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May 2015
Sunday, May 31:
Thank you Rand Paul for a Patriotic Act (10 comments)
Karl Marx Was Right (235 comments)
Pivot Insanity: Why is Obama Goading China? (2 comments)
Holes in the Neocons' Syrian Story (1 comments)
RIck Lanahan: *The Patriot Act - Does the end justify the means?
Bibi Coalition Echoes Groucho's "Duck Soup"
Will countries 'walk the talk' to end the tobacco epidemic?
There's nothing patriotic about the PATRIOT Act, and there is no proof it's even working (8 comments)
Who's to Blame for Poultry Suffering? (6 comments)
The Daily Show - Democalypse 2016 - Bernie Sanders Kicks Off His Campaign
FIFA and Tammany Hall gone global (3 comments)
Who are the psychopaths? (12 comments)
*Tens of Millions of Survivors of genocidal US terrorism! Ridicule that US list of Nations Sponsoring Terrorism (2 comments)
Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isn't About Trade, But Corporate Control (1 comments)
The Awful Mishandling of American Hostage Situation Policy (3 comments)
Saturday, May 30:
Why Israel's cabinet will be a headache for the US
In Search of the Democratic Soul (3 comments)
Ukraine- Nazi's Target American Journalist in Donbass (4 comments)
Denny Hastert is Contemptible, But His Indictment Exemplifies America's Over-Criminalization Pathology (2 comments)
The Sleaze Hit on Hillary Won't Work (2 comments)
An Important Victory is Just Within Sight. YOU Can Terminate The Patriot Act and Its Ugly Siblings
Say: "Smart on Prison Dollars" not "Smart on Crime" (1 comments)
The Map on the Wall (1 comments)
Hillary Clinton's State Department Authorized Billions in Arms Sales to Foundation Donors (3 comments)
Real Democracy Promotion: Lord Acton and Tom Clancy vs John Yoo
Washington Protects Its Lies With More Lies
Patrolling the hood from (China) sea to shining sea (5 comments)
The Thundering Failure of the Democrats (19 comments)
Martin O'Malley Attempts a Politics of Moral Duty (3 comments)
Why the MSM Should Stop Withholding or Giving Bad Press Coverage To Bernie Sanders (16 comments)
Persecution of CIA's Jeffrey Sterling
What if Serious Energy Was Expended on Being For Something? (11 comments)
Bulging Waste Line (3 comments)
Bikers to draw Muhammad Cartoons in Phoenix (10 comments)
Resurgence of the "Surge" Myth (4 comments)
Friday, May 29:
More Video Fakery on MH-17 (3 comments)
Of Course Bernie Sanders Can Win: Five Compelling Bullet Points (20 comments)
Where Would Jesus Live? (4 comments)
Policing Post Mortem: What Needs to Happen Next? (5 comments)
What Is the Greatest Commandment? (1 comments)
How to Lose Power in One Year!! Egypt's Morsi June30th 2012- July3rd 2013 (2 comments)
Paola Masman: The Fiercest Fast Track Battle is Yet to Come (1 comments)
World Cup Of Thieves (5 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Is Da'ish (ISIS) open to a deal on Palmyra?
Thursday, May 28:
Paola Masman: U.S. Burned by NAFTA, Yet our Leaders Ask Us To Trust Them Again (16 comments)
Noam Chomsky: "America is Not a Democracy (and Was Never Intended to Be)" (22 comments)
Was Osama bin Laden really there? (Part Two) (3 comments)
WTO: World Take Over (1 comments)
"Let's Hear it for Prohibition: an Interim Way out of the 'Drug War' Mess" (1 comments)
Joe Biden Authorizes Russian Military Bases in Cuba (10 comments)
Iraq: Five Points to Remember (2 comments)
Wednesday, May 27:
A Letter from Hillary (10 comments)
Antiwar Veterans Join the Conversation at the Vietnam Wall: Memorial Day 2015 (1 comments)
Trade Promotion Authority is Unconstitutional (8 comments)
Marijuana Prohibition and Suppression of The Divine Feminine (4 comments)
Science, Uncertainty, and Erring on the Safe Side (14 comments)
Why is the GOP Willing to Let President Obama Amend the Constitution? (6 comments)
Tuesday, May 26:
Our Chance to Aid and Encourage Whistleblowers (2 comments)
Government & Corporate America: A Marriage Made in Hell (8 comments)
A Civilian Is A Combatant Is A Civilian Is A Combatant (3 comments)
Our Mania for Hope Is a Curse (29 comments)
*Our Political Parents (2 comments)
Bernie's No Sheepdog--Provided His Supporters Aren't Sheep (80 comments)
The NSA's Technotyranny: One Nation Under Surveillance
The TPP - A Sampling of What to Expect (14 comments)
Bush Name May Not Sink Jeb Bush (2 comments)
Memorial Day, celebrating America's orgy of war (3 comments)
Monday, May 25:
Alexey Mozgovoy | Why His Legacy Will Unify Novorossia (15 comments)
Propaganda v Impropaganda -- MH17, Brand 60 Minutes, and Shell-game Journalism (11 comments)
Ia ISIS Post-Modernism's Latest Avatar? (4 comments)
Is Al Jazeera Trying to Be CNN or Fox? (3 comments)
*Memorial Day! Americans Honor Military that Collaterally Slaughtered Millions of Non-Caucasian Children (3 comments)
Studying in the Streets: The Pedagogy of Throwing Bottles at the Cops (5 comments)
Do Reformers Actually Care About Education or About Cutting Costs? (8 comments)
The Corporate Media Would Like You to Think Bernie Sanders Can't Win (35 comments)
Josh Duggar and Osama Bin Laden: One Family Man's Saint Is Another Family Man's Terrorist (2 comments)
Without real democracy, how will people hold governments to account? (1 comments)
Death of A Nation (3 comments)
Sunday, May 24:
Its More Than Monsanto (45 comments)
Through the people's lens: Modi's development model so far (2 comments)
China Lobby Pre-WWII, Israel Lobby Pre-WWIII (5 comments)
Muslims Challenge Al-Baghdadi's Lunatic Message (19 comments)
Snowden's Brilliant Answer to Those Who Say They Don't Need Privacy Right Because They Have Nothing To Hide (49 comments)
*The treason of the TPP. (32 comments)
A Muslim's Reflections on Memorial Day 2015 (2 comments)
The Rentier and the Lumpen (1 comments)
Podemos -- Si Se Puede (15 comments)
Scott Walker and the GOP Turning First Amendment Rights Upside Down (14 comments)
Saturday, May 23:
An Open Letter To All In Pursuit Of Truth (3 comments)
BRICS trample US in South America (8 comments)
Obama's failure on Saudi-Qatari aid to al-Qaeda affiliate
International Law and Crimes against Humanity (2 comments)
How our State Legislatures Might Help Prevent Tragedies
*Liquid Plutonium destined for your kid's Capt. Crunch, courtesy of NAFTA/TPP/ISDS? (1 comments)
Only in America? The False Dichotomy Between Movement Building and Electoral Politics (7 comments)
*Unlike Chavez, Chavistas Appealed to a Powerless US President Who Works for Investors in Genocide! (1 comments)
March Against Monsanto 2015 Open Thread (3 comments)
Friday, May 22:
Let's Hear it for Prohibition: an Interim Way Out of the "Drug War" Mess, 2 (2 comments)
The 16 Core Progressive Policies, Really? (2 comments)
The Big Banks Are Corrupt -- And Getting Worse (6 comments)
Who Will Save Israel? (7 comments)
Wahhabis go nuclear -- literally (5 comments)
A Color Revolution for Macedonia
On the U.S. Killing of Two Children in Syria
If U.S. Military Spending Returned to 2001 Level
That Time When Bernie Sanders Tried To Debate Michele Bachmann On CNN & Her Comedy Of Errors (1 comments)
The TPP Must Be Defeated (1 comments)
The Debacle That Bites Back: Here We Go Again (22 comments)
Final Phase In Battle To Stop Rigged Corporate Trade (3 comments)
The Judicial Activism of Clearance Thomas (10 comments)
Bernie for President--A Plan for Posterity (10 comments)
Pope Francis & Oscar Romero: Upending the Theology of John Paul II (15 comments)
Bodily autonomy and sexual rights are integral to development justice
The Five Things that Prevent World Peace (8 comments)
The Last Laugh is on Economist Arthur Laffer! (8 comments)
Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #5: How to Reinvent Education (1 comments)
No Debate Equals No Democracy: Fast Track is a Crime (6 comments)
Thursday, May 21:
Hillary's Vote for Iraq War Merely a "Mistake, Plain and Simple? (9 comments)
In the Same Week, the U.S. and U.K. Hide Their War Crimes by Invoking "National Security" (4 comments)
1 A-CO - Where are the conscientious objectors? (15 comments)
The US government told me Bin Laden read my book. But what is it not telling us? (6 comments)
The Coming Crash (4 comments)
The Left Matters -- Now, More Than Ever
War Speaks Every Language But Never Knows What to Say to Frogs
New York Times Coverage Follows Narrative of Israeli State Power
Marco Rubio: Back to the Future (4 comments)
Wednesday, May 20:
Why the US is Finally Talking to Russia (15 comments)
Nakba and the Question of "Palestinian Strategy"
The Latest Victim in the War on Whistleblowers (1 comments)
George W. Bush's CIA Briefer: Bush and Cheney Falsely Presented WMD Intelligence to Public (6 comments)
Clinton Smear Book Author's Past Revealed: He Was Ghostwriter for Jesse Helms
Crossing the Korean DMZ for Peace (1 comments)
Derailing Amtrak: Tracking the Latest Disaster in the Infrastructure Crisis (21 comments)
You Be the Judge (4 comments)
Only in America - Episode Two: Anarchists Amok in The Era of Normalcy (3 comments)
Militarization Is More Than Tanks and Rifles: It's a Cultural Disease (2 comments)
Will HLPF push for accountability in post-2015 development agenda?
Was Osama bin Laden really there? (7 comments)
Jeb Bush, beat it, you are dead politically (4 comments)
Whose "Liberty"? Whose "Freedom"? (3 comments)
Tuesday, May 19:
Deception, Thy Middle Name is Divert
Bernie Sanders Has a Plan: Tax Wall Street and Make College Free (4 comments)
The Revolt of Small Business Republicans (1 comments)
Let The Public Read The Completed Parts Of The Trans-Pacific Partnership (2 comments)
4 Climate Surprises From Al Gore in Iowa (1 comments)
Europe's Boat People - and Asia's (2 comments)
Forget What We Know Now: We Knew Then the Iraq War Was a Joke (7 comments)
Boston Marathon Bomber Gets Death, So Why Not Death for all Bombers? (1 comments)
Imagine: An Homage and Variations On A Theme (9 comments)
Why do Republicans really oppose infrastructure spending? (42 comments)
Monday, May 18:
GCHQ's Rainbow Lights: Exploiting Social Issues for Militarism and Imperialism (3 comments)
Fake Evidence Blaming Russia for MH-17? (3 comments)
Where your conscience can take you: North Korea
US special forces stage raid into Syria (1 comments)
The New Multi-Polar World (5 comments)
Koch Brothers Claim Another State in War on Renewables (7 comments)
Obama's Trade War Against Warren Wounds His Party -- and His Legacy (5 comments)
Will post-2015 development agenda integrate economic, environmental and social pillars?
Imposters at MIT? Stop the Victim Blaming (1 comments)
White Racism Matters! (11 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: We can still save Palmyra (Tadmur) but we must move fast (8 comments)
Mega-Psycho; When The Most Successful, Smartest Psychopaths Go Bigger-- Think Pyramids (32 comments)
How Photographing Pollution Became Illegal In Wyoming (3 comments)
Field Office Annals, Part Two: Engagement, Vision, and Play
From Great Games, Come Great Wars (2 comments)
Fugitive Facts Escape from APA Headquarters
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorists Continue Getting it Wrong (2 comments)
Democracy American Style - Macedonia (10 comments)
Sunday, May 17:
Closing the Door on Torture (1 comments)
The Pathology of the Rich White Family (70 comments)
Time to celebrate real heroes, like the one just lost (1 comments)
Citing Soaring Student Debt, Sanders to Pitch Tuition-Free Higher Education
William And Mary Honors War Criminal (5 comments)
Be aware of evolutionary/ecological traps (2 comments)
Thomas Riggins: Sin, Socialism, and Sacrilege (3 comments)
All About.. Myths about Welfare and 'Corporate' welfare". some truth.. (4 comments)
Empire: Duping With A Democracy Lure (23 comments)
Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu Damages the Israeli Cause Once More! (1 comments)
The Minimum Wage quadrupled from 1938 to 1956 (3 comments)
Obama & Gulf States summit: Party time with Wahhabi Atlanticists (7 comments)
Saturday, May 16:
US needs the Iceland option: If 'Too-Big-to-Fail'' Means Too-Big-To-Jail' It Should Mean 'Too-Big-to-Be' (9 comments)
The Marijuana Economy Comes Out of the Shadows
U.S. on Wrong Side of History (6 comments)
The War of Fools (3 comments)
NOT BREAKING: CEOs Are Still Pigs At The Trough, Ripping Off Shareholders And Workers (5 comments)
US Empire: American Exceptionalism Is No Shining City On a Hill (16 comments)
Who defines UN Responsibility to Protect? (1 comments)
What to make of Kerry meeting with Putin in Sochi, Russia? (24 comments)
Do computers have a future? (7 comments)
*Spoiling Corruption by a Popular Front Strategy (3 comments)
Collective Action Makes the "Impossible" Possible (5 comments)
Debunking the Latest Sandy Hook Hoax Conspiracy Theories (18 comments)
I'm Not Making This Up: Corporations Use Trade Deals To Attack U.S. Law (4 comments)
Friday, May 15:
U.S. wakes up to New (Silk) World Order (7 comments)
The Phony "Bad Intel" Defense on Iraq (7 comments)
Animal People vs Spirit People; Why Do People Vote Against Their Own Interests (13 comments)
Is Washington Coming To Its Senses?
Top 10 Activist Errors (8 comments)
Abortion and Mental Illness: A Phantom Epidemic (2 comments)
Conservatism as Top-Down Culture That Leads to Parasites and Psychopathologies (43 comments)
The Skinny on Europe-Russia Relations (4 comments)
Thursday, May 14:
Russ Feingold Is Running Again for the Senate and for Economic Fairness
Don't Grade Justice on a Warped Curve: Assessing the Case of CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling
The GOP's Food Stamp Hypocrisy (5 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *Cardinal Rodriguez Criticizes the Pope's American Critics (1 comments)
Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade (19 comments)
Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #3: Expand Social Security (4 comments)
Opportunity or Inequality? That's No Choice At All
Sanders, Our Best Bet (34 comments)
DIE EARLY (A Modest Proposal) (4 comments)
The Wisdom of the Laughing Nun (6 comments)
Capitalism is the West's Dominant Religion (7 comments)
The tragedies in the Middle East and Ukraine: why our state legislators might initiate reform
Hillary Clinton: First Impressions (2 comments)
What's the Problem With Bernie Sanders Running? (12 comments)
Trans-Pacific Partnership versus National Sovereignty: A False Dilemma (2 comments)
American Idol" The End. (1 comments)
Acting Against Your Own Best Interest (3 comments)
Wednesday, May 13:
Greatest Threat To Free Speech Comes Not From Terrorism, But From Those Claiming To Fight It (2 comments)
Congress Has to Get Serious About Railroads and Infrastructure (4 comments)
The Jeb Bush Adviser Who Should Scare You
Chelsea Manning rewrites the Espionage Act
Bin Laden the Vindicator (18 comments)
Seymour Hersh Details Explosive Story on Bin Laden Killing & Responds to White House, Media Backlash (15 comments)
When people come to a point where they have nothing to lose, they will lash out at their oppressor (4 comments)
'We the People' Need to Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath (3 comments)
Critique of Jon Stewart interview with Judith Miller (4 comments)
Corporate PACs Projecting Poison on Planet & People (1 comments)
Israel seeks in Nepal to whitewash its crimes in Gaza
Asking "How to pay for Social Security" is Asking the Wrong Question (18 comments)
What Are the Biggest Lies and Delusions That Keep People Voting Against Their Own Best Interests? (125 comments)
Tuesday, May 12:
Social Security 10 Years From Now: A Choice of Two Futures (1 comments)
Fast Track Train Off Rails -- For Now (3 comments)
Jeb Bush Isn't a Moderate, He's a Neocon Extremist (8 comments)
CIA Officer Jeffrey Sterling Sentenced to Prison: The Latest Blow in the Government's War on Journalism (1 comments)
Tom Brady and Theoretical Crime (4 comments)
Yemen Re-Draws Middle East Alliances (1 comments)
The Horror and the Shame (10 comments)
President Obama Is the One Who Is Wrong About Fast Track and the TPP (4 comments)
War Threat Rises As Economy Declines
Latin America in Perspective by Raffaele Morgantini and Tarik Bou (5 comments)
Seymour Hersh Succumbs To Disinformation
Punishing Another Whistleblower (3 comments)
How President Obama and his supporters damaged the Democratic Party (3 comments)
Monday, May 11:
The Soviet Union, Propaganda, and World War II (1 comments)
Neocons Plan: Chaos and Regime Change in Russia (1 comments)
In Convicting Jeff Sterling, CIA Revealed More Than It Accused Him of Revealing (1 comments)
How the Media Helps ISIS Spread its Propaganda (9 comments)
Field Office Annals, Part One: Filling A Need
"Slow but steady wins the race": Lilawati
A Nation of Snitches (8 comments)
Sunday, May 10:
The real lessons of the Tory victory (2 comments)
A Day- and Night-mare (1 comments)
Enforcing the Ukraine "Group Think" (4 comments)
"I'm From that Hell Called Gaza"
Three Whistlers, One Tune (2 comments)
Why Bernie Sanders Is Unelectable (23 comments)
Christie's Administration Is Facing Another Investigation
Warren Spinelessly Coddles Clinton, Distances Sanders (13 comments)
We Have a Dysfunctional Government, but Hope is on the Way. (11 comments)
The Baltimore Uprising and the U.S. Government's Record on Human Rights (3 comments)
Myth vs Facts on Fast Tracking Trade Authority (2 comments)
Building a Mother's Day for Peace
Saturday, May 9:
The Final Push -- Splitting Up Iraq (1 comments)
The Next Decade Will Decide What the World Looks Like for Thousands of Decades to Come (5 comments)
Robert Jay Lifton, Author of "The Nazi Doctors": Psychologists Who Aided Torture Should Be Charged (1 comments)
Natylie Baldwin: Deconstructing the Ukraine War: The Players and Their Interests (5 comments)
The American Bubble -- The Worst Avian Flu Crisis in US History that No One is Talking About (25 comments)
Why not free 4-year college? (56 comments)
Freedom of the Press (23 comments)
Reclaiming Our Power While Recovering from Western Civilization (5 comments)
Prime Minister Cameron's "Southern Strategy" Wins (and Loses)
Seventy Years after the "Great Patriotic War:" "Let No One Forget, Let Nothing Be Forgotten" (72 comments)
Bernie Sanders: It's Time To End Orwellian Surveillance of Every American (9 comments)
Friday, May 8:
I agree with Hillary Clinton (4 comments)
The No More War Movement (8 comments)
Economic Disinformation Keeps Financial Markets Up
On the Perennial Nature of U.S. Urban Riots (2 comments)
Why Write about NFL's "Deflategate"
Some advice for Pamela Geller (5 comments)
Rejoice with the "new" House of Saud (2 comments)
Obama's Petulant WWII Snub of Russia (8 comments)
On V-E Day Europe's Future is on the Line (2 comments)
Law Profs: SCOTUS Should Focus on Risky Execution Drug, Not Activists (1 comments)
Ice Cream, You Scream"An Ice Cream Listeria Epidemic? (3 comments)
Hinton Communications: Mother's Day Is a Big Day For Florists Until Banks and Credit Card Giants Snip Their Profits Short
Why war is no option against the Shia-Mullah regime of Iran? (4 comments)
Coddling the Rich (6 comments)
Thursday, May 7:
The Danger of Resurgent Anti-Semitism (1 comments)
Holes in NFL's "Deflategate" Report (4 comments)
Why Nike Is the Problem, Not the Solution (7 comments)
It Is Time to Call Radio "Liberty" What It Is: Radio Gestapo Amerika
Murdoch Media Reach For '90s Playbook: Criminalize The Clintons (Evidence Optional) (1 comments)
Jails Are a Cash Cow for the Rich (4 comments)
Loretta Lynch Has an Immediate Conflict of Interest in Baltimore (5 comments)
Speaking Out for KIDS in Jail (4 comments)
Fighting Police Brutality Since the 60's Must Succeed Now (2 comments)
What Makes Bernie Run? (3 comments)
The American Psychological Association's Disappearing History (1 comments)
The Power and Symbolism of Voting (4 comments)
Women Bridge Divide Between Koreas By Crossing the DMZ
Wednesday, May 6:
Mike Huckabee Is a Little Bit Populist, and That Could Be a Big Problem for Bush and Walker (3 comments)
US-Jordan war games prepare wider Mideast conflict
We're citizens, not subjects. We have the right to criticize government without fear (7 comments)
Monetary Sovereignty? Give Me A Break! (Part II)
Monetary Sovereignty? Give Me A Break! (Part I) (5 comments)
When Eyes Ran Blood -- Violence in Baltimore: When Did It Really Start?
Social Transformation through Meditation (3 comments)
*Anniversary End of USA's 3.5 Million Holocaust Celebrated in Communist Vietnam! Great Satan's Defeat (1 comments)
March of the Neocons (2 comments)
Tuesday, May 5:
In a Cop Culture, the Bill of Rights Doesn't Amount to Much (2 comments)
Gifting Russia "Free-Market" Extremism (3 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *A Reply to David Brooks' Column "What Is Your Purpose?" (1 comments)
Nurses: The Heart & Backbone of Health Care (2 comments)
US Media Shields Saudi War on Yemen (2 comments)
Right-Wingers Get Tip from Waitress (2 comments)
Legality of Drone Warfare or Illegality of Drone Assassination? Let a Real Debate Begin! (4 comments)
The Chickens Come Home to Roost in Baltimore (2 comments)
Baltimore Cops Charged Without Fear or Favor
A Chicken Named Viva Changed My Life (6 comments)
The tragedies of the Middle East and Ukraine: What do state legislatures have to do with them? (1 comments)
With no cure in sight, controlling asthma is essential (1 comments)
A 1% View for America (6 comments)
Kathy Swift: Gentrifying Santa Barbara's Eastside (5 comments)
*Reflections on Lethal Drugs, Sleeping and Waking Up
The APA Relied on the CIA for Ethical Guidance (1 comments)
Monday, May 4:
The U.S. Bill of Rights Rewritten to Match Reality (4 comments)
Watching Shadows of Liberty (1 comments)
The battle between American-Jewish political donors heats up
Fast Track Bill Vote In Senate: Winter Is Coming
Murder's Loophole: US Cluster Bombs Rain Mass Death on Yemen (2 comments)
After Baltimore: Soul Searching in Another America
Thomas Farrell: *In Defense of Free Speech in the United States
The Nature of the State in the United States, and the Political Duopoly that Controls it
Seigniorage, Its relation to Justice, Trust and Commitment (8 comments)
Discussing the views of Piketty on inequality, with an eye towards Henry George (6 comments)
Re: "Let's Give Up Insanity and Try a Sane Approach in Dealing with t World," By Joseph Clifford, OpEdNews, 5/3/2015 (3 comments)
NEOLIBERALISM: Austerity vs. The Affluent Society. (46 comments)
Florida House - Property Condemned (2 comments)
Benghazi! Baltimore! Nepal! Blame It All On Gay Marriage! (5 comments)
Sunday, May 3:
Make the Rich Panic (29 comments)
After Forming Clinton Cash "Exclusives," NY Times, Washington Post Fail To Report On Book's Errors
Brutality is Our Society's Trademark -- From the Justice System to Healthcare (1 comments)
The Significance of Bernie Sanders's Decision to Enter the Democratic Primaries (16 comments)
A Long Shot, But the Only Shot We Have? And I Don't Just Mean Bernie... (21 comments)
WPost Blames Obama for Syrian Mess (1 comments)
Canada's Fascist Shift (4 comments)
Gaza Crisis "Unsustainable and Intolerable" (1 comments)
Trans Pacific Trickle-Down Economics (2 comments)
"If We Can Stop Monsanto, We Can Change The World" (5 comments)
NYTimes: Conservative Economics and Income Inequality Are Literally Killing Us. (11 comments)
The Lighter Side of Political Dirty Laundry (1 comments)
May Day, May Day: Dancing In the Street (1 comments)
Urgently Needed: A Public Jobs Program (4 comments)
Let's Give Up Insanity and Try a Sane Approach in Dealing with the World (3 comments)
Drones: Coming soon to a strife near you (2 comments)
Saturday, May 2:
*Burma: Shackling press freedom, Reform will be futile
Why the Planet Is Happy That Bernie Sanders Is Running for President (8 comments)
Welcome to the Black Spring (1 comments)
Obama Climbing into Bed with Al-Qaeda
If You're Black in America, the Rules are Different (8 comments)
Six police charged in death of Freddie Gray, from Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police, "They have done nothing wrong". (12 comments)
A Response to the Recent oped Article on the new progressiveism (5 comments)
Quiz on Baltimore's "criminals and thugs"
The Political Roots of Widening Inequality (31 comments)
Friday, May 1:
Is Merkel a CIA Asset? (2 comments)
Is CrowdFunding a boon for making bigotry profitable? (5 comments)
The Lasting Pain from Vietnam Silence (10 comments)
Baltimore PD Indictment is one Thing, Conviction is Another (4 comments)
A Vote for Hillary May be Hard but Consider the Alternative (19 comments)
In Defense of Hillary Clinton, Democrats Embrace Citizens United Decision
Obama's "No Growth, No Jobs, No Recovery" Economy Gives Up The Ghost (21 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *A Reply to Both David Brooks and N. D. B. Connolly Regarding the Baltimore Crisis (1 comments)
Why NATO is terrified of Russia (2 comments)
Lessons of the Vietnam War...We haven't learned them (1 comments)
A Boy Called Bibi -- Netanyahu on the Couch (2 comments)
The Sanders Challenge (6 comments)
Are the Clintons More Transparent Than the Bushes?
BALTIMORE, The Jig Is Up (4 comments)
Why states could be botching executions we'll never know about
The Cult of Cop Worship (3 comments)
No other way out: We need to early diagnose TB and treat with drugs that work
Execution drug shortage? Nope-drug companies just don't want their products used to execute people (1 comments)
Are All Innocents Killed by Drones Equal?
CSI Cyber Raises Awareness of Cybercrime, But... (1 comments)
Domestic Terrorism, Youth and the Politics of Disposability (1 comments)
Why Was Carter's Gaza Meeting Cancelled?