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Crisis approaching- stay alert!

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carol wolman, MD
Message carol wolman, MD
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Crisis approaching- stay alert! by Carol Wolman

I have no special inside knowledge. But it doesn't take a weatherman to say which way the wind is blowing these days. Cindy Sheehan is waking up the country with her question "What is the noble cause my son died for?"

Of course, the noble cause is oil, and the American people have gone along with Bush because of our addiction to oil. Oh, how we love our SUV's. And don't forget the yellow ribbon supporting the troops!

Of course, the irony is that not much oil is coming out of Iraq, thanks to the Iraqi patriots who refuse to let their main natural resource be stolen by foreign occupiers. And peak oil is just around the corner. As the price at the pump goes up, Bush's ratings in the polls go down.

Rumors out of Washington say that Dubya is cracking up, yelling at people, swearing and flipping birds at the mention of Cindy's name. This in itself could precipitate a crisis. The man is used to getting his way, and with his finger on the nuclear button, we cannot afford to have him lose his sanity. No doubt, many Republicans who have not been co-opted or coerced into the Bush machine are sharing these concerns.

With Fitzgerald and the grand jury breathing down his neck, and a peace/impeachment movement coalescing around Cindy Sheehan's vigil, Bush has every right to be nervous. Will he bomb Iran as a diversion? Will he nuke an American city and blame it on "terrorists"? There's no telling what he might do.

The crisis could go either way. It could lead to more war and martial law at home, or it could lead to ousting Bush and Cheney, discrediting their friends, and reclaiming the US for the people. It's up to us.

Our job, the job of we the people, is to exercise our right to ask our representatives in Congress to impeach the president and vice president for high crimes and misdemeanors. Meetups are forming all over the country to work on impeachment. You can find the one nearest you at http://impeachbush.meetup.com If we do this quickly and forcefully enough, we can head the bad guys off at the pass. It may be our last chance.

God will help us, as we fight for peace and justice.

Matthew 25: 13Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern California. A lifelong peace activist, she is helping to distribute a Peace Plan for the Holy Land- email her for a copy. She also a film producer with Paradise Cove Productions, currently (more...)

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