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Stop The Lying About Federal Tax Policy

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Potomac Oracle
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This tax on millionaires is all theater, a grand Kabuki, a Fandango amongst the 1%ers, the Congress, and the Administration, each dancing to their own special interest hip hop.


The House and Senate Majorities persisting in discriminatory taxation; resisting tax increases on the middle class but not tax fairness for all; the Administration subversively cynical about the canard that taxes on the rich must help pay for a more equal society. Senate Republicans and the 1%ers, sitting, like the vultures they are, on the edge of the negotiating table waiting for the inevitable disgorgement of even more spoils (tax breaks) that will never reach the minions.


It's all a sham because none of our erstwhile elected or appointed officials in senior most positions, their advisors, MSM economic pundits and favored academics, appear to remember the historical paradigm shift in this nation's monetary and fiscal policy which occurred in August, 1971.


Briefly, Nixon abandoned the Bretton Woods Agreement and the U.S. left the gold standard and fixed exchange rate world, and all other nations soon followed. That action changed our nation from one with gold backed currency to one with nothing backing our currency. We were no longer bound to balance federal budgets and trade accounts, deficits were no longer the basis upon which the nation would face default on its obligations, or bankruptcy.


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Retired ('92)after working for every Administration since Truman, with the exception of the last 3 administrations. Mainlining golf is a major addiction, along with grandchildren, travel, great books, and the leisure to really absorb it all. A (more...)

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