Cosmos of Government Shutdown: APOD Unimpeded!
Yesterday morning, as the US government decided to shut down portions of services, I noted that the APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) site was still up and had an interesting note at the bottom of how we could access the content uninterrupted. I found this idea fascinating that the folks at APOD had the foresight and intention to include the following statement: Note: How to follow APOD if the US government shuts down.
So today I tried it, and to my utter amazement, found a WORLD full of fellow star beings who can view the artistry, appreciation, humor, seriousness, science, and adoration of the stars despite "the government shutdown." No less than 29 sites in 23 countries carry the "mirror" of the site to millions of global-family members.
What was also so appropriate, I think and feel, is that the title today, October 2nd, is "All the Colors of the Sun." This picture reminds me of the rainbow of all that is, the plethora of vibrations and frequencies that are available to us if we look a little further to discover information, wisdom, love and joy.
Are we the Bringers of the Dawn? Are we the Stargazers, the Starlights, and the StarBeings that co-creatively join to build a new planet? Are we the Rainbow Warriors whom the enlightened First Nation peoples spoke of? Are we the ones who reach through the void, the darkness and depths of the night to bring the light of a new world and a new way of being to all of Gaia?
Well, are we?
Since this site is in English, I tried the Italian site today. Enjoy!
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Founder, Oneness House ~ A Spiritual Spa; Writer, Visionary, co-creator of the New Earth, Spiritual Mentor, Inspirational and Transformational Healer/Teacher/Speaker.
Awakening and exploring with others to the beautiful, free, loving (more...)