Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate representing all of the views of a true Democrat:
- immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq
- No war with Iran
- A national, not-for-profit health care system
- Repeal of the Patriot Act
- Full restoration of civil liberties
- Cancellation of NAFTA
- Rebuilding of U.S. auto, steel, aerospace, shipping, and manufacturing industries
- Carbon-free and nuclear-free energy policies
And yet he is the only candidate being banned from the televised debates by a megalomaniacal media bent on ensuring that we the great Unwashed not be distracted by people with real ideas and real courage. Change? Please. Barack Obama can't define it, Hillary Clinton wouldn't know it if it walked up and slapped her, and John Edwards doesn't have a broad enough agenda to bring meaningful change to the country.
This is no longer acceptable. It's time to demand that the DNC step in and stop this undemocratic thievery of voter alternatives.