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President Obama, Respect The Rule Of Law And Stop The Mergers!

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William Cormier
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The Majority of US Corporations pay little or no taxes.

The government is using taxpayer money to bail-out tax cheats and those who actually helped to create this economic crash.

The majority of the people have been against bailing out the banks and financial institutions - but it’s happening anyway, contrary to the will of the people.

Hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, have been paid in executive compensation using TARP funds, YOUR MONEY - and we have no guarantees that it will stop.

Our anti-trust laws, which were used to break-up AT&T, are being ignored and in fact, appear to be given the green-light of the government to acquire more companies. (The below excerpt is from TARP Fund Restrictions Are Proposed in New Legislation. The legislation is being sponsored by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney representative a Democrat. The language in this one line has largely been ignored, especially by the MSM - and is so vague that it’s almost meaningless, which will likely allow wealthy corporations to become even larger. This is Taxation without Representation!

The “TARP Reform and Accountability Act of 2009″ (HR 384) would require quarterly reports from recipients on their use of TARP funds, restrict the use of TARP funds for acquisitions, and impose further limits on executive compensation. (Emphasis added) MUCH MORE

Please note that it does not rule out acquisitions, but “restricts” them. The term, in legalese, would appear to grant the Financial Stability Oversight Board the final decision whether or not a corporation can use public funds for acquisitions. With the knowledge that billions of dollars are being spent by lobbyists, we know from past experience(s) that those who have the most money are making the decisions - and I believe that Congress is being unlawfully influenced by lobbyists. If a corporation is in dire need of public assistance, why would they be allowed to use public money to grow larger? The proposed legislation also states that (the oversight committee can) “impose further limits on executive compensation.” Why is the government using any tax dollars - your money, under any circumstances to pay bonuses to wealthy CEO’s that already earn (sic) millions of dollars per year? This legislation is riddled with loopholes - and rather than being clear and concise in legislation that was designed to protect the public (sic), Representative Barney Frank has authored a Bill that if written properly, some inequities within the system would have been alleviated, but as it’s written, this Bill isn’t worth the paper it’s written on and purposely contains loopholes. Barney Frank has the experience and expertise to write iron-clad legislation, but instead of siding with the people, Mr. Frank has evidently succumbed to pressure from those who will be receiving further bailout funds.

To sum-up this essay, I cannot add to the excellent commentary I found on Scholars and Rogues early this morning. I believe the feelings expressed in the next two paragraphs are representative of a large segment of our population, and it rings of the truth - an honest commentary that describes the apparent thrust of our government in general. Further, when you go through the facts as presented above, please read the description of a word we all abhor - but exactly matches what is happening right before our eyes, and nothing but the combined efforts of every American feeling the pain of this recession/depression banding together can change; Sadly, I believe that it will become far worse before the public reacts appropriately - but it’s coming - and faster than any of could imagine. Another commentary on CNN today addressed the rising spate of violent, senseless crimes that seem to be growing by the day. People are depressed, destitute, and many are reaching their breaking point. If “we the people” don’t act soon, our future is bleak and uncertain. If we choose to remain complacent, one thing is certain - the country has been robbed blind, and after all of your money is gone, only one thing of value remains - and that’s your freedom.

Dear America: Thanks for the America. It was tasty. Signed, America

Posted on January 24, 2009 by Mr. Cargo

And whereas the last gasps of the 20th Century forced us to accept the meme, “Government’s job is to outsource everything to the private sector and let the private sector take care of you,” the Bush years gave a massive, sh*t-smeared thumbs-up to the private sector saying “Fu*k off, it’s not my job to take care of you, get your own” as its higher-ups took everything they could grab from their underlings and their government alike. The government’s job is now to drop bombs, provide a paycheck for life to our neutered politicians, cut welfare checks for rich people and force my generation, which from what I can see was largely left to raise itself, to shoulder the burden of supporting its Boomer parents (The “Me Generation” becomes the “Gimme Gimme Generation”) as they fight tooth and nail over that last delicious shipment of Tasty, Tasty America Bars™ that were once available in every corner market in Mayberry and West Mayberry alike. The private sector’s job is to take everything it can grab through your labor, your rigged retirement plan and whatever money the government can borrow on your signature to keep them in mink; and kick your ass out on the street the second you’re no longer–wait for it–tangibly and materially useful, immediately.

The best way I can put it based on my own personal experiences is that I have been cleverly brainwashed into believing that I am a waste of money and I deserve whatever scraps the higher-ups are willing to fart down onto me, and not a scrap more, as I bust my ass and endlessly, ultimately fruitlessly, clamor with the rest for their assurance that I am indeed worthy–not just of a paycheck–but of a good living. I get backed into a corner, it’s my own fault for not being someone else. My job goes overseas and I starve, I must not have been trying hard enough. My CEO runs off with my retirement and leaves me holding a portfolio full of worthless stock, well, sucks to be me. That’s Wall Street for ya. That’s what you get for trying to play that big, bad market casino like the big guns forced you to do. MUCH MORE

The Definition of Fascism:

Fascism is an authoritarian nationalist ideology focused on solving economic, political, and social problems that its supporters see as causing national decline or decadence.[1][2][3][4] Fascist governments typically seek to prepare a nation for armed conflict with other nations, to defend itself or to expand its state to allow for the growth of a nation.[5] Fascists aim to create a single-party state in which the government is led by a dictator who seeks unity by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation or a race.[6][7][8] LINK

Fascist governments permanently forbid and suppress all criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement.[9] Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people as individuals rather than as a collective through the state (liberalism, democracy, individualism); is deemed detrimental to national identity and unity (class conflict, communism, internationalism, laissez-faire capitalism); may oppose major changes to government and other institutions that it proposes (conservatism) and that undermine the military strength and military ambitions of the nation (pacifism).[10][11][12] [13][14][15][16][17][18]

William Cormier

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