The US government magnanimously awarded a raise of $10/month to SSI recipients, and here in California, Gov. Ahnold quickly deducted the same amount from the state's portion of the payment, even though the CA state treasury is now in the black. So these disabled people do not get their cost-of-living increase.
About two weeks ago, MediCare notified its beneficiaries and pharmacies, but not physicians, that patients would have to cough up a co-pay for their drugs, and some would no longer be covered. This set off a panic among this population.
Yesterday, 3 days before Christmas, NPR announced that as of January 1st, due to the MediCal cuts in the Federal budget- MediCal no longer will cover prescription drugs. This means that many of my patients may have to pay several hundred dollars per month to keep taking life-saving medications. They will no longer be able to afford rent. Of course, these budget cuts go to subsidize tax cuts for the rich!
Malachi 3: 23-24Lo, I will send you
Elijah, the prophet,
Before the day of the LORD comes,
the great and terrible day,
To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children,
and the hearts of the children to their fathers,
Lest I come and strike
the land with doom.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman, MD