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Waking the Dead

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David Cox
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These are the days for the acquisition of knowledge and the coming of collective awareness. George W. Bush was eating a soufflà © when Osama Bin Laden was killed, so what,  just who the f*ck cares what George W. Bush was eating? That isn't news it is merely partisan rhetoric, National Inquirer journalism designed to make you loath the other side and to not realize that there is only one side.

Stagecraft and lighting to create an atmosphere where each side can blame the other as both sides profit from your loss. Republican Alan Simpson flips off the AARP and calls Social Security a ponzi scheme. Why would Barack Obama choose such a man to head his deficit reduction committee? Democrat Barney Frank spearheaded the financial reform legislation in the house. Under the plan, most of which will not be enacted until around the end of the decade. Most of it will remain tied down in Congressional studies until its paper yellows and fades before it ever goes into effect. The plan does however effectively castrate Fannie May and withdraws government support from the mortgage market.

A so called liberal Democrat rolls away a foundation stone of the New Deal and the public is left unaware. It means that after the banks and speculators have crushed the economy and forced millions of Americans from their homes the Congress of the United States will now reward them with a banking monopoly. Goldman Sachs stock traders made millions on Wall Street everyday this quarter except for one. Imagine Babe Ruth hitting a home run every time at bat except once for an entire season. Morgan Stanley traders only missed three times.

Bin Laden! Bin Laden! Tea Party! I read an article in the Associated Press about the resignation of Republican Senator John Ensign. A seven hundred and fifty word article about a Senator's resignation and not one of those words was Republican. The AP did mention that Ensign had turned in his resignation to Vice President Joe Biden. Pretty slick huh? First they don't mention the party affiliation of the Senator resigning and then they tie the resignation to the administration.

It all depends on what your definition of is, is. Barack Obama is a Democrat or a Socialist or Communist or something because? He supports tax cuts, supports the war on terror and supports increases in Pentagon spending. He supports expanded oil drilling because some how inside his twisted logic is the idea that high oil company profits equal cheaper gas for American consumers. That's what he said, you just can't make this stuff up!

Obama was also going to close the concentration camp at Guantonomo yet the new US gulag built with tax dollars in Bagram Afghanistan has no rooms for suspects to meet with their lawyers. When the international Red Cross asked to interview some of the prisoners in this US run gulag this administration headed by a law professor told them "No."

If the Taliban were to cut off the hands of a doctor it would considered an act of what? Terrorism? When Pol Pot pushed his citizens from their homes in Phnom Pen was it an act of barbarity? National programs instituted for the purpose of denying its citizens the ability to work and pushing them from their homes, is it terrorism? Barbarity or just Capitalism?

How is moving a washing machine factory from Indiana to Mexico any different than cutting off a doctor's hands? It is economic terrorism, an intentional dislocation of a population and denying them the ability to support themselves and their families. Quite similar in fact to the genocide committed against America's native peoples. Killing off the Native American's food supply for the purpose of weakening and destabilizing their society.

Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait was triggered after the Saudi's and Kuwaiti's had lent Iraq money during the Iran - Iraq war. After the war Saddam accused the Saudi's and Kuwaiti's of selling over their OPEC quota and driving down the world price of oil. This meant that Iraq could not pay its loans and rebuild its economy and to Saddam at least, it was an act of economic warfare by denying the Iraqi people the ability to have a decent lifestyle.

"But when planned and deliberate policy forces the price of oil down without good commercial reasons, then that means another war against Iraq. Because military war kills people by bleeding them, and economic war kills their humanity by depriving them of their chance to have a good standard of living. As you know, we gave rivers of blood in a war that lasted eight years, but we did not lose our humanity. Iraqis have a right to live proudly. We do not accept that anyone could injure Iraqi pride or the Iraqi right to have high standards of living."  (Saddam Hussein)

Imagine that, a brutal dictator so concerned with his people's well being. A brutal dictator that offered his people a free college education, free health care with more female college graduates than the entire Arab world combined. What will Barack Obama do for us to protect us from economic terrorism? What will the Congress do to protect our standard of living? Are they less caring about their own people than Saddam Hussein?

It illustrates clearly, that our government is cancerous and no longer functions as a government but rather as the enforcement arm of the corporate Fascist state. A state where Federal judges are appointed by government and then rule that corporations have the same rights as the citizens. Courts that rule that money equals free speech and limiting the amount of money corporations may spend is denying the corporations freedom of speech. A government and court system which defends the corporations but won't defend the public from the corporation.

You will see this formula used over and over, the corporation with ten, fifty or a hundred million dollars is free to exercise its speech in any way that it chooses while you must get a permit to assemble on a public street. Corporate speech is free and unencumbered while yours is ticketed and regulated and must end by closing time.

Over the past two years I have been in the company of people of all ages, sexes and colors. Mothers working jobs that don't pay a living wage who must make themselves available for work on a moments notice despite their own children's needs. Who must deal with pawn shops and title loan joints when any unexpected expense comes up.

I met a man living in his car in the parking lot of the library. He had lost his job for missing too much time while going through a divorce. His decent into the inferno began while he was staying at a seedy motel. Unbeknownst to him as to most middle class people cast out of this society was that there was drug dealing going on at the motel. One night as he returned to the motel he stopped at a vending machine for a Coke and was tackled, handcuffed with red laser lighted pistols pointing at his head.

He was hurled onto the hood of a police car while being searched and asked, "Where's the stuff?" Welcome to the new America, only the hotel manager rescued him from a trip downtown. His crime, driving a nice car while staying at a seedy motel. The car was a vestige of his past life just as the seedy motel itself soon became a vestige after his money ran out and he was forced to move into his car. To sleep in the Georgia heat with the windows rolled up or to risk the unknown with the windows rolled down.

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I who am I? Born at the pinnacle of American prosperity to parents raised during the last great depression. I was the youngest child of the youngest children born almost between the generations and that in fact clouds and obscures who it is that (more...)

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