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Doing the Right Thing

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Mark Sashine
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(my traditional musing on May 8)

WWII ended on May 8, 1945 and Germans officially capitulated on May 9, 1945. But today the only place people still celebrate this great holiday is Russia. Neither in Europe, nor in Asia or US they even mention that. Strange and tragic at the same time.

Russians won that war. The Victory banner they installed over Reichstag had a star, a hammer and a sickle. Take it or leave it, those were the people who did it. How stupid, shallow and mean we have become that we just have decided to ignore the actual fact and due to our hate and bigotry we discard the Victory which saved the world. Yes, Russia saved the world in 1945 and now the world had betrayed that memory.

Fairly recently, about a week ago the Estonian government moved from the center of Tallinn the monument to the Russian soldier- the liberator of Estonia from the German occupation. That vandalism went through without a protest from any Western or pro- Western country including US and Israel. Oh, yes, our patented Jew-lovers conveniently forgot that during that occupation the Estonian nationalistic legions (currently resurrected and legalized) were so efficient in killing Jews and Gypsies that according to the official German reports ‘the ghettoes were not needed’. Vehement Estonian nationalists joined SS and now they constitute the union of the former SS people. Their offsprings are the ones who vandalize the cemeteries and harass the Russian population in that country. That population constitutes about 40% of the whole 1.5 million people in the country but they are considered second- class citizens and they have to pass an exam (!) in Estonian language to be able to have a full citizenship. Hey, our apostles of diversity, why aren’t you protesting? NO ONE even mentions the abominable apartheid in the center of the ‘civilized Europe’ and EU is happy with the Estonia more then ever. Hey, World Bank is happy, Mr. Wolfowitz is happy, Javier Solana is happy, NATO and Bush; all the vultures are happy campers.

That is despite an obvious fact that if it was not for the Russians Estonians as a nation and Mr. Wolfowitz personally would most likely not exist today. There would be no great Estonian literature, no one would have remembered Ann Vetemaa and Oyar Vatzetis and Tallinn would be called Reval and be a German colony. If it was not for millions of Russians there would be no Jews whatsoever. And what have we done: we betrayed them. We squandered the legacy and sold it to the parasites. What a disgusting perversion we are.

Our President dines with the Queen of England and his white tie is so red with blood that it shows even on the black- and white TV. Our President had insulted the Russian Victory many times; the last time when he went to the Red Square and together with a German Chancellor (!) participated in the horrible bacchanalia in the Y2005; that is when the real veterans of WWII were not allowed even to walk through the main streets of Moscow. Prescott Bush, his grandfather would be really proud, I suppose. He would also be proud if he could see our President presenting a Freedom Medal to the Ukrainian President Yushenko who recently legalized and legitimized the OUN- UPA- Ukrainian nationalist organizations, the very monsters who actively participated in the mass murder of Jews in Baby Yar in 1941 and boiled alive at least several people the members of my family knew personally. Hey, liberals in the US, Hillary, Barack, whatever, go kiss their  hairy Ukrainian butts. In all fairness the conservatives can do the same thing for all I care.

For goodness sake, people. Why don’t we honor those who saved us? Why none of the progressive sites publishes a congratulation and a respectful message of admiration to the Russian people on the day when they honor their sacrifice of 27 million of their population to liberate us all? Who don’t we honor Serbs, Greeks and Byelorussians (that only nation lost nearly one- third of their people)? Who do not we publish the photos of the Khatun village (the whole population burned to death by German- Lithuanian murderers), the Eisk orphanage (children gassed, all of them in the special gassing trucks), the Salaspiels ( the children’s concentration camp in Latvia) and many many more? Why do not we honor the heroes who liberated Europe? On the D- day when the Allies landed in  Normandy most of the mighty German war machine was already eliminated and those soldiers, a monument to which was recently vandalized- they were on the border of Germany proper. Why the Hell do we betray them? Why are we so stupidly malicious? They liberated Auchwitz, for God’s sake, they liberated Treblinka. Why do we hate them so much and spit on their graves?

On this very day as a proud and grateful American I sincerely congratulate the great Russian nation with the anniversary of the sacred Victory in WWII. I express my overwhelming gratitude to all the Russian veterans of that war and I express my disgust and outrage with the actions of Estonia, EU leadership and the leadership of my country, the US who negligibly and with malice insulted (not for the first time) the people of Russia. I also express my gratitude to the Serbian nation and the Greeks and Byelorussians, to all who fought alone against the horrible Nazi machine when no one helped them. If it was not for all those people none of my family would have survived. I will never forget that. It is my duty as a man, as a Jew and as a citizen of the US. It is not only the tribute to the real victors. It is a tribute to my country, the US as well by doing the right thing.
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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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