Archives for Life Arts
December 2019
Monday, December 30:
When the power of love overcomes the love of power (Hendrix)
Sunday, December 29:
National Geographic's Best Photos of 2019
Republicans' Fake Good News About Jesus' Poverty (24 comments)
Friday, December 27:
Thursday, December 26:
Are Inversion Table Efficacy Claims Believable?
Sing Along With Tulsi! (6 comments)
Wednesday, December 25:
Starlight (1 comments)
The Christmas Story: Fact or Fiction? (21 comments)
Tuesday, December 24:
Brexit: Ruling the Waves Once Again
Monday, December 23:
Surviving holidays in recovery
Culturally Contextualizing the Gospels (REVIEW ESSAY) (4 comments)
The Highest Form of Communism is Transcendental Communism
Sunday, December 22:
Biblical Double Bind (3 comments)
By Chance on the Winter Solstice (2 comments)
'I would be afraid of being attacked': Why some Jews won't put a menorah in their window this Hanukkah (2 comments)
Saturday, December 21:
Visiting Art Museums Shown to Increase Longevity
Thursday, December 19:
Leibniz was no dummy (5 comments)
Biblical Figures of Speech and Theology
Tuesday, December 17:
Elias Rivera: Artist left legacy of colorful murals of Southwest life
Monday, December 16:
Tom Tomorrow's Cartoon: Nothing is true (4 comments)
Clint Eastwood Trips On a Quid Pro Quo
Brexit: UK Joins World-Wide Rebellion against Neoliberalism (3 comments)
Gifts That Help Kids Cope with our Political Climate
Saturday, December 14:
Insulin keeps diabetics alive. What happens when they can't afford it? (2 comments)
The Year in Stupidity; at least we can get some laffs in the process. (1 comments)
Thursday, December 12:
The Big Peach Will Go Splat (1 comments)
On Going to the Movies, or Not (2 comments)
"Trump Named Person of the Year by Popular Sociopath Magazine" (The Borowitz Report)
Wednesday, December 11:
Operationally defining and explaining deification for Americans today (REVIEW ESSAY)
Tuesday, December 10:
Simplicity to Counter Complexity: Tao
Monday, December 9:
Following the Fenton River (a eulogy)
The Cost of Sanity in an Insane Culture (7 comments)
Sunday, December 8:
Hopi History: Hi-tech Clan Warfare in the Americas (3 comments)
My Border Collie: The Real "House Hunter"
Saturday, December 7:
Becoming A Next Culture Villager (1 comments)
Wednesday, December 4:
Hunter Competes in Disney's Parent-Child Find-the-House Tournament
Tuesday, December 3:
Demos (1 comments)
Am I a White Male? Let Me Check"
Monday, December 2:
Silly Film Olympics, Part II: Midsommer & Joker (2 comments)
Sunday, December 1:
What does ‘sesquicentennial’ mean? (1 comments)
Pope Francis Calls Possession of Nuclear Weapons Sinful (13 comments)