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Kam Era

Look no further than to Michigan for the trend in future occupations when the manufacturing base and auto industry go belly up....Michigan will send you to school free of charge to get some kind of health care certificate. This happened in Pittsburgh too when the Steel Industry went belly up. "Health care.... health care is the new battle cry. Health care, we won't let you die. Health Care, Health Care give it a try"!

We are a service oriented society now. We do not manufacture or make anything anymore.... we provide services. If that service is wiping noses and asses or inserting condom catheters we've got the health care worker for you. It's a thriving industry. Do you see the word SICK enclosed in the word HEAL th.... I don't. That is precisely how the sickcare industry and companies related to health work and health workers in America, present their sickcare occupation of the 21st Century. There is no healing here...You can't heal greed and sick insurance companies or the system. And the vicious cycle is making people sick. How would you like to work in a place where you can't even afford to buy what they(the hospitals) sell. Yet, in hospitals all over America, this is exactly the case. Call 'em the ass wipers and diaper changers, call 'em what you want, these people can not afford the selfsame things they sell. This has always been the way it is. From working at Macy's and Bloomingdales as a sales clerk to hospitals those people cannot even afford to buy the stuff they sell. It's Sick really. If I crudely described your line of health care work, excuse the wording please....everybody knows everyone that the health care industry is only there to help people and have everyone's best interest at heart.... that is....... if you an afford it.

Why, you may ask are America's healthcare, aka sickcare industry and the pill factories thriving? Why are these the occupations of the future? Because being sick and getting sick is bigggg business boy. And what better to put all our service industry workers and capitalize on a growing population of misfortunes. By putting the former auto industry workers to work as healthcare workers we're killing two birds with one stone. Filling a growing need and making money off it. It's a win-win for everybody. Just wait till all the baby boomers who will no doubt start needing home health care providers and Depends Diapers......Cha Ching Cha Ching Cha Ching.By the Billions Baby. (no pun intended on the word Baby and Adult Diaper issues.)

Either we make sick people, or we make people sick, whatever phrase you choose. We are turning 'em out by the hundreds of thousands. Add to that the worry worry worrying over subcrime foreclosures and the U.S. economy and wella. Instant Sick! So much so in fact that if an American were to go to Canada right now and have a conversation with a Canadanian, about their system, and how things work in their Canadian health care system... they will tell you they Are Not sick, their system is fine and nothing is wrong with them. It is up to the cocky arrogant american at this point to convince the Canadian who is not sick, that indeed they are. "Whats the matter with you...Not Sick...Ahhh sure ya Are" and in a New York minute an American can indeed convince you there's something wrong and here's the pill for you to make you feel better. All we need is one minute prescription drug commercial(banned in canada by the way...... details matter)to convince and subliminally sell the new drug to the healthy canadian person. drug ad that you need the newest prescription drug and you have that new malady that is pushing the new drug. Oh we are masters at this boy. "What...nothings wrong with you? Oh sure there is, we'll find something wrong with you. Give an American some time they'll convince you and your country are all messed up. We'll find something wrong with you come hell or high water. Getting slapped down off that high American horse we've been riding on now for years with our top nation status is gonna be hard boy. Even the BBC is doing an in depth report on how America is gonna take the news China is gonna be A#1, top of the heap in a little while..say 2 years. One always has to be aware that as one writes as an American, looking in on America, and living here and writing about "the system" it is not considered an act of anti-patriotism or treason or antisocialism or Communism or whatever other bizarre notion they might be able to convince you of. As if the "rest of the world" didn't already know.

Americans now look at everybody else, individually, and the "rest of the world" and think to themselves "I wonder what's the matter with him/her" What pill is he/she  taking for his XYZ syndrome. You name it... we got a pill for your ill....... and it's bigggggg business. It's the new American Way. Invest in the sickcare industry now. Get in on the ground floor before the bubble bursts and ruptures or the spleen explodes or the housing bubble makes more people sick or the...............
ad nauseam...........

It's big business!

Trying to convince an American that it is they and their system, who are not quite right, and their system is sick, is like Galeilo trying to convince the Pope(back in the 1400's) that the earth revolves around the sun..... and not the other way around. It is that profound. In fact, I think the thought police might come around and arrest you for believing such a thing...And believe it or not, some places around the world, knowing the reality of global warming and the like, are still not as greedy as America is in believing there is absolutely,  totally nothing with their neck of the woods.  

Not sure about the thought police, do they even exist...was  George Orwell really an Edgar Caycelike seer......the jury's still out.
Has Micheal Moore been arrested yet? Has the U.S government nailed him on anything except telling the truth?
SICKOS really.
And we haven't even mentioned the 10 million little kids without one ounce of health care that really was meant for the rich folks kids, I mean middle class, or the privately insured.  Why should the poor kids have what the rich folks kids don't even have...........AHHH  the jealousy and envy and greed continues on and on and on.........

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I am an artist/writer/traveller. I paint and photograph scenic pictures from all over the United States. - I write about various socio/politico/current events going on across the country. - I also operate and maintain 2 blogsites chalk full of (more...)
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