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New York Post Lies Again, Smears Activist

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Message Dianne Lipson

Here is what the New York Post had to say about an incident during an appearance by Laura and Jenna Bush at the 92nd Street Y in New York City:



Here is what I, an eyewitness to the event, saw and wrote the night it happenned:


The event was over but the Bush ladies were still in the venue, the 92nd Street Y. I was with Gary and another member of WAC. People were being told to wait behind a secret service agent or to cross the street. A small group of people were gathered behind the agent to catch a glimpse of the Bush ladies when they would be going from the building into a waiting black van.

Gary was exercising his free speech rights, talking to the crowd. The mood of the crowd was hostile toward Gary. Among the waiting crowd was a man in a blue jacket and a woman, obviously his wife, and their teenage daughters, one of whom was in a wheelchair. The man in the blue jacket was taking particular offence at what Gary was saying. He even made threatening gestures at Gary. At one point he cocked his fist at Gary, with an odd little half smile on his face, like he wanted trouble. Gary and the man had words. I was very surprised to see this man make threatening gestures at Gary while his family, including his daughter in the wheelchair, were right there.

The Bush ladies came out. Gary asked them how they felt knowing that people thought that Bush was responsible for 9/11. He had to shout, as the Bush ladies were some yards away.

Then it was all over, the van pulled out and people were walking away.

The man in the blue jacket was pushing his daughter's wheelchair. Instead of going straight up the street, he veered over to the side of the building to where Gary was. Next thing I know, he caught Gary in a corner of the building and was whaling on him, saying that Gary had touched his daughter. I know Gary, and he would never do something like that. Gary's instinct is to protect women and children.

He had Gary in the corner, and was punching him and punching him. If Gary managed to defend himself I did not see it. The man's wife was pleading with him to stop. The daughter in the wheelchair was in tears.

Then the police came and put Gary, not the man who assaulted him, but Gary, in handcuffs.

I went to the 19th precinct to make a statement. They told me to wait. The man who assaulted Gary was in the lobby area where I was, not back where Gary was in custody.

A policeman photographed Gary's assailant several times, then let him go.

I did not see a mark on this man. Later I heard he had a split lip, but I did not see a mark on him. Gary, I heard, was bruised up. I am not surprised. The man punched Gary over and over again.

So I waited over 2 hours, only to be told that I could not make a statement. I still don't quite fully understand why.

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New York resident, 911 truth activist, anti-globalization, anti-New World Order. Lets preserve our freedom.
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New York Post Lies Again, Smears Activist

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