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Why I'm for Obama: Only He Can Shift the Correlation of Forces

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Andrew Schmookler
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I myself have been surprised at how quickly and decisively I have gone, in just the past two weeks, from wavering about whom to support for the Democratic nomination to being crystal clear about my preference for Barack Obama.  

For one thing, my enthusiasm for the whole field was quite muted because none of them is talking about the elephant in the room --that we've been governed by a criminal enterprise-- and thus have said nothing about what should be done about it, either now or by a new president beginning next year.

For another thing, I saw each of the three main candidates as each having strengths that I think desirable in a candidate and in a president, while none of them has all those strengths.

But then, in the Clinton attacks on Obama, and in what I began to see more clearly in Obama, I felt as if the fog blew away and showed me clearly where I should invest my hopes.   I expressed this first, in a tentative way, in the middle of last week, in the article "Wondering if My Reaction to the Clintons' Recent Behavior is Representative" (at http://www.nonesoblind.org/blog/?p=1105).  I then reinforced that message by posting a piece by Bob Herbert, "Questions for the Clintons: by Bob Herbert in the New York Times" (at http://www.nonesoblind.org/blog/?p=11200.  

But it was really last Saturday night, while watching the outcome in South Carolina, and watching Obama's victory speech to his cheering throng, that the clarity dispelled the fog.  That's what I described in "'So Did Jesse Jackson;: Clinton’s Tactics Backfire in South Carolina" (at
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Andy Schmookler, an award-winning author, political commentator, radio talk-show host, and teacher, was the Democratic nominee for Congress from Virginia's 6th District. His new book -- written to have an impact on the central political battle of our time -- is (more...)
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