Rob Kall points out that we need more tough talking speakers on the left. He's right. Our toughest talk is telling nothing but the truth.
Rob says that the left doesn't have the same kind of virulent, anti-left rhetoric that the right has, using Ann Coulter as an example. Incidentally, a coulter is the leading edged of a plow. It digs up dirt. The best tough talk, the most outrageous statements we can come up with turns out to be just the truth.
We on the left are at a disadvantage. People like Coulter and O'Reilly are not encumbered with any feeling of an obligation to tell the truth. We, on the other hand, are handicapped with reason, logic and an affinity for the truth. We can safely ignore anything they say as outright lying, partisan, loyal Bushie Republican spin. When they're caught doing something wrong, they look you in the eye and come right out, in an honest and straightforward manner, and lie about the whole thing. The truth is not in them. What they say is outlandish and outrageous and provably wrong. The problem we have is that we can't seem to get across the obvious fact that the plain truth about Bush, Cheney and their neo-con Republicans is even more outlandish and outrageous than anything they have ever said. So here goes.
George Bush is a swaggering, strutting, smirking, ignorant, illiterate, hypocritical, egomaniacal psychopath.
This statement seems to meet all the criteria for being outlandish and outrageous. But, examining each assertion closely shows that it is the absolute truth and allows us to demonstrate, provably, the outrageous acts of the Bush administration.
Swaggering, strutting. You only have to see Bush try to walk to prove this. If Bush were walking down the street and a cop with experience with criminals saw him, the cop would immediately pull over to question him. Why? Because Bush matches the exact profile of a punk. The strut, the swagger. He just looks like he needs to be arrested. The glazed stare, the depthless eyes. There's only surface there. There's no rational being behind those eyes.
Smirking. The smirking is self-evident. He is so co*k-sure that he just can't refrain from smirking about having pulled another one over on us.
Ignorant. When Bush was in St. Petersburg, Russia at a meeting, he made a remark to the representative from China about being in the representative's neighborhood. St. Petersburg is about 5000 miles from Beijing, China. Not even close. When Bush was in Brazil, he asked the President of Brazil, "Do you have blacks, too?" The Brazilian President was astounded at the ignorance. Enough said.
Illiterate. This is the easy one. Just look at any web-site with Bushisms. Is our children learning? His lack of understand of grammar and syntax brings up the question of whether he actually ever piloted a fighter jet. You have to understand the language to be able to master the vast amount of physics and math required to fly an airplane and be able to read to understand what the controls are for. I don't think anyone could offer visible proof of Bush flying an airplane. Would you fly in a plane piloted by Bush? It's inconceivable.
Hypocritical. Bush, who has lived a great portion of his life in government provided housing and lived off of government provided funds and will live comfortably in retirement on government provided funds, preaches personal responsibility and wants to eliminate social security for anyone else who is entitled to have a government provided retirement plan. He wants to deprive everyone else of those benefits while reserving them for himself.
He blathers on about the sanctity of life as an excuse to veto the stem-cell research bill and at the same time bragging about his fictitious "warn turr" that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. He classifies hundreds, if not thousands, as civilian enemy combatants, saying that they are not members of any military organization and not subject to the Geneva Convention, while at the same time holding them in military custody.
The Supreme Court ruled that the detainees are subject to Geneva Convention Common Article 3 where they have access to a "regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized people." Bush ignores the fact that the government consists of three branches, the legislative, the judicial and the executive. The military is a branch of the executive and is not part of the judicial. It has no judicial power nor does it have any judicial courts where it can try civilians Bush wants to try civilians in a military court. The analogy is that the police could arrest and detain you and the chief of police could appoint a tribunal of police officers to sit in judgment on you. According to Bush, you would have no access to the judicial system, as the Supreme Court and the Geneva Convention, the law of the land, says you have.
Egomaniacal. "I am the President." "I am the decider." "I am the commander guy." "I am a war President." War has not been declared and the president is not commander in chief until the military is called into service, which hasn't been done. Grandiose, delusional, inflated self-description.
Psychopath. Hervey Cleckley in his book, The Mask of Sanity, the definitive work on psychopaths, points out the leading symptom of psychopathy. It's the delusion of never having made a mistake. All mistakes a psychopath makes are the fault of someone else. When Bush was asked about mistakes he had made, he replied that he couldn't recall any. Another leading symptom of psychopathy is egomania. See above for confirmation.
I've had occasion to visit institutions where the mentally deranged are kept. The professional care-takers handle these poor souls with care and compassion, but the way they handle the delusional rantings and ravings of the mad lunatics is to just ignore their gibbering. They are kept away from society where they can do no harm. We cannot afford to ignore the mad rantings and ravings of the loyal Bushies. They are free to run around loose in society. They can and have done immeasurable harm.
Rob says that we shouldn't resort to name calling, and I agree. But, what appears to be a biased, partisan, outrageous, name calling statement about George Bush turns out to be the absolute truth, in every respect. The truth is so appallingly outrageous that we're left with nowhere else to turn for anything more outrageous. There is nothing more outrageous than the truth about the Bush administration. Absolutely nothing.