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December 2018
Monday, December 31:
The World Known to Me Is Fading Away
As the Mueller heat rises Trump starts to flail and meltdown, he may soon fully evaporate (3 comments)
Arundhati Roy on Fiction in the Face of Rising Fascism
America's New Year's resolution: impeach Trump and remove him (22 comments)
Trump's trials and tribulations in 2019 (2 comments)
Doing International Business With Criminals
My rant to the DNC after their latest request for (more) donations... (31 comments)
Is Russia Imperialist? (1 comments)
Seven Deadly Symptoms of Our Current Malaise (2 comments)
I Don't Know What The Weather Is Like In Moscow - A Case For Respect in 2019 (7 comments)
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor takes a military turn? (3 comments)
Resistance Is the Supreme Act of Faith (4 comments)
Now is the Time to Spread the Truth About Banker Control of our Economy and Government (9 comments)
Sunday, December 30:
"Evolution of violence in the West."-Deconstructing an American Myth (6 comments)
Counter-intuitive Thinking about Climate Change (4 comments)
Trump Ran Scared to Iraq, to Avert Coup Against Him (6 comments)
A Top 2018 Story: Sudan's Mercenary child-soldiers in Yemen (NYT)
You're Really, Really Excited About Joe Biden -- No, Really
Facebook Moderation Rule Book Leaked~~~Facebook Jail vs.The First Amendment (6 comments)
Trump May be Seeking a Win-Win Outcome in Syria (3 comments)
Pakistan declares US-based Gulen's group a terrorist organization
School Employee Sues District for Israel Loyalty Oath in Contract
Impact on workers, services spreads as US shutdown enters second week
Saturday, December 29:
The IS-module accused find sympathy in Lutyens' Media (1 comments)
10 Good Things About 2018 (1 comments)
If I Run (24 comments)
Trump signs executive order to freeze pay for federal workers while gov is still shut down
Trump comes clean...from world's policeman to thug running a global protection racket
Democrats and Neocons Are the Biggest Losers of Trump's Syria Withdrawal
Pakistan's New Gamble With The Sikhs To Settle Old Scores
Sheldon Adelson was a giant loser in midterms -- and Trump is letting him know it (2 comments)
Response to a Liberal caller who challenged Progressives for holding Democrats accountable
Friday, December 28:
Local leaders from Asia Pacific nations commit to #endTobacco and #beatNCDs
Jonas Dringelis: US Army criminals are on the way to the Baltic States (1 comments)
More Fun with the Stock Market Plunge
The Green New Deal Promises Peace and Progress. Will Nuclear Advocates Undermine it? (4 comments)
What would a real president do? (2 comments)
Trump's Holiday Gift to America: Hope for a Little More Peace on Earth?
Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks (4 comments)
Syria: two wrongs do not make a right
Syria: here's what it's all about; the underlying reasons for this terrible bloody war (66 comments)
Trump Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fueled Rise of ISIS
Corrupt Spineless Iraqi Legislators Are Right (1 comments)
Russia-gate For Dummies (10 comments)
Labour and anti-Semitism in 2018: The truth behind the relentless smear campaign against Corbyn
Trump's Slow-Motion Nervous Breakdown (1 comments)
President Trump and the 'Syria Withdrawal:' Why Now? A Different Perspective (1 comments)
Thursday, December 27:
The Zeller-Nikolov climate discovery may turn the world upside down. (10 comments)
2018; the Year in Review (God Help Us...) (1 comments)
A Dead Child on Christmas Eve (1 comments)
The Trouble With Patrick Shanahan
Shiite Parties Decry Trump's "Arrogant" and "Disdainful" Visit to Iraq, Ignoring Iraqis
Without Notifying Anyone, ICE Dumps Hundreds of Migrants at El Paso Bus Station Around Christmas
Pundit or no, Trump's got to go
Could India Have Remained an Undivided Country?
Video: Who are The White Helmets? Fake News and Staged Rescues Canada's beloved "humanitarian heroes", the White Helmets (11 comments)
India takes over Iran's strategic Chabahar port
For What It's Worth: The Yellow Vests and the Left (8 comments)
Trump's Wall Hits the Popular Vote (2 comments)
Isolationism or Imperialism: You Really Can't Imagine a Third Possibility? (2 comments)
Wrestling Dreads, Context and Walls from Evil's Grip Before 2020 (1 comments)
How Corporate Democrats Aim to Stifle Criticism (4 comments)
Wednesday, December 26:
A new old minister of defence in Latvia (1 comments)
This Is What Happens When a Court Decides Whether You Get Justice or Get Destroyed (2 comments)
Trump's new acting Pentagon Secretary Patrick Shanahan: Keep Walking, Nothing Important to See Here
8-Year-Old Guatemalan Boy Dies in Border Patrol Custody Days After High Court Rejects Asylum Ban
The Megalomaniac and the Stock Market (2 comments)
Biggest Stories of 2018: Israel announced Apartheid, Shot Thousands of Civilians (1 comments)
Discussion with black Trump loyalist illustrates their willful confusion (1 comments)
"One Bright Shining Moment" (8 comments)
NATO brings death to the Baltic states (4 comments)
MSNBC won't tell you they fired the late Ed Schultz for wanting to cover Bernie Sanders (2 comments)
The Empire Strikes Soon: Trump Exit's Great Leap (9 comments)
How much is $21 Trillion? (11 comments)
Tuesday, December 25:
Relational Disconnection as Mental Illness (6 comments)
Being Slammed By Rogue Corporate Enterprises
We Can End The US War On Syria (9 comments)
Worldwide Corporate Tax Dodge (2 comments)
When the American Hitler and His War-Criminal Defense Chief Battle It Out... Do We Have a (Mad) Dog in Their Fight? (5 comments)
Independent Education: the crisis and the crossroad (4 comments)
Talk Nation Radio: Leonard Higgins on Extinction Rebeliion (1 comments)
VIDEO: Pilger Says Assange Denies Meeting Manafort
The US is on the edge of the economic precipice -- Trump may push it over (7 comments)
Look what Santa Brought from Georgia (1 comments)
Banishing Truth (7 comments)
Monday, December 24:
Trump's gift to Syria: Peace on Earth, good will toward men (2 comments)
The New Politics and the Speech That Will Save America (1 comments)
Minorities: Wish Imran Khan looks at this mirror of his own (1 comments)
Walt DeYoung, A lifetime of Caring... "Nuff Said"!
NY Times Already Smearing Bernie For 2020 ~~~~ Jimmy Dore's Brilliant Analysis (6 comments)
Go Go! (2 comments)
Discipline, Discipline, Discipline (2 comments)
Sorry, Evangelicals, This Won't Happen Tomorrow: An Open Letter To "Christian" Trump Supporters (7 comments)
Sunday, December 23:
As Strike Looms, Special Education Practices in Los Angeles Come Into Focus
With Trump leaving, Syrian Kurds seeking Support of Damascus, Moscow against Turkey (7 comments)
Ted Millar: Trump Just Left the Kurds to Die. The Question is: For What? (27 comments)
What Happens If The French Yellow Vests Win? - A view from Vietnam
Kyrgyzstan and Bhutan: Soon to Have All Organic Agriculture; No More Roundup and Monsanto/Bayer (4 comments)
Khashoggi's influence grows so immensely in death. His bloodshed is contributing towards new Peace Accord in Yemen. (1 comments)
Cyprus -- Deadly UK Military Bases, Refugee Camps" and Tourists (1 comments)
Closed Until Further Notice~~~A Statement by Congressman Beto O'Rourke (4 comments)
During Christmas USA Christian Americans Killing Jesus' Brethren Goes On In Many Lands (5 comments)
Shanahan Sec of Defense Appt is Grotesque Joke; It Pierces the Veil (17 comments)
Time to Get Out of Syria (2 comments)
Climate Crisis Goes Unabated, Nations Most Responsible Still Anti-Future (4 comments)
10 Steps to Save American Democracy (3 comments)
What are We Doing in Syria to Begin With? (8 comments)
Saturday, December 22:
Russiagate vs. Climate Genocide: How Democrats Cover Up Trump's Worst Crime (7 comments)
It's Time for the President's Cabinet to Do its Job! (1 comments)
Watch the 9th Vigil for Julian Assange with John Pilger, John Kiriakou and Ray McGovern
If Truth Cannot Prevail Over Material Agendas We Are Doomed
Ten Reasons This National Nightmare Is Going To End: Saturday's Good News (4 comments)
Gifts for OEN Supporters! (16 comments)
The Triplets Are Coming for the Holidays! (1 comments)
The Global Elites get a little Trumped up indigestion (16 comments)
On The Need For Social Unrest, Mass Mobilizations, and Transformative Changes (1 comments)
Endless War Has Been Normalized And Everyone Is Crazy (31 comments)
Friday, December 21:
Another One Bites the Dust (19 comments)
Why Trump's peace signal in Syria could see US clash with Russia in Ukraine (12 comments)
Send the Mad Dog to the Corporate Kennel (11 comments)
U.S. continues its century-long embrace of the dark side in Latin America (1 comments)
Is There a Slow-Motion Coup Underway? (36 comments)
The Great Saudi Muddle (2 comments)
Inside Banksy's The Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem
Trump v. Bump: A Potentially Deadly Holiday Decision (2 comments)
A Tribute to Diane R. Williams: A Trailblazer Who Paved a Legal Path for the #MeToo Movement (1 comments)
Get Ready for These Political Mind Games in 2019
Thursday, December 20:
U.S. Military Out of Syria (2 comments)
Twitter Locks @WikiLeaks And Multiple WikiLeaks Staff Accounts (18 comments)
The Repubs. and the Rightward Imperative: Gets Them to Trump --- And Then?
Spanish Elections a Lesson for the Left
Trump's New Year's Gift To Putin, Rouhani, And Erdogan (5 comments)
Credit where credit's due: Trump Does Something Right for Once (8 comments)
A New Middle East: Winners and Losers from Trump's Abrupt Syria Withdrawal (3 comments)
The new Great Game on the Roof of the World (1 comments)
India's politicians are for polls, not people (1 comments)
Ted Millar: Yes, A Sitting President Can Be Arrested--Look At What Happened to Grant
Reforms Against Partisan Gridlock Would Protect Incumbents Too
Forget the Birth - Celebrate the 'Christ Man' !!
Wednesday, December 19:
India's disproportionately high population of Dalits, Adivasis lodged in jails
Developing Country Issues at COP24 ... and a Bit of Good News for Solar Power and Carbon Capture
"He Knows the Truth": Cohen Highlighted Our Palpable Crisis of Trust
What did Flynn Know about Russian ties to Trump and When did he Know it?
The Individual, his freedom and victory
Is There A Plot to Depopulate Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon?
Justice for Jakelin: Lawmakers Demand Answers in Death of 7-Year-Old Girl in Border Patrol Custody
Remember the Big Story in the Russia Scandal: Donald Trump Betrayed America (5 comments)
Michael Isikoff Cuts His Losses at "Russian Roulette" (4 comments)
And So This Is Christmas 2018 (2 comments)
Could the New FDA Deputy Commissioner Oncologist Amy Abernethy Help Rescind Approval for Carcinogenic Food Additives? (1 comments)
Vicious Political Criticism is the Wrong Direction and Tactic to Heal America, and Will Only Worsen by November 2020 (6 comments)
The Strangest Loyalty Oath You Probably Never Heard Of (38 comments)
This Isn't News. This Is War Crimes Apologia. (12 comments)
Avant le de'luge: El Salvador election will drive more asylum-seekers north
People We'll Always Remember and those We Can't Wait to Forget (1 comments)
Tuesday, December 18:
What Do the NY Times and LA Times Have in Common with the National Enquirer? They All Love anti-SLAPP Laws (1 comments)
Why Trump's Private Transactions are Terrifying (1 comments)
Trump is just the symptom, it's the system that's diseased (3 comments)
Israel: Ethnic Cleansing, Land Theft, Apartheid and Jim Crow
Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Coming of Hyperwar
Is Biden A Hillary Surrogate? (22 comments)
The case of Meng Wanzhou: American sheriffs acting outside of their jurisdictions (2 comments)
A Spiritual Special Ops Team's Christmas Gift (4 comments)
US Sanctions Against Iran (9 comments)
Beto, We Hardly Knew Ye (1 comments)
Monday, December 17:
It's an Honor, Sir (1 comments)
What is Neoliberalism? (4 comments)
Hope Springs Eternal (4 comments)
At last, divestment is hitting the fossil fuel industry where it hurts (1 comments)
Growing US public support for one state shared equally by Israelis and Palestinians falls on deaf ears (2 comments)
Ivy Leagues Are Handing Out Millions in Fees to Hedge Fund Managers
Trump Can and Should Be Indicted (2 comments)
How Long Till Trump Is Done? (7 comments)
Billboards to End War Going Up and Not Going Up
This Radical Plan to Fund the "Green New Deal" Just Might Work (5 comments)
Jovan Divjak and Dragan Vikic: Two Bosnian Heroes
No one will deter Russia in the Baltic region
Americans are waking up to Israel's brutal and discriminatory tactics (1 comments)
Trump, the Quintessential American (6 comments)
Why Harassment Persists Despite #MeToo (1 comments)
Trump turns international organizations into 'neo-confetti'
Who Needs Warriors? The Empire Does
Sunday, December 16:
Twenty-One Thoughts On The Persecution Of Julian Assange (20 comments)
The death of Jackeline Caal: A seven-year-old victim of Trump's war on immigrants
Sucker Punch: Screwing the Rubes in Bipartisan Comity (3 comments)
The Impeachment Question (2 comments)
The Self-Psychoanalysis of the American Liberal (1 comments)
Despite US, Russian And Saudi Opposition, Climate Summit Reaffirms Paris Goals
Is California About to Execute an Innocent Man? (6 comments)
Schumer vs. the Climate: Manchin's Criminally Insane Promotion (1 comments)
Political Games at Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Ecumenical Patriarchate
Four OpEdNews Senior Editors Met. We talked about Trump (76 comments)
How to Hold Corporations Accountable (7 comments)
Saturday, December 15:
Imagine If Saudi Arabia Was Not A US Ally (9 comments)
What the Hell Is Wrong With Paul Ryan? (5 comments)
Bush Sr. Made a Killing -- 50 Miners Buried Alive (1 comments)
Panamanian American: Why aren't we in the streets for this?
It's not too early to be thinking about punishment: Making Trump and Other Climate Criminals Pay (10 comments)
Are the New Congressional Progressives Real? Use These Yardsticks to Find Out
The Truth About Privatization (4 comments)
How Should Society Get Its Food? With Industrial Pig Farms--Located on a Flood Plain?!
Bellingcat's Kerch Gaff -Kurt Volker bought Ukraine's Lie
A War on Science, Morals, and Law
Friday, December 14:
In the Western World Truth Is on Its Deathbed
Will Muslim Countries Malaysia or Indonesia help Palestinians in Thailand? (1 comments)
Did Michael Flynn Try to Strike a Grand Bargain With Moscow as It Attacked the 2016 Election? (6 comments)
Senate Fingers Saudi Bin Salman as Murderer, Demands End of Yemen War
Time magazine honors journalists facing repression -- but snubs Julian Assange
Mueller's final conclusions: a great day for America; or the unfolding of a nightmare scenario (123 comments)
"Global Order" Equals the "New Fascism" (2 comments)
Searching for Trump's Tipping Point (1 comments)
How the New Silk Roads are merging into Greater Eurasia
Thursday, December 13:
A More Colorful, Diluted and Dying Japan (3 comments)
One Child Will Save the Planet
The Stupid f*cking sh*t for brains a**hole US Senator Inhofe from Oklamofohoma (20 comments)
Moving right along, with bad karma
Sania Tran: 2018 Millennial Home Ownership Report: American Dream Delayed (1 comments)
After 30 Years Studying Climate, Scientist Declares: "I've Never Been as Worried as I Am Today" (3 comments)
This is the core cause of pervasive discrimination and sexual harassment
Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union (1 comments)
Espionage Is Not Out of the Question (1 comments)
Christmas Gifts For Less Than A Penny (2 comments)
If Cohen and Pecker are Guilty of Campaign Finance Felonies, isn't Trump?
Who will ultimately bring down Trump? You'll never guess. (2 comments)
It's Time For Congresswomen To Take The Lead
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Deep State and Bob Parry Exposed It (12 comments)
Pope Should Ban Priesthood, Not Homosexuals (4 comments)
Ukraine sets up for 2018 winter offensive in Donbass (2 comments)
The NRA Misses the Target with Their "Good Guy with a Gun" Strategy (2 comments)
Gilets Jaunes: A Glimmer of Hope and Sanity (2 comments)
Ted Millar: Think We Can't Afford the Green New Deal? We Can't Afford Not To (8 comments)
Wednesday, December 12:
War, Anniversaries and Lessons Never Learned
George H.W. Bush: A Legacy of Honor and Hypocrisy (1 comments)
America ramps up pressure on Pakistan again
Washington and Lee: What's in a Name? (1 comments)
If Democrats Fracture, This Will Be the Fault Line (5 comments)
China Tariffs are a Regressive Tax on Americans, and Risk a Recession (1 comments)
The US Wants to Bring Back the Shah of Iran (31 comments)
Public Pressure Could Halt US Support of Yemen War (12 comments)
Thomas Farrell: Contextualizing the Apostle Paul (REVIEW ESSAY) (1 comments)
Washington Is Changing The World Order Against Its Own Interests
Are 75% of Americans ignorant of what its government has done in its name in world affairs? (10 comments)
European army: an apple of discord
Hybrid Wars: Mutual Stances in Region (1 comments)
Despite Democrats' Midterm Gains, Trump Will Continue Consolidating Power (8 comments)
Tuesday, December 11:
Mumbai's Dreaded Underworld Secret
We Can Help Thousands of Persons Fleeing Violence in Central America. We Helped Over 131,000 Vietnamese in 1975 (1 comments)
Imagine a World Without War, Where Migrants Are Welcomed, Where Women Are Not Targets
A Crisis in the Making: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them
The Climate Buddha's Abrupt Climate Change Glossary (1 comments)
The Impeachment of Donald Trump Is No Longer "Off the Table"
Another Gem from Caitlin Johnstone (1 comments)
Assorted Thoughts On Politics, Humanity, And The World (5 comments)
Who's destroying England and Western Europe? (1 comments)
What the Marc Lamont Hill Affair Really Tells us About Zionist Goals (5 comments)
Words and their Power Over Us (2 comments)
Monday, December 10:
Is Michael Cohen Trumputin's Dead Meat? Are We? (21 comments)
Watch Vigil for Julian Assange
Alexis Tsipras' Failed Attempt at Democratic Socialism
Is Kushner Covering for Bin Salman Murder Charge so Israel can Usurp Palestinian West Bank?
Marcy Wheeler: Mueller Probe Could Lead to Indictment of the Trump Organization
Truth and Free Speech Are Being Taken Away From Us
The Heresy of White Christianity (3 comments)
PALANGKARAYA -- Dreaming About the 'Soviet' Capital of Indonesia, and the 1965 US-Backed Killing Fields (2 comments)
Two Steps Back: The Yellow-Vest Response to Bad Planning (32 comments)
A Voter's Quandry (5 comments)
Free the Free Press from Wall Street Plunderers (2 comments)
Sunday, December 9:
What Do Psychedelics Offer? (5 comments)
TB or Not TB: Winning or Losing the Health of the Planet - and Us (1 comments)
In the Shadow of Donald Trump (1 comments)
French Lessons (4 comments)
Top Eight Ways John Kelly was an Embarrassment as White House Chief of Staff (1 comments)
Karen Kwiatkowski Receives 2018 Sam Adams Award
Republicans Don't Want Your Vote to Count
Drug Company Execs Make Millions Misleading Cancer Patients. Here's One Way to Stop Them (2 comments)
New Book about Ethics and Whistleblowing for Engineers Affects Us All! (2 comments)
Hanukkah vs. Christmas: Does It Have to Be a Contest? (3 comments)
Saturday, December 8:
MSM and the US State Dept are the biggest peddlers of conspiracy theories (3 comments)
Jill Stein's PA Lawsuit - What Happened and What Does It Mean?
The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth (2 comments)
How The Iconic 1968 Earthrise Photo Changed Our Relationship To The Planet (1 comments)
Sanders and DNC Level Playing Field for 2020 Presidential Debates (4 comments)
HUD Official to Move Into Public Housing? (1 comments)
Friday, December 7:
The Conspiracy Against Refugees (6 comments)
Wall Street's Corruption Runs Deeper Than You Can Fathom (3 comments)
"NYT" editorial on Flynn's misdeeds has a laughable omission -- Israel's role (2 comments)
Moral Corruption in the Eastern Orthodox Priesthood Makes It Imperative to Revive the Traditional Catholic Faith. (1 comments)
Nikki Haley To Be Replaced By Blonde Version Of Nikki Haley (4 comments)
From Marc Lamont Hill to the Quakers, no criticism of Israel is allowed (23 comments)
$5.2 Trillion Savings Projected from Medicare for All (18 comments)
Dismantling Our Public Schools
What Americans need to know about the Real Legacy of George H. W. Bush (1 comments)
Daily Inspiration — The Chemistry of Blame (3 comments)
Election 2020: I Can Smell the Dumpster Fires Already
The Progress of Fascism Over the Last Twenty Years (3 comments)
Turning California Totally Blue
Thursday, December 6:
We're all CIA assets! What can be done, a personal story (6 comments)
The important question is, Can fascism create social stability? (6 comments)
Sometimes A Pair of Pants Can Give You Vertigo (6 comments)
From Bernie to Beto, a Progressive Era Begins (1 comments)
Nominee for US Ambassador to Yemen is No Friend of the Yemeni People
Why Isn't Trump Making Mexico Pay for His Wall? (2 comments)
The Republican Party Has Become "a Conspiracy to Seize Power"
A Two-Pronged Policy Needed To Stem The Flow Of Migrants
Some truths of what "Poppy" Bush and other POTUS have done in our name (1 comments)
You can smell teargas in the streets as oil industry squabbles
Russiagate McCarthyism Led to Internet Censorship of the Anti-War and Social Justice Movement (8 comments)
"A Smoking Saw": Bin Salman Loses Support of Key GOP Senators with CIA Briefing
Decade of litigation wraps up with Epstein apology to sex victims' attorney (2 comments)
How to Beat the Climate Disaster Deniers at Their Own Game (64 comments)
Daily Inspiration — What’s keeping us from taking over? (2 comments)
Wednesday, December 5:
From Central America to Syria: the Conspiracy against Refugees
Trump's Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook (2 comments)
The Ancient Mythical Rites of Pearl Harbor Day (1 comments)
Climate Crisis Made Worse (6 comments)
The Amazing GWHB Hagiography (7 comments)
How I Became Revolutionary and Internationalist (5 comments)
The Bushes and "Honor" (10 comments)
Trump labor secretary cited in pedophile sweetheart deal (3 comments)
"They're Throwing A Fit": The GOP's Desperate Power Grabs Show How Weak The Party Has Become (1 comments)
Trump Takes on General Motors (And Guess Who Wins?) (5 comments)
Tuesday, December 4:
Earth Over the Brink (6 comments)
What It Means That Hillary Clinton Might Run for President in 2020 (9 comments)
Criminal History: BCCI, the Bushes ... and Mueller (9 comments)
Attention Democrats: Millennials Will Vote Against Debt in 2020 (1 comments)
On The Road to a Post-G20 World
EI: What Have We Accomplished since 2000?
Congressional Noose may Tighten around Saudi Crown Prince as Haspel Testifies
Tomgram: Ben Fountain, "Very Close to a Complete Victory"
The Disintegration of Western Society
Thaw in India- Pakistan relations?
George H.W. Bush Led a Different America (10 comments)
The Jerome Bressler Aspartame Report - From Beyond the Grave (2 comments)
The Essence of Beto's Appeal to Americans: Why He Deserves an MSNBC or CNN Show of His Own (5 comments)
Julian Assange: Could 50,000 People Provide a Human Corridor? (44 comments)
The Two Magical Words That Could Have Trump Gone by Earth Day (43 comments)
America's Mission Possible: Standing Together Post Trump/Pence (8 comments)
48 hours of Trump lies in a few tweets (2 comments)
Monday, December 3:
A Sequel: The Best Film Ever Made About Politics (1 comments)
Reagan, Clinton and Tip O'Neill were retirement thieves: Demand an End to the Taxation of Social Security Benefits (8 comments)
Israel turns unstable Abruptly, as Police urge PM Netanyahu be indicted (1 comments)
Gulen And Erdogan's Islamic Rivalry And Its Consequences (1 comments)
Are Genes Pseudo-Science Driven by Racist Patriarchal Plutocrats? (4 comments)
Sanders-Khanna Bill Would Stop Monopoly Drug Pricing in the US (1 comments)
Mehdi Hasan on George H.W. Bush's Ignored Legacy: War Crimes, Racism and Obstruction of Justice
Working for the Man....Not the Masses
Ineffective decisions destroy European Union (2 comments)
Shocked, shocked! (7 comments)
Why I am Grateful to George Herbert Walker Bush (1 comments)
The Film the Israel Lobby Does Not Want You to See (7 comments)
Sunday, December 2:
Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Grandmasters of the Universe
One International Conference Ends and Another Begins -- What to Expect
If You Murdered A Bunch Of People, Mass Murder Is Your Single Defining Legacy (45 comments)
Israel wages a new war of attrition in Jerusalem
Manafort pardon would be impeachable, indictable and convictable (2 comments)
Just How Corrupt Is The American Soul? (8 comments)
Abandon Islam to make peace with India: Indian General tells Pakistan (1 comments)
The Public School Widget Factory
Peace Activists' Best Hope? The Sunrise CLIMATE Movement (19 comments)
The Southernization of America
Ivanka denies Daddy authorized "lethal force" at the border -- until she's shown the video (4 comments)
America's rigged tax collection system (4 comments)
The Nazis Salute in Wisconsin and the Silence of White Progressives and Liberals (3 comments)
Free The Free Press From Wall Street Plunder
Yemen, Poisoned Water, and a Green New Deal (2 comments)
The Pivotal GHW Bush Presidency: How the US became Mired in the Mideast (3 comments)
Saturday, December 1:
Don't Go to Mars to Save Humanity. Go to SD, AK, ND, IA and NH (16 comments)
What's A Subpoena -- And Should Trump Fear It?
Climate Change Response Pits Trump Against US Government (5 comments)
The Bushes: Fathers and Sons (With Apologies to Turgenev) (2 comments)
The Game-Changing Promise of a Green New Deal
In the House, Everything New is Old Again (3 comments)
How Brian Kemp Illegally STOLE The Georgia Election (2 comments)
The Sad Death of Jamal Khashoggi Drops the Veil on U.S. Foreign Policy: Part 2 of a 2 Part Series
Facebook Jail is Politically Driven & Oppressive, and It Usurps the First Amendment and Free Speech (11 comments)
Here's Evidence of Collusion: Trump's Lawyer Discussed Business Deal With Putin's Office
Our Elites Refuse to Accept Responsibility for Leaving Behind the Left Behind
The Long, Brutal U.S. War on Children in the Middle East (1 comments)
G20 Summit, Top Agenda Item: Bye-Bye American Empire (3 comments)