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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 6/11/13


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Kathy Malloy
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Source: Mike Malloy

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It's a leak-a-minute out of Washington these days, isn't it?  Today the media are frothing over scandalicious details about a secret underground drug ring, prostitution, and sexual assault by members of State Department staff.

According to CNN...
"CBS News' John Miller reports that according to an internal State Department Inspector General's memo, several recent investigations were influenced, manipulated, or simply called off. The memo obtained by CBS News cited eight specific examples. Among them: allegations that a State Department security official in Beirut "engaged in sexual assaults" on foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's security detail 'engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries' -- a problem the report says was 'endemic.'

"The memo also reveals details about an 'underground drug ring' was operating near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and supplied State Department security contractors with drugs.

"Aurelia Fedenisn, a former investigator with the State Department's internal watchdog agency, the Inspector General, told Miller, 'We also uncovered several allegations of criminal wrongdoing in cases, some of which never became cases.'

"In such cases, DSS agents told the Inspector General's investigators that senior State Department officials told them to back off, a charge that Fedenisn says is 'very' upsetting."

What the hell is going on here? Hillary's being accused of covering up the alleged big sexy mess by squelching possible investigations, while CNN reports that...

"Nicholas Merrill, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton, said Clinton was completely unaware of any of the investigations mentioned in the Office of the Inspector General's reports and memos, including the case involving her personal security detail allegedly soliciting prostitutes."

Is this an(other) attempt to take down Obama and/or a pre-emptive strike against Hillary's possible presidential aspirations? Or is it just a salacious summer distraction from otherwise dreary news stories for the talking heads on the alphabet networks?

Just an aside, Hillary has a Twitter account now, but don't expect any of these juicy bits to pop up on your iphone.

Funny 1  
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Kathy never expected a career in radio as a talk show producer. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Kathy was completing her nursing degree when in 2001 - in an emergency - she was asked to fill in as the producer of Mike's program. Within a few (more...)
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