[ImpeachforPeace.org received the following press release today from Rev. Andrew J, Weaver, Ph.D., who has been spearheading the efforts to prevent the George W. Bush presidential library to be located on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.
Indeed, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."]:
News Flash: SMU Bush Presidential Library Rejection, passed 844-20
This rejection passed on Wednesday morning, 30-April-08, at the quadrennial General Conference of the United Methodist Church that is still meeting in Fort Worth, Texas.
This body is the highest authority of the denomination and cannot be over-ruled by any other body within the denomination.
- From:
(The People of the United Methodist Church website).
(The People of the United Methodist Church website)
Petition 80089: SMU Bush Presidential Library Rejection (80089-MH-NonDis)
Petition Status: Calendar Item
Petition Text: Submitted Text [see below] ADCA p. 1493
References: Non-disciplinary
Committee: Ministry and Higher Education
Financial Implications: No
Submitted by: Diane Smock, Greenville, SC, USA
Calendar Item Status SMU Bush Presidential Library Rejection (MH171-NonDis-R)
Calendar Item Status: Committee Voted (Printed in DCA p. 2260)
Calendar Item No: 1185
Petitions on Calendar: 80089
Consent Calendar: Calendar D04
*** Committee Motion: Motion to Refer Refer to: South Central Jurisdictional Conference ***
Committee Vote:
For: 51
Against: 5
Not Voting: 1
Vote Date and Time: 4/28/2008 1:30 PM
Plenary Action Status
Last Vote Action: Vote on Main Motion
This motion was Adopted, with 844 votes for and 20 votes against.
Plenary Motions: 4/30/2008 9:39 AM
Vote on Main Motion ADOPTED 844-20
Submitted Text
SMU Bush Presidential Library Rejection (80089-MH-NonDis)
I hereby petition the UMC General Conference to prevent leasing, selling, or otherwise participating in or supporting the presidential library for George W. Bush at Southern Methodist University.
Rev. Andrew J, Weaver, Ph.D.
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. - Martin Luther King Jr.