Archives for General News
September 2013
Monday, September 30:
Train mysteriously runs loose in Chicago, injuring dozens
Obama urges House to "do the right thing" and pass a clean spending bill
Two Marine generals fired for security lapses in Afghanistan (2 comments)
Binyamin Netanyahu urges Obama to keep Iran sanctions in place
Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, The Mystery of Washington's Waning Global Power (2 comments)
TPP Protestors Scale Trade Building To Bring Attention to Secretive Deal
Nicaragua, China bet $40 billion on a canal to rival Panama (4 comments)
Sunday, September 29:
Why Obama May Stand Up To Netanyahu
Israel seeks greater U.S. military aid to counter new threats
Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill Working On New NSA "US Assassination Program" Revelations
No. 2 US nuke chief suspended over gambling probe
Matt Taibbi; Looting the Pension Funds
House GOP pushes U.S. to edge of shutdown
Saturday, September 28:
Netanyahu heads to US, vows to tell "the truth" about Iran (2 comments)
Ku Klux Klan group gets Gettysburg battlefield permit (1 comments)
Power failure snarls NYC commute for thousands
No fisticuffs, but Senate divide over health care, budget getting personal
House Plans Funding Bill, With Conditions
Banks pushing for repeal of credit unions' federal tax exemption (1 comments)
Syrian Rebels Embrace al-Qaeda (1 comments)
We're Eating What? 9 Contaminants in US Meat (9 comments)
Pakistani Girl Shot by Taliban Honored at Harvard
Friday, September 27:
Native Riders Protest Enbridge Alberta Clipper Pipeline (3 comments)
New Jersey Judge Rules State Must Allow Gay Marriage
Senate votes to send government funding bill back to House
World Leaders team up against sexual violence in UN Football match, NYC
IPCC report says humans almost certainly cause global warming (6 comments)
Weapons of Mass Destruction Wanted?
Push Buffalo!!!! Empower the People and Their Families Within the Community (4 comments)
Senator Mikluski and Senate Leadership Remove Monsanto Protection Act (6 comments)
Thursday, September 26:
Senate CR to strip Monsanto rider
Obama sharply critical of Republican opponents of healthcare law
Iran's President Calls on Israel to Join Nuclear Treaty
House G.O.P. Leaders List Conditions for Raising Debt Ceiling
GOD AND THE FASCISTS; The Vatican Alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and Pavileć (15 comments)
Ground Gives Way, and a Louisiana Town Struggles to Find Its Footing -
Debt Ceiling Vs. Government Shutdown GOP Strategy
The Science of Happiness in a Nutshell (2 comments)
Ground Gives Way, and a Louisiana Town Struggles to Find Its Footing
Pakistan earthquake creates new island
The Ride for the U.S. Constitution (3 comments)
What the pope really said (4 comments)
Tomgram: Engelhardt, The American Exceptionalism Sweepstakes (2 comments)
Wednesday, September 25:
FBI releases video of "delusional" Navy Yard shooter
Bolivia's Morales Addresses Imperialism, Terrorism and Social Justice in UN Speech - Video Update 2 pm (13 comments)
Common Core Shockers (4 comments)
UN General Assembly: Live Streaming NOW (1 comments)
Treasury: U.S. will run out of borrowed money by Oct. 17 (1 comments)
10 Things to Know About Health Insurance Exchanges
Why Are Gun Lovers So Angry at Starbucks? (10 comments)
SBA Fraud and Potential Closure Reveal True Small Business Advocates | Lloyd Chapman
Speedy Trains Transform China - (3 comments)
Tuesday, September 24:
House GOP may attach Obamacare delay to CR
Bolivia to sue United States for war crimes (4 comments)
Senate moves toward showdown vote on Obamacare
Cruz launches filibuster in opposition to Obamacare (1 comments)
Man Planned 'to kill as many as possible' in SLC |
Former FBI agent to plead guilty in AP leak case
350 Maine Draws Line on Tar Sands Oil at Bowdin College in Brunswick, Maine (1 comments)
Tomgram: Lewis Lapham, Selling Death
Homicides soar in states with 'Stand Your Ground' laws (1 comments)
My Name Is Jason, I'm A 35-Yr-Old White Male Combat Veteran And I'm On Food Stamps (3 comments)
Monday, September 23:
Former GOP senator: Americans are "ignoring Republicans. And they should"
McAuliffe leads Cuccinelli in Virginia governor's race - The Washington Post
Supreme Court may strike new blow to campaign funding laws
*A Mean-Spirited Israel Rejects Iran's Olive Branch (3 comments)
Tomgram: Calabrese and Harwood, Privacy Down the Drain
Sunday, September 22:
Pope attacks global economics for worshipping god of money (4 comments)
Obama Nominates Native American Woman to Federal Court (1 comments)
Healthy Great Tasting Food For Everybody: The Passionate Work of Colin and Ruth Tudge (1 comments)
Kucinich: Obama Risks Impeachment, Biden & Obama agree, in theory (8 comments)
GOP Appointed Officials Black Out Detroit During Heatwave To "Send Them A Strong Message" (16 comments)
Still Report 99 - Bernanke Bubble Continues (1 comments)
Saturday, September 21:
Al Qaeda-linked Islamists hold hostages at Kenya mall after killing 39 (1 comments)
Towards a New Ethics in Relationship to Nature: The Work of Warwick Fox (9 comments)
Israeli Troops Attack EU Diplomats, Seize West Bank Aid (1 comments)
Is America Helping Al Qaeda Take Over Syria?
Were Deaths of Syrian Children Staged for Videos? (8 comments)
China's Pearl River Delta Megacity Growing faster than planned
Friday, September 20:
Syria 'submits chemical weapons data' to Hague watchdog
Netanyahu Scoffs at Iranian Overtures, Setting Stage for Showdown With U.S.
13 people, including 3-year-old, shot at South Side park
What Was The Hurry To Attack Syria? (6 comments)
Wasserman Schultz On Obamacare: Once People Receive Benefits "They're Not Going To Want To Let It Go" (1 comments)
Vote To Defund Obamacare Primes Showdown Over Shutdown (1 comments)
Quick Turn of Fortunes as Diplomatic Options Open Up With Syria and Iran
House Passes Funding Bill Tied to Health Law (1 comments)
The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11 | American Civil Liberties Union (1 comments)
Pelosi: GOP just doesn't like Obama (1 comments)
Debt ceiling fight 'damn dumb,' says Warren Buffett (1 comments)
Thursday, September 19:
Assad Calls U.S. "Greatest Country in the World" (1 comments)
House approves GOP plan to slash food stamp funding (36 comments)
Organic Industry Watchdog: FDA Food Safety Rules Threaten to Crush the Good Food Movement (5 comments)
Fukushima Operator Dumps 1,000 Tons Of Polluted Water In Sea (2 comments)
We don't gas children, we shred them: Obama's Grotesque Hypocrisy over Cluster Munitions
Pope bluntly faults church's focus on gays, abortion
*What Do Ironman Triathlons and Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Have in Common?
Jennifer Mee, Florida "Hiccup Girl," Goes to Trial for Internet-Related Murder (2 comments)
Tom DeLay conviction overturned (1 comments)
Tomgram: Kramer and Pemberton, Downsizing the Military Mission, Upsizing the Peacetime One
Wednesday, September 18:
The Money Behind the Shutdown Crisis (2 comments)
Israeli general says Assad could survive in Syria for years
Obama urges Congress to act in wake of mass shooting
Shutdown In Sight As Republicans Revolt Over Obamacare (1 comments)
Snowden Among Nominees for a European Human Rights Prize
Tuesday, September 17:
FISA Court Releases Opinion to Show Americans Should Really Be Outraged at Phone Companies, Congress (4 comments)
Syria's enemies won't give up on war, Pepe Escobar says
Occupy protestors take to streets in NY
Brazil cancels US state dinner over spying, steps up surveillance at home
Contractor would not have hired Aaron Alexis if past brushes with law had been known
Another Mentally Ill Mass Shooter Passes Background Check (11 comments)
Tomgram: Engelhardt, How to Build a National Security Blowback Machine (2 comments)
The Rich Get Richer Through the Recovery - (1 comments)
Navy Yard Shooting Suspect Only Gunman in Rampage (2 comments)
Still Report 97 - Turkey's Monetary Reform (vidoes) (2 comments)
Larry Summers: Goldman Sacked (16 comments)
Monday, September 16:
The Financial Core of the Transnational Capitalist Class (10 comments)
Poll: Americans Oppose Raising the Debt Ceiling
At least 13 dead in Navy Yard shooting; possible suspect at large
Iran's Rouhani may meet Obama at UN after American president reaches out
Snowden Leak Prompted "Considerable Public Interest," Says FISA Court (1 comments)
Police say as many as 2 shooters have killed 4, injured 8 on grounds of Washington Navy Yard (1 comments)
Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, Victories Come in All Sizes
Biotech Attack GMO Labeling in WA--Organic Brands Hide Behind Lobby Group (1 comments)
Sunday, September 15:
Larry Summers withdraws name from Fed consideration (3 comments)
Colorado floods: Nearly 500 unaccounted for
On the 5th Anniversary of The Panic And Second of Occupy (1 comments)
Wall St. Exploits Ethanol Credits, and Prices Spike
Saturday, September 14:
COMEX Deliverable Gold Bullion Has Plunged
What Counts As "Journalism"? Senate To Decide
Kerry to brief Israel's wary leaders Sunday on Syria deal
White House denies report Summers is choice for Fed (1 comments)
Obama to mark anniversary of US financial crisis (1 comments)
NSA and Israel: Spying on Americans and Each Other (3 comments)
Call Waiting: Peaceful Syrian Opposition Ignored by Peace Laureate Obama
US and Russia agree chemical weapons deal
U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal (1 comments)
U.S. won't seek U.N. approval for strike if Syria reneges on chemical-arms pact
Friday, September 13:
Heartless: Nevada Dumps 1,500 Mental Patients Via One-Way Greyhound Ticket to California (3 comments)
GOP Tries To Sink Uncontroversial Energy Bill With An Obamacare Amendment
*Why Puppet Masters Need Presidents
George Zimmerman 'a Sandy Hook waiting to happen', police chief suggests (4 comments)
Teens plead not guilty in WWII veteran's beating death (1 comments)
8 massacres by Syria regime and 1 by rebels since April 2012, U.N. war crimes report shows
Tamera Center: The Remarriage of Humanity and Nature (2 comments)
The Koch brothers' secret bank
NAIC: Beware of Obamacare Fraud (1 comments)
Brazil Launches Investigation Of NSA Spying Allegations
Thursday, September 12:
Keystone XL: The Truth in 90 Seconds (11 comments)
Florida pastor arrested before he could burn 2,998 Qurans on anniversary of 9/11 attacks
Four years after recession, many in U.S. still fight hunger: poll (2 comments)
Government shutdown inches closer as GOP leaders delay vote in House
As Obama Pauses Action, Putin Takes Center Stage
Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, What If Congress Says No on Syria?
Angela Davis Addresses Gun Violence in Chicago (1 comments)
An Oregon Trail to End Student Debt | The Nation (5 comments)
Wednesday, September 11:
CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels (3 comments)
Think tank fires Syria analyst Kerry cited to support claims about moderate rebels | McClatchy
The SEC Flacks Paint Lehman's Looters as the Victims of a "Political" SEC (3 comments)
The Occupation Magazine (03.09.13) as reviewed by #OZ
Police: Either George Zimmerman Or His Lawyer Is Not Telling The Truth (6 comments)
A Day of U.S. "Credibility" At Work (1 comments)
DNC Chair On Colorado Recalls: "This Was Voter Suppression, Pure And Simple'
Vietnam's Internet Censorship Bill Goes Into Effect (1 comments)
NSA Spying Seen Risking Billions in U.S. Technology Sales (6 comments)
Gems Mined from the NSA Documents and FISA Court Opinions Released
Colorado Lawmakers Ousted in Recall Vote Over Gun Law (3 comments)
Gun permits for the blind create divide in Iowa
*Is the Syria Chemical Weapons Attack a false flag event? (14 comments)
Google Streetview Documents Fukushima's Abandoned Cities
Testes size correlates with men's involvement in toddler care (1 comments)
Tuesday, September 10:
Obama vows to explore diplomatic route on Syria chemical weapons
Nobel Laureate president defends unprovoked war against Syria: Offers No Evidence Assad was Behind Poison Gas Attack (1 comments)
1,556 US Gun Owners Tried to Board Planes With Weapons Last Year (2 comments)
Inspector Says Japan Needs International Help for Nuclear Plant (1 comments)
Catholic Nun Debunks Obama on Poison Gas Claim
A people's victory over Syrian attack plan: In Historic First, American Empire is Blocked at the Starting Line (2 comments)
Michael T. Klare, 2040 or Bust (3 comments)
Monday, September 9:
Graham's Hawkish Posture Confronts War-Weary Voters in South Carolina
Obama endorses possible deal on Syria's chemical weapons
Syrian Oil And Gas: Little-Known Facts on Syria's Energy Resources And Russia's Help
Congress Members Who Have Seen Classified Evidence About Syria Say It Fails to Prove Anything
Obama says Russian Syria proposal could be a breakthrough
Give up weapons, Russia urges Syria
BBC News - Singer James Blunt prevented World War III
Still Report 96 Syria Attack - YouTube
Andrew Bacevich, Drama from Obama (1 comments)
Assad: Syria's allies will retaliate in response to US strike
Sunday, September 8:
Syrian rebels admit to being behind chemical weapons attack
CBS's Face the Nation: Blatant Pro-Israel Pro-War Bias Revealed (6 comments)
Book Review -- The Public Bank Solution, by Ellen Brown -- A Must Read! (3 comments)
The Covergence: War And Economic Collapse
Bakken Oil: An Elder Speaks To Power (1 comments)
Assad says no evidence of chemical attack
Watch the Webstream of the Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival from California (1 comments)
Kerry Announces Saudi Support for Syrian Strike (2 comments)
Saturday, September 7:
A New Syria Tactic Emerges: Assad Signs CW Ban or Else...
Tokyo will host 2020 Summer Olympics, beating out Istanbul and Madrid (2 comments)
Refer Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria to the ICC: Nobel Peace Laureates
Corruption found in BP Gulf of Mexico settlement programme - Telegraph
What Kind of Progress is Black Progress in America?
Strangely Like War: Reflections on the Assault Upon Earth With Derrick Jensen (6 comments)
Friday, September 6:
U.S. pulls staff from outposts in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq
Former Chile army officer sued in Florida for torture death of folk singer Victor Jara in 1973 coup | Toronto Star (1 comments)
John Kerry's Odd Symptoms-- Eyes and Tongue (30 comments)
Obama Warned on Syrian Intel (9 comments)
New Inquiry for Bachmann on Her Presidential Race
Indian author Sushmita Banerjee killed in Afghanistan, police say (1 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Damascus Notes: Late Night "Town Meetings" before the American Attack (1 comments)
Russia sends warship with "special cargo" toward Syria: Navy source
Must Watch: Ron Paul Squares Off Against MSNBC's Alex Wagner in Explosive Interview | Mediaite (1 comments)
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Ordered To Pay U.S. Contractor's Legal Fees
Syria crisis: Russia and US "no closer"
Move to Amend is listening--in a good way! (1 comments)
Thursday, September 5:
The People Living At The End Of The Proposed Keystone XL Pipeline Are Already Sick And Dying (3 comments)
The NSA's Secret Campaign to Crack, Undermine Internet Encryption
Solar Success Generating Friction with Utility Companies (13 comments)
Obama Faces Barrier in His Own Party on Syria
Pressure grows on Obama over Syria at G20 summit
Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West
Nick Turse, AFRICOM's Gigantic "Small Footprint"
Is Mad Cow A Worry Again? (3 comments)
Wednesday, September 4:
Busted for Playing Banjo on Independence Mall: Park Rangers Brutally Arrest Iraq War Vet at Anti-Syria Bombing Demo (16 comments)
As Debate Reopens, Food Stamp Recipients Continue to Squeeze -
Senate committee approves resolution authorizing U.S. strike on Syria - The Washington Post
Jailed activist Barrett Brown to fight government attempt at media gag order
Franklin P. Lamb: Which Americans will arrive first to Syria?
A Syrian Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
U.S. Military Members Post FB Photos Opposing Syrian Strikes (17 comments)
Tuesday, September 3:
Young Geniuses Make Corrupt Corporation Freak Out Big Time (2 comments)
Senators strike deal on wording for new resolution authorizing force against Syria
Egypt army demolishes homes, tunnels along Gaza border
Syria refugees top two million, U.N. sees worst crisis since Vietnam (1 comments)
Tom Engelhardt, Alone and Delusional on Planet Earth
Philly teachers turn to crowd funding for supplies
Fukushima radiation levels '18 times higher' than thought (2 comments)
EU insecticide ban triggers legal action
Assange Requests Investigation Into US Actions Against WikiLeaks (1 comments)
Monday, September 2:
President Gains McCain's Backing on Syria Attack
Understanding the Right's Obamacare Obsession (1 comments)
Vladimir Putin under new pressure over Syria (1 comments)
Syrian Rebels Claim Saudi Prince Bandar Responsible For Chemical Weapons Attack (8 comments)
Ladies--Read This Before You Take That Bone Drug! (4 comments)
Sunday, September 1:
White House invites key committee chairmen to meeting with Obama
Bakken Oil: Fighting for Control of Fort Berthold and the Three Affiliated Tribes (4 comments)
TX Planned Parenthood Rescued with $1 Million From Perot Foundation
Sir David Frost, broadcaster and writer, dies at 74
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack (8 comments)