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Life Arts    H3'ed 2/14/19

Will the Truth Actually Set Us Free?

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   13 comments

Daniel Geery
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[Interesting start on the video; it claims to be unavailable, evidently on OEN, but if you hit the "watch on YouTube" it plays. At least it did for me just now.]

How much do you value truth? Upon new knowledge (NOT the f'n sack of shits by that have co-opted that name), are you willing to revise your views?

I've more than once noted that the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction is the closed mind. I stand by that one.

When I left a military college after 1.5 years (insane, by definition), that I went to for the nearby skiing (hey! I was 17 when I put the college and ski maps together, so at least I forgive myself), and transferred to Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, a liberal arts college with much influence from the outlying areas, such as New York City, my outlook was considerably enlarged, to put it mildly.

The motto of the college was, "The Truth Shall Set Us Free."

I have pondered that much over the years and more than once wondered where it came from and, more importantly, how "true" it was.

The truth got my ass fired from a career position (on my bio here), and has gotten untold truth tellers killed, maimed, locked up for life, tortured, and more (e.g., their loved ones were tortured or killed).

As true as the last paragraph is, I do stick with my original answer on the question, "Yes, the truth may lead to personal disaster, but it makes others aware and may lead to freedom."

Given that we've all been seriously brainwashed (I'm 71, so this only applies to those who should realize that by now), I now add, "If we all started speaking the truth, it just might set us free, in spite of the now overwhelming odds." And in any event, we should speak truth as a matter of conscience. Even if the earth goes down, literally, we still might do some good by speaking the truth.

I present this amazing man as an example, and don't think I need to add to what he says about the snuffers of truth.

(Article changed on February 14, 2019 at 22:40)

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