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Orange Mafioso Convicted: Partial Redemption of a Flawed Judicial System

Monish Chatterjee
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Orange Mafioso Convicted: Partial Redemption of a Flawed Judicial System

Next, accountability needed for the deviant crooks on the US Extreme Court

Monish R Chatterjee 2024

Cartoon depicting DJT in orange jumpsuit
Cartoon depicting DJT in orange jumpsuit
(Image by The Columbus Dispatch)
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A malignant orange-tinted criminal, who almost impossibly has made the rogues' gallery of US POTUSes seem bearers of civilization (including the war criminal GWB who destroyed Iraq, and the Nobel Peace laureate who destroyed Libya- among the most recent ones), has been found guilty unanimously on all 34 charges of felony by a 12-member New York Jury as of earlier today (5/30/24), around 4 pm EST.

This almost did not happen. The malignant monster, the inveterate liar and fraud, had 91 counts of felonies over 4 major indictments. These included three that were of paramount importance and seriousness. The unrepentant criminal blatantly stole countless classified documents (I am not going into the US operations of secrecy and waging war upon the hapless around the world; that is a different discussion) upon being forced to leave office after losing an election most decisively, and after letting lose a mob of insurrectionists upon the seat of US Government- treason by any measure, and obstructing justice by relentlessly lying (personally and via crooked lawyers)- sharing them deliberately and recklessly outside of any clearance; then there was the most repugnant and criminal "perfect" phone call- "Look, all I want to do is this- I want 11,780 votes" because I won the election.." In almost any other country, and even in this country for any other electoral politician- this would immediately lead to a trial and severe punishment; and of course, to top it all, there was the violent criminality of instigating an insurrection upon the US Congress in order to despotically hold on to power. And all of these were still the tip of the iceberg.

However- leave it to wily crooks (of the R-party types in particular, who are well specialized in hypocrisy and remorseless crimes) to turn the legal system on its head. Wily crooks are well-trained to utilize loopholes in the (well-intentioned) legal process. Unlimited delays before any action for justice can even begin- available only to the uber-wealthy and powerful. And in this instance- the entire R-party has become a maga enclave of insurrectionists (to whom the national demographic shifts towards greater diversity and plurality is anathema- and for this they are prepared to wage another "civil" war), and is now exerting all its political machinery to stand behind the evil, malignant, vile dumbbell risen to their top. Hence, for over 2 years now- all potential trials in the 4 jurisdictions have just about grounded to a halt. The maga crook in the seat of justice (Aileen Cannon in Florida) has made a complete mockery of the judicial process by kicking every possibility of trying the classified documents crime indefinitely down the line, and favoring the indicted crook every step of the way.

In the DC case for the gravest crime of this career crook- the Jan 6th insurrection (which included his enjoying every bit of the violence in the WH for 187 minutes, doing absolutely nothing, except instigating further that the hapless former VP be hanged)- has been usurped on the calendar by a gang of crooks in the US extreme court (including two of the most vile, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas- directly implicated in the insurrection- in addition to their many other crimes and acts of unpardonable corruption), who unbelievably, but quite understandably took up the case for the outlandish "absolute Presidential immunity" relative to all crimes the POTUS can commit. And there it languishes.

Of the four potential trials of the career criminal- the one in Georgia was meant to be a pure slam-dunk. The "perfect" phone call to Brad Raffensperger asking for 11,780 corrupt votes was already game, set, match. Yet- in this case, it is the Fulton County DA, Fani Willis, who rather injudiciously created the slightest crack in the water-tight case for the crook's defense team to exploit. Her romantic relationship with one of the lead prosecutors for the case, Nathan Wade. While the impropriety in this case may be itself suspect- it has had the unfortunate consequence of introducing agonizing delays in taking the case to trial.

And that brings us to the otherwise (seemingly) weakest case of all- that which the Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg kicked off by initiating the cycle of criminal indictments last year. It was a gutsy move by DA Bragg, and many would not give him much of a chance for any success- especially since the other three cases were serious and consequential by far. Yet- as things have played out- it is the case for felony falsification of documents relative to "hush-money" payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels (by the epitome of sleaze and gutter-dwelling character, DJT) in order to hide the story of his illicit relationships (of which the sleaze ball had dozens) which ultimately (one would hope) broke the slimy gangster's back (along with the maga minions on the streets and in the halls of Congress).

However, as several have already cautioned, this story is far from over. Here are some of the concerns:

(1) The convicted felon may receive only a slap on the wrist by way of punishment- maybe probation, or some manner of house-arrest;

(2) Alternatively, the felon may receive 30 days in jail (compared with 3 years given much earlier to Michael Cohen, for similar or lesser crimes on balance). Logic says the sentence should really be 4 years for each of the 34 convicted felonies, running concurrently;

(3) The scoundrel may play the appeals game, and make the process bounce all the way to the corrupt, maga Extreme Court- in which case the entire thing may get overturned;

(4) Acts of "retribution" by the gangster's many collaborating minions may begin on a faster pace from here on- actions for which vigilance of the highest order would be called for;

(5) Keeping the fascists from capturing power at any level (Senate, House of Representatives, and of course the POTUS) has now become a matter of paramount importance. Only by the adults being put in charge of restoring honor and the rule of law in the government, can one hope for stringent new laws being enacted whereby fraudulent election denialism is made a criminal offense; Roe v Wade is restored, the Extreme Court is given term limits and a strong code of ethics among the corrupt robe-wearers therein is instituted;

(6) All the insurrectionists from the failed 2021 Jan 6th coup in the Halls of Congress and elsewhere be held accountable.

Only time will tell how factors (1) through (6) above play out. For now- this Manhattan verdict is only reason for a very tepid welcome and celebration of justice.

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Monish R. Chatterjee received the B.Tech. (Hons) degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from I.I.T., Kharagpur, India, in 1979, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from the University of Iowa, (more...)

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