We've actually had many contacts with them in the past; in fact they are responsible for seeding this planet with the human species in the first place - their own species. We are their progeny.
What we call "First Contact" is the first time that the whole planet will be aware of their presence. Even before that time but after NESARA is announced, they will begin giving us technologies that will allow us to end our dependence on oil, travel far, communicate quickly, and cure most diseases among us.
They will give us devices that will allow us to see to all our food, clothing and other needs without having to produce them in factories.
Our space brothers and sisters will prepare us for our 2012 Ascension. Apparently, what we will see when they arrive defies imagination. Their simple presence in the sky will have such an uplifting effect on us that we will not be the same from that moment on.
The governments of the world have ridiculed the idea that there are extraterrestrial craft in our skies.
But one by one France, Great Britain, Denmark, Brazil, and Canada have opened their files and shown that they have known for decades about the ET presence.
I have told the story as if we terrestrials played the major part in it and as if our own power and knowledge are what have driven events. But I am pretty sure that it would be safer to say that the extraterrestrial influence has driven events. I don't believe that the overthrow of the NWO and the crafting of the Wisdom Economy could have been done without their efforts.
It is only now, in my estimation, that we are reaching a point where we are awake enough and enough in possession of a sense of power that we can do our share of the work needed to remove the remaining cabalists from power and usher in the Reformation Act.
If you wish to know more about 2012 and the Mayan Calendar, look for any videos by Ian Xel Lungold, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Barbara Hand Clow, or Andi Mac and Jag Steward. If you wish to know about the ET presence, go to my website, "First Contact," http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/fc-index1.html .
If you want the best intelligence available on day-to-day matters, go to Galactic Round Table-News, at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GRT-NEWS.
If you want to view a range of videos by terrestrials on these topics, go to Project Camelot or Conscious Media Network. Youtube and Google Video are also full of videos on these topics, including UFOs: The Greatest Story Ever Denied.
For written channelings on the subject, go to Mike Quinsey's site, http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm, Sheldan Nidle's, http://www.paoweb.com/updates.htm (see page bottom), or Matthew's Messages, http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm . These are three out of an ever-expanding number of people writing on these matters as we draw closer to these events.
Because one structure is falling while a second emerges, our world looks somewhat chaotic at the moment. But, if these reports are to be believed, in fact we are headed for a Golden Age in which our future is assured.
The more we step out and read the signs of the times, recognizing what is happening around us, the quicker will Terra Nova arise.
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