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Want peace? Then demand the truth!

sherry clark
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I just got about 50 bumper stickers from Move-on.org.  The bumper stickers read, "end this/endless war!"   




Now how do they propose we do that?


Movie parties?


More petitions?

Calling our "elected" officials?


Pinning our hopes on the '08 election?


Is it realistic to have the audacity to hope the most popular candidate will be able solve this country's problems?  The world's problems?  Furthermore, do we have any reason to believe the most popular candidate will actually win the office?


Is it really best to look ahead before we take a good, hard look around at what we have now?


Frankly, I'm tired of large activist organizations that pass the hat, pass the  buck and won't touch the truth about 9-11.  Organizations that say they love peace, but are afraid of the truth will never get the peace they say they want.  Peace without truth is just an illusion. 

We should all stop worrying about what the neighbors will think...because looking around at the ignorance and apathy of the American people, chances are--they probably don't!  If you're afraid of being labeled and libeled a conspiracy theorist, get over it!  We're at war!  Sticks and stones (not to mention depleted uranium) will break your bones, but words can never harm you! 

Over a hundred 9-11 family members have begged Americans to stand with them to demand a real investigation.  They say that 75% of their questions haven't been answered.  Yet 9-11 truth is a divisive issue?  WHY?  If the 9-11 families are right, and the 9-11 Commission investigation is seriously flawed, then there are probably many leads that can be followed to legally indict the real perpetrators.  We probably won't have to look very far to find those responsible, but we need a real investigation to do that.

Not even the FBI has enough to pin September 11th on Osama Bin Laden!  If the FBI doesn't have enough to take Osama Bin Laden to court, then how can the United States declare war on terror without having anyone particularly in mind?  Without a moving, ambiguous target, the war will be over!


If peace groups and activists really want to end this war, then there should be endless support to investigating 9-11!  

The traditional peace activist organizations have had the floor and their way for the past FIVE years.  And we're still at war.

Let's move on...with the truth!

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Sherry Clark is the founder and publisher of The Liberty Voice. The Liberty Voice is a fiercely independent newspaper (imagine opednews in print!) that has distributed a half million papers freely throughout Central Ohio.
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