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OpEdNews Op Eds    H1'ed 12/2/09

Bernie Sanders Blocks Bernanke Confirmation... With Bi-Partisan Support

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Not since the Great Depression has the financial system been as unsafe, unsound, and unstable as it has been during Mr. Bernanke's tenure. More than 120 banks have failed since he became chairman.

Under Bernanke's watch, the value of risky derivatives held at our nation's top commercial banks grew from $110 trillion to more than $290 trillion, 95 percent of which are concentrated in just five financial institutions.

Bernanke failed to prevent banks from issuing deceptive and unfair financial products to consumers. Under his leadership, mortgage lenders were allowed to issue predatory loans they knew consumers could not afford to repay. This risky practice was allowed to continue long after the FBI warned in 2004 of an "epidemic" in mortgage fraud.

After the financial crisis hit, Bernanke's response was to provide trillions of dollars in virtually zero-interest loans and other taxpayer assistance to some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Adding insult to injury, Bernanke refused to tell the American people the names of the institutions that received this handout or the terms involved.

"Mr. Bernanke has failed at all four core responsibilities of the Federal Reserve, Sanders concluded. "It's time for him to go."

And a press release from campaign for America's future reports:


Senate Banking Committee to Hold Bernanke Nomination Hearings Thursday; Issues Raised By Letter Prompt Sen. Sanders To Place Hold On Nomination

WASHINGTON " Leaders on opposite sides of the political spectrum joined forces today on a letter to the Senate demanding that Congress mandate an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank before voting to reappoint Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for a second term. Although the groups may not agree on all the elements of financial reform, they do agree that the Federal Reserve should be held accountable to taxpayers.

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