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July 2015
Friday, July 31:
RIck Lanahan: The Iran Deal: Taking Sides... (4 comments)
Shades of revolution not limited to the young for Bernie! (2 comments)
Why a One-degree Rise in Global Temperature is a Big Deal (1 comments)
280th Anniversary of Landmark Event in History of a Free Press--Trial of John Peter Zenger (2 comments)
Republicans Support Massive Tax Evasion by Starving IRS Budget (1 comments)
The Greek Coup: Liquidity as a Weapon of Coercion (15 comments)
Power-Mad Erdogan Launches War in Attempt to Become Turkey's Supreme Leader
Honoring Cecil: Compassion for The Compassionless (27 comments)
South Dakota PUC Trading Health for Potential Tar Sands Profits (1 comments)
Police Remove Greenpeace Activists from Portland Bridge After They Forced Shell Ship Back to Port
Ancient Wars were a Family Affair (1 comments)
Postcard from the End of America: Jack's Famous Bar in Philadelphia (2 comments)
The Real Lessons in Greek for Leftists (2 comments)
Why Russia Shut Down NED Fronts (1 comments)
Assange: The Untold Story Of An Epic Struggle For Justice (1 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Return to Ma'loula
Divided and Conquered in America Historic Opppressors with Innocuous Names (2 comments)
Thursday, July 30:
No. 1: Lessons in Greek -- for Leftists (8 comments)
Iran Political Fulmination Versus Diplomatic Deal (6 comments)
Appropriating Russia's History to Bolster Ukrainian Nationalism (38 comments)
EU's Greek Debt Austerity Plan Rejected By The IMF
Ground the Drones And End The Wars
Rand Paul: Fraud, Failure, Liar (1 comments)
Export-Import Bank debate reveals the corruption of economics
Iran Deal Prevents Naked Muslim Ray Gun
The dark side of American politics (1 comments)
Greece is not the major problem -- Europe is (2 comments)
RIck Lanahan: The Iran Deal: A Seat at the Table...
"Bomb Iran" plan simply won't go away (1 comments)
Tall Order For Pakistan (1 comments)
10 years after Hurricane Katrina, Harry Shearer's documentary on the disaster still has bite (1 comments)
A Vision of a Truly Exceptional America: Could That Become a Reality? (7 comments)
Charge The Cop Who Backed Up Cover Story of Cop Who Killed Sam DuBose (6 comments)
Viet Nam a Half Century Later (3 comments)
*The legalised murder of Cecil the Lion (7 comments)
Get Ready for Scott Walker ... and the Ruthless Politics of Walkerism (3 comments)
Black Lives Do Matter (1 comments)
Pollard the Pawn (3 comments)
Wednesday, July 29:
Darker Horizons Ahead: Rethinking the War on "IS"
The Capitalism Test (1 comments)
Celebs vs. Amnesty: Do The Entertainment Elite Hate Women?
Follow the Trail of Facts, Hints, and Allegations - Connect the Dots (2 comments)
3 weeks after burning a Confederate flag in a grill, a Colorado mom arrested at midnight (3 comments)
The Koch Brothers are About to Destroy Veterans' Health Care and No One Knows About It (2 comments)
Tomi Lahren- It's Not the Muslims Stupid! (6 comments)
The Tom Brady Railroad (4 comments)
Can the Financial Times Sort Academe's Administration Problem?
Dylann Roof Is Not a "Terrorist" -- But Animal Rights Activists Who Free Minks From Slaughter Are (4 comments)
"You Can Legally Bribe a Government Official"
Strike While the Donald is Hot (4 comments)
In Praise of the HSUS (4 comments)
Terrorist attack in India heightens tension with Pakistan
Seventeen Reasons to Vote Democratic (20 comments)
Only in the US Can Criminals Legally Buy Guns (14 comments)
Donald Trump's Fiendish Plot to Destroy the Human Race by Jack Balkwill (3 comments)
Tuesday, July 28:
Remarks by Senator Sanders at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (2 comments)
Western-Imposed Holocaust (4 comments)
Drivers, Beware: The Costly, Deadly Dangers of Traffic Stops in the American Police State (2 comments)
A Unitarian Universalist Message: Marriage Equality and Dignity (1 comments)
Are immigrants stealing American jobs? (1 comments)
When Israel/Neocons Favored Iran (1 comments)
The Republicans Have Been Trumped; Democrats Can Organize Better Debates (1 comments)
Just Listen to What Western Officials Are Saying About Russia (5 comments)
Hawking, Musk, Woz: We Must Ban the "Kalashnikovs of Tomorrow" ie., Robot War Machines (1 comments)
Even If Sandra Bland Did Commit Suicide... (1 comments)
Thomas Riggins: Poverty and Child Brain Damage (3 comments)
Of Prophets and Loss (3 comments)
Escape from Clinton Correctional Facility exposes the need for reforms
Thoughts on Encounters With Extraterrestrials (29 comments)
Living in the Clouds (2 comments)
Monday, July 27:
Obama Buys False Iran Narrative
Reagan's legacy will be invoked repeatedly during Cleveland's Aug. 6 GOP debate -- but what does it really mean? (4 comments)
Slow Down, I'm Conservative (7 comments)
Vandana Shiva: 'We Must End Monsanto's Colonization, Its Enslavement of Farmers' (3 comments)
Supply and Demand in the Gold and Silver Futures Markets
Hillary Clinton: If I'm Elected President Every American Home Will Be Powered by Renewables by 2027 (6 comments)
A Crucial Realization About Journalism is Learned by Being its Subject
The Future is Now, Social Emergency (2 comments)
The Iran Nuclear Deal -- Winners: Europe/Asia, Losers: USA
Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel (4 comments)
Sending Citizens Summons to Members of Congress (6 comments)
Salvador's Draconian Abortion Laws: a Miscarriage of Justice
Eduardo Galeano, The Previous Sole Superpower
What's Taking Over America (34 comments)
Trump Soars As Francis Wanes: Evangelicals And Rednecks Are Still Impressed By Bombast And Ostentation (9 comments)
Sunday, July 26:
90 Year Old Legendary Speaker of the House Jim Wright Denied Texas Voter ID Card (6 comments)
What, Really, is Netanyahu's Game Plan for America?
An Open Letter To All Who Want To Know Who Wears The Boot On Our Neck (11 comments)
America's New Brutalism: the Death of Sandra Bland (6 comments)
Thanks to The OpEdNews Managing Editor Team (8 comments)
Is Comcast Finally Killing The Liberal Content On MSNBC? (9 comments)
'NCIS' Again Skunked--Except by the People (4 comments)
Is the Sanders Candidacy Evidence of a Revolutionary Moment? (4 comments)
Dairy Farm Cruelty (9 comments)
Saturday, July 25:
Hey, I Have an Idea Where They Can Stick the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Loretta Lynch Plays It Safe in Charleston
Picked Out a Coffin Yet? Take Ibuprofen and Die (4 comments)
Happy Birthday Medicare (4 comments)
Fox So-Called "News" Is "GOP TV" in the 21st Century (8 comments)
Obama's line on the Iran nuclear deal: A second false narrative (2 comments)
Police Violence: An Anti-Obscenity Proposal (28 comments)
What 1984 Can Teach Us About 2015 (4 comments)
Why Some Americans hate Edward Snowden (8 comments)
The Best Candidate for Minorities and Women (Not Hillary, Not Now) (2 comments)
Headlines Matter--Especially in Science Reporting (2 comments)
More 2016 Candidates Embrace the Donald Trump Zeitgeist ... Including Hillary Clinton (7 comments)
Thirteen Senators Who Could Make History
High-Level French Delegation to Crimea Signals "The Power of Impossible Ideas" (10 comments)
Fork Weilding Waiter Arrested As Terrorist (10 comments)
Marking the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Landmark Americans with Disabilities Act! (1 comments)
Friday, July 24:
Sheldon's Stooges (1 comments)
Postcard from the End of America: Lisa from Clayton, NJ
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: When "Lefty" Advocacy Organizations Sell Out (29 comments)
A Young Muslim Woman Speaks Out About Islamophobia (16 comments)
Israel Clears the Bench in Iran Fight (1 comments)
For Republicans, the Real Nightmare Is a Third-Party Trump (4 comments)
Monsanto Hits All the Wrong Notes (4 comments)
Why John Russell Houser isn't called a Thug and Terrorist
Pinched Nerve (2 comments)
Shaken Baby Syndrome Imprisonment by Misdiagnosis
Fiorina Claims She's Not Part of the "Professional Political Class"
What Does It Mean to Be A Developed Nation? (2 comments)
*Elephant In The Room: The Pentagon's Massive Carbon Footprint (1 comments)
Drawing Prophet Muhammad is not an Issue of Freedom of Speech (9 comments)
From Impossibility to Peace (1 comments)
Black Conservatives...Really! (9 comments)
American Muslims alarmed at Anti-Muslim rhetoric by Rand Paul, Wesley Clark, Franklin Graham (3 comments)
Hillary, let me count the ways... (3 comments)
Donald Trump Is Channeling Richard Nixon (1 comments)
Now Finally Taking Shape: A World With Ever Less Decently-Paid Work for Most. But Must This Be a Problem? (4 comments)
The Imperial Designs on Iran (2 comments)
West Flirts With Fascism -- Again (1 comments)
Sandra Bland- A Personal-Societal Autopsy (6 comments)
Thursday, July 23:
NYT Enforces Ukraine "Group Think"
Why Sandra Bland was in Mortal Danger (4 comments)
Arizona drug-tested 87,000 welfare recipients and found they are flushing taxpayer dollars (2 comments)
Francis: A True Pope for all Seasons? (2 comments)
Oak Flat: The Latest Land Grab From Native Americans
How the Press Missed the Trump Surge (9 comments)
Why Progressives Must Stay United (1 comments)
George Clooney Opposes War Profiteering While African
The Eroding Character of the American People
Hack Of Cheaters Dating Site Demonstrates Problem With NSA SPying (4 comments)
Early diagnosis of drug resistance is crucial to ending TB
No "Compensation" to Israel for Iran Deal (2 comments)
Where are the Best and the Brightest When America Desperately Needs Them? (31 comments)
Philippines' Terror-Inducing "War on Terror"
Hillary Clinton's Economic PLan
The Great Unbinding Part 3.3 (70 comments)
The Strange Tale of Snow White versus the Sixteen Republican Dwarfs (2 comments)
Bernie Sanders: "Sandra Bland Arrest Outrageous" (3 comments)
Wednesday, July 22:
Jon Stewart Blew Last Chance to Ask Obama a Question (2 comments)
The Spirit of Judy Miller is Alive and Well at the NYT, and It Does Great Damage (1 comments)
Getting Down to Business in Cuba (26 comments)
O Canada! Mexico at the Cry of War! The Country-of-Origin Labeling War (3 comments)
From now on, Democracy is like Disposable Diaper (1 comments)
Israel's endless misery for Gaza is no policy at all
A Day of Reckoning is Coming (4 comments)
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly About The Iran Deal (1 comments)
The National Review Calls Sanders a Nazi (7 comments)
It ain't over til it's over: America's wars drag on no matter what officials say (1 comments)
Obama Should Release MH-17 Intel (3 comments)
*Japanese Prime Minister Abe should make an apology for Japan's colonial rule
Domestic Violence - Corporate Terrorists - Justice Denied (5 comments)
Panem et Presidential Elections
The Great Unbinding Part 3.2 (3 comments)
Tuesday, July 21:
Falsifying History In Behalf Of Agendas
The American Nightmare: The Tyranny of the Criminal Justice System (4 comments)
Natylie Baldwin: The Case for Enlightened Isolationism (31 comments)
Learning from the Greek "Betrayal" (2 comments)
Scott Walker: Military Actions on Inaugural Day are "Very Possible" (3 comments)
Bank Reform Five Years Later: Still Incomplete
Dominican Government Faces Global Outrage As Videos Emerge (1 comments)
Aaron Swartz Rolls In His Grave (1 comments)
Wolfgang Schauble, the Hero of the Greek Austerity Crisis? (2 comments)
The Big Political Issue Shaking Under Our Feet in the Presidential Election (2 comments)
Who is Today's Version of "Fighting Bob" La Follett? (4 comments)
The Great Unbinding Part 3.1 (9 comments)
Monday, July 20:
Me, Myself and I (4 comments)
Wesley Clark Calls for Internment Camps for "Radicalized" Americans (19 comments)
*Creating New Systems to Replace Dysfunctional Systems (11 comments)
World's Largest Democracy Metamorphosing Into The World's Largest Police State?? (2 comments)
Are LGBT People Really Driving the Policies of the United States? (7 comments)
The Iran Letter I Would Write if I Were Still a Jewish-Federation CEO (2 comments)
Starving the Beast (2 comments)
Misanthropes in High Places (2 comments)
*Donald Trump - Veterans Day 1995 (1 comments)
Factory farms and Republican labor policy (2 comments)
Election 2016: Scott Walker vs. "Government Dependence" (2 comments)
Sunday, July 19:
My Teacher (3 comments)
Clinton Challenged to Break Up -- and Break Up With -- Wall Street Banks
Bottom Up: The Frustrations of Building a New Paradigm Embraced in Joy (13 comments)
Seeking War to the End of the World (2 comments)
Transcript: Interview M.E. Thomas Author, Confessions of a Sociopath.
Donald Trump and the GOP (1 comments)
Israel's minister of culture cracks down on TV station for Palestinians
Suicide of commander Efraim Bracha and "collapse" of the Israel Police (1 comments)
Paul Craig Roberts: "MH17 crash used by US to break Russia's relationship with Europe"
Fourth grade student sounds off on state testing - YouTube (1 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *An Argument Against the Taxpayer-Funded Research Advocated by Richard A. Friedman, M.D. (1 comments)
Bill Cosby-- Predatory Psychopath? What We Can Learn (76 comments)
Bibi's Bombast Bamboozles Boehner
Ukraine and Iran: Leaving a Legacy can be Leaders Labor Lost! (3 comments)
Saturday, July 18:
Yall Are Talking About War Wrong (3 comments)
The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement
How the Billionaires Bought Justice for Scott Walker (2 comments)
How Goldman Sachs Profited from the Greek Debt Crisis (3 comments)
Silicon Valley Emerges as a Political Force (1 comments)
A letter to Lindsey Graham about Mohammad (1 comments)
Nine reasons Obama is going to win on Iran. The first: Netanyahu
GOP Peddles Hard the Hillary Can't be trusted Line (1 comments)
In the Footsteps of St. Francis
Is the political imperative to be "tough on crime" finally over?
*Is Burma's reform abortive as journalists under threats?
*? Did Muslim Murder 4 Marines in Payback for Iraq Libya Syria Somalia Afghanistan? (2 comments)
It's not terrorism if it's retaliation: Chattanooga Shooting, If Linked to ISIS, is a Legitimate Act of War (10 comments)
Friday, July 17:
Politics as We've Known It Is Over! (10 comments)
Privately Owned Students (7 comments)
The Truth Beneath the Downing of Flight MH17 (9 comments)
Here's Why the Huffington Post Is Wrong About Donald Trump (1 comments)
*To any and all political representatives in the United States (6 comments)
The Chattanooga Shootings: Can Attacking Military Sites of a Nation at War be "Terrorism"? (3 comments)
Back to the Future With Scott Walker (2 comments)
MH-17 Mystery: A New Tonkin Gulf Case? (25 comments)
Student Loan Debt Will Be A Huge 2016 Campaign Issue (1 comments)
*First Step in Vienna (2 comments)
Texas sheriff involved in the death of Sandra Bland fired from previous post for racism (12 comments)
The vindictive and unfair sentencing of Oskar Groening
Is the Iran Nukes Deal Aimed at Crushing Putin? (17 comments)
The Iran Deal: What You Need to Know (11 comments)
Those Amazing Wild Life Veterinarians (3 comments)
A High Schooler's Opinion on the American Education System (11 comments)
If There Was One Thing You Could Do or Change to Make the World a Better Place....? What would you do? (49 comments)
Iran nuclear deal: The devil may be in interpretation
Five Keys to the Iran Agreement (2 comments)
Soros: Right Analysis, Wrong Strategy (4 comments)
Why "the Ukrainians" Lie- Prof. A. Moytl Says the West Shouldn't Freak Out! (11 comments)
Thursday, July 16:
Grolympics (1 comments)
Five years later, Dodd-Frank naysayers are still wrong (1 comments)
Bury My Heart in Tennessee (2 comments)
Who's Next for Berlin's Financial Blitzkrieg? (12 comments)
MH17: The Blaming Putin Game Goes On (2 comments)
Petitioning Judge Thelton Henderson: Please do not return control of CA Prison Medical to the State (3 comments)
Ramadan for Christians, Jews, Hindus and other
Who Is "Anonymous"? (1 comments)
Sanders Calls Out Clinton's Silence on Keystone XL (3 comments)
A Confederacy of Hegemons: The Project for the New American Caliphate - Part Three (4 comments)
Announcing Our Matching Fund Donation to Chelsea Manning's Legal Defense
The American State of Mind; Two Contrasting Perspectives (6 comments)
NBC Dares Mention Climate in Spread of Lyme Disease, But Not Who Created Lyme Disease (18 comments)
The real problem with college sports -- Part 2 of 3 parts
Cuba & Iran -- Da Vinci & Finch -- Rees & Omar (2 comments)
Arne Duncan's Children Will Enroll in Chicago Lab School-- Untouched by The Policies He's Subjected America To (3 comments)
Wednesday, July 15:
AIPAC: Anti-Iranian Propaganda at Congress
Ferguson, Feminism and Faith Offer Lessons for Our Common Future (7 comments)
Don't Count Out the GOP From Trying to Sink Obama's Historic Iran Deal: They've Done It Before (8 comments)
Hard Work With Jeb Bush (2 comments)
End Austerity for Greece (13 comments)
How a weaker Iran got the hegemon to lift sanctions (4 comments)
US/Israeli/Saudi "Behavior" Problems
Shylock and the Greeks (4 comments)
Schrödinger's Cat Is Dead (1 comments)
Overcoming The Israeli-Palestinian Psychosocial Barrier
*Why The President's Trade Agenda is a Cup Two-Thirds Empty, At Best! (2 comments)
Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall (18 comments)
All Anyone Should Need to Know about Scott Walker (2 comments)
Greece: Sound and Fury Signifying Much
Filmmaker Laura Poitras Sues US Over "Kafkaesque" Harassment (1 comments)
Grexit or Jubilee? How Greek Debt Can Be Annulled (50 comments)
Tuesday, July 14:
President Obama Took another Big Step toward Ending Grotesque Drug Sentencing Laws
Historic Iran nuke deal resets Eurasia's "Great Game" (3 comments)
Freedom or the Slaughterhouse? The American Police State from A to Z (2 comments)
Should Climate Scientists Tell the Full Truth? (10 comments)
Isaiah 21:6: "Go Set a Watchman" (1 comments)
Behind Prime Minister Netanyahu's hard line
The World Rebukes Netanyahu (1 comments)
The Great Unbinding Part 2 (8 comments)
Knives Are Out for Those Who Challenge Militarization of the Korean Peninsula (2 comments)
Scott Walker Campaigns Against Unions, Wages, and Weekends (2 comments)
The Washington Teacher: Teachers Say No Freaking Way to AFT Endorsement of Hillary Clinton (7 comments)
Iranians' View Of The Nuclear Deal: Optimistic, With Significant Caveats (2 comments)
My Congressman Is Wrong On Iran and Yours Might Be Too (1 comments)
Steve King introduces resolution "encouraging" Americans to discriminate against LGBT Americans (3 comments)
A deal with Iran finally reached
Behind the Mask of Democracy Lurks European Tyranny (5 comments)
Pak-India: Confrontational Again
No scientific evidence of GM food safety: Norwegian Govt Study (12 comments)
*Redemption Via Sanders (50 comments)
Monday, July 13:
Germany "Saves" the Euro by Humiliating Greece (9 comments)
The Problem of Greece Is Not Only a Tragedy. It Is a Lie (10 comments)
The Mess that Nuland Made (59 comments)
Hillary Talks Populist But Uses Neoliberal Code (35 comments)
With FIFA Corruption Outed, Are Olympics Next?
An Agenda for America's Elderly
'Mohajirs' Plight Reaches UNHRC (1 comments)
The Greek People, "We have nothing to lose", from Tsipras betrayal (20 comments)
A Culture of Dogma (3 comments)
Consensual Rape in Greece (1 comments)
Encounters with Predators (29 comments)
The Trump Bump - To The Extreme Right. Will It Last? (2 comments)
Unmasking The ISIS Psy Op (4 comments)
Sunday, July 12:
We Are All Greeks Now (44 comments)
What Are Foreign Military Bases For? (3 comments)
US Slowdown on Iran Talks has Dark Side
Black Self Determination Matters
Fighting Words, Fighting Silence: What Makes More Money At Info-War Against Russia; Greece? (1 comments)
My Sweetie (1 comments)
Allegory: Infrastructure -- Immigration -- Earth II (1 comments)
The Great Unbinding Part 1 (20 comments)
Saturday, July 11:
Jeb Bush wants us to work more for the collective good. Who's the socialist now? (4 comments)
To be Greek (5 comments)
*Petition Implores Warren Wing: "Show Us the Bernie" (18 comments)
Greece Caves (4 comments)
Chris Christie for President? Or: The Sopranos Go to Washington (2 comments)
President Bernie Sanders (5 comments)
The Iran nuke stalemate in one tweet (3 comments)
Obama Administration Makes Malaysia Slavery Problem For TPP Disappear (5 comments)
Putin Leads BRICS Uprising (20 comments)
The Stable (1 comments)
Israel can't survive the world wide web (7 comments)
Obama's Deadly Cold War Legacy (3 comments)
Read Mumia (3 comments)
Gun Control and the NRA (48 comments)
History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget (10 comments)
Friday, July 10:
Franklin P. Lamb: The Noose is Tightening Around Syria's Palestinians (1 comments)
Jeb Bush, Americans Already Work Longer Hours. See These Charts. (5 comments)
Plan to visit a national park this year? Let's defend our public treasures: "America's best idea" is under attack (3 comments)
Before Greece There Was Jamaica (1 comments)
Postcard from the End of America: Ashley, PA (2 comments)
What Is Scott Walker Trying to Hide?
The International Distortion of the Dominican Dilemma (179 comments)
Poor Policy Makes Great Television (2 comments)
Have the Challenges that Confront a Generation Created More Violent Young Adults? (2 comments)
Down and Out in Berkeley and Frisco (1 comments)
From Millard Fillmore to Donald Trump: Nativism and the GOP (1 comments)
Pentagon Concludes America Not Safe Unless It Conquers The World
"No Cause for Action": Revisiting the Ethics Case of Dr. John Leso
Document Shows CIA Reaction to Finding No WMD in Iraq (2 comments)
Thursday, July 9:
"Guerrilla Warfare Against a Hegemonic Power": The Challenge and Promise of Greece (11 comments)
US Lobby Groups Try to Squash Iran Deal Despite Public Support (1 comments)
Hillary's Emails: Missing the Story (1 comments)
MH-17 Case Slips into Propaganda Fog (4 comments)
Are Big Banks Using Derivatives To Suppress Bullion Prices?
Hillary's Neocon Legacy: Coups, Dictators, Corruption, Chaos, Executions and Assassination (20 comments)
The Greek Referendum Vote, a Watershed Event Against Austerity Placed on the Backs of the People (1 comments)
*The Energy of the Disenfranchised Majority (32 comments)
Is the Culture War Over? (4 comments)
Call for Sanity on Sixtieth Anniversary of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Long walk to justice: Transgender voices from across India
Wednesday, July 8:
Why Scrapping the Confederate Flag Is a Threat to a Huge Swath of the Right-Wing Movement (24 comments)
Bernie Sanders Speaks (5 comments)
Sam Brownback (R-KS) Signs Sweeping Anti-LGBT Executive Order (1 comments)
Today's Big Event: EU's Parliament did What? (7 comments)
Breaking: NYSE and United Airlines Shut Down For Tech Reasons: Hacked? (7 comments)
Enormous, Humongous May Trade Deficit Slows Economy (1 comments)
Yes, a Cosby Can Be Prosecuted (4 comments)
Banksters vs Humanity: Round 14 (81 comments)
Hillary Clinton Opposes Israel BDS Movement (3 comments)
The New York Times Urges the Troika to "Make an Example of Greece" (9 comments)
Tuesday, July 7:
Bernie Sanders Surge Spreads to Iowa -- and Maine! (3 comments)
The real problem with college sports - Part 1 of 3 parts
Why Are We Helping the Islamic State (ISIS/DAESH)? (13 comments)
Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists (3 comments)
Tony Blair and the Self-Exalting Mindset of the West: in Two Paragraphs (4 comments)
International al-Quds Day -- a global cause? (2 comments)
God or gods, a Train of Thought That Ends Up Illuminating What We Need Illuminated (27 comments)
Why there is still no Iran nuke deal in Vienna (1 comments)
Israel's army of spin-doctors is doomed to defeat (1 comments)
The Greatest Threat to America: Domestic Terrorism (33 comments)
Hillary Clinton promises megadonor she will work with Republicans -- to oppose BDS (2 comments)
Greece: It all seems so clear -- and so complicated
Plastic pollution is an environmental horror story with a never-ending plot (6 comments)
China's New Law May Cause Mass Tech Exodus (6 comments)
Monday, July 6:
Today's Civilian Victims In Yemen Will Be Ignored Because U.S. And Its Allies Are Responsible (2 comments)
How Can This Still Be Happening in Our World?
Premarin Again (1 comments)
Killing civilians to vanquish Isis will only make besieged people hate us (6 comments)
A Trojan Horse in the Home of Austerity (4 comments)
Is this taking democracy too far?: The Greek People Have Said 'No!' to Austerity and Economic Blackmail (8 comments)
GREECE'D: We Voted 'No' to slavery, but 'Yes' to our chains (10 comments)
Mapping Military Madness: 2015 Update
The Choice Ahead: A Private Health-Insurance Monopoly or a Single Payer (8 comments)
Jade Helm, Terrorist Attacks, Surveillance and Other Fairy Tales for a Gullible Nation (4 comments)
ISIS, Boko Haram, and a Deeper Look Inside Religious Extremism (4 comments)
Congress Should Protect Itself From The Executive Branch
Join the crusade: Big push for transgender and hijra welfare
On the Brink of Nuclear War, and You Don't See it Coming. (8 comments)
How Qualified are You to Run for President? (A Quiz for Would-Be Candidates) (3 comments)
Economic Democracy vs Bankster Plutocracy (51 comments)
Unshackling the Reality of Liberty (6 comments)
War and change in Saudi Arabia (6 comments)
Middle East madness: Muslims kill Muslims, Shia-mullahs of Iran win (16 comments)
Solving the Greek Problem (3 comments)
Alexis and the Golden Fleecing! (54 comments)
Three Commandments for Every State Capitol (8 comments)
All American Trump: Stranger In A Strange Land (1 comments)
Greece to EU - Drop Dead! (20 comments)
Sunday, July 5:
Corporate Capitalism Is the Foundation of Police Brutality and the Prison State (5 comments)
Greeks Vote NO To EU-Imposed Austerity
US spin on access to Iranian sites has distorted the issue
Whining White Southerners (3 comments)
Take-aways From Clinton's Reporter Roping and Segregation (6 comments)
Ah, Sweet Enlightened Reason (14 comments)
26 Centuries later, Athens has come full circle (5 comments)
French president rejects bid to assist WikiLeaks founder
GOP Still Drinking Its Kool Aid on Black Voters
Saturday, July 4:
What's Good About Guaranteed Basic Income (1 comments)
The Birth of America in 3 Minutes - July 4th - Jason Salmon (2 comments)
NSA's Top Brazilian Political and Financial Targets Revealed by New WikiLeaks Disclosure (1 comments)
Still Waiting for USS Liberty's Truth (5 comments)
Just Because You Seek Does not Mean You Find: NYT Hypes Scare Stories on Obamacare (3 comments)
Memo to Media: Ask Trump If He's a 'Serial Racist' (4 comments)
The Second Battle of Trafalgar
Will America Die Before It Becomes Itself?
The Other War on Drugs (3 comments)
A Revolutionary Pope Calls for Rethinking the Outdated Criteria That Rule the World (18 comments)
Why We Shouldn't Pay for the Political Spending of Federal Contractors
On July 4th Being a One Percenter for a Category I Wish I was not (68 comments)
*July 4th; Reviewing a History of Serial Genocides (3 comments)
Time For A New 'Oxi' Day (1 comments)
The Real Debt Ceiling (3 comments)
Friday, July 3:
Iran nuke deal -- What's cookin' at the Vienna table (3 comments)
Greece and the IMF Shuffle (1 comments)
Greece and Other Musings On July 4th
Cosmetic Testing Rearing Its Ugly Head in the U.S.
5 Reasons Environmentalists Distrust Hillary Clinton (1 comments)
Beware of Bankers Bearing Gifts (19 comments)
You, Too, Can Buy a Congressman! (1 comments)
The Pentagon's "2015 Strategy" For Ruling the World (15 comments)
Bernie Sanders Is Not Only Running for President. He is Building a Movement (12 comments)
An Obama Anniversary Worth Noting (3 comments)
Fears of a Grexit Ignore True EU Situation (5 comments)
Sailing -- Again -- to Break the Israeli Naval Blockade of Gaza (2 comments)
Bishops: Divestment Not in our "Best Interests" (1 comments)
Summer College Selection: Avoid Dropout Factories
Hillary Clinton's Emails Show She's Basically Julia Louis-Dreyfus in "Veep"
Remembering Iran Air Flight 655 incident (8 comments)
Story to Watch (4 comments)
Being David Brooks: Onward, Christian Soldiers
Resurrecting or Mourning Independence Day, July 4th, or... 3rd (18 comments)
The Way of the Psychopath (26 comments)
On Patriotism (5 comments)
Thursday, July 2:
Ray Gets Letter Printed in WashPost (6 comments)
Sunday's Vote Will Determine Liberty Or Serfdom
All About the Base (1 comments)
Greek Crisis Awaits Other NATO Partners (1 comments)
Good News for Nigerian Girls (2 comments)
Berkeley on the brink? (1 comments)
Why I Am On Gaza Freedom Flotilla 3 (4 comments)
Dylann Roof and a Culture that Turns the Truth on Its Head (86 comments)
Muslims and Americans: a shared heritage since July 4, 1776. (3 comments)
On Flags and Cultural Cures (3 comments)
The Republican "Religious Liberty" Tactic (4 comments)
Dear Bubba, (1 comments)
Wednesday, July 1:
Why Not? (4 comments)
Trade in Services Agreement Wikileaks release (3 comments)
Syriza's Final Charade (18 comments)
I Interview James Risen, on Obama, Holder and the NSA (1 comments)
Both Major U.S. Parties are Plagues on Humanity (4 comments)
UCC Says No to Occupation, Votes 80% to Divest
"While the Flotilla Didn't Make it to Gaza, Israel Didn't Win" (1 comments)
Is Big Pharma Getting Away with Murder? (2 comments)
The Federal Reserve Board, Jobs and the Rewriting of Economic History (4 comments)
Putin, Always One Step Ahead of the US (7 comments)
Hillary Clinton's Failed Libya "Doctrine"
Thomas Farrell: *The Pope Is Coming! The Pope Is Coming! (1 comments)
The answer to economic woes in Iran: The concepts of Zero Cost Economics (1 comments)
Greece Again Can Save The West
The View From Yemen's War From Across the Border (1 comments)
Overtime: Finally, A Break For The Middle Class (1 comments)
Two Deadlines, Same Demand (6 comments)
Commitments the APA Should Make Today
Turkish Military Says No to False Flag (13 comments)