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Conversations with the Young and Politically Motivated

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Kevin Gosztola
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Why settle for so little when we could get so much more? The Democratic Party is going to be severely divided behind Obama or Clinton. Think about how weak that will make them when they run against a Republcan. There are moral, ethical, and principled people now in this nation---more than ever before. They see Democrats and Republicans as the same. And all Democrats do (or all the top three will do) is maintain the status quo---but is the status quo good right now? I don't think it is.

You need to look at Clinton's, Obama's, Edwards', Richardson's, Biden's, and Dodd's records see how easy it will be for Giuliani, Romney, or Thompson to frame the debate (which Democrats are horrible at doing) and how easy it will be to get them to be more Republican than Democrat rather than arguing that their progressive ideals that represent the American voters are correct.

Why run two parties if the two are going to constantly agree to maintain this status quo that gradually shifts to more disaster every single day for Americans where they feel powerless, demoralized, and suffer from ignorance and naivety? Let's just have a dictatorship. Why not?


CHRIS: First off all ...I think barack obama would make a great candidate for the us and the world ..i only disagree with him on a few issues that im very sure has a better grasp on then I do. So I am voting for my conscience. YES our democracy is broken and if you think its going to change by one person voting for a candidate that has no popularity, you are living in a fantasy world.

Now as far as my republican comment i was refering to the last senate election ...I think this will have a great influence over the next election. The reason why democrats like kerry and gore did not stand up against the corporations (i.e. Republicans) is because they have the most power in this country .... you want to know why clinton got impeached and not Bush... its a strategic move by the democrats to not impeach bush because if they fail to do so they will lose popularity because the republicans like rupert murdoch control the media ...and i dont care what you say ...if you control the media you control public opinion.

oh and another thing... the reason why Kerry or Gore did not win was because ...and this is known... the company that makes the voting booths in places like ohio and florida have CEO's who are republican and are also funded by the Republican party.

The green party may in fact have called the recount in ohio however did that get them any popularity or votes?

I agree that this country should not be a two party system... I agree that americans SHOULD be able to vote for the candidate that best represents them ...however you and I both know that voting for a candidate no one has heard of is just counter productive. I think this election year we have some candidates (hillary and obama) that will fight for the things you want. Obama is a young senator who opposes any kind of corruption in government ...isnt that what you want? did you know that all of the campaign money that Barack Obama has raised has been from individuals and not from corporate interests? Go ahead vote for whom you would like to vote for ... im just saying ...its a popularity contest.. and i think that if you really looked at the candidates who have a fighting chance of winning you will say that there is one of them who is against corporate rule. a democracy ruled for and by the people.

with all that being said I wish we could live in a government where your president suits your needs but do you know how hard that is in a country so culturally, racially, and ethnically diverse as america is. with all those things people have very different opinions of america.. it would be very hard to get a president that would be perfect for america because there are so many different ideas in america as to WHO would make a perfect america. Im sorry but this is the world we live in. I think barack obama is a good medium for america and he's the best candidate that we have got right now.


KEVIN: Kerry and Gore lost because the black voter was disenfranchised. That’s an issue your candidate should give more attention to. Barack should be front and center in the fight against voter disenfranchisement because it affects tens of thousands of underprivileged Americans. It’s a kind of apartheid we allow this country to maintain.

Whether the Green Party gained more popularity does not matter. What matters is that the Green Party called the recount and not Kerry.

Voting for a candidate and supporting a candidate no one has ever heard of is not counter productive. For one, it keeps the dialogue open to many issues and ways to solve those issues rather than limited to two people’s views on how to reform or not reform America.

Hillary and Barack are not fighting for anything I want. They are willing to accept that our troops will be in Iraq until 2013, they are willing to be hostile to Iran and not respect them in a diplomatically respectful relationship, they do not want to take on insurance interests so I can have single-payer health care, they do not want to withdraw from NAFTA or the WTO, they do not want to stand up for the poor or middle class for FEAR of pissing off the corporations. There is more but basically...we are getting more Bush. It may be blue but it’s still Bush. They are a bit more restrained...I give you that. But they maintain the status quo and fail to engage the American people who want real change.

Culturally, racially, and ethnically, you make a good point here. But the flaw is that if you helped all of them out under the umbrella of measures put in motion to protect and improve the survival of the poor and middle class, than you are able to improve the life of America in general. When so many poor and middle class people are struggling to survive, that puts a burden on this nation. It weakens us as a country. Education is weak, health is weak, financial stability is weak, etc. All of these weaknesses result when people like Barack and Hillary refuse to take on the corporations for fear of losing their job.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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