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How to talk right ...the prequel

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Message Paul Titterton
The idea was that a Scot can usefully discuss the state of the world with the extreme right in the US.


Powerful maybe, but lunatics? Certainly! However" we have had plenty of experience dealing with a different set of mad, dominating people in the past. The Scottish Nation has been forced, by dint of geography and history, into a "special relationship" with a most inventive and destructive miscreant. We have learned to talk to and to calm down"ourselves. We have coped with world-famous drunks. We have withstood the social impact of the grim Thirties, of World War 2 and of losing at soccer to England five nil.. The Bushes of this world should be easy.

Furthermore, the role that Scotland took on, as a neighbour of the much more powerful 'Auld Enemy', has left us in a position to be of great help to the world. We can advise on what it is like to be humiliated as a Nation, rather than just as single people, for which we did not need outside help.

It would not be wise though, to overplay the little-guy role, as we were so important in supplying the very ships with which Britannia ruled the waves. We also provided many of the hard men needed for the British Army, when they carried out Operation 'World Storm'. Likewise, the Scots were in the forefront, when the Empire needed scientists and industrialists to provide goods to exchange for entire countries.

A lot of iron was forged, wool spun and money made, some of which found its way into the beautiful architecture of Scotland. Other finance, helping to make us rich in building and knowledge, came from the dark side of the Empire with its sugar and slavery. This less attractive part of our history must be told, as it may show how mistakes can help and act as warnings for others.

We have been brutal. We must face up to this, and admit it, whether having helped to bully entire continents, or commenting on Prince Charles in a kilt.

The Scots have had decades of watching our industrial base and jobs disappear. We have seen our children leaving our shores for work, or war, for generations. This has been terrible for the nation's psyche. A less weary, emotionally drained people, would have been able to put a stop to their vulnerable children being forced abroad, or having to view "Scottish Television".

This trauma, that has been the experience of living in Scotland, can be put to use when talking to the gung-ho citizens of the new Britannia, the US. We are not afraid of war mongers, those of us who have heard Scotty's accent in Star Trek.

To be continued..
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'Hamish ' is an antiwar writer socialist- scientist and musician living in Scotland.
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