Manning verdict, Partly celebrated in Iceland - video and photos
Death of a Teenager (5 comments)
Our Man In Moscow (14 comments)
Pennies at the Register, Dollars in the Paycheck (4 comments)
Bring Back the U.S. Peace Movement (9 comments)
Martin Indyk Says He "Made Aliyah To Washington" To Save Israel (1 comments)
7. The Politics of Money from Alternative Economics 101 - Tax Your Imagination! (1 comments)
NSA spying - the New York Times follows the money... again (7 comments)
Who Is the Pope to Judge? (2 comments)
*Snowden: Vanguard of an American insurgency? (7 comments)
Army Teaches Wrong Lesson in Nation's High Schools (16 comments)
New York Times: Guilty Of 'Aiding the Enemy' | Mickey Z. - World News Trust
A Delphi Paper, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and International Order (4 comments)
Imran tells Kerry drones helping terrorists
Lyndon Johnson and the JFK Assassination (7 comments)
From unknown English professor - short and to the point: Importance of Capital Letters (12 comments)
Syrian Support Group Stumbles, Falls - The Empire Project Failing (3 comments)
Thursday, August 1:
Bradley Manning lynched by the US government (2 comments)
America Discredited (20 comments)
Rosa Luxemburg: Interview with Luxemburg Scholar and Editor, Peter Hudis (3 comments)
Postcard from the End of America: Chester (5 comments)
The Need to Teach Students How to Practice Active Listening (2 comments)
Resist Push To Repeal Or Cripple Affordable Care Act: Claude Pepper's National Health-Repeal Lesson (1 comments)
Peaceful coexistence and sectarianism (1 comments)
Thomas Riggins: Marxism, the Taliban, and Plato (2 comments)
Is America Evolving Into A Totalitarian State? (9 comments)
Bigger Than A Breadbox: Twenty Questions Every American Should Ask (2 comments)
Spinning Yarns in the Mainstream Media (1 comments)
Karl Rove Absolves GOP Of Blame For Debt Ceiling Hostage Taking
Permanent Recession for Workers vs. the Pro-Growth Fantasies of Politicians & Most Economists (24 comments)
Double-Feature: "Bradley Manning Verdict Convicts Washington" and "Hiding Economic Depression With Spin" (9 comments)
Egyptian Revolution Derailed, Contained
Franklin P. Lamb: The morning after blacklisting Hezbollah: is the EU experiencing "buyer's remorse'?
Treason 2: The Crucible of Terror
Montana Experiment Brings NHS-Style Health Care to USA; Saves State Millions, Patients Delighted (1 comments)
America's Police State Marches On, While Russia Grants Snowden Political Asylum (2 comments)