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Operation Paperclip

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John Henry Egan
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Werner von Braun and friends
Werner von Braun and friends
(Image by john egan)
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There is something at work in my soul, that I do not understand

the Frankenstein Monster

The American deep-state has an organization named DARPA short for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Most Americans have never heard of it. It was founded by a group of Nazi scientists brought into the United States as part of Operation Paperclip; a CIA plan to install anti-Soviet Nazi science and scientists into the fabric of American society. They did a good job: brought them in by the thousands; few questions asked. The most visible among them was SS Colonel Werner von Braun who built American rockets. He was often a smiling affable guest on Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Club where he introduced enthralled young Mouseketeers into the wizardry of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

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The slave labor days were behind him. So too for the other jolly fellows brought in by Operation Paperclip, all of whom, they swore, were absolutely not involved in war crimes. DARPA was just another cool landing spot where the former Blackshirts felt right at home. They found employment in American war industries and universities building bombs and experimental death-rays as well as weeding out any law-abiding American who got in their way. The sorts of thing that DARPA works on now include grand ideas like inserting insect brains into robots that can analyze their own source code. They will then mate and reproduce with other robots. They call it high-tech Darwinism. What could possibly go wrong? There is no oversight whatsoever. There is never any oversight because the American legislative branch is gutless and corrupt. They have no say in the matter, not that they ever would or could object as death by political (or actual) assassination awaits. DARPA is a think-tank for mad scientists with absolutely no ethical or moral boundaries. It is a microcosm for what every level of American society has become, thanks in part to Operation Paperclip.

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DARPA represents the anti-clerical triumph of the enlightenment over the Rights of Man that the American founders based their constitution upon, slavery notwithstanding. They felt there is a natural law present in the heart of everyone derived directly from the godhead. Two hundred fifty years later, Judeo-Christian ethics and decency exist only in small pockets deep within the American heartland. Its eradication proceeds like a harrowing and seemingly unstoppable nightmare. The atheistic ruling elite, centered on the coastal plains, direct their internationalist paranoia upon a world that must be Americanized for global redemption or else be annihilated for their own good. For them, the God of Abraham and Isaiah is a meaningless joke, and Jesus a biologically determined pathological freak. The military power that springs forth from DARPA's debased fountainhead of evil is the only policy they know. It mercilessly destroys any and all possible threats to their supremacy and allows them to suck the blood, life force and wealth out of the American nation and its people free of charge. Even better, the fleeced suckers have no clue what is happening to them.

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John Henry Egan lives in the Mojave Desert and has a degree in History from Hofstra University, He is published nationally and internationally in military history and film theory. His latest book is; War and Migration 1860-2020: The Ruin of (more...)

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