Archives for General News
February 2016
Monday, February 29:
Apple Doesn't Have to Help FBI in New York iPhone Case, Judge Says
Apple Hires Engineer Behind Snowden's Favorite Secure Chat App
Caucus Night 2016, Utah Democratic Party
Alan Grayson endorses Bernie Sanders after polling constituents (2 comments)
Green light for 'Russia's longest bridge' to Crimea
The case against Hillary Clinton: This is the disaster Democrats must avoid (1 comments)
Sunday, February 28:
Inside the Republican Party's Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump
DNC defection: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's Surprise Endorsement Gives Sanders a Chance to Change the Whole Primary Game (2 comments)
Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim erupts in violence; 3 are stabbed and 13 arrested
Negative interest rates: the economic singularity (71 comments)
Disastrous Trade Policies -- Leads the Critiques of American Capitalism as Economic Populism shines in the Primaries (1 comments)
NPR Interview with Clinton Emerges: 'My Roots Are Conservative, I'm Proud I Was a Goldwater Girl' (11 comments)
It's Official: Robert Reich Endorses Bernie Sanders (1 comments)
Media Blackout As Thousands of Bernie Sanders Supporters March in 45 Cities
Saturday, February 27:
Clinton Wins South Carolina Primary
Bill Clinton's Labor Secretary Just Endorsed Bernie Sanders
Guns fall mostly silent as delicate Syria truce takes effect
5 Dead, Including Suspect, After Washington State Shooting
Snyder Aide Says Governor Knew About Flint Water Issues A Year Before Action Was Taken
ALP operatives on taxpayer-funded US trip caught up in hidden camera campaign sting
Friday, February 26:
Ted Cruz Singlehandedly Blocking Aid to Flint, Michigan
Clinton Promises 'Absolutely, Absolutely' Nothing to Worry About in Wall Street Speeches
RFK Murder Cover-Up Continues After Dramatic Parole Hearing (12 comments)
Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump In Surprise Announcement
A Public Bank in Philadelphia (4 comments)
As News Media Changes, Bernie Sanders's Critique Remains Constant - (2 comments)
25 shot in six days (5 comments)
Marce Gutierrez-Graudiņš: Bringing Latinos to the Environmental Table
Thursday, February 25:
Kansas gunman kills three people and injures 14 people in workplace rampage
Sandoval bows out of Supreme Court consideration
Joe Biden will introduce Lady Gaga at the Oscars
European Parliament calls for Saudi arms embargo
IL HB6064: unwed mothers who can't name their father will be refused support (13 comments)
Ocean acidification already slowing coral reef growth -- ScienceDaily
Is Campaign Lying Now Legal In Ohio? Is It Illegal Anywhere? (7 comments)
25 Plead Not Guilty in Standoff at the Oregon Wildlife Refuge
Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Disappointments of War in a World of Unintended Consequences
New Mexico State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino Endorses Bernie Sanders (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 24:
Bernie Sanders Begins Building Foreign Policy Team
Republican governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval being considered for Supreme Court (7 comments)
The NSA's SKYNET program may be killing thousands of innocent people
Senate committee schedules confirmation hearing for John King as education secretary - The Washington Post (4 comments)
Superdelegates Might Not Save Hillary Clinton (1 comments)
Tuesday, February 23:
Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee (3 comments)
MSNBC Morning Joe Hosts Busted In Leaked Audio Supporting Donald Trump
Putin the "Only Defender of Christianity" -- Bashar Assad (1 comments)
MSNBC Cuts Away From Bernie Sanders as He Condemns Trans-Pacific Partnership (1 comments)
The Future is Flooded: Seas Rising Faster Than They Have In 28 Centuries (1 comments)
Daily: Turkish border officers cooperate with ISIL
Live Blog: Bernie Sanders in Norfolk, VA (1 comments)
Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Murderous Police in the City of Love (1 comments)
Monday, February 22:
106-Year-Old Virginia McLaurin Meets Obama, Dances With Joy (8 comments)
U.S-Russian Plan Calls For Syria Ceasefire Starting Saturday
1 Month to Caucus Night! - - Gmail (1 comments)
Ted Cruz fires top staffer for spreading false story about Marco Rubio and Bible (3 comments)
Why is the GOP listening to Netanyahu on Iran? They just hate Obama & anything he does (1 comments)
Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Washington's Twenty-First-Century Opium Wars
Sunday, February 21:
Calling Clinton's Bluff, Sanders Reveals What His Paid Speeches Look Like
Pundit Living with Clinton Staffer Smears Sanders (2 comments)
Amid violence, US, Russia reach provisional deal on Syria truce
Letters: Israel boycott ban is anti-democratic
Edward Snowden would be willing to return to US for fair trial (1 comments)
Kalamazoo shooting rampage kills 6; suspect in custody
Bernie Sanders Rocks Latino Vote in Nevada (7 comments)
White House Replies to Bill Maher WhiteHouse.Gov Petition for Obama to Appear on Bill Maher Show (3 comments)
Saturday, February 20:
President Obama to "Dig Into" Potential Supreme Court Nominations This Weekend
Jeb Bush Bows Out of Campaign, Humbled and Outgunned
Trump Takes South Carolina, Clinton Wins Nevada (1 comments)
Albert Woodfox speaks after 43 years in solitary confinement: 'I would not let them drive me insane'
Congress is Crawling with Pharma Lobbyists and Taxpayers Pay the Price (1 comments)
Obama Expresses "Concern" Over Kurd's Success Against ISIS (2 comments)
Albert Woodfox released from jail after 43 years in solitary confinement
Clinton Invokes 5th Amendment Rights [not exactly, but she may as well--dg] (1 comments)
Friday, February 19:
"Black Sludge" Pours Out Of Texas Town's Faucets Days After FBI Arrests Nearly Every City Official
Donald Trump Just Committed to Exposing the September 11th Attacks (9 comments)
No increase in major crimes after state's 2011 prisoner release
Èzili Dantò: Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation (1 comments)
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird author, dies aged 89
Facebook and Twitter Join Apple in Encryption Fight With FBI (2 comments)
Is Iraq really building a wall around Baghdad? (1 comments)
Thursday, February 18:
Daniel Shaw: Narcissism, Victim Process, How it Develops, Cults, Tea Party, Bush, Clinton" (2 comments)
White House defends Obama's decision to skip Scalia's funeral
Rubio secured a spot on a 9/11 committee. Then he skipped many of the meetings.
Hedge Fund Billionaires Fund Super PAC Ad Against Bernie Sanders and Minimum Wage Hike (4 comments)
Donald Trump to Pope Francis--Stay out of politics! (7 comments)
Quinipiac: Sanders Trounces Clinton Nationally in Matchups Against ALL GOP Challengers (29 comments)
Sanders Stresses Economy, Voting Rights, Courts in Conference with Civil Rights Leaders
Cliven Bundy, Sons, Two Other Occupiers Indicted in 2014 Nevada Standoff
Warrantless imprisonment of former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 17:
Gov. Haley endorsing Rubio for president
Obama won't attend Antonin Scalia's funeral
Apple Fights Order to Unlock San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone
Meet the South Carolina Republicans who are horrified
Poroshenko Calls for Yats' Resignation; Ukrainian Government Facing Possible Collapse, Snap Elections (1 comments)
Tuesday, February 16:
Like His Hunting Buddy Dick Cheney, Scalia Liked Canned Hunts (11 comments)
Russia has no ship in Caspian Sea that could hit Syrian hospital with ballistic missile (1 comments)
From Israeli prime minister to prisoner
Bidding on Planet's Future, Activists Disrupt Fossil Fuel Auction in Utah (1 comments)
Antonin Scalia death: Questions asked as US fights over successor
Daniel Shaw: What is Narcissism, Victim Process, How it Develops, Cults, Tea Party, Bush, Clinton" (5 comments)
Beau Biden's Death a Result of Iraq War---New Book (1 comments)
Sanders meets with Flint residents, learns "how ugly" the water crisis is
Part 2 iTech Addiction, Danger and Damage--Mari Swingle, Author iMinds: Transcript
Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, Minimum Wage, Minimum Chance
Is the NYT Competing with Progressive Media?
Monday, February 15:
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Begins Prison Term
"There's a Special Place in Hell for Prostitutes Who Don't Support Each Other" (5 comments)
Sunday, February 14:
DNC rolls back restrictions on lobbyist donations (1 comments)
Assad "will be removed by force" if peace talks fail, Saudi Foreign Minister says
On This Day in Gun Massacre History (6 comments)
Obama Announces That He Will Nominate A Replacement For Justice Scalia
USA Today's Love Letter To The Pentagon
Supreme Court Junket King Scalia Dies While Vacationing with Wealthy Patrons at Private West Texas Getaway (14 comments)
Scalia's death plunges court, national politics into turmoil (1 comments)
Saturday, February 13:
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Found Dead (1 comments)
5.1 and 3.9 magnitude earthquakes recorded in Oklahoma
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas ranch - SFGate (1 comments)
Friday, February 12:
Syria conflict: Bashar Assad vows to retake whole country (4 comments)
Jim Gilmore ends presidential bid
Even John Yoo Thinks Trump Is Wrong About Waterboarding
Trump Suggests He Could Sue Over Cruz's Presidential Eligibility
Ties strained as Turkish president steps up tirade against US for backing Syrian Kurds
Franklin P. Lamb: Iranian students claim lifting US-led sanctions is a mixed bag (1 comments)
How Crimeans See the Ukraine Crisis (1 comments)
For Abe Lincoln, on his Birthday
Thursday, February 11:
U.S., Russia and other powers agree on "cessation of hostilities" in Syria's civil war
Vermont AG drops probe against Big Renewables critic - (1 comments)
10 Secret CIA Prisons You Do Not Want To Visit
Dogma meets Karma: Puppy Shoots Puppy-Killer (1 comments)
Oregon Standoff Officially Ends After Lone Holdout David Fry Surrenders
Snyder ordered DEQ to withhold Flint lead test results, emails claim
"Putin is a bigger threat to Europe's existence than Isis", by George Soros (7 comments)
Tomgram: William Astore, Spoiling The Pentagon (1 comments)
Why Russia is Steaming Back into the Pacific (7 comments)
Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says (5 comments)
FBI Surrounds Remaining Protesters Occupying Oregon Refuge (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 10:
North Korea Reportedly Executes Army Chief Of Staff
Justice Department Sues Ferguson After City Rejects Reform Deal
Fiorina ends her Republican presidential campaign
Chris Christie suspends his presidential campaign
Why Super Delegates should give Great Weight to Candidate that attracts the most Independent Voters in Open-Primaries (6 comments)
First Chinese Train Arrives to Russia as Part of New Silk Road (2 comments)
My College Professor Won The New Hampshire Primary
Warning! Every College and University in Illinois May Have to Close Due to Legislative Inaction (1 comments)
Video: Rob Kall Debates Republican on Day of NH Primary (8 comments)
It's YUGE! Bernie Sanders Won the Women's Vote Tonight
Netanyahu plans fence around Israel to protect it from 'wild beasts' (2 comments)
Bernie Sanders Becomes the First Candidate from Either Party to Win 60% of a State's Vote (3 comments)
Enacting Sanders Agenda Would Catapult Economy, Shatter Inequality (12 comments)
Tuesday, February 9:
Act Now, Urges Study, or Planet Faces 10,000+ Years of Climate Doom
Supreme Court Blocks Enforcement of Air Pollution Rule
A Democratic Socialist Just Won The New Hampshire Primary (3 comments)
Bernie Sanders wins New Hampshire Democratic primary
iTech Addiction, Danger and Damage--Mari Swingle, Author iMinds: Transcript Part 1
Obama's Last Budget, and Last Budget Battle With Congress
The Future of Ukrainian Small Farmers Under Threat from IMF Mandate
Bloomberg says he is eyeing 2016 run for the White House
Monday, February 8:
Den of corruption: FBI arrests all but one local official in Texas town
Why Money in Politics is a Form of Corporate Overreach, Legitimized by the SCOTUS Roberts 5
Sunday, February 7:
New York steps up efforts on crane safety after deadly collapse
Are You Ingesting Estrogen Without Knowing It? (4 comments)
CNN schedules Democratic debate in Flint
Ron Paul: Cruz "owned by Goldman Sachs"
Cop who killed college student and 55-year-old mother sues for "extreme emotional trauma"
Radioactive water leaks into groundwater at Indian Point (1 comments)
Story to Watch: Retired French General Arrested (2 comments)
Saturday, February 6:
North Korea launches "satellite," sparks fears about long-range missile program (1 comments)
Friday, February 5:
Poll: Bernie Sanders ties Hillary Clinton (1 comments)
Julian Assange: After U.N. Finding, a Look Back at the Case
Clinton's Cozy Wall Street Ties Are on Display
Elizabeth Warren Defends Bernie Sanders From Goldman Sachs Criticism (1 comments)
Virginia House votes to allow growing of industrial hemp
Thursday, February 4:
Franklin P. Lamb: Social Control is emerging as ISIS (Da'ish) motive for erasing our Cultural Heritage in Syria (1 comments)
'My Husband Was Violently Vomiting': California Gas Leak Is Sickening Residents
Israel Continues to Spray Crop-killing Chemicals on Gaza Farmlands (3 comments)
Is the Public Losing its Stomach For Trophy Hunting? (3 comments)
Aviva Chomsky, A Newspaper's Crisis Reveals Unreported Worlds (1 comments)
Former NAACP head Ben Jealous to endorse Bernie Sanders (1 comments)
The War on Cash: A Country by Country Guide (2 comments)
Good News for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange-- He is in arbitrary detention, UN panel finds (1 comments)
Woman Gets Dragged Away By Police For Telling The Truth
Israel Jails Teenager for Refusing to Serve in Occupation Army (VIDEO) - Palestine Chronicle
Wednesday, February 3:
Syria conflict: UN suspends peace talks in Geneva
What if Schools Taught Kindness? (3 comments)
Bernie Sanders Still Won't Concede Close Iowa Caucus
Rand Paul drops out of White House race
Tuesday, February 2:
Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Consultant Sets The Record Straight; transcript 2 (10 comments)
House passes bill again to restrict Obama lifting Iran sanctions (1 comments)
John Kerry: We are training 20,000 fighters to confront ISIS in Iraq (1 comments)
French Documentary About Maidan That Kiev Government Didn't Want to Be Aired
Schoolyard Bully Trump Gets Mouth Washed With Soap (3 comments)
Prison Civics With Governor Don Siegelman
Tomgram: Ira Chernus, The Peace Movement's War Story
Monday, February 1:
Six Caucus Coin Tosses In Clinton's Favor Give Her Tiny Lead (18 comments)
Iowa caucus: Cruz tops Trump, while Clinton and Sanders are in virtual tie
Zika virus: WHO declares global public health emergency, says causal link to brain defects "strongly suspected" (2 comments)
Koch Brothers' Network Considering Anti-Trump Campaign (1 comments)
Gerald Friedman, Bernie Sanders' Single Payer Healthcare Consultant, Debunks Attackers; Transcript Part 1 (2 comments)
Palin Today Interview Completely Derails: "You Guys Don't Always Keep Your Promises!"
In Vermont, thorn in side of powerful faces criminal probe