Archives for Sci Tech

October 2013

Thursday, October 31:

How Monsanto and Friends Put the Frankenstein in Frankenfoods (12 comments)

General Fusion targeting commercializing nuclear fusion in about 2020 (3 comments)

Wednesday, October 30:

The Beatles and Their Contribution to Modern Radiology (3 comments)

Tuesday, October 29:

Saving Valuable Fossil Fuels, Producing Less CO2

Humans Effecting Oceans: More info

Monday, October 28:

UN Mounts Asteroid Defense Plan Following "Bad Luck' Of Chelyabinsk Meteor

Friday, October 25:

FDA recommends tightening access to pain-killers (2 comments)

Thursday, October 24:

Unprecedented Arctic Warming

Wednesday, October 23:

Ecology Is the Meaning of Life. We Must Act Now To Save It! (5 comments)

Monday, October 21:

Al Gore on Global Warming (video worth skimming, at least. DG)

Sunday, October 20:

The Changing Face of Human History

Marmoset Monkeys Desperately Needed in Congress

Lost Home of Last Neanderthals

Saturday, October 19:

Watching the Heartbeat of Molecules

Friday, October 18:

'Wildly New Genome' May Be Safer Way to Go (3 comments)

Thursday, October 17:

No Plants = Cooked Earth

Peanut Butter Test Could Help Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease - D-brief | (1 comments)

Wednesday, October 16:

World Ocean Systems Undermined: Home Planet Going Down! (1 comments)

Monday, October 14:

Richard Obousy on Alcubierre and Casimir Warp Drives

Fukushima Commentary | Fukushima Accident | Fukushima Disaster (6 comments)

Sunday, October 13:

West and East and How We Think | The Scholar's Stage

"God Particle" Researchers Achieve the Nobel Prize for Physics (3 comments)

Saturday, October 12:

New device harnesses sun and sewage to produce hydrogen fuel (1 comments)

Friday, October 11:

Stallman, FOSS and the Adobe Nightmare (14 comments)

Sun and Sewage to Produce Hydrogen Fuel

Even marginal success in research delaying aging is a better investment than cancer, heart disease research (4 comments)

Thursday, October 10:

Planet of the Persnickety Apes: Darwin and the Aesthetics of Survival

Urgent: New Time Frame for Climate Change! (4 comments)

Longer Life for Humans = Further Loss of Endangered (1 comments)

Tuesday, October 8:

Is Japan's Abe Honest About Global Help for Fukushima? | Common Dreams (1 comments)

1.61 billion dollar human brain project has started in Europe

Friday, October 4:

930,000 square feet of the Skycity will be the largest vertical farm in the world

Thursday, October 3:

Cosmos of Government Shutdown: APOD Unimpeded! (20 comments)

Wednesday, October 2:

Musk: SpaceX Now Has "All the Pieces" For Reusable Rockets - Popular Mechanics (1 comments)

Matchstick-sized sensor can record your private chats - 26 September 2013 - New Scientist (3 comments)


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