Archives for Life Arts

February 2024

Thursday, February 29:

Dirge (poem)

Thomas J. Farrell on Drafting His Own Obituary (1 comments)

Friday, February 23:

Spiritual questions while living in the technosphere (3 comments)

Wednesday, February 21:

Humor: In Search of the Elusive Norm

Monday, February 19:

Film Review: Writer's Black: The He-Be / We-Be Blues

One moment in a vast story followed by a reflection

Sunday, February 18:

John Dear on the Questions of Jesus (REVIEW ESSAY)

Chaos and Cruelty

Saturday, February 17:

Sonnet: Reinventing the Weal

Wednesday, February 14:

Capturing scraps of the Apocalypse: Abdicating my Plastic Crown followed by a reflection

Tuesday, February 13:

A Black History Valentine (Poem)

Monday, February 12:

The Middle East: the Delicate Art of Punishing without Provoking

Thursday, February 8:

War, god and the silence of mountains followed by an explanation

Wednesday, February 7:

Our house-sitters

Tuesday, February 6:

So Long, Good Night, John Pilger

Friday, February 2:

The right and left brain enjoying a rare moment of comradery (a prose poem)

Freed Verse: Why I Hate (Rerun)


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