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Autism Parents Take On AAP In DC - October 7-8

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Evelyn Pringle
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APP members wear all kinds of hats. For instance, some are also members of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which advises the CDC on whether a vaccine is safe enough to be added to the immunization schedule.

The results of an investigation of this committee conducted by United Press International, published on July 21, 203, revealed that at the June 2002 committee meeting, the last meeting for which minutes are available, four of the 11 members acknowledged conflicts with Wyeth, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer, Bayer and Aventis Pasteur. Two of the four did research or vaccine trials for manufacturers. One of the four was a co-holder of a vaccine patent as well as a consultant to Merck.

Junk Science huh? You decide.

Below are the latest state by state statistics on the autism epidemic. I encourage anyone who is still doubting the vaccine-thimerosal-autism connection, to scroll down and check out the numbers for your state.

After that, I challenge readers to try to come up with an alternative theory to justify this epidemic, other than the official government mantra that these autistic kids have been out there all the long but they simply were not diagnosed correctly.

Before you even think about buying that line take a little trip down to the nearest public school and drop in on the special education classrooms and have a look at the behaviors of an autistic child and see whether you believe hundreds of thousands of these kids could have been out here and we just never noticed.

People don't see these children because aside from going to school, parents seldom take them out in public because of the problem of trying to control them outside of the routine environment of their home.

After checking out the statistic below, get your check book out and accept the fact that your local taxes are going to skyrocket to cover the expense of the special ed schooling for these kids, and don't lose sight of the fact that there's plenty more where these came from.

Mark my word, this is going to be the biggest man-made medical catastrophe in the history of this country, and probably the world. If we don't find a cure, we're talking $$ trillions for life-time care.

And if the Bush administration, and its puppets in Congress, succeed in granting immunity against lawsuits to their largest campaign contributors, also known as the pharmaceutical industry, get ready to pick up the tab for the whole damn mess.

The numbers below are taken from official statistics produced by the Department of Education, on the number of children aged 6-21 with autism currently being schooled in special education classes under the Individuals With Disabilities Discrimination Act.

The statistics compare the increase in cases of autism over the 12-year period between 1992-93 and 2003-04:

State 1992-1993 2003-2004 %Increase

Alabama 68 1,319 1,840
Alaska 8 291 3,538
Arizona 199 2,131 971
Arkansas 30 1,040 3,367
California 1,605 19,034 1,086
Colorado 14 879 6,179
Connecticut 164 2,041 1,145
Delaware 15 387 2,480
Florida 582 5,915 916
Georgia 262 3,956 1,410
Hawaii 52 618 1,088
Idaho 39 571 1,364
Illinois 5 6,005 120,000
Indiana 273 4,755 1,642
Iowa 67 1,224 1,727
Kansas 74 993 1,242
Kentucky 38 1,358 3,474
Louisiana 409 1,640 301
Maine 37 815 2,103
Maryland 28 3,536 12,529
Massachusetts 493 4,007 719
Michigan 288 6,341 2,102
Minnesota 296 5,076 1,615
Mississippi 0 622 -
Missouri 336 2,664 693
Montana 20 247 1,135
Nebraska 4 557 13,825
Nevada 5 891 17,720
New Hampshire 0 585 -
New Jersey 446 4,933 1,006
New Mexico 16 359 2,144
New York 1,648 9,486 476
North Carolina 786 4,074 418
North Dakota 9 220 2,344
Ohio 22 5,146 23,291
Oklahoma 31 959 2,994
Oregon 37 3,759 10,059
Pennsylvania 346 5,805 1,578
Puerto Rico 266 666 2,404
Rhode Island 19 568 2,889
South Carolina 141 1,303 824
South Dakota 36 328 811
Tennessee 304 1,659 446
Texas 1,444 10,354 617
Utah 105 1,030 881
Vermont 6 280 4,567
Virginia 539 3,533 555
Washington 476 2,824 493
West Virginia 101 507 402
Wisconsin 18 3,259 18,006
Wyoming 15 162 980

Total 12,222 140,920 + 1,055 overall

Note: Where increases are from a very low base figure, these have been expressed as "almost infinite".

Evelyn Pringle

(Evelyn Pringle is a columnist for Independent Media TV and an investigative journalist focused on corruption in government)

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Evelyn Pringle is an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government and corporate America.
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