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Americans and Iranians Fooled For 30 Years

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Jalil Bahar
You have been fooled for 30 years. Yes you!!

You have sucked up endless hot air from America's politicians about the imminent danger from Iran and the need for sanctions...even the possibility of war! Iran after all was labeled part of the Axis of Evil. And like everybody else you've believed them and handed over your hard earned cash...

Yes, you're a sucker. You've been fooled.

The Mullah's in Iran and successive administrations in the United States have been working hand in glove for over 30 years; under a general operating principle: "Private Amity, Public Enmity"! Yes. Absolutely Yes! They publicly rebuke each other, pretend they have no relations, but secretly coordinate all their actions to achieve their mutual strategic objectives. It's shrewd and absolutely true.

Don't feel bad you're not the only one. Sometimes, false enemies can do you big favors. It's a game that has been going on for over 30 years. We've all been sucked up in it!

When Iranian leaders visit North Korea and ask for assistance with their Nuclear program, guess what? They end up learning what North Korea's got; and all that information likely makes it back to the United States. They've probably fooled North Korea's shrewdest leaders! When Iranian leaders visit Russia or China and ask to purchase anything, and the Russians or Chinese capitulate, guess what? All that information likely makes it back to the United States. Russia, China and North Korea fooled! The single largest source of detailed intelligence on Russian, Chinese and North Korean military and technological capability comes from no-lesser ally than Iran.

When Bush placed Iran within the 'Axis of Evil', he managed to both excite Iran's expatriate community into handing even more money to the Republican Party, reinforce Jewish lobby support and at the same time keep his promise to publicly denounce the Iranian regime (which is what his friend [the Iranian Mullahs] wanted). And the Democrats (Clinton and company) are no Saints either.

If you want real clues on what they have been (really) doing, consider the following:

1) Who is the largest donor to America's Afghanistan rebuilding effort? Iran of course! $570 Million (committed right after the US invasion) and then another $100 Million recently when money ran short. This is by far the largest sum from any nation.

2) Who provided Military assistance to the US during the Invasion of Afghanistan? Iran's puppet Afghan army: the Northern Alliance. Without doubt, Iran is the principal backer of the Northern Alliance. Iran not only rendered huge amounts of material and military assistance to the Northern Alliance groups. But Iranian special envoys such as Alae'ddin Broujerdi (chairman of Iran Majlis' - Parliament's - foreign affairs and security commission) was a frequent visitor to the Amu Darya region and Panjshir Valley, cajoling and motivating the anti-Taliban resistance. Without Broujerdi's persuasive skill, Northern Alliance groups, ridden with petty jealousies and personality conflicts and turf problems, would have unraveled. And without the Northern Alliance, US forces would not have had the 'ground' support, logistics support, linguistic support to invade and then hold down Afghanistan...in a matter of a few days.

3) Who is the number one exporter to Iraq? Iran of course! Iran exported $1.7 billion dollars worth of non-oil goods to Iraq last year. Not Saudi Arabia, Not Jordan, Not Turkey, No...No major US ally...its Iran. Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of Tamarchin border crossing point, Mohammad-Hossein Bagh-Enayat said that the commodities that had been exported to Iraq through 13 border points including Tamarchin in West Azarbaijan included basic supplies needed to maintain stability in Iran. Bagh-Enayat said that Kermanshah province in western Iran, ranks first in terms of exporting goods to Iraq. He added that Iran's non-oil exports increased by 15.14 percent last year compared to the preceding year. Currently, 300 tons of kerosene is exported to Iraq every day through the Mehran crossing and this amount is scheduled to be increased to 2000 tons a day. Iran supplies 470 MW of power (electricity) to Basra, 120 MW of power (electricity) to the Kurds in the north, the Iraqi markets are filled with Iranian air conditioners, refrigerators, cars, trucks, tires, ....you name it ...Iran supplies it. This is during a period of supposedly 'increased economic sanctions against Iran' with restrictions on trade with Iran and increased US military surveillance on the border between Iran and Iraq.

4) Who established the first functioning embassy in Iraq (and for that matter Afghanistan)? Iran of course. Iran recognized the new 'American Installed' provisional governments immediately. NO ARAB country has an operating embassy in Baghdad yet!! Many have promised, none have delivered.

5) Who has given up almost all of its legitimate territorial claims in the Caspian Sea to allow US and British Oil companies to steal (Iranian) oil and Gas through Azarbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmanestan? Iran, of course. Iran is on the verge of signing a treaty to reduce its territorial claims in the Caspian to 11% of the Sea; down from 50% established in previous treaties. And who benefits? BP in Azarbaijan, Conoco in Kazakhstan, Unocal in Uzbekistan... The Mullahs have given away access to probably the largest reserves of Hydrocarbons on the face of the planet. Literally trillions of dollars...all for US and British benefit!

6) Who is in charge now in Afghanistan and Iraq? Iran's Shiite allies of course. They completely dominate both governments. Most of them have spent years living in exile in Iran...under Iranian protection. Iran's enemies (Sadam Hussein and the Taliban) have been defeated at minimal cost to Iran ...all at US expense, and now both Afghanistan and Iraq have essentially been handed to Iran's puppets. Now that my friend is what friends are for!

And what about Iran's Nuclear program and road side bombs and weapons in Iraq? What about Iranian aid to Hamas and Hezbollah? Doesn't the United States have real 'issues' with Iran's regime?

As for road-side bombs in Iraq, remember a basic fact: over 70% of all the road side bombings occur in Sunni regions of Iraq with projectiles produced NOT in Iran. Secondly, if you want to sell a bogus Air Attack to Iran in time to shift US public opinion in favor of John McCain (prior to a Presidential Election), you can easily arrange for 'some' of these bombs to look and smell Iranian. Thirdly, we know from the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan that Russian weapons were given to the Mujahedeen (by Egypt and Israel). The very presence of Iranian bombs does not 'by itself' mean that the bombs originated in Iran.

You can not believe the garbage being fed to congress by Petreus or his cohorts. Countless Iranian diplomats have been captured and interrogated to determine whether in fact Iran is in fact double dealing! Yet, as Petreus pointed out, no smoking gun has been identified.

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Former Iranian Diplomat, now retired real estate investor in Delaware
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