I am not a physicist, so what is about to follow comes from a mind that probably knows no more about quantum physics than you do. If you are not familiar with the term, "the Butterfly Effect," this is a good place to begin and in my opinion, an important concept to understand. This analogy is about the degree of interconnectivity in all existence and how everything affects everything else.
I am sure there are many analogies for what physicists refer to as the Butterfly Effect and here is how I first heard it described. If a butterfly was able to stow away in a space capsule and survive the trip to Mars; once the ship has landed and the butterfly is released into the atmosphere, the mere fluttering if its wings could cause weather changes on Earth.
Okay. So we are to believe that a butterfly flapping its wings on Mars could affect our weather here on Earth. Well, actually no. We are not asked to believe because from a physicist point of view, which has been tested under the scrutiny of the scientific method, this is a fact. This is Reality as it actually exists. Think about all of Reality being a small pond. If you toss a rock into this pond the ripples flow out in circular directions until they hit the banks of the water. The entire pond feels the affect of the rock being thrown, not just the point of impact. Now imagine that a butterfly dips down close to the water. Its wings stir the air which stirs the pond and also sends out waves in all directions. In this case, they are just not so easily seen.
The Butterfly Effect is accepted fact in physics, so instead of dealing with the mathematics, (as if I could), I'll discuss the ramifications. If the very fiber of our physical universe is so interwoven and interconnected that the energy from a butterfly's wings could transverse through space and change weather on other planets, then what effects could we be having by our own much larger physical movements? Taking this a step further, what about the energy of our thoughts?
Most of us should be familiar with the concept of thoughts being subtle energy, and we understand that energy equates to movement. Therefore, our thoughts (like Butterfly wings) create movement, and this movement, this energy, ripples through existence and affects all of existence. This leads me back to my suggestion that it is important to understand this Butterfly Effect. Everything we do and think affects not only our selves, but everyone and everything around us and beyond. This is an important responsibility that we all share.
The power of thoughts to change Reality is backed up by the science of physics. Do we say, "Ok, great, very interesting but who cares?" or do we scrutinize our thoughts to create a kinder more abundant existence? What if we made a collective effort to send more loving, kind and compassionate thoughts out into the ether? What if instead of gawking at some tragedy on the news we spent time sending out thoughts of love and compassion? At first it might be something we have to discipline ourself to do, but if we stay with it, the habit will become second nature.
By nature, we are egoistic and we calculate and manipulate ways to get the greatest pleasure for the least effort. What if we began a battle against these basic instincts and try to go above them by calculating what is best for everyone involved and seek solutions that benefit the whole and not just the part? This could be applied to a family, circle of friends or even a work group. Thinking even bigger, we could try to think what is best for our city, state, nation or planet.
I believe there is a huge untapped force that could far exceed the power of atomic energy. The power of numbers using the power of love, to create a society where taking care of the next guy is the cool thing to do. One by one, let's link our thoughts together, gathering people and momentum as we go and create a Butterfly Effect around the globe. As the Beatles once sang, "All you need is Love!"