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9/11 TRUTH Issues EXPLODE onto CBS National Radio Yesterday !!

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Bill Douglas
Message Bill Douglas
Bohannan, "Who knew?"

Alten, again quoting facts from his historical novel "The Shell Game", continues, "Well, FBI field agents in both Minneapolis and Phoenix who were close to exposing the plot, were repeatedly and purposefully bottle necked from taking action by a single supervisor, Dave Frasca, who would later receive a PROMOTION for his actions. On the day of the attacks the Joint Chiefs [of Staff] under President Bush and Dick Cheney's personal directions, scheduled and conducted 5 separate war game drills that purposely pulled interceptor jets away from the North Eastern aerospace corridor, while DELIBERATELY inserting false blips on air traffic screens, to simulate, of all things, hijacked airliners. Military jets that routinely intercept aircraft within minutes, were delayed an unfathomable 80 MINUTES. Most never even entered the fray, while dedicated pilots and air traffic controllers desperately tried to determine what was real from what was staged. An FAA administrator, quote unquote, "ACCIDENTALLY" destroyed the recordings of the day's tragic events, and he too was later promoted."

Alten continues after quoting his book [The Shell Game], "Now, those are the FACTS. "

Bohannan, "Now again, we're speaking from your work of fiction, but you say, that, that in this particular case, you are using factual material?"

Alten, "The Shell Game is filled with factual material, and . . ."

Bohannan, "And this was some of that factual material."

Alten, "Yes, this was some of the factual material."

Bohannan, "Now, how come, uh, we have not had hearings on this, and this has been blown wide open, and uh, impeachment proceedings against the Vice President has, etc. etc. etc. I mean how come you're the ONLY person who's found this and no one else has seen fit to pursue this?"

Alten, "Actually there are tens of thousands of people that have found it, and that make up part of the 9/11 truth movement. I'm not saying that I'm part of the movement."

Bohannan, "Well, uh . . ."

Alten, "There are architects and engineers, analysts, physicists, investigators, private investigators, there's police investigators . . ."

Bohannan, "But, the government's not interested in pursuing this, because we wished, what, to cover up this, is this what we're talking about here? And not ONE person involved in this is, is, patriotic enough to expose this. There's a vast conspiracy that was ah, ah, behind the purposeful destruction of, of, uh, I guess Donald Rumsfeld wasn't behind it since he almost got killed at the Pentagon, but . . ."

Alten, "Rumsfeld wasn't anywhere near where the Pentagon got hit"

Bohannan, "Rumsfeld was in the Pentagon, what are you talking about? He was in the building, he helped rescue people."

Alten, "Well, uh, let me just point out a couple more of the things, and you can come to your own conclusions."

Alten again quotes from his book [The Shell Game], "Intelligence agencies around the world knew how and when the attacks were to occur but there warnings were ignored. Wall Street investors certainly knew a day before the attacks, domestic and foreign investors placed an unprecedented number of "put orders," a put order being a leveraged bet that a stock would drop on the airlines and companies that would suffer devastating losses [on 9/11]. Now, I can go on and on about these CONVENIENT COINCIDENCES. I'm not a conspiracy theorist . . ."

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By William E. Douglas, Jr., who is author of "The Amateur Parent -- A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. (more...)
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