What’s going on with NH politicians and law enforcement officers? Their silence is deafening.
The Hillsborough and Merimack County Attorneys, Wageling and St. Hilaire are both out of control.
In 2002 this writer and the Goffstown School Board Chairman, Dr. Craig Hieber, dialed 911 to the NH Attorney Generals Office to report corruption on the School Board. Millions were stolen. We got cricket sounds of silence from the NH AGs Office.
Soon, Chairman Hieber died a torturous death and Prosecutor Steckowych replaced him.
When I dialed 911 a 2nd time to the NH AGs Office, Chief Investigator G. Michael Bahan threatened to have me arrested! Bahan told me that "Steckowych is a close personal friend of mine. If Steckowych is involved, there is no crime.” I started getting death threats. Strange men lurked in cars in front of my rural home and peeled out when I approached them. I got threats of arson and then an arson fire at my place of business. My warehouse nearly burned. I got more death and arson threats. A hit contract was put out on me. I got it all on tape! It was members of organized crime camouflaged as politicians, police, and their agents that were delivering the threats! Bahan has since disappeared.
Steckowych was the leading candidate for Hillsborough County Attorney. That is the 3rd most powerful law enforcement position in NH. Steckowych was one of the named progenitors of these threats.
Steckowych’s “personal messenger” even described how they gassed Dr. Hieber! He died of ARDS which is consistent with being gassed. I dialed 911 a 3rd time to the NH AGs Office. They did nothing. Steckowych sued and offered me $400,000 for my silence. Steckowych was represented, pro bono, by Governor Shaheens law firm. This is US Congressman Paul Hodes law firm. Where did Steckowych get the $400 grand to disarm this political time bomb?? When I turned their offer down these guys came after me for wiretapping. According to the NH Breach of Peace Statutes I was just being a good citizen.
I dialed 911 a 4th time to US Attorney Tom Colantuono. He has been silent as a lamb and just as effective. However, he did pull out all of the stops to chase down seal poachers. He called in everyone but the Marines.
I was facing life in prison. After 6 years of harassment, after over 300 hearings, motions, filings and pleadings, after a mistrial and 6 trial dates, I’m still a free man. I am undefeated in the courts. These recordings are my only protection.
“These guys” on tape are members of organized crime camouflaged as politicians. Their deadly influence extends from the State House all the way to the Hillsborough County Court House where at least 3 judges have ruled against me while refusing to listen to these perfectly legal recordings. According to these recordings, these politicians methods of getting their way is gruesome to say the least and the list of judges and elected officials looking the other way include Governor Lynch. Despite dialing 911 a 5th and 6th time to Gov. Lynch, he has done nothing. My information has it that he ordered me investigated while I and members of my family are being threatened with death and dismemberment.
I’ve been getting help from Dr. James Murtagh and his fellow Physicians. When he filed complaints, they tried to have Dr. Murtagh committed. In NH my detractors tried to have me committed and failed. Due to his efforts Dr. Murtagh got 143 indictments and 127 convictions for the same crimes I'm alleging. GA State Senators are now looking for more indictments.
My 7th trial date has been set. It is just a few days after this fall’s elections. That date is not by chance. These politicians have looked the other way for far too long and they are now worried. Who are “these guys” protecting besides Prosecutor Steckowych?? This inquiring mind wants to know and is risking his life simply for asking questions and demanding answers of our elected politicians. Is this still the US of A or the new USSR? By publicizing this you will be helping me and my family to stay safe and you will be sending a message to our elected officials that We The People are still in charge. Please forward to all who care about our freedoms and help in any way that you can.
Addicted to Freedom and determined to keep it.
Gerard Beloin is a roofing system designer, manufacturer and taxpayer watchdog that can be reached at bluestone25@comcast.net