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Are the corporations, polls, and media collaborating to heist the election....to McCain?

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Kathryn Smith
Message Kathryn Smith

 Dear friends:

The bad news (alas!) first, and the very good news last: I will highlight the hope and stress where our power is. And contrary to popular belief, there really is lots of it! But it will take *everybody's* help to make it work. Pleasee pitch in! If you, dear reader, have any further thoughts to add about what we can do, please by all means post as comments, below! Thanks!


With anti-war sentiment being so wide-spread in the greater American public, I would have thought that McCain had very little, if any, chance of winning the Primaries. Didn’t you think the same thing? I am sure you did. Yet look at what has happened.

Given his pro-war position, how did McCain end up in the lead in the Republican circles? C’mon, don’t tell me that most Republicans are pro-war, even if some ignorant ones among them are for it. Please let’s not exaggerate the negatives in our own minds, and please let’s do give people the credit which they deserve.

How can it be that…..Kucinich consistently earned as much as 39-77% of the Democratic votes in independent polls, yet the mainstream polls reported that he was in the bottom 2% rank? In fact, according to straw polls, Kucinich was ahead of Obama and Clinton in many cases, ran neck-and-neck with them at other times, plus won state-wide Democratic endorsements in several states. Even ABC and MSN’s polls reported him as the “winner” of the debates. By en large, when not running neck-and-neck, Kucinich was actually well ahead of the other Democratic Candidates…..Hmmmm. The discrepancy between the independent poll figures and the mainstream polls, in Kucinich’s case, are miles wider than the contested New Hampshire election figures. Think about it: This doesn’t make any sense. http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_kucinich_080109_check_out_how_many_p.htm

Then of course Ron Paul and Obama signs are to be seen everywhere, at least in California. How about in your area of the country? And while Ron Paul broke fundraising records in the last few months, with large crowds attending his meetings, he still is reported as being at the bottom of the pile.


Because, he doesn’t kiss up to the corporations or to those attempting to convert the USA to a dictatorship. Because he is outspoken, truthful and principled. And concerned about civil liberties.

Ditto as regards Edwards. He stood against the purchasing of public policy, and guess what happened? Out he went.

Okay, this happens on occasion. But when the patterns are obviously clear---in this case, standing for civil liberties and against corporate hijacking of an entire nation----and when those very clear patterns seem to qualify for being ousted from Debates and the Candidacy itself----then we have to suspect that a deliberate plan is in the works.

Enter two apparently chosen Democratic Candidates, Obama and Clinton, both of whom may likely be discredited by the “other side”. Clinton has too much baggage, and the witchhunt for the Clintons continues. That is obvious: Why else would they publicly dub Bill Clinton as a temperamental “case” and ask pointed questions of Hillary about it?

Then of course, Obama lacks experience. Given the recession, national debt, Great Depression Probably Revisited, war, terrorism, global warming, civil liberties overturned, etc….surely the “other side” will tell us that he is not up to the task. Whether they are right or wrong is only a matter of conjecture: Only time would tell. After all, he would have advisors working hand-and-glove with him. And the trustworthy Kucinich has told us that Obama is a sincere man, who as such would be inclined to listen to his good advisors. But they will never tell us that.

Drumroll….game over!

As the pro-war, pro-corporation Candidate of power-supporting inclinations, McCain is hoisted up to the throne.

The only way they could “legitimately” get McCain in there would be by manipulating public opinion. Because as public sentiment goes, so go the polls. Or at least, that is what the polls claim. And as the polls go, so go the votes. Or, at least, that is what the Registrar of Voters will claim.

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