In the political sphere: billed as a reformer maverick, Sarah Palin is a “business as usual” right-winger instead, grabbing as much DC dough as the next neo-con insider. She aggressively sought and accepted political contributions from the same tainted corporate slush fund as ‘currently under indictment’ Senator Ted Stevens, a sometimes ally. In 2008 she arranged and paid for her town Wasilla’s first Washington lobbyist. She supported funding for the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” in spite of claims to the contrary and made sure that Alaska received $379 million in federal pork ($100 million more than any other state). That’s for starters. Add to this cloudy picture the on-going investigations into her possible misuse of power as a governor in the firing of a “non-cooperative” commissioner and the latest--income tax evasion. Include her glaring lack of experience in every aspect of international relations, it causes one to wonder what whoever “vetted” her as suitable for the Veep-ship used as a standard of qualification. Her swimming suit competition photos from Alaskan Beauty Queen days? Is this the “best” the RNC can do? What are puppeteer Karl Rove’s motives here?
In the motherhood sphere: who produced the disabled kid, who’s the father? ‘Fess up. Don’t be coy. Simple questions deserve straightforward answers. Where are the obstetric and pediatric records and DNA testing to settle these peculiar questions for all to see? Is Palin lying to protect something much more nefarious? Incest, perchance? Why is she so slow/ reluctant to resolve these concerns? If she has nothing to hide, why the reticence? Enough, already. I want answers. Now. Stop lying.
Why isn’t Child Protective Services investigating? Some darn odd parenting going down. First Palin knowingly brings another human into the world, adding to her previous brood of four (clearly no concern here for world overpopulation). Then she brazenly dumps the kid off (?) three days after its birth, to return to her duties as governor, as reported in the Alaskan press. How does regular breast-feeding work when you’re conducting official state business? Don’t Down Syndrome babies require a whole lot more attention, especially one born two months’ prematurely? Now we learn that Palin’s 17 year old daughter, perhaps the real mother of the baby, is supposedly five months preggers, (again?) will keep the child in gestation and marry the teen that presumably fathered it. Reads like bad soap opera, pure white trash. Both teens are poster kids for the wondrous efficacy of the “Abstinence” Birth Control Method advocated by the ignorant right wing and its mouth-pieces like Palin. How utterly irresponsible this woman is, what a totally unfit mother. She should be investigated for child endangerment. All of her children are at risk for possible abuse and neglect. Who supervises the brood while Palin jets off to secret Texas meetings with oil company execs and lobbyists? Who will watch them all, the preggers teen, the disabled child, the other two who linger in photo op backgrounds, if Wonder Mom assumes the Veep office? This is unbelievable.
And what about weapons in her home? According to the Brady Report Fact Sheet, in 2004, 1,804 children and teenagers were murdered in gun homicides, 846 committed suicide with guns, and 143 died in unintentional shootings. A total of 2,852 young people were killed by firearms in the U.S., one every three hours. Nearly all childhood unintentional shooting deaths occur in or around the home. Fifty percent occur in the home, and 40% occur in the home of a friend or relative. Most of these deaths involve guns that have been kept loaded and accessible to children and occur when children play with loaded guns.
Nobody on the Right seems to question this irresponsible woman Palin’s bizarre actions. Their hypocrisy is a disgrace, as is the media’s timidity about asking the tough questions and demanding real answers. Guarantee it if Palin were Latino or African American and a Democrat, the entire body of “rich white oligarchs” at the RNC Convention would rise up as one to condemn her as “unfit” to be a mother much less a Veep.
Keep pounding on the media to investigate. Keep demanding answers. When will the CPS arrive to save Palin’s children and liberate us from her ill-conceived candidacy? What a white trash nightmare. Thanks, John McCain.