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What we've got here is a turtle on a stump.

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Ed Martin
Message Ed Martin

When you find a turtle on a stump, you can pretty well figure that he didn't get there by himself.  The Democrats are the turtle on the congressional stump.  So, how did they get there?  Well, they had a little help.

We know that the 2000, 2002 and the 2004 elections were won by Republican manipulation of the vote counting, voter suppression and outright fraud.  Electronic voting machines in overwhelmingly Democratic districts showing overwhelming wins by Republicans.  Exit polling that showed impossible Republican wins.  Thousands of Republicans supposedly showing up at the polls at the last minute, that no one saw.  There was all kinds of squawking and screeching by the Democrats at these "voting irregularities."

Then, along comes the 2006 election, won handily by the Democrats for a change, with hardly a word about voter suppression, voter fraud or Republican shenanigans.  A very normal, straightforward election, in total contrast to the previous ones.  How did this come about?

Before the 2006 election the Republicans began to see the tide was turning against Bush and his Iraq war.  This put at risk Karl Rove's goal of making a government of Republicans, by Republicans and for Republicans.  The word went out, the Democrats must be placed in a position where they can take the blame for Bush's disaster.  Let them win the 2006 election by not tampering with it, just this once.  Karl made a point of publicly declaring that a Republican win was a lock, an absolute certainty.  When the Democrats won, Karl had the excuse of being totally wrong and withdrew in feigned embarrassment to cover his knowing all along what would happen.

You can figure backwards from the effect to find the cause.  Look at the effect.  Bush was the winner in the 2006 election.  He knew he could use his veto to stomp the Democrats into shape.  He got a congress that does exactly what he wants, that keeps funding his war the same as his Republican congress did.  He can truthfully say that the Democrats are helping him to continue his war.  The other effect is that the Democratic voters are pissed at the Democrat congress and the Republican voters are pissed at them because they're Democrats.  That leaves the Democrats taking the blame and with just about everybody pissed at them.  What more could Bush want?

Why did the Democratic congress do it?  They know that the Republican corporate media knows which side it's bread is buttered on.  They're always going to give priority to Bush and his Republican spin machine.  Bush got full coverage of falsely blaming the Democrats for starving the troops and the Democrats, being politicians, don't want the media against them.  They can't stand the heat.  So, they caved and fell right into Karl's trap.  And, who knows, when Bush's war continues on to total disaster, Karl just might let them win in 2008 and be set up to take the entire blame for the whole mess.

By allowing a straight 2006 election, Karl placed the Democrat turtle on the congressional stump.  And now turtle's wondering why everybody's mad at him.

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Ed Martin is an ordinary person who is recovering from being badly over-educated. Born in the middle of the Great Depression, he is not affiliated with nor a member of any political, social or religious organization. He is especially interested in (more...)
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