Buddha image in the store window of an optician shop in Wittenberg (Germany)
(Image by Ephemeral Impressions) Details DMCA
The highest form of communism is transcendental communism with ecological wisdom as the primary focus. Our children's story problems in math, science, and social studies can focus on how to reduce individual ecological footprints worldwide. In the United States, we should name no more public schools after presidents or generals. We can name them after saints from all the major world religions or after philosophers and scientists if that is what the neighbors in a neighborhood school district decide.
Let us encourage neighbors to create their own social vision and worldview. Encourage them to think globally and act locally. Let each elementary, middle, and high school district create its own educational philosophy and school curriculum. We can renew and restore the earth and rebuild the world in a healthy way from the bottom-up by removing the hierarchical or top-down decision making that is destroying the planet and our future.
Communism begins in the family and then spreads to the neighborhood. Our public schools can be made into places where people find communion with nature and where they discover their highest Self or God, places where people find their purpose in life, places where people find love. Transcendentalism and socialism have enveloped together before, but I am not sure just yet what has happened or happening to that social movement. These are books I would like to read: Transcendentalism as a Social Movement by Lance Newman; Transcendentalism and Marxism by William J. Prest; and Origins of American Marxism: From Transcendentalist to De Leon by David Herreshoff.
Our highest purpose for being here on this planet is to express love in the best way that we can. And we should always encourage and practice democracy, fully-participatory democracy. Would a loving God encourage nationalism or internationalism for this world? Capitalism or Socialism? Competition or Cooperation? Dividedness or Oneness?
A loving God would encourage unity in diversity. A loving God would encourage a democratic world government. Let us value and empower international law. We can renew and restore the earth and rebuild the world from the bottom-up--from the family to the neighborhood to the larger community to the state and nation on up to the highest level of decision-making, the international level--in that order. Let us renew our hearts and minds and purify our motives to be what we were meant to be to make it all happen. For real democracy to occur in the United States, we need to equally empower at least 7 national political parties, not just 2 parties that act like twins.
The United States is striving to be a world empire. Empires have hierarchical chains of command that create fear and hate and suffering and unhappiness, and they create vast disparities between the rich and the poor. Empires are not concerned about love and sharing and democracy. The world does not want or need an empire controlled by the United States. Has the United States made the world a better place? Let us work for world peace and love and a world without empire. "World without Empire! Amen, Amen." Let us practice and be the peace we want to see in the world.
(Article changed on December 27, 2019 at 17:33)