Once more Americans have an opportunity to save the world if we choose. Electing an honest President along with continued presence and pressure from the people after the election, we can end America's decades of terrorizing the poor here and abroad.
It is the responsibility of every American to protect the world from our tyrannical government.
It is OUR job to police our government not the UN's. (which clearly is worthless with respect to enforcing Intl. law unless the country breaking the law is poor)
It is the job of the people to ensure America's laws protect people both from financial decimation and violent wars of territorial aggression.
With generals hinting at nuclear war, kill lists, criminalization of poverty, leaking of radiation in the Pacific, GMOs, fracking, foreign oil rigs, and geoengineering, this may very well be our last opportunity to right the wrongs of this fascist regime. Every one of these things threatens humanity's survival.
America will not survive another Clinton/Bush/Obama administration. Period. There are only 2 choices. Either we unite together against world domination, or the rest of the world will do it for us. Just ask the Germans.
Phlebotomist/LabTech and now and author of sorts.I was born and raised in Northern California and currently reside in a very small town. Love the Raiders. Have 3 grown children and 1 grandchild. I love art that exposes and documents truth that (more...)